The Shadow Isles Skins will be Legacy Skins.

Posted on at 7:49 AM by Moobeat
Hippalus's Legacy status poll for Headless Hecarim, Haunted Maokai, and Underworld Twisted Fate has been closed and the results are in! With a 60.19% majority for the winning option, these three upcoming skins WILL BE LEGACY skins.
"The poll results are final, and the Shadow Isles skins will be Legacy. They will be in the store from the next patch until November 13. As with all Legacy skins, they may return to the store for special events in the future.

The timing of the next patch is unknown at this time. It is a large patch and is being worked on diligently day and night here at Riot."
That brings the total number of temporarily available legacy skins, in the next patch, up to six. Get your wallets ready.


  1. First time first in my whole life!

    1. You know officialy started to be a loser.


  2. I think it makes sense. The skins are great but if past Harrowing skins were Legacy I don't see why these shouldn't be either

    1. Cause these aren't Harrowing skins Veronica! They're The Shadow Isles Skins x). The harrowing ones are brand, ryze and fiora!

    2. Its like making Pentakill Legacy, this is a stupid decision.

    3. Well, not for people who are buing them :p Personally i don't care if they are Horrowing or Shadow Isles or whatever else, im buing Uderworld Twisted Fate and Hounted Maokia so i want them to be legacy :P

    4. Lucas, but look at history of Harrowing skins - Headless Hecarim (Pumpkin Head Fiddlestick - Harrowing 2011), and Haunted Maokai. Thats the names a kind of Harrowing event, but they put this into Shadow Isles...
      A bit dumb i think...

    5. They were actually made for harrowing, headless hecarim is a proof, it was the right decision, they shouldn't come up with that shadow isles story

  3. Wait! Legacy Is Different From Limited Edition Skins Right? Can Some1 Tell Me Difference?

    1. It's essentially the same mate, sorry!

    2. Ahh. Ty For Swift Reply. Another Question Do u know if they'll give me Icon if i spend my RP on Ward Skins?

    3. Legacy = may be available for purchase again.
      Limited = never available for purchase again.

    4. Another Question Do u know if they'll give me Icon if i spend my RP on Ward Skins?

    5. Any RP spent should count towards the icons promotion.

    6. Ty Moo. You're Awesome! Keep It Up!

    7. Legacy skins may be listed as "may be available again", but not a single legacy skin has ever made a second appearance.

    8. What about that Green Vei skin, and green Malph skin? They were legacy, but they were on sale again, on st. Patrick's day if I recall correctly.

    9. The Physicist: If im not mistaken Shamrock Malphite was back on the store for St patrick's

    10. Daniel is right. Shamrock Malphite was pulled out of the legacy vault for St. Patty's day.

    11. Still I would hardly call one time an apt use of the legacy system...

  4. legacy can be released again for a certain editions not

  5. Legacy skins have potential to make a comeback in whatever future period whereas once Limited skin is gone, it's gone forever.

  6. that means that I'm not going to be able to buy the Maokai skin and the Brand one, because my numbers don't fit, how many others player happen to be in the same situation?
    that they Hope to get one skin from harrowing and save to get other from Shadow Isles later in this year or maybe next one?
    Why it was so Important that these good looking skins became part of the Legacy one, Is that Important to have a skin and don't let anyone else to have it "just because"?

    1. They Want Your Money! :D.
      Well Buying RP and Spending it to buy Skin is helping Riot to Grow.
      So I'm Okay With these Being Legacy.

    2. Its a dumb idea to make these skin Legacy, period. Many like you may not be able to afford them during the time they'll be available, but may afford them later when they wont be available. Its stupid, they should not be legacy.

    3. again, I'm not against to people spend points, but I'm rely looking forward to get the Maokai's Skin, and it will be gone by the time i get those points I'm missing now. That's my argument Razvan Dumitrescu Understood me. Beside, the Hecarim and the Twisted fate skins, are amazingly great in comparison to the others, as soon a player see them will try to find out how to get them, but they will not be "available"

    4. Well some players likes to spend rp on something more unique , and this is the reason legacy skin has a role.
      Same happens in many other online games , in many mmo some costumes comes for a certain event and can't be bought after.

      The only thing i hate about legacy , i have to pay more :p but maybe its worth it for having a unique skin.

    5. With all 6 being Legacy skins for this one event, 975 RP per skin is going to piss a lot of people off if all of them are the same price.

