Welcome to the PBE cycle roundup for PATCH 5.24!
This mega post was last Updated on 12/3 with the 12/3 PBE Update
( With the release of patch 5.23 to live on November 24th, we started the new 5.24 PBE cycle. )
Previous PBE Cycles in 2015
[5.1] [5.2] [5.3] [5.4] [5.5] [5.6] [5.7] [5.8] [5.9] [5.10] [5.11] [5.12] [5.13] [5.14] [5.15] [5.16] [5.17] [5.18] [5.19] [5.20] [5.21] [5.22] [5.23]
Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.
- Champion Update
- New Skins
- New Ward Skins
- New Summoner Icons
- New Login Themes
- Lore Changes
- Snowdown Minions
- Rift Herald Changes
- Persistent Chats upgraded!
- ‘Legend of the Poro King’ game mode live now on PBE
- Snowdown Shop
- New Champion Select back for testing
- New Zhonya's Hourglass VFX
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
- History
Champion Update - Poppy
"I'm no hero - just a Yordle with a hammer." Poppy's champion update is here! This large scope update includes brand new visuals, a new kit, and updated skins!
Be sure to drop off your feedback on Poppy's update here - Poppy Update Feedback thread
Iron Ambassador (Passive):
Be sure to drop off your feedback on Poppy's update here - Poppy Update Feedback thread
Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer
[Pre vs Post Rework Comparison!]
Stats & Abilities
Here's a video preview of Poppy's updated kit in action:
- Range: 125
- Movement Speed: 340
- Base Armor: 29
- Armor Growth: 4
- Base MR: 32
- MR Growth Per Level 1.25
- Base Health: 540
- Health Growth: 90
- Base Mana: 280
- Mana Growth: -
- Base AD: 58
- AD Growth: 4
- HP Regen Base: -
- HP Regen Growth: -
- MP Regen Base: -
- MP Regen Growth: -
"Poppy's Basic attack throws her buckler, gaining 400 range and [10 + 10 per level] bonus magic damage [18/14/10 @ level 1/7/13] second cooldown.
The buckler lands at a nearby location and Poppy can pick it up to gain a shield that absorbs X (15% of her max Health) damage for 5 seconds. Enemies can step on the buckler to destroy it.
The buckler automatically returns to Poppy is the attack kills the target."
Hammer Shock (Q):
35/40/45/50/55 Mana
9/8/7/6/5 Sec Cooldown
"Poppy smashes the ground, dealing 40/70/100/130/160 (+.70 bonus AD) plus 6% of the enemies' maximum Health as physical damage, and leaving an unstable area.
The Area slows enemies inside it by 20/25/30/35/40% and erupts after 1 second, dealing the initial damage again.
Hammer Shock deals 80% damage to minions."
Steadfast Presence (W):
50 Mana
24/22/20/18/16 sec cooldown
"Passive: Poppy gains X Armor and X Magic Resist (12% of Armor and Magic Resist). This bonus is doubled if Poppy is below 40% Health.
Active: For the next 2.5 seconds, Poppy gains 27/29/31/33/35% Movement Speed. While Steadfast Presence is active, she stops enemy dashes in an area around her, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+.7 AP) magic damage."
Heroic Charge (E):
70 Mana
12/11/10/9/8 sec Cooldown
"Poppy tackles an enemy, dealing 50/70/90/110/130 (+.5 bonus AD) physical damage and carrying them forward. If Poppy carries the target into terrain, the enemy takes 50/70/90/110/130 (+.5 bonus AD) additional physical damage and is stunned for 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2 seconds."
Keeper's Verdict (R):
100 Mana
140/120/100 sec Cooldown
[Max Charge Range]
"First Cast: Poppy channels for up to 4 seconds, slowing herself by 15%.
Second Cast: Poppy smashes the ground, emanating a shockwave that deals 200/300/400 (+.9 bonus AD) physical damage to enemies around the first champion hit and knocking them a large distance toward their Summoning Platform. The shockwave length and knockback distance increases with channel duration.
Enemies are untargetable while they are being knocked away."
[Note: If you don't second cast, CD is refunded down to 30 seconds at base]
[Note #2: You can also second casting very quickly to a point blank, low distance "knock up" - targets are still untargetable while in the air even if used this way.]
