Continue reading for a full look the patch notes & previews, including Rell, the Iron Maiden and her release skin Battle Queen Rell, Battle Queen skins for Janna, Katarina, Qiyana, and Diana + Prestige, as well as Elderwood skins for Azir, Ivern, Ornn, Rakan, Xayah!
Table of Contents
Patch 10.25 Notes
Check out the Patch 10.25 Notes:""We've made it through the storm and landed on the last patch of the year! Get your reading glasses and Santa hats on, because we've got a substantial list of changes from smoothing out the new landscape.
And keep them on, because we’ll also be following up on balance outliers with an end-of-year “10.25b” mid-patch update to tie up all the loose ends before we ring in the holidays.
Past champs and items, we're rolling out updates to Ranked initial placements and decay, bringing back Nexus Blitz with its own set of improvements, and riding Rell in, iron horse and all.
And that's it! So from all of us: stay safe, stay cozy, and we'll see you in the new year. It's going to be a good one.
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!
Battle Queen Katarina, Battle Queen Diana, Battle Queen Qiyana, Battle Queen Janna, Battle Queen Rell, Elderwood Xayah, Elderwood Rakan, Elderwood Ivern, Elderwood Azir, Elderwood Ornn, and Battle Queen Diana Prestige Edition will be available on December 10th, 2020.
The Iron Maiden
Lead the charge with Rell in patch 10.25!
Base mana growth decreased. E base damage decreased later. R stun duration decreased early and now scales.
Amumu's win rate was exceeding acceptable bands, to the point where we had to micropatch him in on 10.24. We're reiterating the changes here in case you missed it: With the synergy between his passive, Despair's uptime, Tantrum's resist scaling, Sunfire Aegis' unique and resistances, Demonic Embrace's burn, and Abyssal Mask's damage amplification on his R, Mummy seems to be the clear winner of preseason. Add in his buff in 10.23 when we made his ult a stun and he's been sweeping the competition off their feet. This should knock him down a peg.
- MANA GROWTH 60 ⇒ 40 (revert of 10.23 buff)
- BASE DAMAGE 75/100/125/150/175 ⇒ 75/95/115/135/155
- STUN DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
Basic attack animation sped up. Q cooldown, missile speed, and detonation damage increased; passthrough damage and cost decreased; now Chills enemies it passes through. E cost flattened and damage increased. R cooldown now scales; base damage decreased.
Anivia's been feeling out of date for a while. Though technically balanced, we thought she could use an update to her playstyle. Since she also lost a bunch of power from preseason changes, we're using this as an opportunity to fluff and buff her feathers. To make room for these modernization improvements, we're also cutting some base damage from her R so that she doesn't fly too close to the sun.
- ATTACK DELAY CAST OFFSET -0.008 ⇒ -0.1 (in other words, her basic attack animation has been sped up)
- MISSILE SPEED 800 ⇒ 950
- NEWWELCOME TO CHILLI'S Flash Frost now Chills enemies it passes through
- UPDATEDBIRDSEYE Flash Frost's detonation now occurs at the correct location rather than slightly behind
- COOLDOWN 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds ⇒ 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
- PASSTHROUGH DAMAGE 60/85/110/135/160 (+45% AP) ⇒ 50/70/90/110/130 (+25% AP)
- DETONATION DAMAGE 60/85/110/135/160 (+45% AP) ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210 (+50% AP)
- COST 80/90/100/110/120 mana ⇒ 80/85/90/95/100 mana
- COST 50/60/70/80/90 mana ⇒ 40 mana
- DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 (+50% AP) ⇒ 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% AP)
- COOLDOWN 6 seconds ⇒ 4/2.5/1 seconds
- BASE DAMAGE 40/60/80 ⇒ 30/45/60
E bonus movement speed decreased.
Annie has seen strong success with her pick-and-burst potential. As the new season also brought a trove of Annie-friendly toys, we're toning back some of the movement that helped her run it down.
- BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 30%-60% (level 1-18) ⇒ 20%-50% (level 1-18)
Passive damage ratio to monsters increased and cap removed.
Ekko's doing well in mid but is really struggling in the jungle, so we're giving him back our 10.3 nerf and a little extra.
- DAMAGE RATIO TO MONSTERS 150% (caps at 600) ⇒ 250% (no cap)
Base mana growth decreased.
Fizz has been faring swimmingly despite his mana loss in 10.24. In combination with the overall net positive from Mythics, he's hopped over the line. Turning the tides by reverting our change in 10.23.
- MANA GROWTH 57 ⇒ 37
Passive healing increased. W cooldown decreased.
Gragas was hit hard, especially in a post-preseason jungle with less health to guzzle. Helping him clear camps faster to soften the blow.
- HEALING 6% of max health ⇒ 8% of max health
- COOLDOWN 6 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
Base AD increased. Q cooldown decreased.
Irelia hasn't really found a home with the Fighter Mythics yet, so we're specifically tackling the areas that will help her synergize better with existing Mythics and also handing her back some cooldown for her immediate Sheen purchase.
- COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
Q cooldown decreased. E cooldown decreased; shield increased. R basic attack speed increased.
