Continue reading for a heavy dose of PBE content including new splash arts, balance changes, a change to Yi's portrait, a new profile medal, and more!
( Warning: PBE content is highly tentative and subject to change! Some
of this information may have been datamined and could likely be
erroneous. )
New Splash Arts
Thresh's release skin
![]() |
The name for this one isn't specificed but obviously it is nautical themed. |
Aether Wing Kayle
![]() |
FYI: Aether Wing Kayle was made available for testing before tonight's patch. Have at it! |
Thresh finally received his own set of ability icons.
Along with this three of his abilities have had their names changed: Shackle ( Q ) is now "Death Sentence", Lantern Toss ( W ) is now "Dark Passage", and Sweep ( E ) is now "Flay"
Master Yi new Portrait
Master Yi's champion portrait has been adjusted to be much more zoomed out, presumably to include more of his fantastic braided beared.
Here it is in the wild
New Profile Medal
There seems to be a strange new profile medal. Not sure what exactly it's intended for but it's currently showing up on people who have played ranked games on the PBE. None of the other ranked medals have been changed. My guess is this is just the new medal that displays when you haven't finished your qualifier matches for the season.
Here it is in action:
Balance Changes
Note: These changes are relative to the last set of PBE changes. To try to avoid confusion, I've listed the current live server value in parenthesis if the ability was changed in a previous PBE patch.
- Agony's Embrace cooldown changed to 150/120/90 from 160/120/80 ( current live server value is 120/90/60 ).
- Agony's Embrace range lowered to 650 from 800
- Lantern Toss ( W ) shield amount reduced to 60/90/120/150/180 from 60/100/140/180/200
- Lantern Toss ( W ) mana cost increased to 50/55/60/65/70 from 40 at all ranks.
Crystalline Flask*
- Cost increased to 345 from 225
- Health restored changed to 120 over 12 seconds from 100 over 10 seconds.
- Mana Restored changed to 60 over 12 seconds from 40 over 10 seconds.
* = This data comes from one of the game files but the tool tips have not been updated and the "new" cost is not acting right. It's a strange situation because you CAN NOT buy the flask, in game, for less than 345 BUT when you do buy it it only subtracts 225 gold from your total. The PBE is a strange place.
Miss out on the previous updates in this PBE cycle? Fear not!
bpe sure was busy this week
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see.
ReplyDeleteKarma remake ??????
ReplyDelete8th! XD
ReplyDeleteCan we have Karma now?
ReplyDeleteHope they make it so Evelynn isn't totally useless.
ReplyDeleteYEA, WHAT IS IS?? @_@
ReplyDeleteReveal the Tresh Skin!
ReplyDeleteSo many updates! It's been a great week o u o
ReplyDeleteEvelynn is one of the most effective champs in the game, Top 3 in highest win ratio and in KDA. These results can be seen at if you want to check them out for yourself. But AP eve has been cleaning house world wide.
ReplyDeleteThat is actually the buff...
ReplyDeleteHe says it because of the last PBE nerf, not because of how Eve is on live servers.
ReplyDeleteWait who?
ReplyDeleteIgnore the imposter, she doesn't even have a portrait
ReplyDeletethis is kind of awkward :/
ReplyDeleteSince your a skin, you should be concern about you new splash art too.
ReplyDeleteBut I'M KARMA!!!!
ReplyDeleteCrystalline Flask
ReplyDeleteUNIQUE Passive: Holds 3 charges and refills uponvisiting the shop.
UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore 120Health and 60 Mana over 12 seconds.
Cost: 345
ReplyDeleteOf course I am. But dearest Karma needs some love.
ReplyDeleteKayle must be on her way to construct additional pylons
ReplyDeleteProbably two. You know, one for the light side and one for the dark. Like split personalities.
ReplyDeleteI kinda wish Kayle gets a bright Halo with her E still. Kinda like a blue aura or neon lighting.
ReplyDeleteKayles Face looks a bit odd doesnt it?
ReplyDeleteManly Cthulu Support.
ReplyDeleteLoL my first thoughs
ReplyDeleteDat Kayle looks so good.
ReplyDeleteThresh's skin kind of looks like davy jones.
ReplyDeleteDon't mind my doubles, they're just acting a bit excited about that "rework" thing.
ReplyDeleteThat Kayle's art looks amazing.
ReplyDeleteCthulu Thresh!
ReplyDeleteThey canned her because her skin was crap. It was to much of a commando lux skin remake I believe.
