8.16 PBE Cycle

This mega post was last Updated on 8/8 with the 8/8 PBE Update
(With the release of patch 8.15 to live on August 1st, we started the new 8.16 PBE cycle.)

Previous PBE Cycles in 2018
[7.24] [8.1] [8.2] [8.3] [8.4] [8.5] [8.6] [8.7] [8.8] [8.9] [8.10] [8.11] [8.12] [8.13] [8.14] [8.15]

Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else  is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.

( Note: As the cycle continues, some images may be outdated! )

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

New Skins

Following the PBE previews, Mecha Aurelion Sol, Mafia Braum, and Cosmic Ashe, Lulu, and Xin Zhao have all hit the PBE! Each of these also has a set of chroma.

Mecha Aurelion Sol

1350 RP
Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Mecha Aurelion Sol:
"Mecha NurseFlan will be tackling the feedback portion of this skin, but I'm posting the thread for her while she's off wrangling those baby ships! 
Behold! The largest mecha to approach the Rift yet! 
*Mecha Aurelion Sol launcheswith:
  • New model and textures - The space dragon becomes a powerful mech, complete with new stars as ships!
  • New VFX for all spells - Full of electric energy! Note: Looking into bumping up visibility on (Q) projectile!
  • New SFX for all spells - Mechanical and of course, lasers!!
  • New recall animation - All aboard the mothership!
  • VO Processing - Fully operational mecha voice files!
Mecha Aurelion Sol is now available to play on PBE! As players who experience this content firsthand, your constructive feedback is appreciated. :) 
Mecha Aurelion Sol is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change."

Mafia Braum

1350 RP
Here's KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Mafia Braum:
"Stand behind Braum! Seriously, he needs someone to keep lookout while he secures the goods! 
*Mafia Braum hits the Rift with:
  • New model and textures for Braum and his shield...erm, safe!
  • New VFX for all spells: freshly stolen gems, coins, and gold!
  • New SFX for all spells, cha-ching!
  • New recall animation: With the help of his trusty poro, Braum attempts to pick the lock!
Mafia Braum is now available to play on PBE! As players who experience this content firsthand, your constructive feedback is appreciated. If you have any questions, you can also drop them below and I’ll do my best to answer them! ^-^ 
Mafia Braum is set to be 1350 RP.
Prices are subject to change."

Cosmic Queen Ashe

1350 RP
 Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Cosmic Queen Ashe:
"Bow down to your Cosmic Queen Ashe. Those who don’t will get a 3.5 second stun from the stars. 
  • New model and textures - Cosmic Queen Ashe in all her royal splendor
  • New Spell VFX - Shining constellations in every ability.
  • New SFX - Now you don’t have to wait randomly at night to hear a shooting star.
  • New recall animation - Serene and captivating. 
Cosmic Queen Ashe is now reigning the cosmos on PBE! Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, you know where to put them. 
Cosmic Queen Ashe is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)."

Cosmic Enchantress Lulu

1350 RP

Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Cosmic Enchantress Lulu:
"Hello hello hello, says Cosmic Enchantress Lulu! Bring some whimsy to the Cosmic court.
  • New model and textures - AURELION SMOL. ‘ENOUGH SAID.
  • New Spell VFX - Featuring deep cosmic shades
  • New SFX - Celestial hits and enchantments.
  • New recall animation - A special constellation to guide Lulu home
Cosmic Enchantress Lulu is now available on PBE! A smol loves long walks on the Rift. Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, you know who to call. Me! 
Cosmic Enchantress Lulu is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)."

Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao

1350 RP
Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao:
"Watch out! Don’t get too close to his Queen, else his blade may strike you— -- Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao is here! 
  • New model and textures - Knight in shining, silver armor.
  • New Spell VFX - Featuring graceful cosmic attacks
  • New SFX - SFX on all spells!! Hear the cosmic blade with each strike.
  • New recall animation - Stave off the unworthy, and salute the Queen. 
Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao is now available on PBE! Go defend your Queen’s universe. Remember to report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. And of course: If you’ve got any questions, let me know! 
Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)."

New Chroma Sets

Along with the new skins comes sets of chroma for each of the five new skins debuting this cycle:
  • Cosmic Enchantress Lulu - 5
  • Cosmic Queen Ashe - 5
  • Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao - 5
  • Mafia Braum - 8
  • Mecha Aurelion Sol - 7

Cosmic Enchantress Lulu
[5 total]

Cosmic Queen Ashe
[5 total]

Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao
[5 total]

Mafia Braum
 [8 Total]

Mecha Aurelion Sol
 [7 total]

Here's Riot Orphyre with a bugs and feedback thread for these new chroma sets:
"Hey everyone!

