The PBE has been updated with a very small patch!
Continue reading to check out the three splash art changes, nerfs for Rengar's W, and some small tweaks to Sultan Tryndamere!
Continue reading to check out the three splash art changes, nerfs for Rengar's W, and some small tweaks to Sultan Tryndamere!
( WARNING: This is PBE stuff is TENTATIVE. Don't get too attached to changes. )
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The new Lux is back and has undergone some changed! The art has been shifted so her entire wand thing is visible and her head was altered a bit. Check out the new vs old. |
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If you look at the original splash, there is a rock in the corner. Turns out that rock was stolen from a MTG art. Want to know more? Check out the thread that started it all! |
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Compared to the old splash, this one now has a staff/scepter thing on the right instead of the old weapon on the left. |
Balance changes you ask? Well, I do have two that will make Rengar players sad:
- Battle Roar ( W ) - magic damage reduced to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 from 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255
- Battle Roar ( W ) - bonus armor and magic resist reduced to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 from 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Lastly, Sultan Tryndamere got some very small improvements. It's hard to convey in pictures but he received a bit of particle smoothing on his spin and a small impact effect added to his critical strikes.
P.S: They turned the Korean PC Bang feature back on. Everyone getting every champion unlocked and bonus IP is NOT a new feature.
they are really trolling with lux
ReplyDelete**** yeah!!!! She's back!!!
wtf, they didnt change anything?
Deletei was hoping theyre touching up the picture. it looks horrible the way it is. why would they just put it back in like that?
They fixed her crazy eyebrows and improved her head position.
Deletelet me get out my magnifying glass... O_O
Deletewhat's a stolen rock
ReplyDeleteIt's just the rock that was in the lower right corner. It was quite out of place. Haha.
DeleteNo, it was because it was an exact copy of a slash art from a magic the gathering game.
DeleteI dont think they are called splash in magic..
DeleteThank you, I really liked the new Lux splash.
ReplyDeleteme too!
DeleteYeah me too I like it alot!
DeleteIt was changed and I'm glad it was. Her face looked off. Check out her eyebrows, they were creepy as fuck.
I really like the new art as well. Even the first version of the new art was swell to me. She didn't look crazy in my opinion.
Deletefirst version was already great! suits her laugh and LASER IN YA FACE!!
Deletenow time for the rest of her skin splashes to change, especially sorceress, looks horrible
DeleteIndeed. The only skin which really suits her is Spellthief
DeleteMaybe its just me but the new gut diun the splash art cant seem to do mouths.
DeleteMissfortunes doing that damn duckface thubg eith her lips.
Morganas pushing her chin into her neck and has this rape face grin. If youve seen the "it begins" picture it looks alot like that.
Then luxs "old" new art had this maniacle grin, the new face has this mouth is so narrow showing her front top teeth it looks like a rabit or chipmunk.
Ill never be able to take the champion select portraits seriously with these wacked out faces, and im sure theres more to come.
"gut diun the splash art"
DeleteStupid phone thats suppose to say "guy doing the splash arts"
I can't see what you see with morg no matter how hard i try. Also MF is just blowing the smoke from her gun not making a stupid face. Lux's mouth also looks the same in both splash arts. They didn't change it, and it looks nothing like you describe. I think you just don't understand how mouths actually work.
Deleteon my account the kayle pic glitched and only shows a part of her wing, also, i saw they updated a small portion of khazix's sound file
ReplyDeleteSTOP NERFING KAYLE! She really needed those rocks to be effective. I quit lol cause of this :S
ReplyDeleteYou're not funny.
DeleteThe rengar nerfs aren't bad. I think they will put him at a balanced point.
ReplyDeleteThey are positively huge. That's around 60 damage less lvl 9, this means he can't clear waves in two W's and he has significantly less trading power.
DeleteDude his w is gonna really nerf to the ground. I understand that they could want to nerf his w damage and armour/magic res bonus but not that much! I really hope they don't get this to the real game :(.
