The PBE has been updated! As we start the 9.24 PBE cycle, today's patch includes our newest champion, Aphelios, and his release skin Nightbringer Aphelios, new Nightbringer & Dawnbringer, Sugar Rush, Hextech skins, and TONS MORE!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)
Table of Contents
- New Champion: Aphelios
- Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful
- Stats & Abilities
- Lore
- Voiceover
- Release Skin - Nightbringer Aphelios
- Champion Skins
- Sugar Rush Braum
- Sugar Rush Evelynn
- Sugar Rush Ziggs
- Sugar Rush Zilean
- Hextech Swain
- Dawnbringer Karma
- Dawnbringer Nidalee
- Dawnbringer Soraka
- Nightbringer Lee Sin
- Nightbringer Lee Sin Prestige Edition
- Nightbringer Vladimir
- Nightbringer Soraka
- Chroma
- Summoner Icons
- Ward Skins
- Emotes
- 2019 Worlds Winner Icon & Emote
- Lux VFX Update
- Diana Changes on PBE
- Night & Dawn Poro King coming in 9.24!
- TFT Update: Soulbound Class
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
- Context & Notes
New Champion: Aphelios
Our newest champion, Aphelios, is now on the PBE for testing! For more info, check out these links:- Universe Update - New Champion Aphelios, Karma & Sylas Stories
- Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful - Champion Trailer, Abilities, & Champion Insights
Our latest champion Aphelios has hit PBE! We've got a bit to do before he's ready to release, but you can help us! We welcome you to leave any thoughts or feedback on your Aphelios experience in this thread and we'll see what we can do to improve the experience. Also, if you happen to come across something odd during your time playing as, with, or against Aphelios on the PBE, please let us know through the Report a Bug Tool with a description of what happened and whatever other information you can provide.
Since we're coming down the home stretch here, I might be a little too busy to be very active in this thread, but I'll be checking in here periodically to see what's happening. Hope you enjoy your time with Aphelios!
Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful
Stats & Abilities
- Mana: 348
- Mana Per Level: 42
- MR: 26
- MR Per Level: 0.5
- Base AD: 57
- AD Per Level: 2.2
- Base Armor: 28
- Armor Per Level: 3
- Base HP: 530
- HP per level: 86
- HP5: 0.65
- HP Regen Per Level: 0.11
- Attack Speed Per Level: 2.1
- Move Speed: 330
- Attack Range: 550
[Because of Aphelios' intricate weapon switching kit, we're going to use Riot Aether's kit primer as base then add in our own screenshots, ratios, & numbers taken from the PBE.]
[Because of Aphelios' intricate weapon switching kit, we're going to use Riot Aether's kit primer as base then add in our own screenshots, ratios, & numbers taken from the PBE.]
Aphelios Kit Primer
"Most champions can be summarized relatively quickly, but Aphelios isn't most champions. Learning to wield the Weapon of the Faithful demands discipline, focus, and mental acuity, so consider this primer your first test of faith along the path to mastering a champion with one of the highest skill ceilings in the game. (But really, this page has a ton of info to process. Read it a couple times, probably.)
We're going to start with the overall structure of Aphelios' kit, then get into what each of his weapons does.
How the kit works
Guns, basic attacks & ammo
Aphelios cycles through five weapons, each with its own basic attack. He attacks with his main-hand weapon, but always carries an off-hand weapon he can swap to with W.
Aphelios can't pick and choose which two weapons he equips at any given time. His weapons have 50 ammo ("Moonlight") each, and when a weapon runs empty you get the next one in line. Empty weapons go to the end of the line to recharge.
Since Aphelios can swap between his main-hand and off-hand, weapon order changes throughout the game based on which weapons you use first.
Aphelios only has three buttons: Q, W, and R. W swaps between his main- and off-hand weapons, leaving him with two actual abilities. Kind of.
Each of Aphelios' five weapons has its own Q ability when equipped as his main-hand weapon. Each Q applies bonus attacks and effects based on his off-hand weapon. All five Qs cost mana and ammo, and each has its own cooldown (you can Q, switch guns, then immediately use the other Q). Aphelios automatically learns Q at level 2 and it slowly becomes stronger over the course of the game. We'll get to what each Q does in the weapon sections below.
Aphelios' ultimate, Moonlight Vigil, sends forward a moon bomb that explodes on the first enemy hit, damaging nearby enemies. Then, Aphelios follows up with enhanced basic attacks from his main-hand weapon against all enemies caught in the explosion. He automatically learns R at level 6, and it automatically levels up at levels 11 and 16.