We’ve got some new Chromas coming up for a big variety of skins--Mecha Aurelion Sol, Mafia Braum, and Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao, Cosmic Enchantress Lulu, and Cosmic Queen Ashe!
Mecha Aurelion Sol:
  • New textures:
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Ruby)
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Catseye)
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Sapphire)
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Rose Quartz)
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Amethyst)
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Pearl)
    • Mecha Aurelion Sol (Obsidian)
Mafia Braum:
  • New textures:
    • Mafia Braum (Ruby)
    • Mafia Braum (Citrine)
    • Mafia Braum (Tanzanite)
    • Mafia Braum (Obsidian)
    • Mafia Braum (Emerald)
    • Mafia Braum (Rose Quartz)
    • Mafia Braum (Pearl)
    • Mafia Braum (Sandstone)
Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao:
  • New textures:
    • Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao (Ruby)
    • Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao (Obsidian)
    • Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao (Emerald)
    • Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao (Citrine)
    • Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao (Tanzanite)
Cosmic Enchantress Lulu:
  • New textures:
    • Cosmic Enchantress Lulu (Rose Quartz)
    • Cosmic Enchantress Lulu (Ruby)
    • Cosmic Enchantress Lulu (Catseye)
    • Cosmic Enchantress Lulu (Turquoise)
    • Cosmic Enchantress Lulu (Obsidian)
Cosmic Queen Ashe:
  • New textures:
    • Cosmic Queen Ashe (Obsidian)
    • Cosmic Queen Ashe (Rose Quartz)
    • Cosmic Queen Ashe (Emerald)
    • Cosmic Queen Ashe (Sapphire)
    • Cosmic Queen Ashe (Ruby)

The Chroma sets are now available on PBE! We hope you all will enjoy the new sets; as usual, we’re looking forward to hearing your constructive feedback. I’ll do my best to answer and reply to your questions and feedback!

Riot Orphyre"

New Summoner Icons

Six new summoner icons are also in here themed around the new skin sets - Cosmic Defender Xin Zhao Icon, Cosmic Queen Ashe Icon, Cosmic Enchantress Lulu Icon, Aurelion Smol Icon, Mafia Braum Icon, Mecha Aurelion Sol Icon

New Emotes

Three new emotes featuring Jinx - "Aww Yiss", "Wahaha" and "So Lame".

Experimental Mode - Nexus Blitz

[LIVESTREAM - Skin Spotlights is live streaming the new mode - Twitch / Youtube. Check VODs for replay!]

NEXUS Blitz is now on the PBE and enabled for testing! This new experimental mode will hit the PBE for testing then go to alpha playtesting on live servers with 8.16.

