11.19 PBE Cycle

This mega post was last Updated with the 9/14 PBE Update
(With the release of patch 11.18 to live on September 9th, we started the new 11.19 PBE cycle.)

Previous PBE Cycles in 2021
 [10.25] [11.1] [11.2] [11.3] [11.4] [11.5] [11.6] [11.7] [11.8] [11.9] [11.10] [11.11] [11.12] [11.13] [11.14] [11.15] [11.16] [11.17] [11.18]

Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else  is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.

Patch History for this cycle:
 ( Note: As the cycle continues, some images may be outdated! )

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

New Champion: Vex

Our latest champion, Vex, the Gloomist, is now testing on the PBE! Here's Riot Koyuncu with a bugs and feedback thread for Vex and her release skin:
"Hello everyone! I'm Riot Koyuncu, one of the QA Engineers on Champions team and QA owner for Vex. 
Vex is trudging her way onto PBE, and is now currently enabled and available to play! This is personally one of my favorite champion projects that I've worked on, and I want to hear your player feedback before she launches in two weeks. We've got about a week before we have to lock any proposed changes for her release, so I'll be monitoring common themes in this thread to share back with the team for possible adjustments. 
If you encounter any in-game bugs while playing Vex, please let us know by heading over to our Bug Reporting Tool and providing any information on the issue. Providing repro steps or a video clip are incredibly helpful at debugging. 
Cheers... or like... whatever, 


Vex, the Gloomist

Stats & Abilities

  • Base HP: 520
  • HP Per Level: 90
  • HP5: 6.5
  • HP Regen Per Level: 0.12
  • Base AD: 54
  • AD Per Level: 2.75
  • Base Mana: 490
  • Mana Per Level: 32
  • Base MR: 28
  • MR Per Level: 0.5
  • Base Armor: 23
  • Armor Per Level: 3.25
  • Attack Speed Per Level: 1
  • Movespeed: 335
  • Attack Range: 550


Doom 'n Gloom (Passive)
Every [25-16] seconds Vex becomes afflicted with Doom, causing her next basic Ability to interrupt dashes and Fear enemies for [0.75-1.5] seconds. 
Whenever a nearby enemy dashes or blinks, Vex marks them with Gloom for 6 seconds. Vex's next Attack against a Gloomed enemy deals an additional [30-180 (+25% AP)] magic damage and reduces this Ability's Cooldown by 25%. 
Non-champion targets take [40-60%] damage and refund 10% of this Ability's Cooldown. 
Enemies Feared by this Ability move more slowly the farther they are from Vex.

Mistral Bolt (Q)
9/8/7/6/5s Cooldown
45/50/55/30/65 Mana 
Vex launches a wave of mist that deals [60/110/160/210/260 (+60% AP)] magic damage. After a delay, the wave becomes smaller and faster. 
Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.

Personal Space (W)
20/18/16/14/12s Cooldown
75 Mana 
Vex gains [50/80/110/140/170 (+80% AP)] Shield for 2.5 seconds and emits a shockwave that deals [80/120/160/200/240 (+30% AP)] magic damage. 
Consumes Gloom on enemies hit.

Looming Darkness (E)
13s Cooldown
70 Mana 
Vex commands Shadow to fly to a location, increasing in size as it travels. Upon arriving, it deals [50/70/90/110/130 (+40/45/50/55/60% AP)] magic damage and Slows by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds. 
Applies Gloom to enemies hit.

Shadow Surge (R)
140/120/100s Cooldown
100 Mana 
Shadow excitedly surges forward, dealing [75/125/175 (+20% AP)] magic damage and marking the first enemy champion hit for 4 seconds. 
Recast: Dash to the marked champion, dealing [150/250/350 (+50% AP)] magic damage on arrival.  
If the marked champion dies within 6 seconds of taking damage from this Ability, it's Cooldown is temporarily reset.