Since Aphelios automatically learns his Q and R, he puts his 18 level-up points into stats rather than abilities:
- Attack Damage [4/8/12/16/24]
- Attack Speed [6/12/18/24/30/36%]
- Bonus Armor Penetration [3/6/9/12/15/18%]

Calibrum, the Rifle
Calibrum is a poke/harass weapon. Its basic attacks have [+100] extra range.
When abilities deal damage with Calibrum, they mark enemies hit [for 4.5s] . Aphelios can right-click marked enemies anywhere on the map to follow up with a basic attack from his off-hand weapon (or his non-Calibrum weapon, in cases where he swaps Calibrum to his off-hand before firing). This attack detonates other nearby marks for bonus damage [20/25/30/35/40 at 1/3/5/7/9 (+40% bAD)] against the marked targets.
Calibrum Q: Moonshot
9/8.25/7.5/6.75/6s Cooldown at 1/3/5/7/9
60 Mana
10 Ammo
Fire a skillshot that damages the first unit hit for [60/85/110/135/160 at 1/3/5/7/9 (+60% bAD)(+100% AP)] and marks them.
Moonlight Vigil Calibrum effect
120/110/100s Cooldown at 6/11/16
100 Mana
Moonlight Vigil's follow-up attacks mark all enemies hit. [125/175/225 at 6/11/16 (+20% bAD)(+100% AP)] These marks deal higher damage when consumed [+20/45/70 damage per mark].
Severum, the Scythe Pistol
Severum is a sustain weapon that heals Aphelios for [8-25% based on level] of the damage it deals. Overhealing from Severum is converted into a small shield [10/20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120/130/140 at 1/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18 (+6% health)]. [Persists for 30 seconds]
Severum Q: Onslaught
10/9/8s Cooldown 1/5/9
60 Mana
10 Ammo
Gain [20% (+10% AP)] movement speed and rapidly fire your main-hand and off-hand weapons at the nearest enemy for 1.75s, prioritizing champions. Onslaught shots behave like basic attacks but deal reduced damage [60/90/120/150/180 (+90% bonus attack speed as damage) over 6 (+1 shot per 30% bonus attack speed) shots].
Moonlight Vigil Severum effect
Moonlight Vigil grants Aphelios a flat heal. [200/300/400 at 6/11/16]
Gravitum, the Cannon
Gravitum is a utility weapon that applies a [30% slow, decaying over 3.5s].
Gravitum Q: Eclipse
12/11.5/11/10.5/10s Cooldown at 1/3/5/7/9
60 Mana
10 Ammo
Damage [50/65/80/95/110 (+35% bAD)(+70% AP)] and root all enemies [for 1s] on the map affected by Gravitum's slow. Eclipse doesn't use Aphelios' off-hand weapon.
Moonlight Vigil Gravitum effect
Moonlight Vigil's follow-up attacks apply a massively increased slow [increased to 99%].
Infernum, the Flamethrower
Infernum is an AoE/waveclear weapon. It deals increased basic attack and ability damage [110% Damage] and creates a damage cone behind enemies hit [75/100% at levels 1/9 (34/45% for minions at levels 1/9)].
Infernum Q: Duskwave
9/8/7/6s Cooldown at 1/3/7/9
60 Mana
10 Ammo
Spout a wave of flame, damaging enemies for [25/35/45/55/65 at 1/3/5/7/9 (+80% bAD)(+70% AP)]. Then basic attack all enemies hit with your off-hand weapon.
Moonlight Vigil Infernum effect
Moonlight Vigil's follow-up attacks create damage circles around enemies hit instead of damage cones behind them [Initial explosion deals +50/100/150 at 6/11/16 (+40% bAD)].
Crescendum, the Chakram
Crescendum is a close-range DPS weapon that behaves like a boomerang. Once Aphelios basic attacks with Crescendum he can't attack again until it returns to him, but his attack resets when it does. [Bounce return speed 600 (+750% of bonus Attack Speed)] Attack speed increases Crescendum's travel speed instead. The closer Aphelios is to his target, the less distance Crescendum has to travel—and the faster Aphelios can attack.
When abilities or their follow-up attacks deal damage with Crescendum, they create temporary copies of it [5s duration] for each enemy hit that increase the strength of Crescendum's basic attack.