  7. How much are the ward skins going to cost? :)

    1. Probably , Like The Other Ones 975. But i'm just guessing.

    2. Ward skins are not permanent, you buy them by the week.

    3. Aww Damn I misreak "Ward" With "These" Lol Sorry for saying 975.

    4. in previous post Moobeat do a table with prices, I think it was the one that talks about Wards Skins directly

  8. do you guys know if the fiora skin will be limited?, or ir will be permanent in the store?

  9. Wait wait wait, so WHY was this a question again? The Shadow Isles skins have nothing to do with the Harrowing event, so why was it even considered that they should go legacy? Event skins always go legacy after the event ends, that's normal, and Limited skins are removed from the story after their run, but these are just normal skins... I'm just frustrated with Riot's thinking here. Of COURSE a majority of the LoL community is going to vote for them to go away. Anyone who has played solo queue knows that the majority of the LoL community has the maturity level of a 12 year old. "I want these skins to be legacy so no one else can get them so I feel special."

    On a side note, I already have Christmas Maokai, and don't play TF or Hec, so I really don't care. I just think it's stupid. lol

    1. I can't but be completely agree with "Anyone who has played solo queue knows that the majority of the LoL community has the maturity level of a 12 year old. "I want these skins to be legacy so no one else can get them so I feel special.""
      I'm starting to feel that the LoL community should be treated in a more harsh way, I mean, they are treated like if they where special, and they should be listening things like "you lost bobby, You're a looser bobby, you Lost" more Often (yes the phrase belongs to Carlin) it would help to form a more consent character, than to believe that they are beautiful creatures that deserve everything because they are specials

    2. So you complain that all the skins being legacy is too harsh, but then ask for community to be treated harsher? So what you really mean is that you want things to go your way. Riot should be more harsh about things YOU don't like, because you are special.
      It was voted upon for the all 6 of the skins, the majority chose the legacy system. The legacy system was put in place to begin with so you can almost definitely get them later, because there was so much whining about limited skins.
      Look in the mirror. As it is right now, you are the one whining like a 12 year old.

    3. @TheMaskSmiles couldn't agree more.

    4. LordOfLoot, the inverse psychology doesn't work with me, as I made a point, others have a similar, read well and you'll find out, that you felt insulted because I said that people that ask for this skins to be legacy think they are specials, I never meant to insult you, you did it on your own, but the thing is that "almost definitely" is a complete miss use because several of the "legacy" skins haven return yet, and we don't have 7 lives to spend waiting on, We have One to Move On, so It's OK that majority has spoken, but the vote system is not necessarily correct, and yes I'm whining, but not like a 12 years old kid, because I've write the foundation of my complain, have you seen the difference?

  10. There's me again.

    I still think making them legacy is stupid.

  11. I see you finally removed the anons :D

  12. The entire legacy skin concept is dumb. Does RIOT not realize that vast quantities of their payer base are on limited incomes? By time limiting the skins and never putting them on sale, they are flushing huge numbers of sales down the toilet.

  13. This is a little ridiculous. Having 6 legacy skins out at the same time? Half the community won't be able to buy all of the skins they want before they go away. I was going to buy all the Harrowing skins, then wait and save for Shadow Isles skins. No such luck, now.

    1. That's correct, my apologies.

    2. don't need to, on the rush of anger mistakes happen, I know you're as anger as I and for the same reason

    3. Headless Hecarim, Haunted Mao, Underworld Tf, HM Fiora, Zombie Brand, and Pirate Ryze are ALL legacy skins.

    4. Ah. I assumed because all previous Harrowing skins were limited, this set would be as well. Thanks for clearing that up, Moobeat.

  14. Somebody heard aboute skin prices?

  15. Since all 6 six skins are legacy, all 6 skins should be on sale for half price at least the first week. People who wanted to buy multiple still can this way without breaking the bank. Obviously doesn't solve everyone's problems, but putting 6 legacy skins up for sale at the same time is a dick move and this would alleviate the issues for some people (myself included).

  16. what are the 6 legacy? These 3 and ...? Fiora/Brand/Ryze?

    I thought those were perm.

    1. They are all legacy. Brand/Fiora/Ryze/Maokai/Tf/Hecarim.

  17. Yay! I'm getting the twisted fate one

  18. why remove Anon?

    And voting skins to be legacy is just bs.

    We should be buying skin because they are nice and we like it. Not so that we can mock new players who come too late that 'Oh, this? I was there before you. Sorry, newbie!'

