Patch 9.15 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for more information!
Check out the Patch 9.15 notes (be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!):
Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo
Paul "Aether" Perscheid

Check out the Patch 9.15 notes (be sure to check regional editions for slight variations!):
Hey all! We're keeping it relatively chill for the next few patches after a very large and in charge, chunky yet funky patch 9.14.
In 9.15, we're following up with some updates to our latest champion Qiyana, as well as to some of the last patch's champions like Swain and Poppy. We also got some buffs for a few champions that could use a push in the current state of the game.

Patch Highlights

PROJECT: Pyke, Irelia, Warwick, Jinx, and Akali will be available on August 1, 2019.

Q cooldown refund on monsters decreased.
We're slowing down Evelynn's clear speed especially in the early game.
Q - Hate Spike
COOLDOWN REFUND60% when hitting monsters ⇒ 50% when hitting monsters

Passive cooldown scales with CDR; damage increased. E damage increased.
We've pulled a lot of power out of Galio's more reliable combos. But now he'll be rewarded with a higher payoff if he's able to land more inconsistent abilities like his E.
Passive - Colossal Smash
NEWCOOLDOWN5 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 5 seconds, affected by CDR
DAMAGE15-180 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 15-200 (levels 1-18)
E - Justice Punch
BASE DAMAGE80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 90/130/170/210/250

E armor per stack increased.
Graves is underperforming across the board right now, so we're buffing his defenses to help him survive better in the early game and generally be more comfortable brawling.
E - Quickdraw
ARMOR PER STACK5/7.5/10/12.5/15 ⇒ 8/11/14/17/20

Empowered E shield decreased.
The 9.13 revert on Karma's movement speed wasn't enough to knock her pro presence down to healthy levels so we're giving her another nerf.
Empowered E - Defiance
BONUS SHIELD30/90/150/210 (+0.6 ability power) ⇒ 25/80/135/190 (+0.5 ability power)

Q base damage increased.
You don't crush bug. Bug crushes you.
Q - Taste Their Fear
BASE DAMAGE50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160

E base root damage increased.
Landing the root on LeBlanc's E doesn't carry as much weight as it should in the late game. We’re matching the reward to its risk.
E - Ethereal Chains
BASE ROOT DAMAGE60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 70/110/150/190/230

Lee Sin
Q base damage increased.
Lee Sin is underperforming at most levels of solo queue play, and while he's more present at higher skill brackets, his clear weaknesses and counters make him risky to pick even where he is showing up. We're giving Lee a slight bump which should help solo queue players across the board.
Q - Resonating Strike/Sonic Wave
SONIC WAVE BASE DAMAGE50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155
RESONATING STRIKE MINIMUM DAMAGE50/75/100/125/150 ⇒ 55/80/105/130/155
RESONATING STRIKE MAXIMUM DAMAGE100/150/200/250/300 ⇒ 110/160/210/260/310

Base health and health growth increased. R AP ratio increased.
Helping Liss across the board with more early game defense and late game damage.
Base Stats
HEALTH518 ⇒ 550
R - Frozen Tomb
DAMAGE RATIO60% ability power ⇒ 75% ability power

R base damage increased later.
Lucian is fine in the early and mid game, but he could be more useful in the late game. Buffing his ultimate so he doesn't completely fall off.
R - The Culling
BASE DAMAGE20/35/50 per shot ⇒ 20/40/60 per shot

Q slow increased. W base cleave damage increased.
Our 9.14 changes were intended to be a moderate buff, but we were a bit too cautious and undershot as a result. We’re giving him some more power, alongside some bugfixes.
Q - Seismic Shard
SLOW15/20/25/30/35% ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40%
W - Thunderclap
BASE CLEAVE DAMAGE20/35/50/65/80 ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90
BUGFIXCleave damage will now trigger Hunter's Talisman
R - Unstoppable Force
BUGFIXNow casts at max range if used outside of max range

