Continue reading for a full look the patch notes & previews, including Lillia & upcoming Spirit Blossom skins for Teemo, Thresh, Vayne, Yasuo, & more!
"Hi, we’re so happy you’re here!
This patch, we welcome the arrival of the Spirit Blossom Festival, first with the entrance of Lillia, our brave guardian from Ionia, and then the return of Nexus Blitz (oh yes, it’s back!), all set in an ethereal realm of wondrous magic and bloom.
Then, greetings to a refreshed Swain! We’re hoping these spicy changes (higher cast cadence and huge bump up in range) will fire up his power both as a mid laner and support. We’ve also taken another pass at Aphelios to tone down his dominance and fine-tune the synergy of his Flamethrower with Runaan’s.
For the rest of our changelist, we’ve made some Pro-targeted adjustments to champions like Shen and Lee Sin to encourage more diversity in their lanes, while also nudging old friends like Caitlin and Gragas back onto the scene.
In addition, we’re giving some folks a couple visual changes and audio fixes, focusing on champions with effects that have become outdated in comparison to their newer peers.
Oh, and one more thing— we’ve brought more flex into Flex queue by lifting rank restrictions! We know, we’re just flexing at this point.
Now, go forth. It’s your time to blossom.
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!
Spirit Blossom Thresh, Spirit Blossom Vayne, Spirit Blossom Yasuo, Spirit Blossom Lillia, Spirit Blossom Teemo, and Spirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition will be available on July 22nd, 2020.
With the introduction of Clash and its unrestricted rank system for full teams of 5, we’ve decided to apply the same approach to Ranked Flex queues, allowing players to get in ranked games with their Bronze buddies, Challenger chums, or whoever!
Similar to Clash, the system will use a weighted average that leans more towards higher skill players, so be warned before attempting to drag your Bronze friends through Diamond-level games. Have fun!
The Bashful Bloom
Lillia prances into action in patch 10.15!
High-res versions of Lillia's splashes are available on League Displays!
- Lillia Biography
- Lillia Champion Insights
- Lillia Abilities Rundown
- Lillia Champion Teaser: Beyond the Garden
Q sentry activation radius decreased; sentry activation time increased. Q Runaan’s bolt pass-through effect removed; Infernum critical AoE splash missile count decreased; Infernum Runaan’s AoE splash missile count decreased; Infernum critical Runaan’s AoE splash missile count reduced; Infernum Runaan’s AoE splash missiles size reduced.
Lowering Crescendum turret's attack range so it provides less zone control, and slowing down its target acquisition speed so opponents can reactively play around it. The rest of the changes are aimed towards weakening Infernum’s synergy with Runaan’s Hurricane.
- BUGFIX Aphelios' Lunar Sentries now properly proc Manaflow Band
- SENTRY ACTIVATION TIME 0.25 seconds to attack target in range ⇒ 0.35 seconds to attack target in range
- REMOVED RUNAAN’S BOLT PASSTHROUGH Runaan’s Hurricane bolts no longer deal damage to all enemies they pass through (splash missiles and normal Infernum firebolts still do)
- CRITICAL AOE SPLASH MISSILES COUNT 8 splash missiles ⇒ 6 splash missiles
- RUNAAN’S SPLASH MISSILES COUNT 4 splash missiles ⇒ 3 splash missiles
- CRITICAL RUNAAN’S SPLASH MISSILES COUNT 8 splash missiles ⇒ 5 splash missiles
- UPDATED RUNAAN’S AOE SPLASH MISSILES SIZE Hurricane splash missile AoE lengths are now reduced by ~100 range
- BUGFIX No longer deals damage without going on cooldown if Aphelios is killed during the ability's cast
Base attack damage and movement speed increased.
Caitlyn has been out of the meta in Pro play for a very long time, and we expect her to be a reasonable fit with and against certain meta compositions. These changes should help bring her back as one of the premier early game marksmen.
- MOVEMENT SPEED 325 ⇒ 330
W healing from minions reduced.
Tank Fiddle has been spooking opponents top lane, outperforming other builds (specifically AP Fiddle), and frustrating players who run into it. We don’t want to terrify the tank off the scarecrow, but with Jungle Fiddle being in a good spot, we’re hoping these changes will encourage players to indulge in the bounty of Fiddle as a mage, first and foremost.