[Note #3: Max knock back range is about 3000]
[Note #2: You can also second casting very quickly to a point blank, low distance "knock up" - targets are still untargetable while in the air even if used this way.]
[Note #3: Max knock back range is about 3000]
Along with the new kit and new visuals, Poppy has a new VO that clocks in at just over 6 minutes of dialogue including champion and item special interactions and "funny jokes".
Non-English Poppy VO available here:
and here's Poppy's new Champion Select Quote:
and here's Poppy's new Champion Select Quote:
"I'm no hero.. just a yordle with a hammer!"
Here's Poppy's short form in client bio:''I'm no hero. Just a yordle with a hammer.''
Runeterra has no shortage of valiant champions, but few are as tenacious as Poppy. Bearing a hammer twice the length of her body, this determined yordle has spent untold years searching for the ''Hero of Demacia,'' a fabled warrior said to be the rightful wielder of her weapon.
Updated skins:
All six of Poppy's current skins (including four legacy skins) has been updated to go along with her champion updates, including new splash arts for each!Battle Regalia Poppy
Scarlet Hammer Poppy
Noxus Poppy
Blacksmith Poppy
Ragdoll Poppy
[Lollipoppy puts on a "happy face" during her dance, a reference to her original splash!]
New Skins
Just in time for the holidays, the 5.24 PBE cycle includes three new frosty new Snowdown skins - Snow Day Bard, Snow Day Gnar, and Snow Day Syndra!
Snow Day Bard
Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs and feedback thread for Snow Day Bard:
"jolly chimes jingle in the distance, cups of hot cocoa magically manifest at the edge of your vision, ethereal penguins let out excited honks from the cosmic ether
Everyone's favorite snowy Caretaker has arrived! Snow Day Bard is here to take you on a jolly Magical Journey, full of hot chocolate, snow balls, and magical penguin companions!
Snow Day Bard will be 1350 RP* and will include:
Snow Day Bard is now available to play on PBE! Please note that PBE content is still a work in progress. Bug reports, constructive feedback and just general reactions are always welcome and appreciated, so please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we’ll do our best to address them! <3
- New models and textures - Bard's bundled up for his travels and donning a new icy instrument! The Meeps have been magically penguinified too!
- New particles - From icy tethers to magical snowflakes to hot chocolate health packs, lots of new particles here!
- New wintery sound effects - From the sounds of ice freezing your enemies upon a successful tether to mystical penguins honking into existence at Bard's side, tons of new sounds here too!
- New recall animations - Bard's helping his playful little snow-friends build a SnowBard!
*Prices on PBE subject to change."
Snow Day Gnar
975 RP / Legacy
Here's Galetta with a bugs and feedback thread for Snow Day Gnar:
"Watch out for icy boomerangs and frozen penguins, Snow Day Gnar has hit the PBE!
This skin includes:
This skin will be 975RP (PBE pricing subject to change)
- New model and textures!
- New recall animation(s)! (One for both little and big Gnar!)
- All new particles! (FROZEN PENGUIN BOLDER?! )
- New recall SFX!
Your feedback and bug reports are extremely helpful to us, so please check out Snow Day Gnar and let us know what you think! Feel free to drop any bugs you find in this thread as well!
See you on the Rift!"
Snow Day Syndra
Heres Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs and feedback thread for Snow Day Syndra:
"Snowball fight! Snow Day Syndra is ready to toss some snowballs on the Rift!
Snow Day Syndra will be 1350 RP* includes:
Snow Day Syndra is now available to play on PBE! Please note that PBE content is still a work in progress! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, as well as constructive feedback, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you’ve got any questions, post ‘em here, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
- A new model and texture - she's all bundled up and ready for a snowball fight!
- New particles consisting of snow and ice! (Keep an eye out for when she maxes out her skills!)
- New wintery sound effects!
- New recall animations - do you want to build a Syndra? ;)
*Prices on PBE subject to change."
New Ward Skin
Penguin Skier Ward
640 RP / Legacy
Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for the Penguin Skier Ward!
"The Penguin Skier Ward is here to add more cuddliness and snowiness to your vision game!