DeleteHe gets alot for his W tbf. Armor + Mres + Aoe + Heal . For an already burly assassin, he shouldnt really be getting such an all round skill . I can't think of any skill that should be that good :P
Deletethey nerfed the W because a lot of players were going AP Rengar because of that one skill. huehuehue. and it actually hurt. if u were using a squishy, u'd die before u realized he was there.
DeleteBalanced? Like the previous replies they are nerfing him pretty hard.
DeleteEven after the recent hotfix, which already nerfed the ratio on his W, I still play and manage to win as AP rengar, although just barely, it is still possible to play.
DeleteIf THESE changes make it to live, they might as well remove AP scaling completely... I mean, why give a champion AP ratios at all if an AP version of the champ will not be able to be played viably at all?
It's like Sivir's Q.
DeleteThey do that in order to make TriForce-based builds a bit better.
Also nashor's buff would be more noticeable with AP ratios on AD champs.
I hope Yi gets some similar treatment as well.
DeleteClearly he will not get any worse or better, but the game would be better without those gimmick pubstomp builds based on single ability and scaling items.
Rengar is going to be so squishy now. One thing is to nerf the dmg w.e we xan deal with that but nerfing the resistance allows for no competetive play in top lane vrs jax vlad rumble even yorick. Way to force rrngar to jungle..
Deletenot suprised, new champs always gets nerfed. Kha'zix will be the same thing. Rengar's W armor and magic resist was like cut in half, wow.. and the cooldown never changed
DeleteYou forgot to add one thing about the Lux art. They changed her face to make her look less crazy. No I'm not lying, look at it side-by-side and compare, they changed her eye shape and her eyebrows.
ReplyDeleteHer body is still broken and I still hate the art though.
They also made her body much smaller compared to the size of her face and moved her head to be at a more realistic angle to her neck. There are still some weird parts of her body, but when have Riot artists been able to draw human bodies?
DeleteThey did too, thanks! Now her neck doesn't feel as broken and they're not trying to over-sexualise her by boasting her bust out.
DeleteHer spine still looks out of shape. Really I wish they'd give us the option to choose between which art we want to use for each champ, rather than using external resources, because I love the current Lux art. :/
Her neck seems a lot better and the face is alright now, but like all the ladies they've been 'updating' lately there is no spine there is no ribcage. They need to like, rotate her hips so that her crotch lines up with her belly button.... same goes for Soraka and Morgana. And the ribcage thing is really bothering me.
DeleteThe art was never this well painted in the past, but at least they made an attempt at accurate anatomy.
Yeah, every time i look at the new morgana splash art i cringe. It looks like she is one of those women from the colonial period who wore such a tight corset for so long that their body actually deformed to the shape. freaks me the hell out.
DeleteLux just looks like she got into a hugging contest with Maokai. lol
It's "art". I seriously don't understand everytime u guys question or flame or rage about Anatomy.
DeleteI mean they're all made to look awesome.
Mf to be cartoonish and cute.
Morg, she's so Wonder Woman bad ass.
Lux, she's as delightful and energetic as u could ever ask for.
I never ask for realistic in this game.
If so, shouldn't you guys ask why we have 2-legged wolf or lion? why don't they run on 4 legs then?
Asking for intact skeletons and proportional limbs is not asking for "realism" these are representations of the characters and last time i checked luxes arms are the same length and her spine isnt twisted and bent like te splash art wiuld lead me to beleive.
Deletethey fixed how her face looked overall
Deletebut they still messed up
just look at her left eyebrow its thick as all hell
two Ts in critical
DeleteAlso can I add, Divine Soraka artwork was changed.
The art is mostly the same, the only forseeable difference is they updated her wand/staff thing, and put it on left hand side instead of her right.