[Bonus Damage starts at 30% total AD and diminishes with subsequent temporary Chakram hit (Min 5% Total AD damage)]
Crescendum Q: Sentry
9/8.25/7.5/6.75/6s Cooldown at 1/3/5/7/9
60 Mana
10 Ammo
Deploy a turret [20s duration] that shoots the nearest target with your off-hand weapon [25/40/55/70/85 at 1/3/5/7/9 (+50% bAD)(+50% AP) over 4s].
Moonlight Vigil Crescendum effect
If Moonlight Vigil hits fewer than three enemies, its follow up attacks still increase the damage of Crescendum's basic attacks as if at least three enemies were hit.
Custom HUD
All the stuff above is a lot to take in, and a lot to track. Aphelios has a unique HUD to ease this burden.
- Passive, explaining Aphelios' weapons and level ups. The tooltip is as long as this article.
- Aphelios' main-hand weapon and its remaining ammo.
- Q.
- Aphelios' off-hand weapon and its remaining ammo. If its Q is on cooldown, the icon will also indicate remaining cooldown.
- The next weapon you'll get once one of your weapons runs out of ammo.
- R.
Additionally, if your main-hand gun has 10 or less ammo remaining, an ammo tracker will appear on the right side of your screen so you can track your remaining shots."
Aphelios already has a champion page on the Universe! Check it out for his full biography!
Client Bio:
"Emerging from moonlight's shadow with weapons drawn, Aphelios kills the enemies of his faith in brooding silence—speaking only through the certainty of his aim, and the firing of each gun. Though fueled by a poison that renders him mute, he is guided by his sister Alune. From her distant temple sanctuary, she pushes an arsenal of moonstone weapons into his hands. For as long as the moon shines overhead, Aphelios will never be alone."
Choose Quote: "Summon your weapons, Aphelios. The deadliest is your faith."
Ban Quote: "Condemned to darkness, where our power grows."
Special Interactions:
Ban Quote: "Condemned to darkness, where our power grows."
Special Interactions:
Release Skin
Aphelios' release skin is Nightbringer Aphelios:
Nightbringer Aphelios
1350 RP
Champion Skins
Twelve new skins are now on the PBE for testing this cycle, including three skin lines - Sugar Rush, Hextech, and Nightbringer & Dawnbringer!Sugar Rush Braum
1350 RP
Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Sugar Rush Braum:
"KiWiKiD here taking you to heroism lane with Sugar Rush Braum.
- New model and textures - Who knew how robust a cream-filled chocolate-dipped waffle could be
- New Spell VFX - Lovin’ that ult VFX the most.
- New SFX - Sugary without losing the defensive power.
- New recall animation - Hungry poro might’ve eaten a bit too much
Sugar Rush Braum is now available on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. And of course: if you’ve got any questions, I’m here for them~
Sugar Rush Braum is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"
Sugar Rush Evelynn
1350 RP
[Skin bugged, images when corrected!]
Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Sugar Rush Evelynn:
"KiWiKiD here taking you to the jungle with Sugar Rush Evelynn.
- New model and textures - Featuring chocolate covered strawberry lashers
- New Spell VFX - Now you can feed your enemies as they feed you.
- New SFX - SFX on all spells!! Delicious energy carried throughout it all~.
- New recall animation - Gingerbread men oughta be more careful
Sugar Rush Evelynn is now available on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. And of course: if you’ve got any questions, I’m here for them, and you.
Sugar Rush Evelynn is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"
Sugar Rush Ziggs
1350 RP
Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Sugar Rush Ziggs:
"Sugar Rush Ziggs is here to help you snipe that Teemo at max range with Qupcake. He’s got:
Sugar Rush Ziggs is now on PBE! Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, I’ll be the support you need to carry your bugs and feedback to the team.
- New model and textures - Sugarfied model that’ll make you drool.
- New Spell VFX - Accenting his candied self onto all VFX so your enemy’ll drool, too!
- New SFX - SFX on all spells! Squishy, crunch, lots of different ones~
- New recall animation - Just desserts for Ziggs when he over-dynamites his cupcake
Sugar Rush Ziggs is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"
Sugar Rush Zilean
1350 RP
Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Sugar Rush Zilean:
"Hello gamers, it’s KiWiKiD again with the awesome Sugar Rush Zilean skin! Can’t wait for this timely ol’ man to ult me when I’m on the brink of death. He’s got:
- New model and textures - Featuring a sleek new clock.
- New Spell VFX - to express his chocolate-loving soul.
- New SFX - New or additional SFX on all spells! The E is my personal favorite.
- New recall animation - Watch a baker in masterly work.
Sugar Rush Zilean is now available on PBE! Go forth and show some players the way. Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, you know who to call. Me!