The Penguin Skier Ward has...
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below! :D We really appreciate your feedback."
- All new model and textures! (Cute little penguin with winter gear and skis!)
- New sound effects! (There is currently a bug affecting these sounds, but we'll get that fixed asap!)
- New snowy particles! (Snow and sparkles!)
- New animations, including an on-hit animation! (Just don't feel too bad when you try to take out this little dude's ward)
New Summoner Icons
We also have a cool batch of new summoner icons, release details for these are available here.
Icy Minion Icon
1500 IP or 250 RP / Legacy
Bundled Minion Icon
250 RP / Legacy
While you won't be able to purchase them specifically for yourself, these next four new legacy summoner icons will be available to send to friends for 100 IP each!
"We’re also launching four new Legacy “snowball” icons that you can toss to your friends (or enemies who you want to make friends) for 100 IP each. Anyone who gets a snowball icon to the face will get to keep that icy icon and will also get a one-win IP boost. (Legacy - 100 IP)"
New Login Themes
To go along with the upcoming skins, we also have a brand new Snowdown login theme!There was also a Poppy Update login theme added.
Lore Changes
Several champions have received minor lore changes this cycle, mostly geared at scrubbing out minor references to the retconned Institute of War, League of Legends, and Summoners.
If you'd prefer to view these in text form, click here.Snowdown Minions
Minions are dressed up for Snowdown and will be jingling through Howling Abyss and Summoner's Rift during the Snowdown patch.
Red Minions
Purple Minions
Rift Herald Changes
Rather than bestowing a buff to the player who slays it, Rift Herald now drops a relic at the entrance to it's pit that grants the Doom's Eye buff to whoever walks over it.While BOTH teams can see this relic when it drops, currently only the team who got the Rift Herald kill can actually pick it up to get the buff.
Persistent Chats upgraded
[NOTE: No mention if this is going to live in 5.24 or just on the PBE for testing!]
Here's Limely with information on recent updates to the Persistent Chats/Clubs features currently testing on the PBE!
Here's Limely with information on recent updates to the Persistent Chats/Clubs features currently testing on the PBE!
"Hi, Everyone,
A couple months ago we rolled out persistent chat rooms onto the PBE. This was an early test for building the foundation for new social features we announced with the 2016 Season Update. As we officially move forward, we've updated the name on PBE to reflect that these "chatrooms" have evolved into our earliest version of clubs.
What are clubs? They are player-named, player-organized, and player-controlled social groups. The long-term goal is to help you head into games with the right teammates every time by helping you find like-minded players to compete with. We plan on building a whole lot more on top of the current functionality of clubs but right now we’re starting simple. Just like “persistent chat rooms”, you can own one club and be a member of three at any given time, with all the same moderation tools.
With this first update, you can now set a tag for your club that can be displayed in various places including your Hovercard, and more importantly, in game. Ranked team tags will still take precedence in ranked team games. Since you can belong to multiple clubs, you now have the option of setting a club to be active, which means that club’s chat room will open on login, and other players will see that affiliation.
We plan to push out updates to clubs as they become available (which means we'll need to occasionally reset all clubs), so take a look and let us know if clubs make it easier to stay connected in League with friends!
Limely :3
p.s. We are playing around with colors on tags so please put up with the current atrocity for a day or two. :3"As mentioned in the post, your club tag will now show up in-game and on the hovercard!
[After joining a persistent chat / club, you must set an "active club" to see the club tag]
[Currently minimum of 2 and max of 5 characters for tags]
[Tag Displayed on Hovercard]
[Tag Displayed in game]
While this new feature has been in testing on the PBE for a while, check out the 2016 Season Update post about clubs for more information! No ETA on live launch yet!
‘Legend of the Poro King’ game mode live now on PBE
As mentioned in the Snowdown preview, Legend of the Poro King is back on the PBE to get ready for it's return to the live servers in patch 5.24!Here's L4T3NCY with more information:
""Now come the days of the King..." ...the PORO KING! :D
The Legend of the Poro King is returning! For those of you new to the game mode, here's the rules again:
New summoner spells
When playing the Legend of the Poro King, your regular summoner spells are replaced with two new ones, made just for the mode:
1) Poro Toss / Poro Dash: (20sec cooldown)
Throw a Poro a long distance, dealing true damage to the first enemy unit hit. This ability can be recast for 3 seconds after it hits an enemy to cast Poro Dash, which will dash your champion to the target hit. Dashing to the target will reduce the cooldown of Poro Toss by 5 seconds.