Pretty lazy compared to what they did with the other two... but who am I kidding, there's a skin for her that doesn't look like some anime supermodel crossed with a goat >.>
DeleteHey, if you didn't know, Kha'Zix's Q's CD has been nerfed from 2.5 sec to 3.5 and i think his ratios just got nerfed too, but i don't know to what values..!
ReplyDeleteI guessed maybe you'd want to look it up and see for yourself :)
Nevermind, the ratios remained the same, though the CD on his Q remains 3.5 from lvl 1 through 5!
DeleteAnyone else feel violated by looking at new Lux splash?
ReplyDeleteI think I need an adult.
I AM an adult!
Deletenow Naaaaaail! NAAAAAIL! Take his coat!
rengar's w nerf will make his clearing time slower and with the ar/mr nerf,hes going to have a bad time during early-mid games team fights....way too items depandant..thats why he have the huge ar/mr buff to help him being tanky without items in the early/mid game
ReplyDeleteLol "wand thing"!
ReplyDeletewow those rengar nerfs so significant.
ReplyDeleteIf you rely on your W for damage, you're not playing Rengar right. He uses W for the heal. As long as they don't change the values on that part of the ability, he's fine.
ReplyDeletecant farm zee creeps :D
DeleteYou use Rengar's W for clearing jungle and minion waves. Such a huge nerf is going to hurt his ability to farm, which is a big deal for an item dependent champion.
ReplyDeleteThe armor + magic resistance hit is even worse, because without it he's incredibly squishy and is very easy to burst down. If this change goes through it will absolutely cripple him in the worst way.
Hey I know what's a good idea, buffing Rengar's q then when we realize that it tears people apart, take away his durability/self-buffing skill.........personally I thought he was balanced before they started messing around with him.
ReplyDeleteand I just bought Rengar too. Sigh, hard to tell if these are needed nerfs are caving to the "Rengar OP!NERF!" threads
ReplyDeletei think rengar is weak... but that's just me.
Delete^^ Ya I agree he somewhat weak :(
DeleteRengar just got gutted.
ReplyDeleteRengar needs some tweaks away from what they're doing; lowering the cooldown on the W a bit and giving him back his 1.0 ratio with the current damage levels would be cool, but I can't help but think that riot is going after the wrong part of the champ.
ReplyDeletewhat part of q being his main damage dealer and slowing down his jungle do you not understand? W was not intended to be his main source of damage, but most like a utility, like his E..
Deletebesides, being able to 2 shoot anyone with a Q is more rewarding then spamming a W for a heal..
what's wrong with you heal noobs..?
Make Luxs chest bigger!
ReplyDeleteI already like Lux's splash... but she needs a new model to fit it, riot pls.
ReplyDeleteThere are Characters that need it much more... Nidalee aka Ms. Clumpfood as prime example.
DeleteI've never seen a rengar do bad (unless i was playing him). most finish games with a fully stacked necklace and an 18/4 score. even in ranked. his damage with no items is insane.
ReplyDeletewith the random buffs to Q, the nerfs to W are fine. its supposed to be a utility skill, not a free kill. otherwise it would have scaled with AD in the first place.
He's underrated, people just don't see... he would have come out of nowhere and suddenly been considered OP like just about......... every other champ in the game. because the community only follows what they see in tournaments or on "pro" streams.
No, actually, the armor buff from W is one of the most important parts of his kit and is vital for him if he wants to be able to engage without getting blown up. I'm not normally a doomsayer, but this WILL reduce him to pubstomper levels and make him a troll pick everywhere else.
DeleteActually it is a need nerf. As is he kills 1 to 2 targets per engagement and gets away with at least half health if you just have a vampiric scepter on him. Assassins should have some amount of risk when playing them; it's why they're assassins and not fighters or tanks.
DeleteEve and shaco for example both have abilities that either let them initiate or get away, but if they go in they don't necessarily get auto-kills and live through it. I do think that it should begin at 20 armor/mr gain and end at 40 but the damage wasn't designed to be a champion killing or a mass farm move.
i dont really consider him an assassin, but I havnt played him since he came out.