Sugar Rush Zilean is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"
Hextech Swain
10 Gemstones
Dawnbringer Karma
1350 RP (All proceeds to charity)
Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Dawnbringer Karma:
"To conquer one’s self is to conquer all.
Dawnbringer Karma will be available to play soon on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs or feedback. And of course, if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them!
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New recall animation!
Spread the light! Dawnbringer Karma is set to be 1350 RP. She's available until January 13, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. PT, and 100% of proceeds go to charitable non-profits around the world. Like Dark Star Cho’Gath, she is only available for RP for a limited time and will eventually return as a gemstone skin. More details to come!"
Dawnbringer Nidalee
Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Dawnbringer Nidalee:
"Instinct guides my steps.
- New models and textures!
- New VFX!
- New SFX!
- New recall animation!
Dawnbringer Nidalee will be available to play soon on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs or feedback. And of course, if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them!"
Dawnbringer Soraka
1820 RP
(Variant of Nightbringer Soraka, owning one will discount the other)
Special Interactions:
Full VO:
Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Dawnbringer Soraka:
"A child of the gods born when chaos slew order, Soraka contains within her the powers of both Riven and Yasuo. To end the conflict of the gods, she has embraced the light to pierce the darkness, drawing on the powers of dawn to bring order to the chaotic world.
"The storm of conflict between the gods has raged for far too long. I will be the light that pierces the clouds."
Dawnbringer Soraka is slated as a Legendary skin priced at 1820 RP (subject to change) and will be available on PBE soon! She is a Variant skin of Nightbringer Soraka, so owning one will give a discount on the other. We always love hearing your feedback and feelings! All bug reports and thoughts help us make these skins even more awesome, so please keep 'em coming!
- New model and textures: Dawnbringer Soraka embodies hope and order.
- New VFX: Drawing upon the powers of hope and order, she pierces her enemies and blesses her allies. Wish (R) displays a special player-view-only illustration of Dawnbringer Soraka. The tassels on the pieces above her shoulders also alter length depending on her health.
- New SFX and VO lines: The sounds of holy light brightens her kit, complete with some unique Dawnbringer lines.
- New animations and rig: She angelically heals an ailing spirit during her Recall (B).
Thanks, cuties! <3"
Nightbringer Lee Sin
1350 RP
Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Lee Sin:
"The embodiment of raw emotion, Lee Sin harnesses his passion to strike down his enemies!
Nightbringer Lee Sin brings his fury to the Rift featuring:
Nightbringer Lee Sin will be available to play on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs or feedback. And of course, if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. Cheers!
- New model and textures to outplay your opponents!
- New VFX befitting of his martial prowess!
- New SFX that embody his love of battle!
- New Recall animation that harnesses his rage!
Nightbringer Lee Sin is currently set at 1350 RP.
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."
Nightbringer Lee Sin Prestige Edition
Event Tokens
Nightbringer Vladimir
1350 RP
Here's Riot 6armedrobot with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Vladimir:
"The King of Night has arrived! All shall kneel before Vladimir and despair!
Nightbringer Vladimir sows chaos on the Rift with:
Nightbringer Vladimir will be available to play on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs or feedback. And of course, if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. Cheers!
- New model and textures befitting his grandeur!
- New VFX to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies!
- New SFX to create discord amongst the rabble!
- New Recall animation to showcase his power!
Nightbringer Vladimir is currently set at 1350 RP.
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."
Nightbringer Soraka
1820 RP
(Variant of Dawnbringer Soraka, owning one will discount the other)
Special Interactions:
Full VO:
Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Nightbringer Soraka:
"A child of the gods born when chaos slew order, Soraka contains within her the powers of both Riven and Yasuo. To end the conflict of the gods, she has embraced the darkness to soothe the blinding light, drawing on the powers of night to create chaos and change in a too-static world.
"The storm of conflict between the gods has raged for far too long. I will be the night that quiets the thunder."
- New model and textures: Nightbringer Soraka embodies chaos and change.
- New VFX: Drawing upon the powers of chaos and change, she pierces her enemies and blesses her allies. Wish (R) displays a special player-view-only illustration of Nightbringer Soraka. The tassels on the pieces above her shoulders also alter length depending on her health.
- New SFX and VO lines: The sounds of fiery night emblazons her kit, complete with some unique Nightbringer lines.
- New animations and rig: She aggressively heals an ailing spirit during her Recall (B).