From the Boards thread - Experimental Modes & Nexus Blitz :
"Hey Boards, SpaceNorth here with a heads up on a new addition coming to the PBE soon: Nexus Blitz! 
Nexus Blitz is an experimental mode we'll be alpha playtesting on live for a couple of patches, starting in patch 8.16, and we’re looking for your feedback. Let's talk about what you can expect from Blitz, the alpha playtest, and other experimental modes in the future. 
Experimental modes are gameplay prototypes designed to deliver a different kind of experience distinct from Summoner’s Rift, Twisted Treeline, or ARAM. They’re also different than rotating game modes like URF, Doom Bots, and One For All in a few key ways: 
With experimental modes, we're looking for something that could last a while—maybe even as a permanent addition to League. They’re not tied to a particular event, and our hope for each mode is that it's compelling enough to play over and over again, and to be a regular mode-of-choice for many players. If an experimental mode doesn't meet that bar, we'll set it aside and explore other ideas. 
Experimental modes are also about testing the waters and getting early community response before delving into additional months of development to get to a final version. They’re works-in-progress, so expect an alpha-style product with borrowed art that’s missing the bells and whistles—but also aggressive patching to evolve and balance the mode throughout the test
By contrast, RGMs are short-term experiences. They’re breaks from the regular gameplay or often higher pressure experiences of permanent modes. Sometimes they’re meant to deepen your experience with events like Star Guardian (Invasion) and PROJECT (Overdrive). Most importantly, RGMs are designed to be fun for the few weeks they're active, but don't share the same primary goal of being a compelling experiences you'd keep coming back to, even if we kept them around forever.  
RGMs are also polished, final products. Everything you experience in an RGM, from visuals to gameplay mechanics to music to user interfaces, has been fully developed and implemented. 
We also want to note that experimental modes won’t happen super frequently—at most, you’ll see a couple in a given year. This is largely because we’re designing them from the ground up instead of customizing and modifying existing modes, and also because we aren’t going to stop maintaining those existing modes (the vast, vast majority of the League team is still focused on SR, with a much smaller group working on experimental prototypes). 
Now let’s talk about the debut experimental mode: Nexus Blitz. 
We designed Nexus Blitz for those of you seeking fresh, exciting moments and low-pressure fun. It’s a fast-paced mode—around 15 minutes in our internal tests—that emphasizes exciting and surprising moments over intense competition, while still rewarding the skills you've learned from other League modes. 
In Nexus Blitz, each team consists of a duo jungle in close proximity to three laners. The compact map makes for constant action, and a roulette of new, unexpected events amplifies the frenzy even more. 
Events are map-wide, mayhem-inducing scenarios that kick off every few minutes, granting powerful rewards to the team that wins. Some events draw from familiar game experiences that many players will instantly get, and others are more unexpected. Both kinds should make for unpredictable and memorable plays and fights: examples include King of the Hill, Push the Payload, the closing circle of death from Battle Royale games, and so on. If we take Nexus Blitz past alpha, we’ll expand the possible events and explore different versions (we’d love to start hearing your ideas!). 
Winning an event unlocks one of the rewards Nexus Blitz has to offer. Some of these are straightforward, such as a massive shield for every team member. Others are wild and flashy, like arming your minions and turrets with Blitzcrank hooks or installing a base cannon that launches you and your teammates directly into the middle of the map (we’d love to hear your ideas for these too!). 
In addition to events and rewards, Nexus Blitz has another major mechanic. Champs who go on hotstreaks—getting takedowns without dying yourself—go on fire, gaining adaptive damage and shorter cooldowns, but also taking more damage and they’re worth a TON of gold to shut down. 
The Nexus Blitz alpha starts in 8.16, and our current plan is for a four-week run as an open playtest on live servers—no invitation needed. Once more, we’d like to stress that you’ll be playing an unpolished prototype. We’re talking lots of reused models and textures from existing maps, and even the gameplay is up for iteration and development. We need you to play and tell us what you think about pretty much everything, from the core game loop to ideas for additional mechanics to map visuals and theming. If you see potential in Nexus Blitz, this is your opportunity to help shape its development! 
Ok, we’re done with the wall of text now. We’ll be watching the queues and your comments closely, so jump in and let us know what you think so far!"
Here's Riot August with all the details in Nexus Blitz PBE - Patch Notes and Feedback:
This will be the central PBE feedback thread for Nexus Blitz, our new experimental game mode, before it goes to live for a multi-patch alpha test (...yes, we're in a beta of an alpha). If you haven't read it yet, go to the [[dev corner thread here]] for the high-level context on experimental modes and Nexus Blitz! This thread's for us to talk details. 
REMINDER: Nexus Blitz is basically in "early access" right now, so it's kinda rough and unpolished. We'll be AGGRESSIVELY PATCHING everything from champ balance to the map itself it order to make the experience better over time, both here on PBE and when we begin the alpha on live. 
What’s different?
  • A New Map - Nexus Blitz is played on a small map that encourages murdering each other. A single lane splits into 2 in the middle, and the top of the map is a jungle with camps and buffs to fight over.
  • Duo Jungle - Each team will be required to have two junglers who will work together to secure camps and objectives. Jungle XP and Gold is tuned so that it is advantageous to split it between two people. No need to funnel (we hope).
  • Short Game Time - Games of Nexus Blitz average 13-15 minutes, and are guaranteed to end by 20. How can we guarantee that? You'll see.
  • Events & Rewards - Events are map-wide murder-encouraging objectives that bestow glorious rewards on the victors. Do you like payloads and pushing? We got that. Have a thing for circles? Same. LOOT TEEMO!?!?!?!? Kill it with fire. Just don’t INT yourself with the Cannonpult. We’re just getting started on these things and hope to add more events and rewards as the mode is developed.
  • On-Fire - Nexus Blitz rewards bloodthirsty players who manage to get kills and stay alive by lighting them On-Fire, granting tons of adaptive stats, CDR, and mana regen. Watch out though, you’ll be easier to kill while On-Fire and grant a large bounty to those who manage to shut you down. It’s lit fam. 
Hit the PBE and try things out! We’d love to hear your feedback. Tell us about the things you find enjoyable (or awful). What are things that would make you stop playing (or want to play more)? We’ve got a long way to go and are ready to make changes. Thanks! 
Below are more detailed descriptions of the map specific mechanics as well as any patches we release over the course of the PBE 
Updates will go here over the course of our PBE stay!