Here's Vex's full bio over on her Universe page:
In the black heart of the Shadow Isles, a lone yordle trudges through the spectral fog, content in its murky misery. With an endless supply of malaise and a powerful shadow in tow, Vex shields herself from the pep and happiness of the outside world, and all of the irksome “normies” who occupy it. 
Growing up in Bandle City, Vex never felt she belonged. The whimsy and color of the yordle realm was cloying to her. Despite the best efforts of her parents, she never seemed to find her “yordle spirit” or any like-minded friends, and chose to spend most of her time sulking in her room. 
There, she found an unlikely soulmate in her own shadow. It was black (her favorite color), and it didn’t talk—the perfect companion for the sullen youth. She learned to entertain herself with the shadow, performing gloomy pantomimes for her own amusement. 
Alas, it was just a shadow, incapable of shielding Vex from the loathsome cheerfulness that surrounded her. Surely something more lay in store. Something darker. Something sad. Something just like her. 
That something arrived in the form of a Harrowing, thick clouds of Black Mist that billowed through Bandle City, stirring its residents to panic. While most yordles fought valiantly to beat back the Mist, Vex was intrigued by the foul miasma and began to follow it to its source. 
When she arrived in the Shadow Isles, Vex couldn’t believe her eyes. Vast tracts of land and sea, devoid of all life and color, stretched out before her. Here, she could finally sulk, unbothered by the laughter and merriment of others. 
As the days passed, Vex realized the Black Mist was having a strange effect on her. Her shadow had taken on a new ghostly persona—much more lively and expressive than its host—and her benign yordle magic had transformed into something far more sinister. Vex could now spread her misery far and wide. 
“Who made this wonderfully awful place?” she wondered. 
Her question was soon answered when the Ruined King, Viego, appeared in the Isles, seeking to spread his Mist to all corners of Runeterra. Upon meeting Vex, Viego realized the yordle had a unique ability to spread despair, making people more vulnerable to his Harrowing. Vex, in turn, was inspired by his vision for a world covered in Black Mist. The two became fast allies and set out to turn the entire world into a harrowed wasteland. 
Before Viego’s vision could be fully realized, Vex discovered his ulterior motive: to reclaim the soul of his dead queen Isolde, and reunite with her in matrimonial bliss. She shuddered in disgust, feeling betrayed that the man she had trusted to kill the world’s happiness had, in fact, been seeking it himself. Vex left Viego to be defeated by the Sentinels of Light, his dreams of a ruined world dashed upon the stones of the Camavoran wreckage. Alone once more, she watched in disappointment as the world returned to the bright, colorful place she had always hated. Finding a lasting melancholy was going to be tougher than she’d thought. 
She knew one last place she could go—a surefire way to achieve the misery she craved. She paid a visit to her parents in Bandle City, eager to show them who she had become and bask in their disapproval. 
The young yordle watched as her parents turned dumbstruck, still as tree stumps. Their expressions changed from shock, to denial, to reluctant acceptance. 
“Honey. We don’t understand... this,” said her mother, motioning with her finger at Vex’s entire being. 
“But we love you unconditionally,” said her father. “And if you’re happy, we’re happy for you.” 
Rolling her eyes, Vex released a loud, exasperated sigh. “You guys are the worst,” she moaned. 
She trudged out of her parents’ living room, anxious to return to the Shadow Isles where she could sulk undisturbed."



Here's Vex's full voiceover!

Release Skin

Vex's release skin is Dawnbringer Vex:

Dawnbringer Vex

"Vex finds order in the day's descent to darkness, and spends her evenings watching her shadow chase the sun below the horizon. A preternaturally sour and unenthusiastic god, she finds the whole chaos and order 'thing' very blasé."

Champion Skins

Seven skins are now on the PBE for testing!

Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV

1350 RP
"Celebrating Worlds 2021 in Shenzhen."

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV:
"Hello All! 
Celebrate Worlds 2021 as Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV arrives on the Rift featuring:
New models and textures! 
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation! 
Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! 
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 


Dawnbringer Morgana

1350 RP
"Determined to see order triumph over chaos, Morgana has sacrificed much to tip the scales in favor of light. If dawn emerges victorious, she is certain that they can avoid the gods' destruction and usher in a new age, one free from the corruption of chaos... Perhaps then Yone will see balance for the delusion that it is."

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Dawnbringer Morgana:
"Hello All! 
The dawn has arrived as Dawnbringer Morgana brings order to the Rift featuring:
New models and textures! 
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation! 
Dawnbringer Morgana is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE!
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 

Dawnbringer Yone

1820 RP (Legendary)
"Prophecy dictates that the gods will destroy each other, ushering in the end of creation itself-- but Yone is determined to defy fate. A half-mortal, half-god born of the clash between chaos and order, Yone wields the power of both night and dawn. He must rally his brethren, bring peace to the gods... or they will all perish."

As a legendary skin, Dawnbringer Yone has a new voiceover:

Here's Riot LavenderKira with a bugs & feedback thread for Dawnbringer Yone:
"Dawn has met its dusk." 
Dawnbringer Yone is heading onto the Rift, featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New animations and recall!
  • New VO!
Dawnbringer Yone is set to be 1820 RP. 
Dawnbringer Yone will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!"


Nightbringer Lillia

1350 RP
 "Steward of nightmares, demon of dreams, Lillia revels in twisted fantasias that mortify mortal minds. Though she dallies in the war between order and chaos, she rarely joins the fray herself; she has a garden to tend to, after all, sowing seeds of terror and watching them bloom."

Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Lillia:
"Me? A dream come true. 
Nightbringer Lillia is heading onto the Rift with:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Nightbringer Lillia is set to be 1350 RP. 
Nightbringer Lillia will be available to play soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!" 


Nightbringer Tryndamere

1350 RP
"A fiendish god of rage and battle, Tryndamere embodies the moment when war descends into bloodied frenzy. Peace is anathema, but perhaps Yone's crusade presents an opportunity... After all, to Tryndamere, chaos is best when it is born of order's decay."

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Tryndamere:
"Hello All! 
Nightbringer Tryndamere brings rage and chaos to the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation!
Nightbringer Tryndamere is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! 
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 

Nightbringer Kayn

1350 RP
"Rhaast was once an archon of light, a beacon of order... and now he is little more than a weapon in the hands of Kayn, an ambitious demi-god of dusk seeking true godhood. The two war within Kayn's own body, each determined to overthrow the other and lay claim to true divinity."

Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Kayn:
"Hello All! 
Chaos ensues as Nightbringer Kayn arrives on the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New Recall animation!
Nightbringer Kayn is set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! 
Feel free to leave any feedback or questions you have down below! 

Nightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition

2000 Event Tokens
"Kayn and Rhaast are forged anew in the crucible of their clash. No longer are they a mere weapon, a mere demigod-- they are forces of nature, warping each other and the raw energy around them, each hurtling towards a victory sure to shake the firmament itself."


New sets of chromas are now on the PBE:

Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV
[4 Chromas]

Dawnbringer Morgana
[8 Chromas]

Dawnbringer Yone
[6 Chromas]

Dawnbringer Vex
[8 Chromas]

Nightbringer Lillia
[8 Chromas]

Nightbringer Tryndamere
[8 Chromas]

Nightbringer Kayn
[5 Chromas]
[Prestige Nightbringer Kayn is on left in these images!]

Summoner Icons

Tons of new summoner icons are now on the PBE!

Worlds 2021 Event Icon, Worlds 2021 Pass Icon
This icon was acquired during the Worlds 2021 event.

Worlds 2021 Prestige Points Icon
This icon was earned through Loot during the Worlds 2021 event.

World Championship Jarvan Border Icon
This icon was acquired during the Worlds 2021 event.