Nightbringer Soraka is slated as a Legendary skin priced at 1820 RP (subject to change) and will be available on PBE soon! She is a Variant skin of Dawnbringer Soraka, so owning one will give a discount on the other. We always love hearing your feedback and feelings! All bug reports and thoughts help us make these skins even more awesome, so please keep 'em coming!
Thanks, cuties! <3"
Tons of new chroma are now on the PBE:
Nightbringer Aphelios
(7 Chromas)
Nightbringer Vladimir
(5 Chromas + LPP Emerald Chroma)
Nightbringer Yasuo
Dawnbringer Karma
(6 Chromas)
Dawnbringer Nidalee
(6 Chromas)
Dawnbringer Riven
Sugar Rush Zilean
(7 Chromas)
Sugar Rush Evelynn
(6 Chromas)
Sugar Rush Ziggs
(8 Chromas)
Sugar Rush Braum
(8 Chromas)
Summoner Icons
Twenty-nine new summoner icons are now on the PBE:
Prestige 2019 Icon, Night & Dawn Event Pass Icon, Night & Dawn Event Prestige Points Icon
Night & Dawn Event Icon, Dawnbringer Karma Bundle Icon, Dawnbringer Karma Border Icon
Dawnbringer Nidalee Border Icon, Nightbringer Vladimir Border Icon, Nightbringer Lee Sin Border Icon
Nightbringer Aphelios Border Icon, Dawnbringer Karma Chroma Icon, Dawnbringer Nidalee Chroma Icon
Nightbringer Vladimir Chroma Icon, Nightbringer Aphelios Chroma Icon, Sugar Rush Evelynn Border Icon
Sugar Rush Ziggs Border Icon, Sugar Rush Zilean Border Icon, Sugar Rush Braum Border Icon
Sugar Rush Evelynn Chroma Icon, Sugar Rush Ziggs Chroma Icon, Sugar Rush Zilean Chroma Icon
Sugar Rush Braum Chroma Icon, Nightbringer Soraka Icon, Dawnbringer Soraka Icon
Dawnbringer Riven Chroma Icon, Nightbringer Yasuo Chroma Icon
Ward Skins
Two new ward skins are now on the PBE!
Night & Dawn Ward
"This ward was earned through missions during the Night & Dawn event."
Prestige 2019 Ward
"This ward was released during the last-chance event for 2019 Prestige Points."
Five new emotes are now on the PBE:
All Love, Oh Please, I Laugh At You!
Animated Irresistible!, Flee!
2019 Worlds Winners Icon & Emote
The Worlds 2019 Winner's Icon and Emote are now on the PBE:Lux VFX Update
Here's Riot Sirhaian with details on a Lux VFX update coming to testing on the PBE:"Hello everyone!
Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Ziggs, Olaf, Tryndamere, etc), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of more champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their FX to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. In Patch 9.24, we'll be releasing a VFX Update for Lux!
Just like the previous ones, and since these are smaller updates geared toward sprucing up some of the oldest members of the roster, they aren't in the same prioritization conversation as to how we decide who gets a VGU (where we take model, gameplay, and thematic into account too!): they do not affect any other timeline, and are simply dev passion projects.
We're looking for feedback on her changes, which should be up on the PBE soon. Please try her out there —especially if you're a main— and leave us your feedback once the changes are up!
VFX Update aimed at improving gameplay readability and bringing up her VFXs to today's standards. Also, more rainbows.
Base Kit:
Skin changes:
- BA - Cleaned up missile and impact.
- Q - Added a subtle effect to show the width of the missile. Also more sparkly and rainbowy!
- W - Mostly just a clean-up. Added a subtle missile width indicator on missile going out.
- E - Revamped and cleaned up charge and explosion effects. Missile still similar.
- R - Effect has been completely overhauled. Now has indicator lines on both sides to show the actual width of the beam. Also has a line at the end to show the actual range of it (it was kind of really off before, ahem).
- P - Just cleaned up a bit.
- Idle Effects - Cleaned up and improved idle staff effects.
- All Skins: Cleaned up and matched base.
- Steel Legion Lux: Cleaned up lightning effects on Q missile, E explosion and R beam.
All the most recent skins changes are very minor.
Please test those changes on the PBE once she's up and let us know if you have any feedback!"
Diana changes on PBE
Here's Squad5 with details on Diana changes testing on the PBE this cycle:"Hey all, we’ve got some Diana changes headed to PBE including Gameplay changes, new Visual Effects, and Sound Effects - we wanted to put up a post detailing what you’re going to see, and give some context for the major gameplay changes.