2) To the King!: (10sec cooldown)
Passive: Hitting an enemy champion with a Poro gives your team a Poro Mark. Upon reaching 10 Poro Marks, your team summons the Poro King to fight alongside them. While the Poro King is active, no Poro Marks can be scored by either team.
Active: Quickly dash to the Poro King’s side. Can only be cast when the Poro King is summoned for your team.
The Poro King
The Poro King is benevolent and will aid whichever team has summoned him. He can be dispelled, but only to return again when enough favour has been curried with him. As a tanky siege minion, he brings an impressive power boost to whichever team he’s aiding. His powers include:
-- Tanky siege minion with a LOT of health. Let him be your front line!
-- The Poro King absorbs all Poros within his range being thrown by the enemy team, making him a powerful pushing force.
-- The Poro King will heal nearby allied champions every 5 seconds for health and a smaller amount of mana based on the team’s average level.
-- Every 5 seconds, the Poro King will lob out Poros in an arc around him, dealing magic damage to enemies where they land.
We're also bringing back the Poro icons from last year! Equipping them as your summoner icon will skin your poros in the Poro King game mode for the duration the mode is live!
That's all for now. :) Let us know if you guys spot any bugs!
--- L4T3NCY "In case you need a reminder, here's what the unique poro skins look like:
This year, a new PROJECT: Poro summoner icon was also added! This one works like the others and changes your poro skin in the Legend of the Poro King game mode!
As mentioned in the Snowdown is coming! post, this is a shop that offers unique discounts to players! This means you and your buddies will all received different and personalized offers in your individual Snowdown shops - including % discounts on champions and 750/975/1350 tier skins!
You can access the shop by clicking the purple icon between the Shop and Profile buttons. Upon entering for the fire time, you have six face down cards.
Click each card to reveal a unique offer and discount!
Here's a brief video preview:
Here's Lyte with more information:
Here's a brief video showing the PROJECT: Poro in action!
Snowdown Shop
The personalized Snowdown shop went up for testing this cycle!As mentioned in the Snowdown is coming! post, this is a shop that offers unique discounts to players! This means you and your buddies will all received different and personalized offers in your individual Snowdown shops - including % discounts on champions and 750/975/1350 tier skins!
You can access the shop by clicking the purple icon between the Shop and Profile buttons. Upon entering for the fire time, you have six face down cards.
Click each card to reveal a unique offer and discount!
Here's a brief video preview:
New Champion Select Experience Returns for more testing
After it's original introduction in the 5.22 PBE cycle, the new champion select experience has returned to the PBE for another round of testing!Here's Lyte with more information:
"Hey everyone,
We need some players to help us run through the new Champ Select on PBE again.
We've toned down some of the animations to see if they were the culprit that caused crashes in the last PBE test; if you crash in this version of Champ Select, please let us know:
1) Which phase did you crash in? (Lobby, Pick Intent, Bans, Picks, etc)
2) What were you doing right before the crash?
3) If possible, send us your dxdiag to lyte@riotgames.com
Thank you so much for your help!"Here's a small gallery of the new champion select experience:
New Zhonya's Hourglass VFX
The visual effects for Zhonya's Hourglass' active have been updated!Miscellaneous
- The Elderwood Hecarim splash was updated to include several more birds on the two trees near Hecarim.
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.General
- Flash Frost (Q) reverted
chill duration lowered to 2 seconds from 3 seconds. - Glacial Storm (R)
- Ranger's Focus (Q) now has a maximum of and is castable at four stacks down from five!
- Traveler's Call (Passive) Meep recharge rate reduced to 8 from 10 [s]
- Caretaker's Shrine (W):
- Initial AP ratio is up to .3 from .2
- Maximum Charge AP ration increased to .6 from.45.