    1. He removed anon posting because of too much spam. Especially "first" spam.

    2. I removed them because of all the derogatory comments being made as of late. Sorry for the inconvenience but the vast majority of anon comments have been detrimental to the site.

  19. I noticed it first: (last comment).
    HUE :p

  20. I'm only getting Fiora and TF. The others I either don't own or don't really want

  21. Im gettin all the skin. Mostly because i dont want to miss out on these skins just incase one day i main any of these champions. :) gotta say i like how these are legacy now though.

  22. Im gettin all the skin. Mostly because i dont want to miss out on these skins just incase one day i main any of these champions. :) gotta say i like how these are legacy now though.

  23. Damn, why harrowing skins are going to be legacy and not limited as skins from previous halloween?! I think it's a bit unfair due to the fact I will be never available to buy for example Bewitched Nidalee,Haunting Nocturne or Kitty Cat Katarina (which are awesome imo). I know that no legacy skin was back in the store yet(but i'm not 100% sure so correct me if im wrong) but it seems not fair for players that wanted to buy some uniqe skins this year, and can't buy a lot of awesome skins from prevoius years and events cause they were limited(for example christmas or soccer skins).

    1. Tell Riot this!

    2. profits from legacy > profits from permanent > profits from limited

    3. Not.

      Profits from permanent are always more than the others because they are always available for purchase by casual players who may not play for a week or month and new players.

      Granted that legacy/limited (they are essentially the same thing Riot can choose to re-release legacy but has yet to do it with any of them.) will give a burst of income, but will not provide the steady, long term income as a permanent skin would.

    4. Leprechaun Veigar and Shamrock Malphite both were brought back for multiple St Patrick's days, so their is some potential for a difference. However, I essentially agree with you. lol

  24. Im a little disapointed that these 3 are becoming legacy i was going to buy zombie brand with it being legendary then save up for mao and hec later. well i hope hecs and maos skins become on sale again :C

  25. im from eu-west.
    i tried to switch on NA and it started to download a patch of 350 MB.

    go to check guys

    1. There are always slight patch differences between the servers. I'm from NA, but I have an EUW account as well. Ever time I switch over there is at least a small patch.

  26. I don't see why they were made legacy. Not everyone is going to be getting all the skins. I just got enough RP for the 3, and now I have to go get more for the others. Rather pissed about this =/

    1. me only 2 + championship riven + maokai on sale :( bye bye 25 euros

  27. What a stupid decision, these skins are representations of an area in league of legends lore. That's like making the Pentakill skins legacy/limited. Of course they LOOK like Halloween skins, the shadow isles is a scary place and you can't do scary without drumming up some Halloween ideology but people can't get past that "zomg pumpkin head is so Halloween and I'm not buying it if it's not limited!" Riot just lost money in the long run, if the skins are always available then they can be a constant flow of income because of the influx new players and there are people who don't play every single day keeping them permanent will allow everyone to buy them whenever, giving Riot more income on these in the long run.

    I really hope Hippaulus doesn't do this sh** again, otherwise all "cool" skins will be legacy from now on.

    1. In that case just save your money until the next batch of cool legacy skins comes out. While I liked the idea of skins being limited, I agree with the legacy status, because now Riot hasn't completely lost money on the skins but can now find creative ways to bring certain ones back.

      I wouldn't think of it as that all cool skins are going to be legacy now, but more like FINALLY there are some COOL legacy skins. Think about it, before this decision was made, the only legacy skin worth getting was Brand's zombie skin

      And there are of course going to be awesome new permanent skins, and their quality of work on skins is much better than it used to be before. You're going to get a nice skin whether it's legacy or not now, legacy is just a rare opportunity to collect skins, or an opportunity to get a special skin for a special champion, call it gamer's pride but it's a good feeling to have

  28. Brand Zombie, fiora and ryze are limited or legacy?????????????

    1. They are the same thing. All Harrowing skins are legacy skins meaning Riot may choose to re-release them at a later date. However, Riot has yet to do this with any of their legacy skins so don't get your hopes up.

    2. Because they just started the legacy stuff this year, I believe.
      Give them time, like with anything else.

    3. moobet said that legacy = might back to the store & limited = never come back on sale

    4. They also mentioned the possibility of allowing players with good behavior to buy legacy skins. I'm not really sure what this means but I imagine even if they do bring some skins back, it might be 2-3 for a limited amount of time, and their stockpile of legacy skins is growing larger and larger

  29. These three skins should not have been legacy. Seriously, there's nothing super amazing about them. Nothing super amazing about Pirate Ryze and Headmistress Fiora either, but they were titled Harrowing skins and Harrowing is always legacy.
    Still, bad call, but oh well, making me spend money anyway.