Updated Visual Effects - similar to the VFX updates we’ve done to a number of our older champions, all of Diana’s VFX are getting at least a touch up, including new VFX for her ultimate, and better visuals on her passive.
Updated Sound Effects - again, similar to the SFX updates we’ve done, all of her SFX are getting touched up at least, notably her shield and dashes should be a lot more noticeable, as well as all new SFX for her ultimate and her passive.
We’ve got some gameplay changes aimed at helping Diana’s pre 6 lane, and making both the playing as and against experience of Diana less feast or famine.
The first gameplay change I’ll talk about is the biggest one - we’re switching Diana’s current E (Moonfall) and R (Lunar Rush) abilities and making changes to them to respect their new roles on the kit.
Here are the tooltips for the two abilities (bonus new icons!):
Lunar Rush should be familiar, functionally the same as her old ultimate with its changes being primarily tuning based. The Moonfall changes add a new, ultimate level source of damage onto Diana’s kit that she can use for solo assassinations or go for the big play of getting a massive teamfight winning vacuum.
Having access to Lunar Rush early should give Diana more agency in lane to maneuver, and give her more options than simply trying to survive until level level 6. Or in the case of jungle Diana, make her clear and ganking patterns stronger.
New Moonfall gives Diana a new tuning lever to hopefully make her more enjoyable to play both as and against. One of the core problems Diana currently has is a lack of variance when she attacks her enemies. She trains them down with multiple dashes and if she’s winning she likely kills them without much recourse, but if she’s losing she likely can’t dish out enough damage and simply loses the fight. With the addition of a bigger moment to play around, opponents can attempt to get out of Moonfall’s detonation, while Diana can look for a big multi-opponent cast to pull out extra damage.
This swap should overall help both the laning and later game concerns that Diana players have, and hopefully also reduce some of the frustration that her opponents feel.
The second change is one that will probably be of more interest to more invested Diana players - changes to the way her passive works.
Here’s the new tooltip (level 1 value):
Here are the mechanical differences from her current passive:
Diana’s passive had a lot of rules and mechanics that were put in for specific reasons to tune her lane or her jungle respectively, and after taking a look at them we decided that we could afford to clean them up and simplify the passive back down while instead making adjustments to her base stats and mana costs to make her feel better overall.
- Decoupled Attack Speed from Moonfall’s rank (now scales with character level)
- Always grants a baseline Attack Speed bonus rather than only after spell casts
- Spell casts now increase the bonus
- Passive cleave no longer grants mana
This passive version should hopefully be a nice throwback to her original passive while still maintaining the spell weaving gameplay of her current passive.
There’s a lot more tuning that I haven’t mentioned, and more to be done on PBE with the feedback we get, but I look forward to everyone getting to take a look at our favorite moon aspect’s new changes."Here's a closer look at Diana's new ability icons:
Night & Dawn Poro King coming in 9.24!
Here's Riot Popc0rner with details on the return of Poro King in 9.24:"Hi folks! For the Night & Dawn event at the end of this year, we're bringing the regal and time-honored Poro King back from his vacation on the shores of the fabled Ursine Lands and returning him to the Howling Abyss, where he'll lead you to glorious victory!
As always, you summon the Poro King by flinging poros, snowball-style, until you've hit ten enemy champions. The King will help you push enemy towers and periodically heal you, and you can use the To The King! spell to return to his side at any time.
To celebrate the Night and Dawn event, you now have access to two all-new Poro Snax:
Dawnbringer Snax: The king will summon the blade of Dawnbringer Riven to hurl you into the heart of battle when you feed him these celestial treats.
Nightbringer Snax: The king will channel the dark winds of Nightbringer Yasuo to disrupt and disorient your foes after consuming this bitter morsel.
We've also done some quality-of-life improvements:
And, of course, equipping certain poro icons will still change your poro followers into extra special poros!
- - Poro King now uses the same random-champion-select process as ARAM
- - We've made it easier to keep track of your progress toward summoning the King with new UI
- - All the ARAM-specific champion, item, and rune changes have been brought to Poro King
Poro King is going up on PBE now, so be sure to give it a try and let us know what you think.
We'll have more news about future modes coming early next year, so stay tuned. Until then, may your poros fly true, and may the favor of the King shine down upon you!
Riot Popc0rner"
TFT Update: Soulbound Class
Here's Riot Jag and Beernana with details on a new TFT Class and champions:"Senna and Lucian enter Teamfight Tactics together, bound beyond life and death. As Soulbound, these two damage dealing carries fight past their own mortal limits as long as the other is still alive.