- HEALING Reduced to 25% against minions ⇒ Reduced to 15% against minions
W damage ratio increased. R damage ratio increased.
Aiming to rouse this liquor connoisseur to step into his role as an AP mage who can both engage fights and burst down enemies, so we’re sharpening his late-game damage.
- DAMAGE RATIO 0.5 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power
- DAMAGE RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power
Passive bonus attack speed per stack increased later.
Our bladed dancer has been falling off in extended games at all levels of play, especially in Average MMR. Cautiously strengthening her scaling and dueling potential to help bridge the gap between laning phase to mid game.
- BONUS ATTACK SPEED PER STACK 8/10/12% (40/50/60% at levels 1/7/13) ⇒ 8/12/16% (40/60/80% at levels 1/7/13)
W cooldown increased.
We can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that Lee has been a consistent threat in Elite and Pro play, so we’re increasing the cooldown on one of Lee's more reliable spells to curb his mobility and sustain throughout the game.
- COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds
Base armor decreased.
Slightly taming the fire on this forger so that his enemies have more opportunities to trade back.
- ARMOR 36 ⇒ 33
Passive cooldown decreased later and now scales per level, capping at level 18.
We’re making Rakan’s progression across the course of a game feel smoother. This is a quality-of-life change that is also a very minor buff for this saucy showman.
- COOLDOWN 40-16 seconds (levels 1-17) (reduced by 3 every 2 levels, capping at level 17) ⇒ 40-14.5 seconds (levels 1-18) (reduced by 1.5 every level, capping at level 18
Passive shield value increased.
We’re bringing some power into Shen’s shield to let him scrap with meta peers more effectively, while giving him more breathing room in lane. We’re hoping this will stir up some diversity in the top lane and overall team compositions with the introduction of a second tank to the meta.
- SHIELD VALUE 50-101 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 70-121 (levels 1-18) (bonus health ratio unchanged)
Q damage ratio and bonus damage ratio now scales with target’s maximum health; buff duration increased, cost increased and now flat.
We’re increasing the scorpion’s damage so he’s more equipped to slash through front line targets when itemizing as a bruiser (and a stinger, of course). As another flourish, we’re also making a quality-of-life change to his E.
- DAMAGE RATIO 33/36/39/42/45% total attack damage ⇒ 15% total attack damage (+1/1.5/2/2.5/3% of target's maximum health)
- BONUS DAMAGE RATIO 33/36/39/42/45% total attack damage (+0.3 ability power) ⇒ 15% total attack damage (+1/1.5/2/2.5/3%of target’s maximum health) (+0.3 ability power)
- BUFF DURATION 4 seconds ⇒ 5 seconds
- COST 10/11/12/13/14 mana ⇒ 15 mana
- REMOVED KEEP IT MOVING Missile no longer loses travel speed after hitting an enemy
Base movement speed decreased. Passive cooldown decreased and now scales with cooldown reduction; no longer restores mana. Fixed a bug where Swain could pull enemies launched by Blast Cones. Q cooldown decreased; bolt angle decreased; now passes through enemies. W range increased; damage decreased; cost decreased later. E cooldown decreased; cost decreased and now flat.
The general and his demon birds are performing fine in Average play, but they do worse the further up the ladder you climb. This is a pretty lengthy refresh, with a mix of buffs and nerfs, so we want to take the time to run through it.
Let’s start with the spice and everything nice: Most notably, we’re significantly increasing his W range (more than double when maxed!). We think this change will be particularly transformative for Skilled Swain players who will be able to impact other lanes from a distance all game long. In addition, we’re also bumping down the cooldown on his Q to help him fulfill his battle-mage fantasy with more casts.
As for the nerfs: to balance out the buffs, we’re pulling back on his movement speed. We’ve also removed his mana restore to skew power away from Swains in low Elo who can profit off of fewer skills dodged, when the reverse happens in higher Elos.
Overall, we’re hoping these buffs will empower Skilled players in both mid and support, with sweeping changes across the board to give him the tools he needs to feel like a more functional mid laner.