Ivern's fallen below par and deserves quite a bit of love, especially after the shift to ability haste. To help root him as a stronger jungle pick, we're giving back some of the extra shielding power he lost from Athene's, and opening up access to more of his abilities to help both him and his allies survive fights. And we can't forget about Daisy, can we?
- COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
- COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
- SHIELD RATIO 80% AP ⇒ 90% AP
- BASE ATTACK SPEED 0.623 ⇒ 0.7
Q minimum damage ratio decreased.
Even with some of his lethality options catching some nerfs (see below), Jhin's still cashing out hard this preseason with pure crit builds. Giving him a direct trim.
- MINIMUM DAMAGE RATIO 45/52.5/60/67.5/75% AD ⇒ 35/42.5/50/57.5/65% AD
Q cost decreased later; damage ratio increased.
Karthus isn't performing well in any of his roles, but seems to do a lot better when getting mana out of his Mythic. We're giving him a small boost, but also expect item optimizations will improve his strength.
- COST 20/26/32/38/44 mana ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40 mana
- DAMAGE RATIO 30% AP ⇒ 35% AP
Base magic resist decreased. E passive damage ratio decreased.
Prior to the item rework, we buffed Kayle in preparation so that she'd have better choices in the new system. Those items ended up synergizing really well on her and have resulted in an overperformance in the mid lane. We overall like the item choices she has so we're not fully reverting the buff we did in 10.23, but are instead targeting other problem areas (her resilience in the midlane and the on-hit damage she gets when combined with Nashor's Tooth).
- MAGIC RESIST 34 ⇒ 30
Base armor decreased. Q base damage decreased; cooldown increased.
Kayn is one of the few junglers able to fully utilize the new jungle item due to his penchant for strong basic attacking and AoE damage, increasing his overall early clear speed and power. Bringing some of his early clears back in line.
- ARMOR 38 ⇒ 35
- BASE DAMAGE 75/95/115/135/155 ⇒ 65/85/105/125/145
- COOLDOWN 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds ⇒ 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
Base armor increased. W cooldown decreased. E base damage increased.
Monk with no sight and no Machete means monk gets more muscle.
- ARMOR 33 ⇒ 36
- COOLDOWN 14 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
- BASE DAMAGE 80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 100/140/180/220/260
Q base damage decreased; deals bonus damage to targets hit with both bolts; removed passthrough falloff damage; deals less damage to minions.
Giving Lulu a higher success rate when hitting both Glitterlance bolts and clearing up confusion around whether her second bolt does any damage. Well, now it does!
- BASE DAMAGE 80/115/150/185/220 ⇒ 70/105/140/175/210
- NEW I RECOMMEND BOLTS Hitting a target with both bolts now deals 25% bonus damage
- REMOVED JUST A BOLT Bolts no longer have passthrough falloff damage
- NEW NOT JUST MINIONS Bolts now deal 70% damage to minions
Q isolated enemy damage increased.
Morde became a little worse for wear after losing his Liandry's + Rylai's combo, but was at the very least propped up by Riftmaker's in 10.23. With Riftmaker nerfed in 10.24, we are looking to give some power back to Morde himself so he's not so reliant on a specific item or item combo.
- ISOLATED ENEMY DAMAGE INCREASE 20/25/30/35/% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
W DoT decreased later.
Morgana's DoT is making her too strong in her solo lane, especially as her opponents don't have the help of another body like in bot.
- DAMAGE PER SECOND 12/24/36/48/60 (based on enemy champion's missing health) ⇒ 12/22/32/42/52 (based on enemy champion's missing health)
Q cooldown decreased.
Due to the changes to cooldown reduction, Nasus is finding it difficult to ramp up the frequency of his strikes. Directly reducing its base cooldown to let it scale better into the late game.
- COOLDOWN 8/7/6/5/4 seconds ⇒ 7.5/6.5/5.5/4.5/3.5 seconds
Q cost decreased later; damage increased later. E cost decreased.
Nidalee's balance state used to be extremely tied to her synergy with Runic Echoes, which was removed in the item rework. She is also running into pretty severe mana issues, due to the fact that her costs were tuned around the item. With all that in mind, we're shifting some of her power from strong mid-game farming into more champion-focused damage, as the latter is friendlier to all levels of players.
- COST 50/60/70/80/90 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana
- MINIMUM DAMAGE 70/85/100/115/130 (+50% AP) ⇒ 70/90/110/130/150 (+50% AP)
- MAXIMUM DAMAGE 210/255/300/345/390 (+150% AP) ⇒ 210/270/330/390/450 (+150% AP)
- COST 60/75/90/105/120 mana ⇒ 50/60/70/80/90 mana
Realigning Pantheon to better support the various roles he's been taking on the Rift.
Pantheon's last overhaul was aimed at bringing new life to an old top lane mainstay. With time and professional play, his rework shifted gears to mid, and then to support. While we love seeing players innovate and journey with the champion, we can't ignore the growing sentiment of folks missing the old champion they love, and we think it's worthwhile to bring Pantheon back to his original home.
