New Champion and Skin sale 11/20 - 11/23

Posted on at 3:54 PM by Moobeat
A new champion and skin sale starts tomorrow! Between November 20th and November 23rd, you can pick up Diana, Blitzcrank, and Kennen for 487 RP, as well as Primal Udyr for 487 RP, Royal Shaco for 260 RP and Rune Wars Renekton for 487 RP.

Continue reading for video previews of this weeks skin selections

Primal Udyr
487 RP

Royal Shaco
260 RP

Rune Wars Renekton
487 RP


  1. Replies
    1. kennen is 4800IP, he was 6300IP before. I think he's worth 487RP. Maybe I'm wrong but I've seen many people saying he's worth 975RP even.

    2. Considering you need Spellvamp Quints and Energy Regen yellows before you even think about playing Kennen, I'd definitely buy him with RP. That's already 13,530 IP just for his runes, lol.

    3. Yeah spellvamp runes are definitely a no.

      Magic pen reds
      Armor/Lvl or Abiltypower/Lvl yellows
      MR or Abilitypower blues
      Abilitypower or magic pen quints

    4. spell vamp runes are always a rank S runes , they scale very well the whole game.

    5. Spell Vamp runes and energy regen runes are awful. Why would you take that mid lane which is generally considered a very low to no sustain lane. It is a harassing/nuking lane and AP runes/magic pen runes would be much better for mid lane. Spell Vamp runes MAYBE if your top lane, never ever get energy regen runes. If your spamming to the point where your running out of energy, your doing it wrong.

    6. go check out guides at you noobs, spellvamp runes are great on kennen and recommended in all his featured guides.

    7. oh and for a guide to be featured their writer has to have an elo over 2000, so have fun arguing with better players noobs.

    8. You can calm down now, son, and that 2000 elo thing is not true...

    9. Ego Ignaxio runs energy seals and spell vamp quints, he even starts with a damn doran's shield. He has over 3.6k games as Kennen only and he's like, the best one out there. So he knows what he's saying.

  2. FIRST!!!


  3. I would like to say that the runewars renekton skin is totaly worth it, bougth it for 975 and i haven't regret

  4. OMG, bought RP today and I'm going to spend it all already. Kennen and Prymal Udyr + FoxFire Ahri. ._.

    1. Hold it on the Fox... it's gonna be on sale fairly soon

    2. Foxfire came out a few months ago it isnt going on sale anytime soon.

    3. "few months ago" thats why its going on sale soon, rune wars renek was also released few months ago

    4. dont even compare. Rune Wars Renekton was released in May. FoxFire Ahri was released in July. Many skins before her were not put on sale yet. It will take like 5 more months for that skin to be on sale. Check this thread:

      Basically, all this skins have to be on sale before FoxFire Ahri:

      Jan. 10th, 2012: Dragonblade Talon (975 RP), Guqin Sona (975 RP), Jade Dragon Wukong (975 RP), Dragon Fist Lee Sin (975 RP).
      ■ Feb. 14th, 2012: Heartseeker Vayne (975 RP).
      ■ Apr. 1st, 2012: Fisherman Fizz (975 RP).
      ■ Apr. 6th, 2012: Battle Bunny Riven (975 RP).
      ■ May 1st. 2012: Frostblade Irelia (975 RP), Rune Wars Renekton (975 RP).
      ■ May 8th, 2012: Blight Crystal Varus (975 RP).
      ■ May 23: Lord Darius (975 RP), Blackthorn Morgana (975 RP), Tyrant Swain (975 RP).
      ■ May 28: Sad Robot Amumu (975 RP), Darkflame Shyvana (975 RP).
      ■ May 30: Glaive Warrior Pantheon (975 RP).
      ■ June 06: Soul Reaver Draven (975 RP).
      ■ July 07: Full Metal Jayce (975 RP).
      ■ July 09: Panda Teemo, (975 RP), Augmented Singed (975 RP).

      I know what you are saying, it's good to wait for a good chance to buy champ/skin. I do that alot, believe me, I probably saved like 5000RP by buying stuff on sale. But FoxFire Ahri will take too long and it's completely worth the 975RP, IMO.

    5. they don't necessarily HAVE to be on sale before FoxFire Ahri but they will most likely be before her. RuneWars Renekton is an exception simply because the champion is underused. Check lolstatistics. Champions and skins that go on sale have 3 major factors: time, price and usage.

  5. Fired up and ready to pull people into the bushes.

    1. Please please miss me. PRETTY PLEASE. I hate being pulled into the dark recesses of Blitz's brushes D:

  6. I would like to say that the runewars renekton skin is totaly worth it, bougth it for 975 and i haven't regret

  7. so rune wars rene already on sale and still no frostblade irelia?

    1. Runewars Renek is an older skin compared to Frostblade Irelia. Frostblade Irelia probably won't be on sale anytime soon.

    2. Runewars Renekton and Frostblade Irelia were released on same day...

  8. Replies
    1. same. Can't wait for her. Gonna probly insta-buy the launch skin as well.

  9. Hey Moo, do you expect the PBE patch to come out tonight or tomorrow night?

  10. Really want diana, but dont think champs are worth RP especially since you can get them with IP

    1. I hated her, she is the same as akali with weaker damage, it was my first and still only refund

    2. lol, diana > akali anytime. diana: aoe with her q, shield instead of shroud (that is totally nonviable, in late-game anyway, due to the abundance of oracle's in all ranked games) and aoe disruption, great for aoe teams to set up a wombo-combo.

    3. It really depends. If you want someone to fight sustained fights then go with Diana. Crazy burst and tankiness. If you want to quickly assassinate carries go Akali all the way.

  11. No new information tonight? D:

  12. Anyone knows when the patch is going to be out?

    1. The PBE went down for maintenance earlier today so soonish I guess?

  13. My brother just bought Diana 2 days ago by 975 hahaha

  14. on the shop i can't see the champions on sale wtf is this ?

  15. EU-W haven't already this price reduction ...

  16. This sale sux :/ I dont want Diana cause i bought Shen today, and she reminds me of him because of their passsives. Ill try on beta (if ill join there, and think about, probably)
    I want Dragon Lee sin or Acolyte Lee sin + Rageborn Mundo on sale! ^^

  17. Sale is between 20-23 .. so in 23 there still will be this sale or not? I always don't know if sale is included in those days