Worlds 2021 Jarvan IV Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired through Loot during the Worlds 2021 event.

Dawnbringer Yone Icon, Dawnbringer Morgana Icon, Dawnbringer Vex Icon
This icon was acquired during the Worlds 2021 event.

Nightbringer Tryndamere Icon, Nightbringer Lillia Icon, Nightbringer Kayn Icon
This icon was acquired during the Worlds 2021 event.

Dawnbringer Yone Chroma Icon, Dawnbringer Morgana Chroma Icon, Dawnbringer Vex Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired through Loot during the Worlds 2021 event.

Nightbringer Tryndamere Chroma Icon, Nightbringer Lillia Chroma Icon, Nightbringer Kayn Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired through Loot during the Worlds 2021 event.

Nightbringer Kayn Prestige Edition Icon
This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Nightbringer Kayn skin during the Worlds 2021 event.

2021 Dragonmancer Clash Icon
This icon was an exclusive reward for all participants of the Worlds 2021 Dragonmancer Clash event.

FPX - From Fire Reborn Icon
This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of FPX.

EDG - The Knight Returns Icon
This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of EDG.

RNG - Never Give Up Icon
This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of RNG.

LNG - Qi Lin in The Cloud Icon
This icon is to commemorate finishing the MAKE/BREAK challenges of LNG.

Crystal Hug Icon
This icon was earned by obtaining 34 Pick 'Ems points.

Major Catch! Icon
This icon was earned by obtaining 50 Pick 'Ems points.

Delicious! Icon
This icon was earned by obtaining 66 Pick 'Ems points.

Esports Team Icons
This icon was available for purchase in the store during the Worlds 2021 Event.
[FPO icons are placeholders!]

Minion Approval Icon, Major YES! Icon, Firey! Icon, 
This icon was earned by watching the Worlds 2021 Event.

Great Success! Icon
This icon was earned by completing Worlds 2021 missions.


New emotes are now on the PBE!

Worlds 2021

It's Water Time, Let Me Think..., Ready For Combat


Esports Team Emotes
[FPO emotes are placeholders!]

Night & Dawn Event

No Words, Try Me
As If
[Filename "EM_DRAGONMANCER_KAISA_Inventory.ACCESSORIES_11_19.png"]

Watch Rewards

Trade Offer, Everything Good, Smite Ready?

Not My Problem, Happiness Overload, No Thank You


Ward Skin

A new ward skin is now on the PBE!

2021 Nightbringer Ward
This ward was earned during the 2021 Worlds event.


  • Worlds 2021 loot assets added:
    • Worlds Peak Performance Bag
      • Time to suit up and show out! Contains 3 skin shards worth 975RP or more (60% chance) OR 5 skin shards worth 975RP or less (40% chance). Gemstone and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.
    • Worlds Rewards Capsule
      • A capsule obtained while watching Worlds 2021 on LoLEsports.com or while playing Pick'em.
    • Worlds 2021 Orb
      • Open to reveal a guaranteed random Skin Shard with a 3.5% chance to obtain a Worlds Peak Performance Bag. Gemstone and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.
    • Worlds Grand Legacy Pack
      • Look good, feel good, play good! Contains 5 skin shards worth 975RP or more (55% chance) OR 3 skin shards worth 1350RP or more (45% chance). Gemstone and Mythic Skin Permanent drop rates multiplied by 1.5.
    • Worlds 2021 Token
      • Gained from purchasing event content or completing event missions. Craft into exclusive Worlds 2021 event content. Tokens are earnable until November 8, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. PT. Tokens are purchasable until November 18, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. PT. Tokens expire November 18, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. PT.
  • More loot assets added:
  • Worlds 2021 summoner banners added:
  • Worlds 2021 Clash trophy & icons added:
  • URF is back on the PBE for testing! Here's Riot Reinboom with more:
"To my last tweet about Ultimate Spellbook there was a fair few number of requests for URF to come back for next release... [1/4] 
We determine modes release schedule a few months ahead of time and there's often a fair number of fixes we have to do before we can turn on a mode again. We can't really replace doing one mode for another on short order and especially not "upcoming patch" adjustments. [2/4] 
But that also doesn't mean that "the next mode is Ultimate Spellbook". Just the opposite. When we ask for ideas pertaining to a mode, it implies that there will be at least some amount of time before that mode will released in order to actually apply that feedback. [3/4] 
Anyways, URF is now enabled on PBE. Look forward to pick URF for next patch. :) [4/4]"

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.