  30. When does patch comes out for EUW, and will be icons avalible already?

  31. Why $Riot$ make Shadow Isles skins legacy? They represent the location in LOL lore like Bilgewater or Freljord. I just don't get it. They should put them in store like any other skins (for example Bilgewater Katarina or Freljord Rammus) what is so special about them (the Shadow Isles one) to make them legacy ?? And for God's sake Harrowing legacy skins ?! Not cool $Riot$, not cool.

  32. If we buy Ward Skin we will have them permanently? Or just till Harrowing ends? Plz answer.

    1. You buy them for 1 week and can extend the duration for another week up to 52 weeks (1 year).

  33. I want them to do this skins limited edition.Why are they doing it legacy?

  34. I don't understand what the big fuss about them being legacy is about. Making the skins permanent ONLY benefits those who miss the event altogether! I'm sorry but it's pretty unrealistic to say that in the time starting now and when those skins will be available that you wont be able to afford yourself 1 or 2 of the skins you like.

    Anyone can throw money at the screen to get a cool skin, but a legacy skin will be very difficult to get later on.

    Imagine that you bought yourself Haunted Maokai, and years and years have passed and this skin has still never been brought out to the store. Any person that sees you with the skin will either not know what it is, or see the status that it gives you, the status being that you played during the halloween event years ago and got yourself a nice skin, this could also tell them that you have been playing that champion for that long too. This is something that a permanent skin will NEVER be able to do. It's not like legacy skins cost more, they cost the same.

    why not treat yourself with a nice halloween skin for a champ you play, or one you want to try out, and later on you will be glad you did! This doesn't mean you have to get ALL of them (unless you are a devoted collector), just get at least 1 you like, and more if you have the money, because legacy skins are a much better purchase than any permanent skin ever will be. (especially since now every skin has particle changes, etc.)

  35. I am still gonna get some of the skins, but I still think it is stupid people want them all to be legacy. I already know some people who won't be able to get the Shadow Isle skin cause they won't have money by the time of the skins leaving. Bit of poor planning on Riot's end, but on well, what can you do.

    1. same i meen i wanted zombie brand then found out its actualy a legendary skin so i was gonna get it and save for headless hecarim later now im torn between whether to choose headless hecarim or zombie brand.

  36. why wouldnt they be legacy people i mean it would make absolutly no sense to have a headless horseman skin and haunted maokai for sale in the middle of may or during christmas.

    1. And it makes perfect sense for ghost Fiddlesticks and Gangplank to be available all year.

    2. meanwhile, Pirate Ryze splash art features 5 other characters with pirate skins that are available all year round... wut?

  37. I hope all the people who voted yes to Legacy for the these 3 skins gets smacked in the face. >_<

  38. Seriously why would you make these Legacy......I hate the 12 year old community of trolls. Go type in your moms credit card numbers children.

  39. more than 65% of the community voted for them being legacy

  40. And Maokai gets the hatchet again...
    First the Festive and now Haunted. Maokai just can't get skins now can he?

  41. Thats because 70% of LOL community are trolls and morons. High popularity of the game has contributed to the degradation of LOL society.

  42. Honestly, if Riot is making these Shadow Island skins legacy simply because they're 'spooky', then Elise might as well be a legacy release as well.

    1. I thought that too, and the map also

    2. Still going to be getting the Hecarim skin early on either way, but just doesn't seem to make sense for me since it's not tied to any event.

    3. I agree to this.

      Should start a forum petition lol.

    4. I was thinking the same thing myself

  43. so if skins are not legacy people dont want them because everyone can, but id they're legacy you qq because they are only available for short time? love the logic here

  44. so if skins are not legacy people dont want them because everyone can, but id they're legacy you qq because they are only available for short time? love the logic here

    1. People with money and the ability to spend it are jerks.

      History proves this.

  45. Hahahahaha butt hurt perma skins on a rage storm! umad? XD

  46. My wallet is born ready for this!

  47. Yay, now I have to waste money buying Maokai instead of just earning the IP for him at my leisure.

    So much for Battlecast Cho'Gath this week.