With that being said, the intent of these changes isn't to destroy support Pantheon, but rather to adjust that role's power, while also giving a boost to the tools that'll finally let old-school Pantheon fans successfully play him in top, and even mid lane, as promised years ago.
TL;DR, we're shifting more power into a bruiser-y playstyle by giving him a higher uptime on his Q and equipping him with more selfish outputs like armor penetration at the cost of utility (i.e. strong invulnerability), slows, and most importantly, a massive movement speed boost for when he crashes onto the scene.
- MOVEMENT SPEED 355 ⇒ 345
- NEWCALL ME BACK Pantheon now gains 5 stacks when he recalls.
- EARLY RELEASE BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Pantheon's Q would not cast and still go on cooldown when he was hit with a CC
- COST 40 mana ⇒ 30 mana
- REMOVEDEMPOWERED SLOW Comet Spear no longer slows
- BASE DAMAGE 60/80/100/120/140 ⇒ 60/100/140/180/220
- BUGFIX When Pantheon hits an enemy with an Mortal Will-empowered W and uses another ability immediately following, the next basic attack will now properly be empowered
- REMOVEDINVULNERABLE E no longer blocks turret shots
- REDIRECTION SLOW 50% (based on movement direction) ⇒ 25% (based on movement direction)
- MORTAL WILL EMPOWERMENT Consuming Mortal Will stacks extends the duration of Aegis Assault ⇒ When Pantheon slams his shield, he consumes Mortal Will stacks to gain 60% movement speed for 1.5 seconds
- NEWPIERCE THE HEAVENS Pantheon gains 10/20/30% armor penetration
- NEWX MARKS THE SLOW The spear that lands before Pantheon now slows for 50% and applies a spear's worth of damage (unempowered) in a small area around it
- NEWALLY VFX Grand Starfall's ground indicator now appears for both Pantheon and allies at start of channel
Passive updated to extend Knock Up duration on already knocked up enemies. Q and R life steal effectiveness decreased. Q crit bugfix.
Samira's win rate isn't over the line, but her ban rate certainly is, which indicates an issue with game health. Cutting a frustrating knock up mechanic and the hard synergy she gained with new items.
- UPDATED KNOCKING AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE Instead of knocking up Immobilized enemies, Samira now keeps already knocked up enemies in the air for at least 0.5 seconds. Samira can still dash into range for a basic attack against Immobilized enemies.
- BUGFIX Critically hitting an enemy with Q now deals the proper bonus damage
Base health growth increased. W self-shield increased.
Seraphine is currently feeling a lot of weakness against more aggressive opponents (i.e. Zed, Fizz, Akali) in the midlane. So much so that it's driving players away from playing her there. We're giving her a little more durability so that she can survive longer and more successfully in 1v1s.
- NEWBEAT OF MY OWN DRUM Seraphine's personal shield is now increased by 50% (shield value is now 90-180 (based on level) (+45% AP))
Adjusted Shyvana's Passive on non-SR game modes like ARAM and Nexus Blitz.
As many Shyvana players know, it's extremely frustrating to play Shyvana on any other game modes besides those on Summoner's Rift because Passive only gives her 5 bonus armor and magic resistance On other maps she has no way to fully gain from her passive! Well, we're changing that.
- ARAM (HOWLING ABYSS) Shyvana begins the game with 5 bonus armor and magic resistance. She also gains permanent stacking armor and magic resistance whenever she or her allies kill Cannon Minions or Super Minions. Additionally, Shyvana gains 1 armor, 1 magic resistance, and Dragon Fury regeneration (0.05 per stack) whenever she is healed by a Health Relic AOE on the enemy side of the map.
- NEXUS BLITZ (TEMPLE OF LILY AND LOTUS) Shyvana gains permanent stacking armor and magic resistance whenever she or her allies kill nearby epic monsters, jungle monsters, and Rift Scuttlers. Additionally, Shyvana gains permanent Dragon Fury regeneration (0.05 per stack).
Subsequent Q hits no longer deal reduced damage to monsters.
Helping Jungle Taliyah keep up with other junglers while ensuring that her mid performance isn't overly affected.
- REMOVEDTHREADING ON THIN ICE Subsequent hits no longer have reduced damage against monsters
Q attack speed increased. W slow increased. R bonus damage increased.
Both AP and AD Twitch are significantly underperforming. Our goals are for both to be viable ways to play him, but to stay true to his original gameplay design, we don't necessarily want his AP gameplay to be stronger than AD. For now, we're going to be buffing him in both styles of play, but it is possible that we will need further tuning adjustments as players get used to AP Twitch.
- ATTACK SPEED 30/35/40/45/50% ⇒ 40/45/50/55/60%
- SLOW 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
- BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE 20/30/40 ⇒ 25/40/55
Base AS growth increased.
Increasing Yasuo's attack speed scaling because his new itemizations don't always give him the ramp up he needs for scaling DPS.
Base AS growth increased.
Bros for life. Yone has the same issue as Yasuo and is being tuned accordingly.
W healing from monsters increased; now deals bonus damage to monsters.
Big cat and the following champs (forgive us for the non-alphabetized order here) came out of the preseason changes sorely missing the old Tiamat, so we're making adjustments for them. Rengar in particular took a massive clear speed hit, so we're bringing that back up.