  • Only 1 starter item can be purchased. Doran’s, jungle, and support items all count as starter items.
  • The sustain aspects of the Doran’s items have been significantly buffed (Lifesteal, mana regen, health regen)
  • Added a new Doran’s item for Enchanters who want to last hit (Doran’s Lost Idol).
  • Support items have been changed:
  • Supports can buy Heart of Targon (Relic Shield) or Philosopher's Medallion (Ancient Coin). Spellthief’s line has been removed.
  • These items are stronger than their SR counterparts but do not upgrade into anything.
  • Support item quests are gone, as is sightstone.
  • Control wards have been removed 
  • There’s a turret in the enemy jungle. It’s invincible. Don’t try to kill it. You’ll die. Your friends will laugh at you.
  • Jungle camps taken with more than one champion grant 150% XP and Gold split between the champions taking it (compared to 100% XP and Gold if taken alone)
  • Jungle items have been simplified:
  • All builds start with “Pridestalker’s Blade," a combination of Hunter’s Machete and Talisman, which then can be upgraded with an enchant.
  • Upgrading to the Enchant grants Chilling Smite along with the normal bonuses.
  • "Monster Hunter" XP and Gold mechanics have been removed.
  • Red and Blue buff are now located centrally and are much stronger. Taking a buff camp gives a supercharged version of the buff to the 2 nearest champions on the team who last hit it.
  • Rift Herald is stronger, granting Baron Buff AND Rift Herald for 2 minutes to the team who takes it.
  • Baron Buff only buffs minions, it does not give AP and AD. 
  • Getting X kills or assists without dying lights you On-Fire.
  • On-Fire stats:
  • 20% Attack Speed
  • 20-200 Adaptive force (based on level)
  • TONS of CDR (Does not count towards the CDR cap)
  • 20 mana/energy per second
  • 25% increased damage taken
  • On-Fire has no maximum duration, but is lost when killed and grants 800+ gold to your killer and 200+ gold to the each other champion on the killer’s team 
  • A random event happens every few minutes (average 2-3 per game)
  • Winning an event grants the victors a random reward
  • Many events have additional bonuses on top of the reward granted to the winner (like gold for doing a thing)
  • The final event happens at 18 minutes. It is not random. Its reward is arguably the best in the game. 
  • All minion deaths (regardless of last hit) and monster kills share ~30% of the total gold value to every champion on the team. (Not XP, though.) As an example. If a cannon minion is worth 100g, everyone on your team gets 30g when it dies.
  • Last hitters (or nearby allies in the case of jungle camps) still get the full gold (and XP) value. So if you kill a 100g cannon minion you will get 100g and the rest of your team will get 30g
  • Gold from champion kills and assists is NOT globally shared 
A number of fan favorite items are returning for a second grasp at life in Nexus Blitz 
  • Wriggle’s Lantern
  • Ghost Walkers
  • Spectral Cutlass
  • Bloodletter's Veil
  • Deathfire Grasp
  • Spear of Shojin
  • Atma’s Reckoning
  • Force of Nature
  • (Heart of Gold and Philosopher's Stone have spiritually returned—see Starting items above.) 
  • +30% Summoner Spell CDR
  • +30% bonus Mana Regen at level 1 
  • Games can be surrendered with a 4 -1 vote after the 8 minute mark.