I only need myself, when will you understand that?
ReplyDeleteI am aware, but she is still plenty useful and viable, those nerfs were needed.
ReplyDeleteOMG love them all. except the deep sea skin.. im not so sure about that one,,, i might have to wait for his second skin. which, i normally dont do.
ReplyDeleteDavy Jones Tresh?
ReplyDeletei was thinking about deap sea thresh
ReplyDeleteGrammar overrated.
ReplyDeleteI think so too.
ReplyDelete"Guess what's about to hit the fan?" *moans*
ReplyDeleteAnd where is the Yi's portrait?
ReplyDeleteI want THE BOX name changed >.< it's so plain, silly and anticlimatic
ReplyDeletethe post is being edited, load the page again sometimes and you will see it
ReplyDeletekarma rework??
ReplyDeleteWatch me flash out of it, Potato
ReplyDeleteSometimes simple is better. I have no idea what The Box is, but I'm already worried.
ReplyDeleteOh Crystalline Flask... what have they've done to you... ; ___;
ReplyDeleteThere goes the great tactics of being able to build flask with faerie charm! I'm going to miss it for my mid-laners and supports.
No cameras in my private space please.
ReplyDeletewhy nerf Evelynn's ult, nerf her "Dark Frenzy" by lower the movement speed. thats the problem with her.
ReplyDeletethresh ultimate, create a box with 5 walls, if you pop a wall (lvl 3 wall) you will get 99% slow (nasus slow NOOO D:) and 550 damage + 1 per 1.0 ap, the other walls hits half after the first is popped, and slow for 50%
ReplyDeleteWatch my ally Thresh pull me out with his dark passage :D
ReplyDeleteSomething like "Sunken Thresh" or "Thresh Jones"/"Davy Thresh" I'd imagine.
ReplyDeleteis it just me? or does Kayle look like she has sperm inside her mouth..?
ReplyDeletemaybe i watch too much pronz...
Yeah Rengar. This is the institute of WAR not the institute of GRAMMAR & SPELLING
ReplyDeletethink the porn is the issue.
ReplyDeletethose are her teeth?
ReplyDeletePopped Banshee's Veil. Your turn.
ReplyDeleteblitzcrank jungle appears to gank? im out of ideas ._.
ReplyDeleteNOOOO NOT Evelynn..... That champion isnt even as OP as people think. Just because people don't know how to lane against her doesnt make he super OP. Why don't you change Master Yi's AP ratio. AP yi is such a faceroll champ compared to Evelynn. Evelynn getting nerfed is outrageous. Buffing her up then you're going to nerf her back to the ground. Thanks Riot
ReplyDeletei agreed they are overnerfing her a bit, but master yi ap is not op, if you got beat by one probably you didnt know how to fight him, even without having to stop his meditate you can win against him
ReplyDeleteHis hook gets blocked by a minion
ReplyDeleteAP yi, alpha, then heal.... then u stun/knockback/up etc and pretty much insta kill him its a troll build thats easily countered, evelynn with torment and a witchcap isn't she can just run around faster than everyone and spam her q till your dead.
ReplyDeleteWas i the only one that thought of Hecarim when seeing Thresh's splash art?
ReplyDeletewaht u mean ranger? is dis how 2 spel?
ReplyDeleteYou ulted my ghost clone, thanks Yorick! *uses Unleashed Power on Potato with 9001 dark spheres*
ReplyDeleteWill this Kayle skin cost 975 rp?
ReplyDeleteNo one plays blind pick, no allied Thresh for you. :P
ReplyDeletepotato dies, but you step a teemo shroom :D
ReplyDeleteSyndra is so brilliant she's struggling to battle a potato.
watch your mouth, potato is the best champion ever!
ReplyDeleteMessing around with the playthings
ReplyDeleteNosejobs gone wrong.
ReplyDeleteLook above!
ReplyDelete"SO much untapped Karmas" - Riot
(waiting to see on Karma's champ spotlight Phreak's playing her as a Jungler with tons of damage [triforce])!
Jungle Karma 2 stronk.
ReplyDeleteSyndra throws potatos at you.
ReplyDeleteskin is Cthuhtlu?
ReplyDeletebuild triforce! there's the only way.
ReplyDeleteDAT KAYLE <3 :D
ReplyDeleteAs long as you ignore little miss civilized in the maid outfit up there.
