11/21 PBE Update: Eternum Nocturne, Arclight Varus Splash, and more!

Posted on at 9:30 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated yet again!
Continue reading to preview the latest PBE content, including the new legendary Eternum Nocturne skin, the splash art for Arclight Varus, and more!
( REMINDER: Everything on the PBE is tentative and subject to change )

Eternum Nocturne
Riot sure didn't waste any time getting the recently announced legendary Nocturne skin on to the PBE. Eternum Nocturne is now available for testing and comes complete with everything you would expect a legendary skin to have: all new particles, animations, sounds, and a new voice over..

Here is a skin spotlight, showing off this fancy new skin in action.

Arclight Varus
Arclight Varus finally got his splash art added

New particles on CV
This isn't really new, but I did miss it in the earlier PBE patches so I figured I would mention it now; take a peep at the new particles for Clairvoyance.

Balance Changes
A few more Nami and item tweaks made it into this iteration.
  • Aqua Prison now states it "stuns enemies" instead of "lifting them into the air...". Spell is the same, just worded different.
  • Ebb and Flow healing increased to  75/105/135/165/195 from 60/90/120/150/180
    Ebb and Flow damage increased to 65/105/145/185/225 from 50/90/130/170/210
  • Ebb and Flow's damage and healing value is now decreased by 15% everytime it jumps. 

Enchantment: Homeguard
  • You now lose the regenerative / move speed effects if you enter combat.
Sword of the Divine
  • It now only gets it's cooldown reduced on champion kills instead of kills and assists.
  • Activate duration has been reduced to 3 seconds from 4 seconds.
Wriggles Lantern
  • Bonus damage increased to 500 from 450

Need to catch up on what all is in the Preseason / Nami PBE patch? Check out these earlier posts!


  1. Cant wait to see the new noct skin

    1. Notice this tail is like a rib cage, man. This is epic

    2. I like how everyone comments on the price without the realisation that Riot said it's legendery... IT'S 1820

    3. really, wont able beat the moobeat everytime the patch up

      moobeat never sleep

      moobot :/

    4. btw i tried it before moobeat lol

      heres the "Decepticon Nocturne"


    5. sup with those graphics? They make me sad :(

  2. Replies
    1. splash art sucks a lot really (eyes, mouth and BG)

    2. yeah now that i look at it the teaser looks more epic

      as per usual

      however in game it looks really cool

  3. http://youtu.be/dJwkY_shE2Y (ETERNAL NOCTURNE LEGENDARY VOICE!)

  4. holy shiiiieeeet, that nocturne!

  5. Oh man I can't wait to see the effects on the new noc skin

  6. Is it just me or does Nocturne look like an Elite off the Halo games?

  7. Replies
    1. ts like a Prime Battlecast Nocturne, just like Cho Gath!

  8. no nidalee splash? what kinda of joke is it?

    1. They said it's still a little down the way :P Should be out in a day or two.

  9. Whoah I really want to see this Varus skin in action

  10. That Varus skin is Pit from Kid Icarus

  11. played that noc skin... 1 min ago... omfg... looks awesome... and the sound... HOLY cow... but will be 1350 RP :/

  12. played the varus skin... already yesterday...also pretty awesome... i think will be 975 RP.

    btw... no new nida or nami artworks :(

  13. It looks a little like Kha'zix's skin. Even though its badass (no doubt), I don't think it suits nocturne's theme. But it will sell nevertheless.

    1. That's what skins are... They don't have to fit the "theme" of a champion. Since when was Ezreal a futuristic time traveler? Since when was Maokai a christmas tree? How does an amazonian cat/woman become a french maid?

    2. This^^^^

      When did Ziggs become a mad scientist? When did corki learn how to fly a seal/walrus or what urfrider is? when did a pirate able to turn into a ghost of himself? When did kogmaw able to turn in to a butterfly and a caterpillar? The list just goes on and on. Skins are suppose to be different. Not ALL a certain theme.

  14. Is it just me, or do his abilities and sounds remind me of a reaper?

  15. be happy guys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRuPLMxw4bM&feature=g-all-u

    1. Yea that looks pretty nice. Everything about it 'sept that weird tail.

  16. Aside from the different voice over, the Noct skin doesnt look impresive at all for me
    Take out the voiceover, and you have an skin on par with Tyrant Swain

    1. I'd pay an extra 8 bucks for my Luxxy to have a completely new voice over... and emotes and animations, ALONG with a quality skin that has badass new particle effects/sounds. Take out the VO and it's still far better than Tyrant Swain, don't sell the skin short.

  17. On the nocturne legendary skin, they need to improve that stupid smile, and elaborate the background.

    You see Varus is a normal skin and has that awesome BG on the splash, and nocturne is legendary and has those textures as a BG

  18. dat Noc skin splash looks like Mecha Khazix tbh.. and something like Metal Sky Dragon from Yugioh XD

  19. It does look like kha zix...maybe if they shortened his head part...then it would be fine...varus is dope though.

  20. i want for those flares, windmills and 90s!

  21. definetly getting that noct skin if it is 975RP, possibly if it is 1350RP but ill pass on the 1820RP

    1. They announced its a "legendary" skin. Therefore, its 1820.

  22. Has anyone checked Nami's voice in-game?
    Morello says she is getting a new voice because she sounds too child-like (with a very adult body).

    1. can you provide a link?
      and if it's true, it's sad, because i was just totally loving Nami's voice

    2. Doesn't sound any different to me.

  23. No special effect on Noc's Ult? I was hoping for something robotic, like chips and stuff (like his Void alt, underneath him).

