8/17 PBE Update: More Tentative Balance Changes

Posted on at 5:02 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.16 PBE cycle, today's patch includes more tentative balance changes!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


  • Spinning Axe (Q)
    • Base damage lowered from 45-65 to 40-60

  • Base armor increased from 22 to 24
  • To the Skies (Q) 
    • melee base damage increased from 55-255 to 55-280
  • Thundering Blow (E)
    • base damage increased from 8-20% max HP to 8-22% max HP

  • Iron Mantle (W)
    • shield AP ratio lowered from 50% to 40%
    • empowered shield AP ratio lowered from 80% to 65%
    • on hit heal AP ratio lowered from 10% to 8%

  • Zoomies (E)
    • Movespeed lowered from 20% +6% per 200 AP to 20% +2% per 100AP
    • Cooldown increased from 12-8 to 12-10

Context & Notes

1) Here's Riot Phroxzon with a tentative 12.16 balance changelist:
2) Here's the latest from the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads:

"Edit 8/17: Some more updates that should be on PBE already or will be soon:
  • Spirit Guard Udyr stance specific on kill VFX added
  • Spirit Guard Udyr Mo-graph splash added
  • Added new SFX for Spirit Guard stun in 'Bear' stance
  • Increased chest hair on Udyr, increased the highlights and shadows on his model, and added more gray in his hair and beard
  • Standardized his size across skins
  • Late edit: Spirit Guard Udyr stances now evolve at rank 4 instead of rank 6" 
"Post PBE cycle update:
- Janna received an update on her belt tassels hair physics.
- Passive VFX should now be more shiny
Team felt that the rest of suggested additions/changes would not improve the skin in a clear way or was out of scope for PBE update cycle.Thanks for constructive feedback & comments!"

 Strike Commander Camille

"Post PBE cycle update:
- Splash adjusted around face and chest areas
- Q and R SFX should come with more OOMPH now
Thanks for constructive feedback & comments!"
Post PBE cycle update:
- Janna received an update on her hair physics
Team felt that the rest of suggested additions/changes would not improve the skin in a clear way or was out of scope for PBE update cycle.
Thanks for constructive feedback & comments!
Post-PBE update: 
Hello everyone! Thank you for all your comments and feedback. We have implemented some changes. The summary can be seen below: 
Cyber Halo Janna: 
BUGFIX: Added green vfx on the model to wings during Ultimate.

Aether Wing Kayle: 
Chromas now have unique colors on wings when Exalted
Changed the hair color of Ruby Chroma to black
Adjusted saturation of hair on all other chromas 
Admiral Renata: 
Toned down brightness & saturation of hair

Bullet Angel Kai’Sa: 
Added facial void marks to Bullet Angel Kai’sa skin and all her Chromas

Thank you once again for all your comments & feedback! See you in the next thread!
Armored Titan Nasus
"Post PBE cycle update:
We have run a second internal review to verify the concerns about the silhouette. However, our gameplay designers did not flag anything in the design, thus we won't be making any changes to Nasus.
Thanks for constructive feedback & comments nevertheless!"
Strike Paladin Lucian
"Post PBE cycle update:
As most comments revolved about main design pillars for the skin, we are unable to make any meaningful changes. However, the notes about thematic & execution similarity have been passed to the relevant folks for future reference.
Thanks for constructive feedback & comments!"

 Battle Academia Ezreal Mytic Chroma

Post PBE cycle update:
- Hair and glove color was changed to light blue, when Ezreal has his passive stacked.

edit: We also increased quality and fidelity of Chroma's VFX in addition to coloring them more blue (to match updated passive look). It should now be much closer in this aspects with BA Ezreal.

Here is an album showing changes made:

Thanks for constructive feedback & comments!

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