ReplyDelete(I swear she's the most boring skin out of all of us)
Vilemaw and my spiderlings finds Frech Maid Nidalee sexier to be their meal, actually they don't find her boring. My skin Nidalee! is A spider flower :'( (cries)
ReplyDeleteElise what are you doing.
ReplyDeleteGet down from there.
Elise go home, you're drunk.
Cool out, squirt.
ReplyDeleteThe Thresh skin is obviously a knock on Davy Jones' locker, so that's possibly the name.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, enough with the Yi portrait.
ReplyDeleteHe's angry because he's just bottom feeder :) Ps. Twitch I've got that new shampoo for you <3
ReplyDeleteIt will probably just be Abyssal or Deep Sea.
ReplyDeleteStalking Gragas a bit too much I'd say.
ReplyDeleteno thanks.
ReplyDeleteIm just a bit depressed, Vilemaw don't understand my feelings, he eaten everyone I bring to him, and said at least you can have Fizz. But damn! I hate fish I prefer another type of meat :'(
ReplyDeletehopefully the tresh skin will have more voice lines, featuring RELEASE THE KRAKEN when he ults
ReplyDeleteCough....wait did Rammus just utter a whole 3 sentences???!
ReplyDeleteIMO the old master yi portrait looks better..
ReplyDeleteWhy don't Riot just zoom out Morgana's / Lux's, instead of Yi?
Davy Jones Thresh?
ReplyDeleteWell this is unfortunate...
ReplyDeleteWell this is weird..
ReplyDeleteThe void showed me this! The End is nigh!
ReplyDeleteWell then...
(and this update don't even have her)
I'm not ready yet.
ReplyDeleteremember Syndra is untouchable...
ReplyDeleteback to buying a faerie charm instead of a crystalline flask first as a support
ReplyDeleteYou and your copies are waiting...
ReplyDeleteWell more Karmas, less starve for Vilemaw.
Eve is shut down....again...
ReplyDeleteEnemy Thresh, give me your soul!
ReplyDeleteStill disabled, oh well....
ReplyDeleteSupport? I'm an ADC!
ReplyDeleteAether Wing Kayle art looks like trash. Hope it's not legendary.
ReplyDeleteI would but my picture is superior
ReplyDeleteIt's all smoke and mirrors.
ReplyDeleteMy copies are waiting, but they don't know me. Please don't eat me though, I just bought this dress!
ReplyDeleteIt's not my decision, It's Vilemaw who decides if you are suitable or not to be his meal.
ReplyDeleteIf they don't have the steel legion lux skin on pbe soon my head will explode
ReplyDeleteIt's quite good except for her enormous face
ReplyDeleteIn the The Shadow Isles!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry to burst your bubble but flashing out of it still deals dammage :)
ReplyDeleteOMG, Its Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean.
ReplyDeleteHow abou "Last Room" or "Doom Walls" ?
ReplyDeleteFalse: It's just like Veigar's Event Horizon, blinks like Flash and Arcane Shift will pass unharmed but dashes like Shadow Dash and Quick Draw will collide and cause the effect to activate.
ReplyDeleteThe release skin is Definitely Naut Thresh.
ReplyDeleteThe skin is nice, but that art is too.... "Not Kayle". I really like kayle, but that artwork looks kinda derpy :c
ReplyDeleteRiot please leave Eve alone!
ReplyDeleteIt be me matey, Davy Jones Thresh!
ReplyDelete...why is evelynn getting nerfed so much...?
ReplyDeleteI like Yi's old portrait. He looks tiny now lmao.
ReplyDeleteIt should be like... Ulit-mega-soul-eating-hexbox of fiery death.
ReplyDeleteThis Humanoids..
ReplyDeleteWhy not Zoidberg?
ReplyDeleteand the box.... is actually not a box.
wow Cho'Gath has been pretty rought recently, better nerf Evelynn
ReplyDeletewelcome back my old friend of boots. 3 pots. we had fun while it lasted actually being able to sustain on champs that have no innate sustain.
ReplyDeleteHey Rumble 8D
ReplyDeleteI keep calling the thing "Walls" though, plus I had a square in mind for a Box, not a pentagon.
ReplyDeleteSkaner uses tractor bea- Oh wait, I ain't got no skin :(
ReplyDeleteWatch yourself step on a mushroom that you didn't see because you spent all your gold on a Banshee's and hadn't got enough left for oracle's. Not like it will make you go to DA BOX but it will help our syndra and thresh kill you. HA! (with Lulu's voice)
ReplyDeleteBut even more it does fit perfectly thresh's unnamed release skin.
buy iceborn gauntlet on the classic skin... it feels like a little brother of kel'thuzad...pretty cool :D
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't start Machete + Flask for Jungle Cho D:
ReplyDeleteThe name of his ultimate is ridiculous. And so many champions here left me... thirsty.