- Pillar of Flame (W) mana cost increased to 70/80/90/100/110 from 70/75/80/85/90
- Headshot (Passive) now 6 stacks at all levels from 7/6/5
Dr. Mundo
- Infected Cleaver (Q)
- Max damage to monsters 300/350/400/450/500
- Current health damage changed to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% from 15/18/21/23/25%
- Masochism (E)
- Maximum health scaling is now 3/3.5/4/4.5/5% from 5% at all ranks
- No longer applies extra damage to towers.
- Base HP reduced to 580 from 599
- HP growth reduced to 90 from 95
- Warpath (Passive) NO LONGER ignores unit collision.
- Devastating Charge (E) can now move through units during duration of buff.
- Lamb's Respite (R) cooldown changed to 160/130/100 from 150/130/110
- Bio-Arcane Barrage (W)
- No longer has an 1.25% AD ratio.
- Now also deals 2% flat damage
- Null Zone (W) damage lowered to 4/4.5/5/5.5/6% of max health per second from 4/5/6/7/8%
Master Yi
- Meditate (W) **
AP radio reduced to .15 from .3
Miss Fortune
- [**NOTE: Meddler has commented: This is a tooltip correction only. The actual ratio's been 0.15 for a long time.]
- Strut (W) attack speed lowered to 40/55/70/85/100% from 60/70/80/90/100%
- Make It Rain (E) slow reduced to 28/36/44/52/60% from 40/45/50/55/60%
- Javelin Toss ( Human Q)
- Damage increased to 60/77.5/95/112.5/130 from 50/70/90/110/130
- Max Damage increased to 180/232.5/285/337.5/390 from 150/210/270/330/390
- Base Damage lowered to 54.46 from 56.46
- Blinding Assault (Q)
- Mana cost increased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 50 at all ranks
- Damage lowered to 20/45/70/95/120 from 25/55/85/115/145
- Total AD scaling reduced to .8/.9/1/1.1/1.2 from .8/.95/1.1/1.25/1.4
- Powerball (Q)
- Slow duration lowered to 2 seconds from 3 seconds
- Hitbox reduced to 225 from 325
- NOTE From Manwolfaxeboss - "Rammus Q hot radius down 325 > 225 but he will now not try to path around minion waves and whatnot when you click beyond them. "
- Base Health Regen Per Second increased to 1.068 from .668
Soraka- Flamespitter (Q) - [TOOL TIP FIX] Tooltip no longer mentions half damage to monsters
- [NOTE: No functionality change here, same damage as on live.]
- Ricochet (W) - bonus damage 60/65/70/75/80% from 50/55/60/65/70%
- Fracture (E) [tooltip no longer mentions a max of 6 units can be hit]
- Impale (R) total AD ratio down to .6 from 1
- Star Call (Q) range reduced to 800 from 950
- Astral Infusion (W) Mana cost increased to 40/45/50/55/60 from 20/25/30/35/40
- Wish (R) no longer removes Grievous Wounds.
- Nevermove (W) root duration reduced to 1/1.3/1.5/1.8/2 seconds from 2 at all ranks
Tahm Kench
Twisted Fate
Ziggs- Devour (W) no longer gives 15-25% movement speed when running away from enemy champions while holding an allied champion.
Twisted Fate
- Wild Cards (Q) damage lowered to 60/105/150/195/240 from 60/110/160/210/260
- Short Fuse (Passive) now deals double damage to structures, up from 150% damage.
- [Reverted]
Mega Inferno Bomb (R) Damage increased to 300/450/600 (1.1 AP) from 250/375/500 (.9 AP)Enemies further away now take "two-thirds" damage from 80%
Corrupting Potion
Dead Man's Plate
- Health reduced to 500 from 600.
Essence Reaver
- Now reads "UNIQUE Passive: Gain increasingly more Cooldown Reduction from Critical Strike Chance provided by other sources (maximum +20% additional Cooldown Reduction at 30% Critical Strike Chance)" from "UNIQUE Passive: Gain up to +20% additional Cooldown Reduction equal to your Critical Strike Chance from other sources."
- Cooldown is now 76-60 (at level 9-18) from 61-48 (at level 9-18)
- Vision Radius of ward decreased to 500 from 900
Phantom Dancer
- Attack speed increased to 45% from 40.