W movement speed increased.
Last patch's set of changes actually reduced Poppy's solo queue performance slightly, so we’re buffing her a tiny bit so things end up more net neutral.
W - Steadfast Presence

E no longer damages targets outside of its range. R cooldown now scales. Health packs in ARAM now grants her River.
We adjusted Qiyana's E so that its range reads more accurately when targets Flash or dash away. Now even if she cast it within range at the time, Audacity shouldn't damage enemies if they're visually out of range by the time it lands. We’re also bumping up her R cooldown to more standard levels now that players have had some time to learn to use it.
W - Terrashape
RIVER ELEMENT IN ARAMQiyana can now empower her blade with River from health packs in Howling Abyss
E - Audacity
DAMAGE RANGENow only damages targets if within 250 range at the end of the dash (Enemies that dash or Flash away can now dodge Audacity's damage)
R - Supreme Display of Talent
COOLDOWN100 seconds ⇒ 120/100/80 seconds

W shield decreased.
Rumble shouldn't be able to shrug off early damage so easily.
W - Scrap Shield
BASE SHIELD100/130/160/190/220 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200
BASE EMPOWERED SHIELD150/195/240/285/330 ⇒ 120/165/210/255/300

Q base damage increased.
Soraka's on the weaker side now compared to other enchanters. We're giving back some damage on her Q, especially since we increased its cooldown.
Q - Starcall
BASE DAMAGE60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 75/110/145/180/215
R - Wish
BUGFIXSoraka's R - Wish now properly goes on cooldown when she dies while casting.

Q range reverted to pre-9.14 range.
Reverting back to the old range on Swain’s Q since it resulted in awkward situations where he would miss more frequently after pulling somebody rooted from a max range E.
Q - Death's Hand
BOLT RANGE625 ⇒ 725

R damage per sphere increased late.
As a match progresses, it gets harder and harder for Syndra to get into ult range of the target she's after. We’re improving the late-game payout she gets when she does manage to reach that priority target.
R - Unleashed Power
BASE DAMAGE PER SPHERE90/135/180 ⇒ 90/140/190

E wall hit damage increased; damage now applied instantly.
Landing Vayne's E is one of the most skill-expressive portions of her kit, so we’re increasing the payout and satisfaction for when she pulls it off. Also, we're fixing a problem that's mostly annoying when Vayne tries to last hit. Condemn's damage now applies instantly to targets so that minions that should have died from her Condemn will do so immediately instead of staying alive as they're moving back (and risk getting hit by a turret shot).
E - Condemn
WALL HIT DAMAGE100% of Condemn's damage ⇒ 150% of Condemn's damage
DAMAGE TIMINGNow deals Condemn's damage instantly, instead of after the knockback