- HEALING FROM MONSTERS 75% of the damage he's taken from monsters ⇒ 100% of the damage he's taken from monsters
- NEWMONSTER MASH W now deals 65-130 (levels 1-18) bonus damage to monsters
Passive bonus damage increased. Tooltip updated to reflect accuracy.
The loss of both Tiamat and Machete took its toll on Warwick's clear speed, and his builds are now looking very tank-heavy. Looking to buff that back up and add some more incentive for damage items.
- BONUS DAMAGE 10-44 (level 1-18) ⇒ 12-46 (levels 1-18) (+15% bonus AD) (+10% AP)
- TOOLTIP BUGFIX Updated tooltip from incorrectly stating that Eternal Hunger's bonus damage is 8-42 instead of 10-44, that healing is equal to damage attempted instead of damage dealt, and that below 25% health the healing is increased 300% instead of 250%
W return damage increased later.
Talon's ability to roam is contingent on his ability to clear waves. And his ability to clear waves was too reliant on Tiamat. While his lethality build suffered a lot, he's starting to move out of assassin items into Goredrinker and Ravenous, so we're only giving him a small buff for now.
- RETURN DAMAGE 45/65/85/105/125 ⇒ 45/70/95/120/145
E now deals more damage to monsters.
Niche for sure, but jungle Wukong was also hit really hard, so we're adjusting accordingly.
- NEWTHAT'S...BANANAS Nimbus Strike now deals 50% more damage to monsters
Grouping some individual item changes since most of our item changes this patch can be easily categorized by class. A couple of notes on some specific items though: Muramana has started to see play as the optimal second item for several mage champions. We're changing its effect to physical damage to incentivize its target audience to pick it up (AD casters, where ya at), while laying the groundwork for potential buffs that won't encourage more mage poaching. And Seeker's Armguard was too efficient for its cost, so we're nudging down its power.
The Collector
- DEATH AND TAXES EXECUTES All enemy targets except epic monsters and turrets ⇒ Enemy champions
- SHOCK DAMAGE PROC Procs on all abilities and basic attacks ⇒ Procs on abilities that deal physical damage and basic attacks
- PARTICLE ADDITION Readded the star particle that would appear when Manamune transforms into Muramana
Guinsoo's Rageblade
- SEETHING STRIKE CONVERSION Now converts your crit chance to on-hit damage, leaving you with 0% crit chance
Zeke's Convergence
- HEALTH 300 ⇒ 250
- ARMOR 30 ⇒ 25
- CONVERGENCE MARK DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds
Seeker's Armguard
Jungle Starter Items
Certain junglers who get high value out of fast attacks and AoE have been significantly overperforming since preseason began, so we're paring down the power in clear speeds that were introduced in the new system.
- SEAR ON-HIT Basic attacks no longer grant one tick of damage
- SEAR ON-HIT Basic attacks no longer grant one tick of damage
Support Items
Some cleanup to support items to address some concerns:
- Supports don't get many items in average games
- Some item build paths were too high cost
- Some items are weaker/stronger than others
- The use of Imperial Mandate in solo lanes-it should still be a viable build, but shouldn't be optimal
Bandleglass Mirror
- COST 365 gold ⇒ 265 gold
Chemtech Putrifier
- COST 450 gold ⇒ 550 gold (with the above cost change, total cost is unchanged)
Ardent Censer
- BUILD PATH Forbidden Idol + Blasting Wand + 650 gold ⇒ Forbidden Idol + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 630 gold
Staff of Flowing Water
- BUILD PATH Forbidden Idol + Blasting Wand + 650 gold ⇒ Forbidden Idol + Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + 630 gold
Imperial Mandate
- TOTAL COST 2700 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
- DAMAGE 60-100 ⇒ 36-60
- ALLY DAMAGE 60-100 ⇒ 90-150
Moonstone Renewer
- TOTAL COST 2700 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
- UPDATEDSTARLIT GRACE VFX Improved particle visuals when in combat
- STARLIT GRACE HEAL 60-90 (based on ally's level) ⇒ 70-100 (based on ally's level)
- STARLIT GRACE HEAL MULTIPLIER IN COMBAT 25% per second (max 100%) ⇒ 12.5% per second (max 50%)
Locket of the Iron Solari
- TOTAL COST 2700 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
- DEVOTION SHIELD 250-420 ⇒ 230-385
Shurelya's Battlesong
- TOTAL COST 2700 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
- INSPIRE BONUS DAMAGE 40-60 (based on ally's level) ⇒ 35-55 (based on ally's level)
Crit Strike Items
Many of our marksman champions are still weak, especially those that rely on their basic attacks to deal damage. To help with this issue, we're buffing a couple early build Legendaries so that marksman champions can scale up smoothly through midgame to eventually spike hard with Infinity Edge.