Most time based runes (Like Magical Footwear and Gathering Storm) have been rebalanced for the mode. (Jul 31: CLIENT TOOLTIPS ARE BUGGED TO SHOW SR VALUES.) 
Taste of Blood
  • Cooldown :: 20 seconds >>> 10 seconds 
  • Switchover to late game drops :: 15 minutes >>> 6 minutes
  • Early game loot curve steepness :: First 8 drops >>> First 4 drops
Magical Footwear
  • Time available :: 10 minutes >>> 6 minutes
Perfect Timing
  • Time available :: 8 minutes >>> 4 minutes
Minion Dematerializer
  • Time available :: 4 minutes >>> 3 minutes
Biscuit Delivery
  • Time between biscuits :: 3 minutes >>> 1.5 minutes 
Grasp of the Undying
  • Health per proc (melee) :: 5 >>> 10
  • Health per proc (ranged) :: 3 >>> 6
  • Time Available :: 10 minutes >>> 6 minutes
  • % health per stack :: 0.2 >>> 0.3 
  • Cooldown :: 20 >>> 15
Gathering Storm
  • Rank-up time :: Every 10 minutes >>> Every 4 minutes
  • Level Available :: 10 >>> 6 
We're really excited to get Nexus Blitz in front of you, and can't wait for you to try it out. As PBE testers, you can help us take the mode from promising to great and give it the best chance of succeeding when the live alpha begins. Even at this phase of testing, we truly hope Nexus Blitz is a great experience. Thanks in advance for all the feedback!"

Nexus Blitz change list for 8/8:
"Patch notes for today: 8/8 
Highlights here are Kindred passive being updated for the map and a second rework of Bardle Royale circle placements.

  • Mark system has been reworked for Nexus Blitz.
  • Stacks on Marked champion Kill:: 1 >>> 2
  • Now ALWAYS gains a stack when killing Red, Blue, or Rift Herald.
  • No longer hunts enemy jungle camps.
  • Rewards are now recorded on the scoreboard
  • Rewards have cool emotes that play when you win them 
Bardle Royale and King of the Hill
  • Adjusted circle positions to be less likely to spawn under an enemy tower
  • Added a number of new possible center points for the circle (including new points in the enemy jungle)
  • Fixed a bug where the circle could spawn at the zero point of the map
  • Added new fancy particles to King of the Hill
Sudden Death
  • Nexus Minion
    • Armor:: 250 >>> 200
    • Magic Resist:: 200 >>> 150
Champ Select
  • Players are alerted as to what role they are at start of champion select"

Current loading screen / selection art:


  • Syndra's in client bio was tweaked:
Old: "Syndra is a fearsome dark mage with incredible power at her command. As a child of Ionia, she disturbed the village elders with her prodigious but reckless use of magic. They sent her away to be trained under strict supervision, but she quickly surpassed her mentor and discovered he was restraining her powers. Betrayed and disgusted by such cowardice, Syndra eliminated her teacher and struck out to destroy all who would try to limit her potential, dark spheres in hand." 
New: "Syndra is a fearsome Ionian mage with incredible power at her command. As a child, she disturbed the village elders with her reckless and wild magic. She was sent away to be taught greater control, but eventually discovered her supposed mentor was restraining her abilities. Forming her feelings of betrayal and hurt into dark spheres of energy, Syndra has sworn to destroy all who would try to control her."
  • Karma's in client bio was also tweaked to match her recent bio update:
Old: "No champion exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life. With this insight, she serves as a spiritual beacon to her people, bestowing boundless wisdom and healing in times of crisis. Despite being blessed with power that few could comprehend, she rarely uses her magic for destruction, as it always comes at a considerable cost-- both to her, and to the land she holds most dear." 
New: "No mortal exemplifies the spiritual traditions of Ionia more than Karma. She is the living embodiment of an ancient soul reincarnated countless times, carrying all her accumulated memories into each new life, and blessed with power that few can comprehend. She has done her best to guide her people in recent times of crisis, though she knows that peace and harmony may come only at a considerable cost-- to her, and to the land she holds most dear."
  • As noted by Riot Stellari, the SSG Xayah and Rakan loading screens (both normal and signed) have been updated to fit better when they are together on the loading screen:
"Update on the SSG Xayah & Rakan load screen. Splash artists did a tweak to align them better when they load-in together. There's a version floating around we couldn't do because they're off center when loading alone, and other places in game. This will be live in patch 8.16"
SSG Xayah [New / New Signed Version]
SSG Rakan [New / New Signed Version]

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.