Here's how they work:
- (2) The first Soulbound unit to die in a round will instead enter the Spirit Realm, becoming untargetable and continuing to fight as long as another Soulbound unit is alive.
- Cost: 2
- Origin: Shadow
- Class: Soulbound
- Ability: Piercing Darkness
- Senna fires a beam through her furthest ally, dealing 50/100/150 magic damage to enemies, and buffing allies' on-hits for 5 seconds to deal 25/45/65 magic damage from Senna.
Senna is a back-line unit that focuses on buffing allies as well as dealing damage. Her ability Piercing Darkness infuses any friendly in the beam with bonus on-hit magic damage applied from Senna, allowing her Shadow trait to benefit from many more takedowns in a combat.
- Cost: 4
- Origin: Light
- Class: Soulbound
- Ability: The Culling
- Lucian fires at 4 times his normal Attacks Per Second in a direction for 4 seconds, each attacking for 20/30/50% of his AD, applying on-hits, and dealing 30/40/50 magic damage.
Lucian is the new carry for the Light trait and is especially adept at single-target DPS. His ability Culling synergizes very well with damage modifiers like Piercing Darkness and applies on-hit effects.
Oh, and we almost forgot about Amumu
- Cost: 5
- Origin: Inferno
- Class: Warden
- Ability: Curse of the Sad Mummy
- Amumu’s rage explodes, dealing 250/500/1337 magic damage to enemies within 2/3/4 Hexes, and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
Inferno at the 6-piece level has been a bit underwhelming. Specifically, it lacks the utility to compete with other all-in compositions (Light, for example). Enter Amumu - he’s here to be the tanky frontline for all of your Infernal needs. He roots enemies in Inferno Hexes and is generally an adorably cute, but often lonely, force of raw destruction."Riot Mort added:
"Two small bits of info:
1.) With the release of Lucian/Senna, Shadow is swapping to a 3/6 model instead of 2/4. Currently its (+70%/+140%)
2.) Inferno is getting some big changes. It now also procs on Crits, and 6/9 cause more hexes on fire!"
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- Night & Dawn 2019 Token
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- Sweet Tooth Chroma (Sugar Rush Evelynn) + Icon
- Paragon Chroma (Dawnbringer Nidalee) + Icon
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- Sweet Tooth Chroma (Sugar Rush Zilean) + Icon
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- Nightbringer Aphelios Icon + Border
- Nightbringer Vladimir Icon + Border
- Nightbringer Lee Sin Icon + Border
- Dawnbringer Nidalee Icon + Border
- Sugar Rush Braum Icon + Border
- Sugar Rush Evelynn Icon + Border
- Sugar Rush Ziggs Icon + Border
- Sugar Rush Zilean Icon + Border
- 100 Prestige Points + Icon
Balance Changes
* NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.
[Context / Changelist - Diana has tons of change now in testing on the PBE, including abilities, icons, VFX and more!]
[These changes were hotfixed to live on 11/21!]
Sanguine Blade
[These changes were hotfixed to live on 11/21!]
Cut Down (P4)
Shield Bash (R2)
Fleet Footwork (Precision Keystone)
- HP per level increased from 87 to 98
- HP5 increased from 8 to 8.5
- Winter's Bite (Q) Damage increased from 60/105/150/195/240 to 60/110/160/210/260
- Stand Behind Me (W)
- Cooldown lowered from 14/13/12/11/10 to 12/11/10/9/8
- Mana cost lowered from 50/55/60/65/70 to 40
- [Changed] Receives same armor and MR when leaping to a minion or champion
- (previously only received bonus when leaping to champion)
- Glacial Fissure (R)
- damage increased from 150/250/350 to 150/300/450
- [Effect changed] "The first target is knocked up for between 0.3 and 1/1.25/1.5 seconds, depending on distance from Braum. All others hit are knocked up for 0.3 seconds."
[Context / Changelist - Diana has tons of change now in testing on the PBE, including abilities, icons, VFX and more!]
- Mana increased from 372 to 420
- Mana per level increased from 20 to 25
- Base AD increased from 53.04 to 57.04
- Moonsilver Blade (Passive)
- [New Effect] "Diana gains [10/15/20/25/30/35/40% at 1/3/6/9/12/15/18] bonus attack speed. After casting a spell, the bonus is tripled for 3 seconds.
Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for an additional 20/25/30/35/40/55/65/75/85/95/120/135/150/165/180/210/230/250 (+40% AP) magic damage."