- CLOUDBURST COOLDOWN 90 seconds ⇒ 60 seconds
Essence Reaver
- TOTAL COST 1200 gold ⇒ 1050 gold
Rapid Firecannon
- TOTAL COST 2700 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
Phantom Dancer
- TOTAL COST 2700 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
Mortal Reminder
- TOTAL COST 2900 gold ⇒ 3000 gold
Lord Dominik's Regards
Infinity Edge
- REMOVEDCRIT SCALING Infinity Edge no longer grants critical strike damage scaling with critical strike chance (max 40% at 100% crit chance)
- NEWTHIS IS CRITICAL If you have at least 60% critical strike chance, Infinity Edge now grants 35% Critical Strike Damage.
Mana Mythics
Responding to feedback about champions feeling sluggish with low haste by making a few changes to some of the AP mana Mythics to improve baseline item feels. Liandry's will still be the ultimate haste option, providing up to 40 haste late game. Ornn's items will also reflect equivalent adjustments.
Luden's Tempest
Lethality Mythics
Eclipse and Duskblade are both overperforming on ranged champions.Duskblade of Draktharr
- NEWUP CLOSE AND SLOWED Nightstalker's on-hit slow is now only applied with melee basic attacks (just like before 10.23)
- UPDATEDNIGHTSTALKER VFX Improved visibility when champion becomes stealthed
- EVER RISING MOON SHIELD (RANGED) 100 (+30% bonus AD) ⇒ 75 (+20% bonus AD)
Tank Items
Some more tank systemic nerfs. Slowing down Bami's power spike, especially for junglers, and pushing Mythic item strengths further apart from each other. Sunfire may be a standout in popularity, but all of them are reaching higher power levels at the moment than desired.
Bami's Cinder
- TOTAL COST 1000 gold ⇒ 1100 gold
Sunfire Aegis
- HEALTH 450 ⇒ 350
Frostfire Gauntlet
- MYTHIC INCREASED SIZE 7.5% ⇒ 6% (Reminder that Immolate and Snowbind's effect ranges also scale with your champion's size)
Turbo Chemtank
- SUPERCHARGED SLOW DURATION 2 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
We've been hard at work iterating on the shop and have some exciting features to share with you this time. Stay tuned - we aren't done yet and there will be more coming soon.
- NEW SMARTER RECOMMENDATIONS The data is flowing in nicely and during 10.25 we'll be enhancing the recommendation system with the latest and greatest builds from around the world
- NEW QUICKBUY PINS You can now pin open any Quickbuy Panel by clicking the button that appears in the top-left of the panel when it is opened. In a future update, the shop will remember the pins you set.
- NEW SHOP SCALING If the shop was either too smol or thicc for your liking, you can now change this from interface settings in the options menu
- LOCKED ITEMS In more instances, items you cannot purchase for reasons other than you being broke will have a lock displayed on them.
- WE RECOMMEND THIS TAB The default tab of the shop has been changed from All Items to Recommended.
- EXTENDED STATS Extended stats in the main UI will now properly show while the in-game shop is open
- LANGUAGE SEARCH Items can be searched for in different languages
We're continuing to iterate on the new in-game chat. This time we're focused on eliminating those pesky early line breaks.
- Font size decreased
- Chat widened
- Fixed some issues with the scrollbar not mapping correctly to the window
- Fixed the 1px misalignment between chat and input that made the game unplayable
Nexus Blitz is back in 10.25, this time with a couple of changes we've made from feedback we received from last run, as well as some bugfixes:
- Jungle Guardian now deals less damage, but CCs more often. It also now has a laser that shows who it's targeting.
- All Nexus Blitz-only items are removed, except The Golden Spatula. Nexus Blitz items match what you're familiar with on Summoner's Rift, except without gold generation items or warding items.
- Frogs! Foxes! Environment art updates and features added throughout the map.
- Scuttle's home in the bottom of the map has been updated to provide more opportunity for strategic vision play
- Entrances into the bases have been widened slightly
- Mentioned already in her section above, but Shyvana has a new passive!
- The Catapult of Champions can no longer be displaced from its location when crashed into by the Battle Sled
- Champions participating in URF Deathmatch do not permanently lose access to abilities after the event is over (i.e. Lulu's E - Help, Pix!)
- Jungle monsters can no longer be moved and trapped behind the Catapult of Champions through certain champions' abilities (i.e. Syndra's W - Force of Will, Blitzcrank's Q - Rocket Grab
- Champions entering a zombie state (i.e. KogMaw's Passive - Ichathian Surprise) mid-Catapult-flight will still land at their intended location
- Certain champion abilities (i.e. Tahm Kench's W - Devour) can no longer temporarily grant death immunity to Loot Goblins
- If a champion enters the Catapult while mid-air through their abilities (i.e. Nidalee's W - Pounce, Ziggs' W - Satchel Charge, etc.), they will now properly gain the Catapult effects when they land as if they entered the Catapult normally
- Yone's E - Soul Unbound properly detonates and deals true damage against DPS Check Target Dummy and Loot Goblins
- Kalista's R - Fate's Call can no longer be used on allies in stasis during Prize Fight
Continuing our work on Ranked to ensure that the start of season is a less frustrating experience for all players. For Diamond specifically, we're removing the complexity in the system since the tier used to have an entirely different version of decay. This new version is also more forgiving for Diamond players than the old version, in addition to being more relaxed than the rules for Master+.