R range flattened.
We're amping up Xerath’s identity as a long-ranged artillery mage by letting him access his most unique facet (his crazy range) earlier in the game.
R - Rite of the Arcane
RANGE3200/4400/5600 ⇒ 5000
Victory/Defeat Banners
Mac users, rejoice! At the end of every game, you'll no longer see static Victory and Defeat banners and instead, get new animated versions that are shipping to both Mac and PC. In addition, the banner animations will now scale properly with the visual quality selected in the game options.
Legacy Cursor Removal
Much like the beloved VHS player that you could no longer keep in your storage closet, we're removing the option to use the old bronze gauntlet from the game.
- Draven's unempowered basic attacks now properly deal damage in Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
- Kayn's R - Umbral Trespass now properly goes on cooldown if the target dies while Kayn has infested them
- Lux's R - Final Spark cooldown timer now properly appears when she dies during cast
- Fixed a bug where Irelia's Flawless Duet and Zoe's E - Sleepy Trouble Bubble would target incorrect positions in Howling Abyss and Summoner Rift's river
- Xerath's Q - Arcanopulse, Taliyah's E - Unraveled Earth, Jayce's E - Acceleration Gate, and Zigg's E - Hexplosive Minefield no longer cause small hitches to characters on or sometimes off-screen when cast
- Katarina's E - Shunpo now properly counts towards triggering Electrocute and Phase Rush and is usable in Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
- Miss Fortune's Passive - Love Tap no longer grants an additional stack of Electrocute
- Gragas' E - Body Slam + basic attack combo now grants the proper number of Electrocute and Conqueror stacks
- Xayah's Passive - Clean Cuts now apply the proper number of Electrocute stacks based on the number of basic attacks
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
Points of Interest from the 9.15 PBE Cycle
Here's a brief look at many of the new things included in patch 9.15. This coverage includes preview screen shots and video taken during the 9.15 PBE cycle and may vary slightly from what is pushed to live.Champion Skins
Six new skins will be available sometime this cycle:PROJECT: Pyke
1820 RP
"An early PROJECT prototype, Pyke's untested upgrades left him violently unstable—too much so for his handlers, who junked him and threw his remains outside the walls of the City. Yet his cybernetic brain survived, rebuilding Pyke with salvaged scrap parts from all around him, and now their fragmented, overlapping memories mix with his own as they scream out for revenge."
PROJECT: Warwick
1350 RP
"Plucked from the wastelands by a PROJECT research cell, Warwick has been irrevocably transformed into a horrifying new stage of transhuman evolution—a weaponized monster stripped of all remorse, and programmed solely for violent suppression. Through the meddling of the ragtag outsiders, he escaped before being completed, and now rampages indiscriminately across the City."
1350 RP
"Jinx volunteered for PROJECT conversion, never expecting that a critical power failure would scramble her memory core, leaving her a psychopath driven by the manic voices in her head. Seemingly obsessed with destruction for its own sake, she has begun to show signs of something far more sinister than mere memory fragmentation: the cold, calculating influence of Program."
1350 RP
"A cutting-edge PROJECT subject who somehow escaped the City's boundaries, Akali brings dire warnings of an untested superweapon to those living in the wasteland beyond. With time running out and no other options, these outcasts join her in an attempt to take the mega-corporation down... suspicious that their newfound ally might in fact be a double agent."
1350 RP
"A PROJECT castoff who found sanctuary in the lawless wastes, Irelia has led other outcasts like her as they attempt to survive corporate assassins, murderous old-world technology, and widespread ecological collapse. Knowing Warwick could destroy everything she holds dear, she joins the attack on the City to end PROJECT once and for all."
PROJECT: Irelia - Prestige Edition
[Availability TBD]
"There are moments when Irelia and the other outcasts remember who they once were, before PROJECT exiled them into a wasteland filled with sand-blasted monuments to corporate greed. These memories are fleeting, the last flickering images of a long-compromised humanity."
"There are moments when Irelia and the other outcasts remember who they once were, before PROJECT exiled them into a wasteland filled with sand-blasted monuments to corporate greed. These memories are fleeting, the last flickering images of a long-compromised humanity."
Each of the PROJECT skins have a set of chromas this cycle, as well as chroma for a few older PROJECT skins:
PROJECT: Warwick
PROJECT: Fiora Chroma
Summoner Icons
Tons of new summoner icons will be available sometime this cycle:
PROJECT: Reckoning & Reckoning Pass Icons
PROJECT: Irelia, Jinx, Warwick, Akali, and Pyke Icons
PROJECT: Warwick, Akali, Jinx, Pyke, Fiora, Lucian, and Zed Chroma Icons
PROJECT: Mission & Pyke Mission Icons
Season 2019 Split 3 Icon
New emotes will be available sometime this cycle, including PROJECT emotes, Split rewards, and esports emotes:
Hush Now, Bang!, Watch Yourself
2019 - Split 3 Emotes
LCK Emotes
Ward Skin
A new ward skin will be available sometime this cycle:PROJECT: Reckoning Ward
PROJECT: 2019 Login Theme
A new login theme will be featured on the client sometime this cycle:
[Still Image / Music]
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