- MOVEMENT SPEED 335 ⇒ 325
- COOLDOWN 12/9/6 seconds (levels 1/7/13) ⇒ 10 seconds (now scales with cooldown reduction)
- REMOVED FLOCK MANA RESTORE Swain's ravens no longer restore mana
- BUGFIX Swain can no longer pull enemies launched by Blast Cones triggered by themselves or their teammates
- COOLDOWN 10/8.5/7/5.5/4 ⇒ 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 seconds
- BOLT ANGLE 10 degrees ⇒ 8 degrees
- NEW HAND IT OVER Death’s Hand’s bolts now pass through champions
- RANGE 3500 ⇒ 5500/6000/6500/7000/7500
- DAMAGE 100/150/200/250/300 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
- COST 70/85/100/115/130 mana ⇒ 70/80/90/100/110 mana
- COOLDOWN 13/12/11/10/9 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds
- COST 60/65/70/75/80 mana ⇒ 50 mana
W cooldown increased later.
We’re hooking some power out of Thresh’s lantern, since pros tend to max this spell earlier than the average player.
- COOLDOWN 22/19.5/17/14.5/12 seconds ⇒ 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 seconds
W cooldown increased early and now scales.
Twisted Fate has been able to consistently reach an intimidating state where he can balance both split-pushing and global pressure in Pro and Elite play. As a result, we’re reducing his lane pressure and wave control in earlier phases of the game so that he’ll have to gamble more when picking a card (and a lane!).
- COOLDOWN 6 seconds ⇒ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
Passive mana restore value decreased; now scales with maximum mana and champion level; cooldown decreased.
Yuumi was mush, mushed! by her E mana cost nerf in 10.13, so we’re here to follow up (and give her all the chin scratches in the process). As we mentioned in this article, we’re making her passive more important to her success in a way where she’ll need to take more risks if she wants to provide more sustain.
- MANA RESTORE 50-160 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 25-100 (+8% maximum mana) (levels 1-18)
- COOLDOWN 20-8 seconds (levels 1-18) ⇒ 18-6 seconds (levels 1-18)
Similar to the previous VFX updates we've made in the past (Ziggs, Thresh, Lux, etc.), we're working on updates to some champion ability VFX. Our aim is to get their VFX up to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. In this patch, we'll be releasing a VFX update for Ahri and Udyr!
As a reminder, VFX updates don’t impact who gets a VGU, where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too. They are simply dev passion projects.
- BASIC ATTACK Cleaned up missiles and hit effects
- Q - ORB OF DECEPTION New missiles and hit effects, now shows the actual hitbox. Healing missiles are now green.
- W - FOX-FIRE New fox-fires, missiles, and hit effects that are cleaned up and modernized
- E - CHARM Cleaned up the heart missile to feel more modern and to provide accuracy to hitbox
- R - SPIRIT RUSH New cast ground buff effects, as well as new missiles and hit effects
- BASIC ATTACK New hit effect
- PASSIVE - MONKEY'S AGILITY New movement speed boost effect
- Q - TIGER STANCE New transform effect and overhead symbol; Tiger form has a new DoT effect
- W - TURTLE STANCE New transform effect and overhead symbol; Turtle form has new shield and heal effects
- E - BEAR STANCE New transform effect and overhead symbol; Bear form has a new stun effect
- R - PHOENIX STANCE New transform effect and overhead symbol; Phoenix form has new AoE and cone effects
Spellthief's line of items is being overshadowed by the Relic Shield line for AP users, especially enchanters. While it's fine if they're competitive options, the more defensive option should not always be the dominant choice.
Spellthief’s Edge
- BASE MANA REGEN 25% ⇒ 50%
Shard of True Ice
- BASE MANA REGEN 50% ⇒ 75%
- DAMAGE 45 ability power ⇒ 50 ability power
Unsealed Spellbook has become a dominant choice at the highest tiers of play (Pro and Elite) and often encourages minimal interactions early game. We’re reducing its power a bit so it doesn't outshine other options.
