5/26 PBE Update: Splash Art, TFT Testing, & More

Posted on at 4:06 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 12.11 PBE cycle, today's patch includes splash arts, asset tweak, continued TFT: Dragonlands testing, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Splash Art

While we've seen them already on Riot social media, the splash arts for Ocean Song Seraphine & Yone are now on the PBE!

Ocean Song Seraphine

Ocean Song Yone


  • New loot assets are now on the PBE:
    • Ocean Song 2022 Capsule
      • Open to reveal three random skin shards with a chance to obtain an Ocean Song 2022 Grab Bag.
    • Ocean Song 2022 Grab Bag
      • Contains 1 Skin Shard worth 1350 RP or below, and 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more. Bonus chance at 2 Skin Shards worth 975 RP or more.
    • Ocean Song 2022 Champ Permanent
      • Contains either Yone, Seraphine, Nidalee, Zeri, or Ashe, granting unowned champs first.
  • Summoner icons tweaked:


TFT: Dragonlands Testing

Dragonlands continues testing on the PBE! Here's Riot Mort with today's changelist:
"May 26th Deploy 
---Spell Percent AD: 280/290/300% >>> 300/305/310%
---Spell Heal: 250/325/400 >>> 300/350/400
---Spell Damage: 175/250/350 >>> 200/275/375
---AS after Transform: 40/50/60% >>> 40/45/50%
---HP: 600 >>> 650
---Spell Health Percent: 5% >>> 6%
---Spell Damage: 250/325/400 >>> 250/300/350
---Spell Healing: 200/275/350 >>> 200/250/300
---Bomb explosion delay: 3s >>> 1s
---Initial Cast Time: 0.5s >>> 0s
---Time to first missile launch: 0.5s >>> 0.3s (still 0.5s between each launch)
---Now animates immediately when she starts casting and faces her target at the start of each cast
---HP: 750 >>> 800
---AD: 45 >>> 50
---Spell Damage: 180/220/275 >>> 200/225/275
-Lee Sin
---Mana: 0/80 >>> 0/70
---Spell Damage: 225/300/425 >>> 275/325/425
---Fireball Damage: 85/135/210 >>> 95/145/210
---Spell Shield: 350/450/550 >>> 450/550/650
---AD: 55 >>> 50
---HP on Transform: 200/300/500 >>> 250/350/500
---Spell Damage Per Target: 200/225/275 >>> 220/240/260
---Total Damage: 600/900/1375 >>> 660/960/1300
---Passive Damage: 50/90/250 >>> 60/100/333
---Updated attack visuals
---Bugfix: The Big One no longer deals double its bonus damage
---HP: 1000 >>> 1100
---Spell Self Healing: 300/500/2500 >>> 450/550/2500
---Spell Team Shield: 150/250/777 >>> 200/300/1000
---Spell Damage: 275/400/1200 >>> 300/425/1500
---Stun Duration: 2 >>> 1.5 seconds
---AD: 70 >>> 65
---Stasis Duration: 2/2.5/10sec >>> 1.5/2/15sec
---Spell Damage: 450/650/5000 >>> 400/600/5000
---Secondary Damage: 315/455/3500 >>> 300/450/3500
---Now executes enemies “at or below” the Health threshold 
---AD: 100 >>> 110
---HP: 1000 >>> 1100
---AD: 80 >>> 90
---AS: 0.7 >>> 0.75
---Mana: 40/100 >>> 60/120 
---Orb9 Adjustments
---Gold3: 60% >>> 65%
---ASol: 10% >>> 5%
---Bonus Damage AD Percent: 180/240/300/400% >>> 175/200/250/300%
---Base HP: 500/1250/2000 >>> 500/1500/2500
---Base AP: 25/50/75 >>> 25/65/125
---Total Benefit: 100/120/140/180/225/275 >>> 100/120/140/170/200/240%
---Electric Damage Percent: 8% >>> 10%
---Executioner Critical Strike Damage: 10/20/30/50 >>> 25/50/75/100
---Deckhand’s Chest Avg Gold: 1.85 >>> 2.05
---Lieutenant’s Chest Avg Gold: 3.85 >>> 4.36
---Captain’s Chest Avg Gold: 5.85 >>> 6.41
---Captain’s Chest Chance for Component: 10% >>> 25%
---Admiral’s Chest Avg Gold: 8.35 >>> 10.09
---Admiral’s Chest Chance for Full Item: 10% >>> 30%
---Time to Lightning: 9sec >>> 8sec
---Fixed an issue where occasionally the strike would fail
---Bonus Damage: 30/60/100 >>> 35/70/120
---HP on Transform: 40/75/100 >>> 40/80/125
---Philosopher’s stone
---Now gives stacks/cashouts while holder is dead from combat
---Now does not give stacks while unequipped on bench (bugfix)
Items - Shimmerscale Items
-Determined Investor, Heart of Gold, Mogul’s Mail, Philosopher’s Stone
---HP: 100 >>> 300
-Diamond Hands
---HP: 100 >>> 300
---AP: 10 >>> 20
-Draven’s Axe
---AD & AS: 10 >>> 20
-Gambler’s Blade
---AP & AS: 10 >>> 20
-Goldmancer’s Staff
---AP: 10 >>> 20
---Mana: 20 >>> 30 
-Blue Battery I
-Blue Battery II
---Renamed to Blue Battery
---Tier: Prismatic >>> Gold
-Built Different
---Health: 300/400/500 >>> 300/350/400
---Attack Speed: 55/60/70 >>> 45/50/65
-Component Grab Bag
---Components: 2 >>> 3
---Can now only appear on 3-2 and 4-2
---Removed Component Grab Bag+
-Eye of the Storm
---Initial AP: 50 >>> 40
---Enhanced AP: 150 >>> 120
-Golden Ticket
-Heroic Presence
---Bugfix: Fixed an issue allowing enemies to take reflect damage more than once per second
Set Mechanic
-Treasure Dragon
---Removed unnecessary portal visual effect that would spawn at the end of the round
---Disabled the ding-ding-ding audio cue at the end of the round 
Bug Fixes
-Talon now waits to cast if no target is in range (and doesn’t damage himself lol)
-Treasure Dragon exploit fixed so players can’t double proc the treasure dragon by clicking it right before it times out 
-Ghost army Zoe now successfully casts Ivern R
-Shi Oh Yu and Nidalee no longer gain more critical strike damage than intended when using their Abilities
-Updated various champion tooltips to remove data that doesn’t scale from the level up scaling: 
-Pkye will now execute shielded enemies if their Health is below the threshold.
-Volibear with a Ragewing spat will now properly drain his mana
-Best Friends Augment will now remove its visual effect from units that are placed back on the bench
-Best Friends and Big Friend Augments will now work properly for Ghost Armys
-Double Up: Dragonmancer Inspire Augment now only works on the augment owner’s units instead of both their units and their partner’s."
New Assets

Lobby Background

Pass Completion Background

Tweaked Assets


Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


  • Threaded Volley (Q)
    • Slow lowered from 32/34/36/38/40% to 20/25/30/25/40%

Context & Notes

1) Here's the latest from the r/LeaguePBE feedback threads:

"PBE Update 5/25: Battle Boss Bel'Veth's splash + portrait should now be in-game. We've also adjusted her icon to be the human head facade instead of the monster on her chest for better minimap readability. (https://imgur.com/a/b2hIX9Q)"
2) Here's Riot Phroxzon with a preview for the upcoming 12.10b hotfix patch:

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !

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