  • Infernal Chains (W)
    • Cooldown lowered from 26/23/20/17/14 to 20/18.5/17/15.5/14

  • HP5 increased from 5 to 9
  • HP regen per level increased from .1 to .18

  • Rupture (Q) cooldown lowered from 7 to 6

  • Nimble Fighter (Passive) 
    • [Removed] Higher damage reduction vs basic attacks
  • Seastone Trident (W)
    • Bonus on-hit damage lowered from 20/25/30/35/40 to 10/15/20/25/30
  • Playful / Trickster (E) 
    • cooldown lowered from 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 to 16/14/12/10/8
  • Chum the Waters (R) 
    • small shark damage increased from [150/225/300 (+70% AP)]  to [150/250/350 (+80% AP)]
    • medium shark damage increased from [200/275/350 (+85% AP)] to [225/325/425 (+100% AP)]
    • large shark damage increased from [250/325/400 (+100% AP)] to [300/400/500 (+120%)]

  • HP5 increased from 8 to 8.5

  • Shield of Durand (W) cooldown lowered from 18 to 18/17.5/17/16.5/16

  • HP5 increased from 7 to 8

  • Thundering Shuriken (Q) damage lowered from [85/130/175/220/265 (+80% AP)] to [75/120/165/210/255 (+75% AP)]

  • Death's Grasp (E) cooldown lowered from 22/19/16/13/10 to 18/16/14/12/10

  • Iron Ambassador (Passive)
    • Cooldown lowered from [16-8] to [13-7]

  • Base HP increased from 575 to 600
  • HP Per Level increased from 87 to 92
  • Base HP lowered form 600 to 590

  • Overload (Q) AP lowered from 45% to 40%
  • Spell Flux (E) cooldown increased from 3.25/3/2.75/2.5/2.25 to 3.5/3.25/3/2.75/2.5

  • Arctic Assault (Q) 
    • damage increased from 80/130/180/230/280 to 90/140/190/240/290
    • cooldown lowered from 20/18/16/14/12 to 18/16.5/15/13.5/12

  • Encore (R) cooldown lowered from 180/150/120 to 160/130/100

  • Soul Furnace (W)
    • Shield increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 60/85/110/135/160

  • Base armor lowered from 28 to 26
  • Hymn of Valor (Q) 
    • [Removed] "No longer Targets enemies Sona can't see."

  • Wish (R) heal lowered from 150/250/350 to 130/215/300

  • Base mana increased from 280 to 310
  • MP5 increased from 7 to 8

  • Piercing Arrow (Q)
    • cooldown increased from 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 to 16/15/14/13/12

TFT Champions

Tier 1
  • Damage lowered from 250/350/550 to 250/350/500
  • Isolation damage lowered from 750/1050/1650 to 750/1050/1500

  • True damage lowered from 70/95/120 to 70/90/110

Tier 2
  • Damage reduction increased from 20/25/30 to 20/25/40

Tier 3
  • Bonus AD increased from 90/100/110% to 90/100/115%

  • Attack speed increased from 30/50/70% to 30/50/75%

  • True damage lowered from 25/35/55 to 20/25/40

Tier 4
  • Damage increased from 230/290/850 to 230/300/850

  • % AD lowered from 170/180/400% to 140/150/400%
  • Damage lowered from 150/225/900 to 125/200/700

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