Master, Grandmaster, Challenger
- Initial Placement Configuration: The Ranked reset at the start of the season will be smaller this year to get players back to their expected rank faster. To compensate, LP gains and losses have been made slightly smaller.
- Unified Ranked Decay: Diamond now uses the same banked-game decay system as Master+, though with more relaxed tuning.
- Each game played banks 1 day of activity, up to 10
- After 10 days of inactivity, you'll begin consuming banked days
- Once all banked days have been consumed, you lose 250 LP each day until you fall out of Master
- Each game played banks 7 days of activity, up to 28
- After 28 days of activity, you'll begin consuming banked days (this initial grace period is skipped if you decayed into Diamond from Master+)
- Once all banked days have been consumed, you lose 50 LP each day until you fall out of Diamond
As outlined in our Content Refund FAQ, players with less than three refund tokens in 2020 will receive their 2021 refund token granted in 10.25! As a reminder, you only get back one refund token per year, even if you are down more than one. You can always check how many you have in the Store and read through the Player Support FAQ for more information about refund tokens.
- LEAGUE CLIENT: "This skin is no longer available for purchase" tooltip no longer appears at the start of Champ Select
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Chat window no longer jumps to the left in Champ Select
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Social Panel - Hovercards once again correctly display a friend's game type and champion while they are in game
- We've standardized the icon that appears next to targets when their resistances have been shredded
- Renekton's death VO now properly plays in all languages
- Sylas now properly gets credit for attacks landed when using Passive - Petricite Burst
- Yuumi's W - You and Me! now properly goes on cooldown when she is affected by charms or knock-ups
- The orb that Cosmic Vladimir holds now properly reappears upon revival
- Nami's W - Ebb and Flow now properly grants enemies with movement speed from Passive - Surging Tides
- Attacking a target multiple times as Bard with Meeps from Passive - Traveler's Call will now properly reapply Imperial Mandate
- Elise's E - Rappel now properly increases the effects of her Passive - Spider Queen
- Knight's Vow's Sacrifice, Immortal Shieldbow's Lifeline, Night Harvester's Soulrend, Hextech Rocketbelt's Supersonic, and Lock of the Iron Solari's Devotion icons now properly display in the buff bar
- When Jhin equips Guinsoo's Rageblade and Runaan's Hurricane, the bolts from his fourth shot will now properly deal normal damage
- Champions' health bars will now accurately reflect the shield health even after activating Bloodthirster's Eclipse passive while another shield is active
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to reset the cooldown of another item if you swapped the location of it with a freshly activated Sheen in your inventory
- Abilities which empower a champion's basic attack will now properly trigger Mana Charge when hitting epic monsters
- Fixed a bug where Kayle's attack range would unintentionally increase after leveling up her R - Divine Judgement
- Corrected Kalista's E - Rend AD ratios to their proper values
- Karthus can now properly trigger Horizon Focus with Q - Lay Waste
- Killing a target as Kalista with Q - Pierce will now properly transfer all of the original target's E - Rend stacks to the next target
- Kalista can no longer proc Electrocute or Phase Rush with two attacks (a basic attack or Q - Pierce, followed by E - Rend). It will now properly proc after 3 separate attacks/abilities.
- Fixed many items' tooltips to match the actual in-game values in places like Match History, End of Game screen, etc.
- Immolate's range indicator now properly increases in size with the champion (like Cho'Gath)
- Shen's W - Spirit's Refuge no longer blocks all of Katarina's abilities that have an on-hit element. The spell portion of her damage should still be dealt to Shen.
- All Runaan's Hurricane bolts now properly apply damage from Ravenous Hydra's Cleave passive
- Fixed a bug where a player could cast Ashe's W - Volley while it's on cooldown if they level up it and cast it at the near same time
- White tiles no longer appear at Zed's feet while recalling or during his death animation
- Little Legends can now be saved through the Loadout Selector in ARAM, even if its the first game after unlocking the Little Legend
The following skins will be released in this patch.
The following chromas will be released this patch:
- Battle Queen Katarin
- Battle Queen Diana
- Battle Queen Qiyana
- Battle Queen Janna
- Battle Queen Rell
- Elderwood Xayah & Rakan
- Elderwood Ivern
- Elderwood Azir
- Elderwood Ornn
- Battle Queen Diana Prestige Edition
New Champion: Rell
Our newest champion, Rell, the Iron Maiden will be available this patch! For more info, check out these pages:
Rell, the Iron Maiden
Release Skin
Rell's release skin is Battle Queen Rell!
Battle Queen Rell
1350 RP
"A young woman from the magic-starved Queendom of Calamity, volunteered for the coronation by a shadowy cabal of aristocrats after a series of magical experiments. Having now won the crown and the power of her crest, Rell has discovered her powers were stolen from the people of her country, and she has vowed revenge on her puppeteers."
Champion Skins
Ten new skins will be available sometime during the patch!
Battle Queen Diana
1350 RP
"Exiled for heresy, Diana has assented to return to her queendom to save her people-- nothing else. She intends to use the Coronation to prove her worth and force Eos' elders to admit the truth of her beliefs: that the Crest answers to the will of the nation, not its leaders."
