[Updated] 1/24 PBE Update: HEXAKILL New Thornmail Particles & Tentative Balance Changes

[Update] Hexakill is now available for testing!

A small update has been pushed to the PBE! In addition to a few tentative balance changes, we have a new 6v6 featured game mode called Hexakill and Thornmail's damage return now has new particles!
Continue reading to check out the latest PBE content!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

PBE Community Notes

Here's Riot Feithen with a note about the "2v2 Summoner's Rift" Mode that's lingering around:
"Thanks for the reports about queue issues. We're investigating now but unfortunately I'm not able to toggle the "bad" queue off. We advise NOT trying 2v2. The missing queues are also part of the problem, and we're working on a fix now. I don't have an ETA but we'll get a patch out to you as soon as possible. 
For the curious, 2v2 Summoner's Rift is a test mode we use internally and not an upcoming game mode. :)"
She continued:
"So some good news, the funky queues appearing/not appearing has been fixed! 
We're still verifying the queue dodge and decline bugs but suspect a similar root cause, and that they're likely fixed too."


HEXAKILL , a new 6v6 featured game mode, is now up on the PBE for testing!

Here's BuffMePlz with more info:
"Hey guys!

The new Featured Gameplay Mode, Hexakill, is now enabled on PBE! Hexakill is a 6v6 game mode played on Summoner's Rift, with the classic ruleset that we're all familiar with. We’re excited to see what new meta and team comps you guys come up with 
Please let us know if you encounter any issues, particularly around champion selection and player invitation when getting into the game. 
Current known issues:
-The end of game screen may not properly handle all twelve players currently - this should be fixed in a later deploy 
As always, let us know what you think!"

Here's a what the new 6 kill streak ( hexakill! )call out sounds like!

New Thornmail Particles

Thornmail's damage return ( and Rammus W )  has new particles on the PBE! 
A purple swoosh now comes out of the attacker and circles back into them.
Here's a short video:

New Icons Now In-Game

The new summoner icons and Soraka ability icons from the 1/23 PBE update are now functional in game. Previously they were only available in the AIR client. 
Soraka's new icons on the in-game action bar.

Balance Changes

* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out!


( Context: Please remember that there are extensive Kassadin changes being tested on the PBE. Take this into account when looking over listed changes. His W is now an on next hit melee nuke and his Q/E have had their damage reduced. )
  • Base Movement Speed increased to 350 from 340
  • Netherblade ( W ) passive extra magic damage on basic attack changed to 15 at all ranks from 10/15/20/25/30 ( + .1 AP )
  • Netherblade ( W ) mana restore increased to 6/7/8/9/10% missing mana from 6% missing mana at all ranks.
  • Riftwalk ( R ) damage increased to 80/100/120 from 60/90/120
  • Riftwalk ( R ) damage from consecutive jumps lowered to 20/40/60 from 30/45/60

  • Divine Blessing ( W ) movement speed AP ratio reduced to .07 from .08 ( 100 AP = 7% movement speed )
  • [ Context: W got a movement speed AP ratio added to it in a previous patch.  ]

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