    1. There is special effects on his ult. Did you not watch the video?

  24. Honestly, the Nocturne skin looks *BIGTIME* like a necron from Warhammer 40k.

    Some Example arts:

    Skeletal, glowing internals, etc. Sincerely wish he had the glowing green :(

    1. My first thought was the Reapers from Mass Effect (and they had a red color scheme), but the thought of Necrons also crossed my mind.

    2. ^Reapers were first thing to come to mind for me as well. Especially with the taunt and the way his abilities fire off.

    3. His q makes a very similar sound to the reaper boom roar thing that they make. it was also my first thought when i saw his red glow and metallic structure.

    4. Wow, get glasses.. nothing similar...

  25. Lame sotd change. Ppl'll now try to 'secure all kills'.

  26. Is this Varus skinn supposed to be 'pre-void'? Thats how he looked like an ionian?

    1. Thats what he looked when he was ionian?:yes

      As the lore say this is supposed to be when he protected the temple before falling inside the pit of Corruption.

  27. Here is what you missed Moo :

    - Tiamat/Hydra has a new sound effect ; splash particles have a slightly changed color
    - items have a "check" mark,when you have bought them

    Dunno if there is more.I don't have more time to check.

  28. WTF, Legendary Nocturne ?
    When will be legendary Udyr skin ?
    btw this Nocturne looks like Kha Zix on his skin and
    Varus like Prince Of Persia

    when will achievments be available ?

    on that "big sale" in January will be the same skins that should be in Black Friday ?

  29. That's the same as usual with the league of legend splash art lately: some artist put an awful lot of work in their picture, creating superb backgrounds with a lot of depth and quality ( Pirate Ryze, that Varus one, Zed etc.. ) And there is the one who made that Nocturne skin who is most likely the same who made Bioforge Darius and the Storm Zed, who is simply a lot less talented, create minimal backgrounds and adding a ton of cheap lighting effects to cover it... It's starting to become a problem imho.

    1. I'm fairly sure that's just his style. It's by no means an inferior piece of work, and it's totally epic. Just be glad we even get cool artwork now.

  30. wow he looks exactly like ceph from crysis https://www.google.ro/search?hl=ro&q=ceph&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=38897761&biw=1280&bih=900&wrapid=tlif135358007920810&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=LP6tUI_9FqSA4gTxp4GQAQ

  31. Replies
    1. according to an older post the predicted Darius, Lulu and this Varus skin
      Viktor should be next

  32. You forgot to mention... They removed the upgrade on Viktor's ultimate...

  33. All these new skins and I just want the release diana skin back the way it was before... And Moo i realize you work hard and find these things, but anything at all on that "badass female" champion they saaid would release at the end of 2012 would be appreciated. Or even some news about them changing Diana's skin back... R

  34. Guys it's obviously a Mass Effect Franchise reference.
    Anyone who played Mass Effect 2 should recognize the similarity with a classic enemy of the game, "The Harbringer" A being possessed by the Reapers who, as nocturne refer to himself as "WE" and he has the same graphical effect too, from the red sparks to the double voice.
    I Don't play nocturne, but i find the skin to be very nice

  35. Moo, what about 2nd Nami skin, u have some info about it?
    I just wondered coz its like 5 nida arts, varus, noct, nami must be done. Too much art-work)

  36. hmm, is it me or a very large majority of recent league skins(except harrowing) are either:
    -tech(hextech/robotic version of champ);
    -opposite version of the champ, when the champ is dark/light themed.

    also,the noct splash is pretty interesting. being a creature made of nightmares and dark thoughts, the eternum version shows him alongside synpaptic links of neurons, acting with fear directly upon your neurons.

  37. That noct look pretty cool but he reminds me CEPH from Crysis 2 a bit.

  38. Not sure if it was this patch but Ashe passive changed to 18% crit rate every 3 seconds up from 3%

  39. Eternum Nocturne don't looks like a trasformer?

  40. If they changed Nami's spell from a "lift up in the air" to a stun it's now effected by tenacity.

  41. Moobeat can i ask u if u know something about lu bu jarvan and zhao yun xin?

  42. Moobeat can I ask u if u know something about lu bu jarvan and zhao yun xin?

  43. Nope, nothing new. They are still in the skin list file but no parts yet. I super expected them this patch but no dice.

  44. Thanks for fast reply :) I awaits em too

  45. Battlecast Nocturne

  46. why does u always have to compare the skins with everythink else u've seen in other games and all the new champs with another champs from lol or from dota... u really dont apreciate their hard work that they put in this game , i played lots of games but in none of them i've seen so much implication from the game company such as riot ! in my opionions thi is the best fuking game ever , and riot just keep it real ! u're making a great job !

  47. So the new noct skin looks and acts like the scorpion transformer from the first movie, but it sound like the Fallen from the second movie.

  48. what about those new katarina skins ? crimson elite and another i dont remember

  49. we compare them because they get many of their ideas from lots of other games/movies and combine some ideas while trashing others, that is how they get ideas for the champions you play

  50. So buy for me some RP ;)

  51. When will be legendary Udyr skin ?

    when will achievments be available ?

  52. just waiting for my 3rd draven and jayce skin

  53. u know what? it's damn fine with me cuz i would like to play all my favorite characters from other games or movies in the league ;) for me lol has the best game play and im open for everything even if they are are original in making the new champs or they are just inspiring from somewhere else