Battle Queen Diana Prestige Edition
2000 Event Tokens
"After revealing the truth at her nomination ceremony, Diana will let nothing stand in her way. Clad in new armor as steely as her resolve, Diana intends to subdue the Tournament's monsters-- and the power-hungry religious order that has stifled Eosia."
Battle Queen Janna
1350 RP
"Hailing from Aurai, floating high above the Tournament, Queen Janna quite literally looks down on the whole affair. But without a champion in the Coronation, the magic that brings long-life to Aurai's reclusive population will fail, and so Janna descends for yet another showcase exhibition of her power. Anything to protect her people."
Battle Queen Katarina
1820 RP
"Katarina won the Schemean crest with a ruthless performance in her queendom's battle pits. For Schema to break free of its humble alliances and become the region's rightful leader, it will take a similarly commanding performance in the Coronation-- and Katarina has never been more prepared to cement her fearsome status as the rightful queen of queens."
Battle Queen Qiyana
1350 RP
"Qiyana is the youngest in a line of sisters who have been Queens of Ixtal for most of the recent Coronations. She's been waiting impatiently for her chance at the Crest and the title. Now that she has it, she intends to use the power she gains in the tournament to remake Ixtal in her vision."
Elderwood Azir
1350 RP
"An ancient druid-king of the Elderwood, who has called the forest his home since it stood nameless in the shadow of the gods. Though his people are a dying breed, he has raised an ensorcelled army in their likeness, including the shell of a human king whose story rings all too familiar..."
Elderwood Ivern
1350 RP
"A nightmarish totem forged of witchcraft and forbidden incantations, Ivern stood among the Old Gods in the days before their destruction. Left inert for hundreds of years, he has risen along with his brethren to annihilate the paltry works of man."
Elderwood Ornn
1350 RP
"A truly ancient shaper of the Elderwood, and keeper of divine knowledge. Beings who tended the trees and directed the rivers are rare in this time of fell magic and endless twilight, yet Ornn continues on, stubbornly clinging to what remains of the old way."
Elderwood Rakan
1350 RP
"Deep in the shaded canopies of the Elderwood, the Fey Prince Rakan and Princess Xayah hold court over two rival fairy dominions. Star-crossed lovers uninterested in the affairs of mortals, their playful romance has insulated their people from the horrors befalling the outside world."
Elderwood Xayah
1350 RP
"Deep in the shaded canopies of the Elderwood, the Fey Prince Rakan and Princess Xayah hold court over two rival fairy dominions. Though Princess Xayah has seen the darkness of the world beyond, she has chosen to simply adopt its colors for her court rather than confront it."
Tons of chromas will be available this patch!
Battle Queen Janna
[8 Chromas]
Battle Queen Katarina
[7 Chromas]
Battle Queen Qiyana
[8 Chromas]
Battle Queen Rell
[8 Chromas]
Elderwood Azir
[8 Chromas]
Elderwood Ivern
[8 Chromas]
Elderwood Rakan
[8 Chromas]
Elderwood Xayah
[8 Chromas]
Elderwood Ornn
[7 Chromas]
Summoner Icons
Tons of new summoner icons will be available this patch!
Battle Queens Event Icon, Battle Queens Event Pass Icon, Battle Queens Prestige Point Icon
This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Battle Queens event.
This icon was a milestone reward from the 2020 Battle Queens Event Pass.
This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Battle Queen Katarina Icon, Battle Queen Diana Icon, Battle Queen Qiyana Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Battle Queen Janna Icon, Battle Queen Rell Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Battle Queen Katarina Chroma Icon, Battle Queen Qiyana Chroma Icon, Battle Queen Janna Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Battle Queen Rell Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Battle Queen Diana Prestige Edition Icon
This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Battle Queen Diana skin with event tokens during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Elderwood Xayah Icon, Elderwood Rakan Icon, Elderwood Ivern Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Elderwood Azir Icon, Elderwood Ornn Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Elderwood Xayah Chroma Icon, Elderwood Rakan Chroma Icon, Elderwood Ivern Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Elderwood Azir Chroma Icon, Elderwood Ornn Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired from the Event Pass Token Shop during the 2020 Battle Queens event.
Poro Rider Sejuani Merch Icon
This icon was acquired by making a purchase from the merch store.
New emotes will be available this patch!
What the Baddest Do
Playful Pup, Unkillable King, Oh Well
What Was That?, You Really Thought..., Sound the Ornn Horn
Ward Skin
A new ward skin will be available this patch:
Battle Queens Ward
Teamfight Tactics Patch 10.25 Notes
Check out the Patch 10.25 Notes:"Welcome Carousel Companions,
The last patch of 2020! This one is a bit more conservative and focuses on balance through buffing underperforming comps. Patch 10.24B had us nerfing overperforming early game traits, so now that we’ve lessened our contempt for the weak, we turn to buffing this week.
Elderwood, Mage, and Vanguard are getting the DnD party buff they deserve. Buffs have never been this cheap! A few 1-cost units and a Sylas buff might encourage you to keep these party members rolling a few more rounds. Some power adjustments for a few three cost units should Even out the power curves for Zhao. In the spirit of evening things out, we’re making debuffs consistent across the board Via a 40/60/80 percent curve for all debuffs.
