3/11 PBE Update: HH Nidalee Update and new Nami E Particles

Posted on at 6:40 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated!
Continue reading for some changes to the new Headhunter Nidalee skin, new particles for Nami's E, and more!

( Warning: PBE content is highly tentative and subject to change! Some of this information may have been datamined and could likely be erroneous. )

Headhunter Nidalee changes
Headhunter Nidalee was a recipient of several changes this patch. She got a lot of color updates, fancy new lights, and she now actually resembles her splash art.

Here is a short video of the updated skin in action.

New Particle for Nami's E
Nami has got a very visible new particle for her Tidecaller's Blessing ( E )!
As Tidecaller's Blessing gives three charges, one of the three bubbles disappears every time your target auto attacks.

Here is a short video of this welcomed change in action.

Misc / Small Changes
Gladiator Draven's Q now lights up when he's holding it instead of just when it's in the air. I love this skin.

Balance Changes
No balance changes this patch.  Few slight changes in the air client but nothing in the game client.

Here the the previous iterations of this patch cycle, just in case you need to catch up.

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