  • Umbral Dash (E
    • healing from damage done to non-champions lowered from 33% to 15%
    • charges gained when first learning the ability lowered from 2 to 1
  • World Ender (R) Cooldown increased from 140/130/120 to 160/140/120

  • Tantrum (E)
    • [NEW] Passive physical damage reduction gains additional benefit equal to 3% of Amumu's bonus Armor and Magic Resist 

  • Seastone Trident (W)
    • Bonus magic damage AP ratio lowered from 60% to 50%
    • Bonus on-hit damage AP ratio lowered from 40% to 35%
  • Chum the Waters (R) 
    • [NOTEThese values are not showing on the tooltip, but are observable in game!]
    • Guppy AP Ratio lowered from 90% to 80%
    • Chomper AP Ratio lowered from 110% to 100%
    • Gigalodon AP ratio lowered from 130% to 120%

  • Rampage (Q)
    • AD ratio increased from 60% to 70%
    • Damage increased from 55/90/125/160/195 to 55/95/135/175/215

  • Eclipse (W)
    • Cooldown changed from [14 at all ranks] to [14/13/12/11/10]

  • Titan's Wrath (W)
    • Shielding changed from [65/70/75/80/85 (+9/11/13/15/17% maxHP)] to [60/70/80/90/100 (+9/10/11/12/13% maxHP)]
    • Duration lowered from 10 to 6
    • Cooldown lowered from 18 at all ranks to 12 at all ranks

  • Base MR lowered from 30 to 26

  • AD per level lowered from 3 to 2.4

  • Base HP lowered from 510 to 480
  • Base armor lowered from 36 to 33

  • Defensive Ball Curl (W)
    • Bonus Armor increase from [50/60/70/80/90%] to [60/70/80/90/100%]
    • Bonus Magic Resist increased from [25/30/35/40/45%] to [30/35/40/45/50%] 

  • Soul Furnace (W)
    • Permanent max HP gain from small enemies increased from 3 to 4
    • Permanent max HP gain from large enemies increased from 10 to 15 

Tahm Kench
  • Tongue Lash (Q)
    • Slow Duration lowered from 2 to 1.5
    • Cooldown lowered from 6 to 5
  • Devour / Regurgitate (W)
    • Devour Duration changed from [4/4.5/5/5.5/6] to [4 at all ranks]
      • Enemy champion duration still halved
    • Cooldown increased from [14/13/12/11/10] to [28/25/22/19/16]
    • Cost lowered from 90 to 60
    • [NEW] Triggers half its normal cooldown on enemy cast 

    • Base movespeed lowered from 340 to 335
    • Seismic Shove (W) cooldown increased from 12 at all ranks to 16/15/14/13/12
    • Weaver's Wall (R)
      • [Removed] No longer grants vision

    • Chomp (Q) 
      • damage lowered from 20/40/60/80/100 to 20/30/40/50/60
      • AD ratio increased from 100/105/110/115/120% to 100/110/120/130/140%
      • bonus AD duration lowered from 8 seconds to 5 seconds

    • Spinning Slash (E) cooldown changed from 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 to 13/12/11/10/9

    • Crushing Blow (Q) 
      • damage lowered from 30/60/90/120/150 to 10/40/70/100/130
      • AD ratio lowered from 10/20/30/40/50% to 0/10/20/30/40%

    • More Sparkles! (Passive) 
      • AP ratio lowered from 32.5% to 20%
      • damage lowered from [12 - 135] to [10 - 124]
    • Spell Thief (W) AP ratio lowered from 55% to 40%

    Summoner Spells

    • Cooldown lowered from 270 to 240


    Electrocute (Domination Keystone)
    • Damage lowered from [50-220 (+50%bAD)(+30%AP)] to [30-180 (+40%bAD)(+25%AP)]
    • Cooldown lowered from [50-25] to [25-20] 

    Cheap Shot (D2)

    • Damage lowered from [15-40] to [8-40] 

    Sudden Impact (D2)

    • Lethality Bonus lowered from 10 to 7
    • Magic Penetration Bonus lowered from 8 to 6 

    Summon Aery (Sorcery Keystone)
    • Damage lowered from [15 - 40] to [10 - 40]
    • Shield increased from [30 - 80] to [35 - 80]

    Celerity (S3)

    • Bonus Movement Speed converted to Attack Damage lowered from 9.6% to 6%
    • Bonus Movement Speed converted to Ability Power lowered from 16% to 10% 

    Scorch (S4)

    • Damage lowered from [20-60] to [10-30]
    • Cooldown lowered from 20 to 10

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