    1. And 1 vote for Harrowing skin for Cho'Gath in 2013.

    2. No, Christmas Cho' Gath 2012. Lets Make This Happen People!

  48. gg riot all about that $$$
    how do they expect people to buy all these skins at once

    1. Riot isn't about $$$ that's why they made them legacy, bc they heard the community, they care about us, instead of leaving them permanent & making more $$$

    2. Idk if you know this but Riot since years ago was bought by another company that runs it so as far as your speculation on their business strategy it is just speculation. Legacy vs Permanent skins isn't enough info to just hypothesize which one will make more money than the other. Each sale has its ups and downs. You can argue that "Riot is about $" because they made them legacy so players who want this skin will buy them now and people on the fence about them will also buy because it will basically be a "rare" skin that can only be obtained during the sale period (which is a another selling point). A longer sales period for an item doesn't always equate higher sale. There are alot of factors to that and I won't type em all out here.

  49. Stop complaining and buy more RP

  50. Stop crying bc they're all legacy now u skin freaks! u want them permanent so u can buy them all, but we aren't suppose to buy all the skins just bc they are legacy/limited, no one obligated u to buy them all... I'll now pick up the Headless Hecarim, since now it's worth it! Btw u guys get like 60+ PERMANENT SKINS all year long, so stop complaining about 6 of them not being...

    1. Headless Hecarim was worth buying before being made legacy. :)

  51. I am getting Hec and Brand, just for collecting it does not matter to me if they where limited/Legacy, that's just me. Everybody has an opinion on the availability of the skins that's your right, but at the end of the day, its up to you the consumer to purchase it or not.

  52. And another thing, ppl complain I don't got enough time to get RP to buy these skins, you don't have own all lol. At the end of the day skins are cosmetic does not make anybody a better player ingame. There are ppl who buy a champ and the skin and noob the game down until the team looses. just like when Legendary Vlad came out and you see all these Vlads and ppl beat them senseless ingame lol.

  53. We all love this game, and like to enjoy whatever the game has, but we can be reasonable about it ^_^

  54. Hey, MooBeat, have you seen that the PBE has been updated?

    1. The only thing new I've seen is that Deathblossom Elise is 10 rp, though I'm sure there's more.

    2. That price, I find that hard to believe we just have to wait and see.

    3. Yeah, there wasn't much going on with that patch.

  55. I am agaisnt this only because that means 6 skins and their respective champions need to be bought for all the content, I think all the champs expet ryze are all near full price as well, thats a lot of RP. If it was just the three skins before then it was a bit more reasonable. Riot could at least put a discount on the champs receiving Harrowing skins to make it easier on our wallets. Im not sure that much content should be made limited, even if it "may" come back.

    1. and Im aware that hec and Moakai are on sale currently, but believe it or not not everyone goes on the forums or comes to sites like these to check out upcoming content

    2. Yeah I found this site at random one day I been using it a while now.Moobeat is really doing a good service to the LOL community, his information on this site is really good keeping ppl up to date with everything.

    3. They should sell the skins in two bundles. Buying a bundle will be cheaper than buying skins one by one.

    4. They should sell the skins in two bundles. Buying a bundle will be cheaper than buying skins one by one.

    5. They should sell the skins in two bundles. Buying a bundle will be cheaper than buying skins one by one.

  56. Im pretty sure that Moba games have toxic communities by default.

  57. if you look at it this way, how many people voted when the polls where up, I for one didn't and a below 10,000 people voted on a player base that is up in the millions so it shows that a large amount on the community didn't care because if they did they could of voted

  58. I am sorry I did not know that they poll wasn't announced or even announced on the main site so it does explain why alot of people didn't know about it

  59. How much zombie brand is going to cost?

  60. Yeah it is 60$... That's black ops next month!!

  61. Replies
    1. i was just testing.I hope i won onw of this code.

  62. I feel as if the Hecarim skin should've been legacy and the rest Shadow Isles permanent

  63. Community was asked. 60% counted them to be all legacy, end of story whine all you want.

    seriously if you can afford it buy them, i cant afford all of them but imnot complaining. i dont want all the skins. i will buy what i WANT. if u want all of them then u shud plan ahead and start saving up.. in a way riot is teaching u all a good leason in finance. be prepared coz not everything goes the way you want it. sometimes compromises have to be made. if ur not prepared to save up then u cant get all the skins :P simple as that

  65. hey guys!! i want to ask why all athers have the new Icons and I dont have any new icon?? Pls someone help me!! Thnx!!

  66. hey guys!! i want to ask why all athers have the new Icons and I dont have any new icon?? Pls someone help me!! Thnx!!