- INITIAL COOLDOWN 240 seconds ⇒ 300 seconds
- MAXIMUM COOLDOWN CAP 120 seconds ⇒ 150 seconds
- COOLDOWN REDUCTION PER SWAP 20 seconds with each unique Summoner Spell ⇒ 25 seconds with each unique Summoner Spell
Nexus Blitz returns with the Spirit Blossom event, now permanently set in the Temple of Lily and Lotus, a long-forgotten temple of the Canghapi vastaya! We’ve got a whole slew of events, from old favorites to brand new ones, along with new rewards, bug fixes, and quality-of-life changes.
For more details, read this article!
10.15 Buffs
10.15 Nerfs
- AKALI +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
- CAMILLE -5% damage taken
- CORKI -5% damage taken
- EVELYNN +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
- GNAR -5% damage taken
- KAI’SA +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
- NEEKO +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
- NIDALEE -5% damage taken
- PYKE -5% damage taken
- QIYANA -5% damage taken
- REK’SAI +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
- TALIYAH -5% damage taken
- TAHM KENCH +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
- THRESH +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
- ZOE -5% damage taken
- AMUMU -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- ASHE -5% damage dealt
- BRAND -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- DARIUS -5% damage dealt
- FIDDLESTICKS -5% damage dealt
- ILLAOI -5% damage dealt
- JAX -5% damage dealt
- KAYLE -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- KOG’MAW -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- MAOKAI -10% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- MASTER YI -10% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- SETT -5% damage dealt
- SINGED -5% damage dealt
- SION -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- SONA -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- TARIC -5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, & -5% healing
- VEIGAR -5% damage dealt
- VOLIBEAR -5% damage dealt
- WUKONG -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
10.15 Buffs
10.15 Nerfs:
- TRUNDLE -10% healing ⇒ -5% healing
- YUUMI Normal ⇒ +5% damage dealt
- ALISTAR +5% damage taken & -10% healing ⇒ -5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, & -10% healing
- KARTHUS Normal ⇒ -5% damage dealt
- KOG'MAW -10% damage dealt ⇒ -10% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
- LUX -10% damage dealt & +10% damage taken ⇒ -15% damage dealt & +10% damage taken
- TEEMO -10% damage dealt & +10% damage taken ⇒ -15% damage dealt & +10% damage taken
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue with the social panel not appearing in the client
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue where the home screen was not rendering after completing a game
- Arcansist Kog'Maw's W - Void Ooze VFX now aligns with when it actually deals damage to the enemy units
- Jhin now properly respawns with his full Passive - Whisper ammunition
- Annie no longer loses her Passive - Pyromania stacks upon revival if she's at full stacks
- Elise's Spiderlings' basic attacks now properly benefit from any adaptive force Elise gains from runes
- Karthus' W - Wall of Pain spawns properly even when cast at 0 range
- Yorick's Maiden of the Mist, Ivern's Daisy, Elise's Spiderlings, Malzahar's Voidlings, and Heimerdinger's Q - H-28 G Evolution Turret now properly proc Manaflow Band
- After countering a hard CC ability, Pulsefire Fiora's W - Riposte ground indicator no longer disappears
- Renekton now properly gains increased passive Rage generation as well as Rage gained from casting R - Dominus when below 50% of his maximum health
- When Riven is at three stacks with Passive - Runic Blade, the duration now properly resets when one is used
- Dead Kindred and Syndra no longer provide vision to their team
- Item VFX are no longer visible on Neeko's disguised clone
- Aatrox's R - World Ender now properly Fears and stops Zyra's enraged Thorn Splitters
- Nunu & Willump no longer get more movement speed than intended by eating a Honey Fruit right before casting W - Biggest Snowball Ever!
- Nidalee's Passive - Prowl loop SFX is now restored to base and all skins
- Nidalee’s R - Aspect of the Cougar vocalization when transforming from Cougar to Human is now restored
- Dawnbringer Nidalee's Recall will no longer play her Q - Javelin Toss hit sound during the ground hit moment. In Cougar, her E - Swipe vocalization will now properly play.
- Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol’s dance loop SFX now no longer continues to play if the animation is interrupted
- Fixed a bug where Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol's E - Comet of Legend loop SFX would continue to play endlessly if the player disconnected and reconnected before Aurelion Sol lands
- Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol's sound that plays when he stuns an enemy with his Q - Starsurge is now restored
- The sound that plays when Mecha Aurelion Sol slows an enemy after being hit by his R - Voice of Light is now restored
- Elise's Spiderlings now properly play death sounds
- Super Galaxy Elise’s dance SFX for both Human and Spider forms now loop properly
The following skins will be released in this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
Spirit Blossom Thresh
Spirit Blossom Vayne
Spirit Blossom Yasuo
Spirit Blossom Lillia
Spirit Blossom Teemo
Spirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition
The following chromas will be released this patch:
Spirit Blossom Thresh
Spirit Blossom Vayne
Spirit Blossom Yasuo
Spirit Blossom Lillia"
New Champion: Lillia
Our newest champion, Lillia, will be available in Patch 10.15! Full numbers, ability ratios, and all that can be found in our comprehensive 10.15 PBE coverage.Lillia, the Bashful Bloom
Lillia's release skin is Spirit Blossom Lillia!
Spirit Blossom Lillia
1350 RP
""A shy fawn spirit, Lillia once served as the guardian of a sacred Ionian forest-- until her grove was destroyed and cast into flame. Consumed by loss, she now slumbers in the spirit realm, reliving the destruction in an unending nightmare-- unaware of the timid hope still waiting to bloom..."
Champion Skins
Along with the event, the first set of Spirit Blossom skins are headed to live in 10.15:Spirit Blossom Teemo
"A trickster spirit and a child of the forest, Teemo is famed across Ionia as the embodiment of nature... though his more onerous accolade is the king of pranks. A consummate gadfly and lover of all things annoying, his exploits in tricking mortals have graced the pages of Ionian history for hundreds of years."
Spirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition
2000 Event Tokens
"Having abstained from pranking his "best friend forever" literally once, the Spirit of Salvation has gifted Teemo with his wildest dream... becoming shiny and gold. Never one to leave anybody alone, ever, he has promised his BFF to prank them at every opportunity, every day, until they die and join him in the spirit realm. Good luck to them."
"Having abstained from pranking his "best friend forever" literally once, the Spirit of Salvation has gifted Teemo with his wildest dream... becoming shiny and gold. Never one to leave anybody alone, ever, he has promised his BFF to prank them at every opportunity, every day, until they die and join him in the spirit realm. Good luck to them."
Spirit Blossom Thresh
1820 RP / Legendary
"An ancient demon of obsession, Thresh delights in tormenting the spirits of those he deems as flawed, but blossoming with potential. He haunts the spiritual afterlife as a supreme collector of souls, tempting the dead away from their path to salvation until they are trapped for eternity within their own memories."
After collecting 45 souls and using his R, Spirit Blossom Thresh will unlock a toggle (using CTRL + 5) to toggle back and forth between human and demon forms!As a Legendary skin, Spirit Blossom Thresh has a new voiceover:
Spirit Blossom Vayne
1350 RP
"Vayne came from a lost clan of monster hunters, annihilated to the last when the primordial demon of pain chanced upon their hidden village. Unable to let go, and doomed to her own obsessions for eternity, she hunts the creature without end, always unable to catch it."
Spirit Blossom Yasuo
1350 RP
"Long ago, two brothers fought a bitter war across Ionia. Yasuo, the younger brother, was a warlord renowned for his roguish demeanor-- until he was accused of crimes against the country and took up arms to defend himself. Both were fated to fall in their final duel... a lesson, perhaps, in pride and hubris."
Several chroma sets will be available for upcoming skins in Patch 10.15:
Spirit Blossom Lillia
Spirit Blossom Vayne
[8 Chromas]
Spirit Blossom Yasuo
Spirit Blossom Thresh
Summoner Icons
Several New icons will be available in Patch 10.15 & throughout the Spirit Blossom event:
Spirit Blossom 2020 Icon, Spirit Blossom 2020 Event Icon, Spirit Blossom 2020 Event Prestige Points Icon
- This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
- This icon was an exclusive reward from participating in the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
- This icon was acquired through Loot during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
Spirit Blossom Thresh Icon, Spirit Blossom Vayne Icon, Spirit Blossom Yasuo Icon
This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
Spirit Blossom Teemo Prestige Edition Icon, Spirit Blossom Teemo Icon, Spirit Blossom Lillia Icon
- This icon was acquired by obtaining the Prestige Spirit Blossom Teemo skin from the 2020 Prestige Point Shop.