ReplyDeleteEvelynn isn't THAT overpowered, its just that no one calls mias or uses pink wards. The Cooldown needed a nerf, with 40% CDR at max rank, Eve has an aoe % of MAX Health Ultimate every 36 seconds. The Range nerf is gonna hurt. Now if you really gotta think about committing to a kill, because they'll see you before you ult.
ReplyDeleteHow come the didn't nerf me again ... : / someone water me so i can bloom out from this dream
ReplyDeleteNot one woman in the league has a monobrow... not even Vi...
ReplyDeleteDon't Worry ... i can help you catch your prey ;) xoxo ...
ReplyDeleteI disagree and appearently riot does too. They prolly liked "The Box" and didnt change it. Besides i think its fitting.
ReplyDeleteFine. I'll gank you with my ult + our team kills you.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's actually a good idea...
ReplyDeleteNo, you are a support. Now go back to your lane and watch the ADC farm.
ReplyDeleteBut bring some wards too, for the dragon.
only 1 skin release this patch? i was waiting for the 2nd one to leak..
ReplyDeleteskin is an octopus sort of thing, pirate of the carribean related?
ReplyDeleteYour soul will come to serve MeEeEeEeEe
ReplyDelete*whish brings up a good question, what would I do if he got his hands on all of Thresh's souls* hehehehehehehehe
WTF IS THAT NEEEERF??? Are they going to destroy her again and take 2 more YEARS to remake her?!?!?
ReplyDeletecthulhu tresh would be an awesome name!
ReplyDeleteThe location from that splashart looks so much like Icecrown o_O
ReplyDeleteBURN TEEMO!!!!!
ReplyDeletewtf riot doesn't want us to have flask? we can buy 9 hp pots for the same effect
ReplyDeleteProbably Victor and Miss Fortune.
His skin looks amazing *o* Is that Nautilus under him?
ReplyDeleteThey should call the thresh skin thresh from the deep/depths
ReplyDeleteIt looks like cinematic dominin trailer lux...
ReplyDeleteSure, make her ultimate unable to kill. Totally ok. <.< But hey, Vi has ridiculous mobility and CC and can dish out tremendous damage, let's fix her bugs so she becomes even stronger. *derp*
ReplyDeleteFinally, that Jarvan combo!
ReplyDeletethe zoom out for yi doesn't feel necessary to me, it looks a bit awkward when most icons' zoom rates are quite in uniform.
ReplyDeleteDon't be so cocky fireman !
ReplyDeleteWell..That second skin should be named something like "Threshy Jones" because he looks like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean.
ReplyDeleteThen its a bug with katarina's shunpo and his ult xD
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else feel like I should be from the shadow isles? like even by chance Hecarims brother?
ReplyDeleteI like big boobies too, but not for karma, who is supposed to be a spiritualist woman, i mean, if you let karma show her boobies, like sona, katarina and so on it won't be serious, this is my opinion
ReplyDeleteGet over it.
ReplyDeleteWell maybe if you'd read your own lore....
ReplyDeleteThank you sir.
ReplyDeleteas you can see eve is pretty 100% allways banned on tournaments and riot knows how to balance champions, all champions are equaly stronkkk
ReplyDeleteSo a 36 sec CD AOE % of Max Hp Ult is balanced?
ReplyDeleteThey are nerfing her so that noobs can't mash buttons and kill people with her so easily.
They nerfed her to hell before and took them 2 YEARS for that remake, now they're changing too much.
ReplyDelete link to the new sej skin:3
ReplyDeleteSweet! I've just received my free Riot Points!
ReplyDelete>> <<
Why would they zoom out the Yi portrait? Zooming out the portraits just makes them look worse in game on the minimap (the only place they really matter)
ReplyDeleteI want it to be all capitalized like: THE BOX
ReplyDeleteYou are lucky spiders are not in my diet.
ReplyDeleteI Don't Want To Be BOXLOXED!
ReplyDeleteThe skin is called Abyssal Thresh in LOL Wikia! Love the kayle one, getting for sure!
ReplyDeleteWhy is that? Afraid to get your fur wet?