- Crescent Strike (Q)
- Mana cost lowered from 55 to 50
- Pale Cascade (W)
- Mana cost lowered from 40/55/70/85/100 to 40/45/50/55/60
- Shield changed from [40/55/70/85/100 (+30% AP)] to [30/45/60/75/90 (+30% AP)(+10% Bonus Health)]
- Lunar Rush (E)
- Swapped with Moonfall (R)
- 40/45/50/55/60 Mana
- 22/20/18/16/14s cooldown
- "Becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% AP) magic damage, resetting its cooldown if the enemy is affected by Moonlight.
- Moonfall (R)
- Swapped with Lunar Rush (E)
- 100/90/80s Cooldown
- 100 Mana
- Reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and slows them by 40/50/60% for 2 seconds.
- If Diana pulls in one or more enemy champions, the moonlight crashes down onto her after 1 second, dealing 200/300/400 (+60% AP) magic damage in an area around her, increased by 35/60/85 (+15% AP) for each target beyond the first pulled.
[These changes were hotfixed to live on 11/21!]
- Base HP increased from 491 to 500
- Mana increased from 360.6 to 375
- MP5 increased from 8.42 to 8.5
- Mystic Shot (Q) damage increased from 15/40/65/900/115 to 20/45/70/95/120
- Void Swarm (W) Gathering Swarm name changed to Zz'Rot Swarm
[These changes were hotfixed to live on 11/21!]
- Total cost increased from 3000 to 3100
- Combine cost increased from 1000 to 1100
- Unique Passive - Blood Pursuit attack speed lowered from 40-100% to 10-80%
"This is not an intended change, and neither are the changes to shield bash and cut down. some version stomping is going on"
Tooltip changed: "Deal 5% more damage to champions with 0.1 more max health than you, increasing to 15% at 1 more max health."
Next basic attack after gaining a new shield damage lowered from 5-30 to 4-21
Rules changed from [Healing from minions is 20% effective for Ranged Champions.] to [Healing is 100% as effective when used on a minion (50% effective for ranged). Healing is increased by 0% of your critical damage modifier when triggered by a critical hit.]
TFT Changes
These changes are tentative and may not be complete! Always refer to official notes for the full picture!
Berzerker- 6 Champ now also gain 50 AD
- 3 champ attack speed on death increased from 10% to 15%
- 6 champ attack speed on death increased from 20% to 25%
- 2 champ chance to double attack speed increased from 30% to 35%
- 4 champ chance to double attack speed increased from 60% to 80%
- 6 champs now gives chance at 2.5x attack speed
- (2) The first Soulbound unit to die in a round will instead enter the Spirit Realm, becoming untargetable and continuing to fight as long as another Soulbound unit is alive.
- 2 champ dodge chance increased from 15% to 20%
- 3 champ dodge chance increased from 20% to 25%
- 4 champ dodge chance increased from 30% to 35%
[Changed due to inclusion of Senna]
- 3 champs: 70% increased damage, self takedown
- 6 champs: 140% increased damage, any Shadow takedown
- 3 champ increased summon health and duration lowered from 40% to 20%
- 6 champ increased summon health and duration increased from 100% to 120%
- 2 unit shock damage increased from 70 to 100
- 3 unit shock damage increased from 250 to 300
- Now procs on crits
- Hex burn duration lowered from 5s to 4s
- 3 champ damage lowered from 80% to 70%
- 6 champ
- damage lowered from 175% to 120%
- now burns 3 hexes
- 9 champ
- damage lowered from 275% to 180%
- now burns 5 hexes
- Damage per arrow increased from 25/30/35% to 30/40/50%
- shield lowered from 200/350/500 to 200/300/400
- damage increased from 500/800/9999 to 600/900/9999
- damage increased from 125/200/275 to 150/300/1000
- heal lowered from 100/175/250 to 100/150/200
- Ricochet duration increased from 5s to 7s
- damage increased from 225/400/675 to 250/500/750
- minion health changed from 600/1000/1400 to 600/900/1800
Context & Notes
1) Riot Rovient provided a look at the Infernal rift tint changes:"This GIF shows 0%, 70% and 100% (which is how current infernal looks right now) red tint intensity.
We've gone for 65%, so SLIGHTLY less than the 70% you see here."
2) Riot Mort provided a changelist for upcoming ARAM balance changes in 9.24:
ARAM - As promised, checked how everything looked after 9.23. Nothing too crazy, but a few things we can improve so here's the changes going into 9.24. We're also hoping to fix the bug with Super Minions, and will likely be nerfing Presence of Mind. Again...this is ARAM.
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