November Early Sales [11/17 - 11/20]

Posted on at 10:07 AM by Aznbeat
[Added note on Pulsefire Caitlyn refunds from Riot Evaelin]

The November Early Sales are now available! Seven skins released in the past 6 months are now discounted for a limited time, including the legendary God Fist Lee Sin and Pulsefire Caitlyn!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Release Announcement

"The November Early Sale is officially here! To kick things off, the following non-Legacy skins from the past 4–6 months are going on sale from November 17, 2017, at 12:00 AM PT through November 20, 2017, at 11:59 PM PT!" 

Skin Previews

A handful of skins are now available in this month's early sales:

God Fist Lee Sin

1350 RP

 Cosmic Dusk Xayah

975 RP

Cosmic Dawn Rakan

975 RP

Cosmic Blade Master Yi

975 RP

Dark Star Kha'Zix

975 RP

Dark Star Orianna

Pulsefire Caitlyn

1350 RP
[Multiple portals and hats for her recall - 5 variations!]
[Passive ready changes the gun to red]
[Gun changes after ranking up R]

Riot Evaelin noted that anyone who purchased Pulsefire Caitlyn from November 3rd on would be refunded since it was not announced that it would be going on sale:
"Hey all! 
Our promise is that sales are announced at least two weeks before they happen so y'all have the opportunity to decide if you want to wait for the sale. 
However, this time, Pulsefire Caitlyn was left off of the November sales announcement, and that was an oversight on our part - so we are currently in the process of refunding everyone who purchased Pulsefire Caitlyn from November 3rd up until the sale started the difference of her regular price and her early sale price. 
Please give a day for all the refunds to go through, and thank you for your patience!"

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