- Total cost increased to 2800 from 2700
Rapid Firecannon
- Gold cost increased to 2600 from 2500
- Change to stacking with Statikk Shiv - "Rapid Firecannon and Statikk Shiv will now take greatest potential damage instead of just stacking the damage for an attack." [s]
Runaan's Hurricane
- Gold cost increased to 2600 from 2500
Statikk Shiv
- Gold Cost increased to 2600 from 2500
- Change to stacking with Rapid Firecannon - "Rapid Firecannon and Statikk Shiv will now take greatest potential damage instead of just stacking the damage for an attack." [s]
- Gold Cost increased to 1300 from 1200
- As a result Phantom Dancer, Rapid Firecannon, Runaan's Hurricane, and Statikk Shiv have all had their prices increased by 100g. Trinity Force has no changes.
- Strings added for a new mastery but it hasn't been added to the tree yet.
- EFFECT: "Deal 5% increased damage to champions until you gain a kill or assist"
Feast [Ferocity- Tier 2]
- Cooldown increased to 25 seconds from 20
Deathfire Touch [Ferocity- Tier 6]
- [Damage changed]
- Base Damage changed to [8 + 50% bonus AD & 20% AP over 4 seconds] from [6 + 50% bonus AD & 20% AP over 3 seconds]
- [Duration changed]
- Burn Duration for Single target increased to 4 seconds from 3 seconds.
- Burn Duration for AoE increased to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds
- Burn Duration for damage over time decreased to 1 second from 1.5 seconds.
- Now only stacks on champion hits
- Using abilities no longer stacks, they must hit enemy champion.
- Melee attacks now generate 2 stacks
- Spell hits now generate 2 stacks (with 2 second cooldown)
- Duration increased to 6 seconds from 5
[New] Assassin
- New Mastery added to tier 2 of the cunning tree, making that tier have a total of 3 options.
- "Deal 1.5% increased damage when no allied champions are nearby".
Precision [Cunning - Tier 5]
- Armor penetration increased to [ 1/2/3/4/5 (+.1/.2/.3/.4/.5 per level) ] from [ 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3.0 + .06/.12/.18/.24/.3 per level) ]
Thunderlord's Decree
- Bonus AD ratio increased to 30% from 20%
- [NOTE: AP Ratio bug should be fixed - properly giving 10% AP now]
Windspeaker's Blessing [Cunning - Tier 6]
- Heals/Shields now grants flat armor and MR based on level instead of increasing resistances by 15%
- 5-22 Armor
- 2.5-11 MR
Unyielding [Resolve - Tier 1]
- Bonus Armor/MR reduced to 1/2/3/4/5% from 1.2/2.4/3.6/4.8/6%
Explorer [Resolve - Tier 2]
- Movement Speed in Brush & River increased to 15 from 12
Veteran's Scars [Resolve - Tier 3]
- Now gives 9/18/27/36/45 health from .8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4%
- Base damage reduction increased to 3% from 2%
- Damage reduction & damage transfer when near ally lowered to 6% from 8%
SR Jungle
- Base HP: 1300 from 1320
- Base Armor: 10 from 9
Ancient Krug
- Base HP: 1450 from 1440
- Base Armor: 10 from 12
- [This is the buff you receive at the very start of the game. It has been name changed to Homestart from Homeguard. The 20 minute buff is still named Homeguard and is unchanged.]
- "This unit has greatly increased Movement Speed. Teleporting removes this speed."
- New Skins
- New Ward Skins
- New Summoner Icons
- Lore Changes
- Snowdown Minions
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
- Champion Update - Poppy
- New Ward Skin
- Rift Herald Changes
- Persistent Chats upgraded!
- ‘Legend of the Poro King’ game mode live now on PBE
- New Champion Select back for testing
- Balance Changes
- Snowdown Shop
- New Summoner Icon
- New Zhonya's Hourglass VFX
- Poppy Lore Update
- Balance Changes
- Snow Day Splash Art
- Snowdown Login Theme
- Balance Changes
- Poppy Login Screen
- Balance Changes
- Skin Updates
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
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