Lastly, don’t freak out about the Talon buff, we’re just making sure our vaulting rogue is no longer completely ignored.
Bench overflow changes
"Put me in coach!"Base Roll Percentages
- If your bench is full when you return from Carousel, the extra champion will be sold automatically at the end of planning. Don’t worry, a message and red highlight will show you which champion can’t sit with cool kids. Selling any champion or increasing your team size will allow for more space for another benchwarmer or MVP.
"10.24 had lots of changes to roll odds that made the dreaded 4-1 roll down less of a nat 20 or bust moment. We’re honestly shocked with how well those changes went, so we have a minor tweak today to see slightly more four cost champs."
- Level 7: 24/35/30/10/1 ⇒ 22/35/30/12/1
- Divine Damage Reduction and True Damage: 50% ⇒ 45%
- Elderwood Armor and Magic Resist Stat Growth: 15/25/40 ⇒ 20/30/40
- Mage Spell Power: 80/110/180% ⇒ 80/120/180%
- Vanguard Armor: 100/250/600/1500 ⇒ 120/300/750/2000
Tier 1
"Diana and Lissandra were a bit too warm and bright in the moonlight. Other underperforming one costs are getting some love."
Tier 2
- Diana Pale Cascade Orbs: 4/5/6/9 ⇒ 4/5/6/8
- Fiora Total Mana: 85 ⇒ 75
- Fiora Riposte Damage: 200/300/450 ⇒ 250/400/600
- Lissandra 1000 Daggers Damage: 350/450/600/800 ⇒ 350/450/550/750
- Maokai Armor: 35 ⇒ 40
- Maokai Magic Resist: 20 ⇒ 30
- Wukong Crushing Blow Attack Damage Ratio: 225/250/275% ⇒ 250/265/280%
"Jarvan was a bit of a red flag for us. We almost nerfed him in 10.24B, but instead dragged him along to this patch. Vi changes are a part of making our debuff system more consistent and should result in a neutral adjustment."
Tier 3
- Aphelios Attack Damage: 50 ⇒ 45
- Fixed a bug that prevented Aphelios’ turrets from firing during Hunter Trait activation
- Hecarim Total Mana: 120 ⇒ 110
- Jarvan IV Total Mana: 80 ⇒ 100
- Sylas Chain Lash Damage: 250/400/600/1000 ⇒ 250/400/700/1111
- Vi Denting Blows Armor Reduction: 50/75/100% ⇒ 40/60/80%
- Vi Total Mana: 60 ⇒ 50
"Evelynn’s been the type to roll the dice. Not afraid to die, she’d sometimes make us cry, other times, make our opponents cry. We’re evening out her Last Caress base and execute damage a tad. Kalista’s getting better at math. And yes, we’re buffing Xin again."
Tier 4
- Evelynn Execute Multiplier: 3 ⇒ 2.5
- Evelynn Last Caress Damage: 350/500/1400 ⇒ 350/600/1500
- Kalista Attack Speed: 1.0 ⇒ 0.9
- Fixed issues that caused Kalista to execute too early or too late. This includes her interactions with shields, damage reduction (e.g. Divine), and damage amplification (e.g. Hand of Justice, Giantslayer, Sword of the Divine).
- Lux Chosen Stat: Mana ⇒ Spell Power
- Xin Zhao Attack Speed: 0.8 ⇒ 0.85
- Xin Zhao Crescent Guard Attack Damage: 300/325/350% ⇒ 330/340/350%
- Yuumi Health: 600 ⇒ 650
Tier 5
- Talon Health: 750 ⇒ 800
- Talon Truestrike Attack Damage Percent: 200/200/250% ⇒ 240/250/275%
- Warwick Primal Hunger Lifesteal: 50/50/200% ⇒ 40/40/200%
"Buff guy gets a buff-fix. Kayn gets a slap on the wrist."
- Kayn Reaper Damage: 400/600/6666 ⇒ 375/575/6666
- Sett: Showstopper will no longer fail if something happens to Sett’s target (unstoppable, untargetable, etc.) during its animation. Now it will still deal the AOE secondary damage but the primary target will continue to be unaffected.
This is a part of making our debuff system consistent.
- Last Whisper Armor Reduction: 75% ⇒ 80%
- The camera will now reset zoom level to default whenever the player view changes. (both PC and mobile)
- Fixed Galio bugs: Zekes, Locket, and Chalice can no longer buff Galio. Zephyr will not try (and fail) to hit Galio.
- Fixed an issue where Lissandra’s hair would stick out of the side of her head like a baguette.
- Fixed a bug where Runaan’s Hurricane could fail to shoot at enemies that were extremely far away.
- Fixed a bug where Kalista would re-apply spell power to her execute which resulted in overkill damage.
- Fixed an issue where Warwick’s Hunter proc would delay his next attack at high attack speeds.
- Fixed a bug where Warwick was not triggering On Attack effects (Rageblade, Shiv) on his Hunter attacks ."
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