- This icon was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
Spirit Blossom Thresh Chroma Icon, Spirit Blossom Vayne Chroma Icon, Spirit Blossom Yasuo Chroma Icon
This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
Spirit Blossom Lillia Chroma Icon
This icon was earned through Loot during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event.
Spirit Bonds Lillia Icon, Spirit Bonds Thresh Icon, Spirit Bonds Ahri Icon
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
Spirit Bonds Yasuo Icon, Spirit Bonds Teemo Icon, Spirit Bonds Riven Icon
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
Spirit Bonds Cassiopeia Icon, Spirit Bonds Vayne Icon, Spirit Bonds Kindred Icon
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
"This icon was earned through missions during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
New emotes will be available in Patch 10.15 & throughout the Spirit Blossom event:
My Champion, Fated Pair, Dreaming Of You
Whaddya Mean?!, Pranked!, You Are Worthy
What A Pain, Long Road Ahead, Hiya!
Tee Hee!, Carry Me, Follow...
New Ward Skins
Two new ward skins will be available in Patch 10.15:
2020 Spirit Blossom Kanmei Ward
"This ward was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
2020 Spirit Blossom Akana Ward
"This ward was released as a bundle exclusive during the 2020 Spirit Blossom event."
- Nexus Blitz heads back live servers with Patch 10.15!

- Ahri and Udyr received VFX updates in Patch 10.15:
Updated Ahri spotlights:
- Dynasty Ahri
- Midnight Ahri
- Foxfire Ahri
- Popstar Ahri
- Challenger Ahri
- Academy Ahri
- Arcade Ahri
- K/DA Ahri
- K/DA Ahri Prestige Edition
- Elderwood Ahri
Teamfight Tactics Patch 10.15 Notes
Check out the full TFT Patch 10.15 notes:
"Welcome Galactic Explorers,
In a world where the mightiest of champions have fallen under the Darkest Star, a Chosen One rises in even the tiniest of patches. Where Galaxies rich with plunder bring coins to heroes of patches past... this is where the meta settles, this is where the forces of good make their stand, this is a universe worth fighting for, THIS is patch 10.15.
(If you did not read everything above in a movie trailer voice, please do it again.)
Let's get into it!
- New Galaxy: Plunder Planet. All champions have a chance to drop a coin on death, especially the first few.
- The Neekoverse has been removed from the game.
- The Galactic Armory galaxy has been adjusted. All players now get the same 3 component items, rather than 2 completed items.
- Celestial: 20/45/150⇒15/45/150
Tier 1 Champions
Tier 2 Champions
- Graves Smoke Grenade Blind Duration: 2/3/5⇒3/4/6
- Jarvan Ageless Standard Bonus Attack Speed: 75/85/95%⇒50/60/75%
Tier 3 Champions
- Darius Health: 750⇒800
- Darius Total Mana: 60⇒50
- Lucian Total Mana: 0/35⇒0/30
- Lucian Relentless Pursuit Damage: 150/200/375⇒175/250/550
- Rakan Health: 700⇒650
Tier 4 Champions
- Ashe Starting Mana: 50⇒40
- Master Yi Armor: 30⇒50
- Master Yi Magic Resist: 20⇒35
- Neeko Starting/Total Mana: 25/100⇒35/110
- Vayne Attack Damage: 50⇒55
Tier 5 Champions
- Jhin 4th Shot Damage: 350/500/4444%⇒344/444/4444%
- Jinx Attack Speed on 1st Takedown: 50/70/100%⇒50/75/125%
- Soraka Wish healing: 375/550/20000⇒325/500/20000
- Viktor Total Mana: 70⇒60
- Janna Starting/Total Mana: 30/100⇒20/100
- Xerath Health: 750⇒700
- Xerath Starting Mana: 30⇒20
- Nocturne's Unspeakable Horror damage now properly interacts with Quicksilver Sash (he won't fear the target, but the damage will go through).
- Match History should again show items for everyone instead of just first place. If you place in the top 8 you deserve a proper match history.
- The delay at the end of the round has returned, giving you time to pick things up.
- Tiebreakers should now do math properly if someone went into overtime."
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