DeleteWeird how some tiny changes like those make the whole pic look much better. I like the new Lux art now
ReplyDeleteWTF SORAKA DIVINE skin -.- plz change that !
ReplyDeleteI was saying this would happen a month ago. I knew that when they nerf AP Rengar and buff AD Rengar to compensate, AD will be op so they nerf him back and leave AP unplayable. But with this ultra nerf he would be even weaker than on release, which doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteHe was incredibly powerful on release, being able to strike someone 3 times with q in 3 seconds is ridiculous. I'm glad that they buffed his passive and allowed him to keep moving when using w, but the buff to his q just shocked me. He can kill single targets almost instantly.
DeleteThe buff to w was needed to put him back in the assassin category instead of ad tanky fighter carry (aka Poppy). It will make him less of an over-bearing force (like Darius or Draven) and allow him to be actually be countered without having to spend all resources or ultimate abilities trying to do so.
3 times in 3 seconds....u live in a parallel world...
Deleteso op that he had 32% win rate.
now rengar is fine and no i dont play him ( i m one of those that play lee sin top jungle mid ad carry and support)
yes they fixed the eyebrows!!
ReplyDeleteThey Just changed her eyebrows less Pamela Anderson like :< which I thought was sexy now it's just more moderate eyebrows. Oh well I have no problem with this or the old art just put it in the game.. and work on SION DEAR GOD..
ReplyDeletedoesn't anyone think that working on the splash art is pointless unless they fix the in-game model??
ReplyDeleteLux's Ult should be the length on the whole map..
ikr, if its a huge light beam, it should travel the whole map
DeleteIf they did that there would be a longer delay and most likely an AP ratio reduction. Ever notice that Ezreal and Zigg's abilities have to be timed and aimed properly. If they increased the range to the entire map with the damage and cooldown staying the same it would be op as heck.
DeleteThey should really change Soraka's Divine skin to the chinese version, since it matches her model now and is higher quality, or Riot can just have redone it instead of doing a lazy wand change. I feel like that's such a half assed thing to do. Especially since they redid ALL of Ashe's skins.
ReplyDeleteexcept her amethyst
DeleteSoraka has a skin in which she doesn't look like a cute monstergirl with horns and hooves... gotta change that too! >:-|
DeleteLux still bullshit, cool! Rengar =( Makes me sad yo...
ReplyDeleteThe Rengar nerfs are hardcore. The AP nerf, I can understand though not agree with, as they want him to be played as an AP, alright. But they halved his defence bonus, that' such a heavy nerf. Even WITH the defence bonus, I find rengar taking a significant amount of damage. I just think it's a little overboard. They 'claim' he's meant to be played as an offtank/bruiser, but you might as well play him like utility assassin for his ulti to act like an actual hunting ultimate. Funnily enough, just like the new champ coming out which is they claim is more assassinlike than rengar.
ReplyDeletemeanwhile the new champ has 40% damage reduction and free empowered rengar's Q
DeleteHer spine is still broken...
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one that just doesn't like the Lux art?
ReplyDeletebefore or after, I feel trolled looking at her art >_>''''
I dont, I think its horrible, Why cant they just fix lux's face in the old splash
DeleteNew Lux > Old Fug Face
ReplyDeleteThe old lux art reminded me to much of aunt Martha. Lol
ReplyDeleteI don't use AP Rengar anyway... but this is a little ridiculous... I feel like that's really going to hurt his jungling and his ganks...
ReplyDeleteIf Riot is nerfing Rengar because people are playing him AP then rollback this nerf and nerf the scaling again...
I don't use AP Rengar anyway... but this is a little ridiculous... I feel like that's really going to hurt his jungling and his ganks...
ReplyDeleteIf Riot is nerfing Rengar because people are playing him AP then rollback this nerf and nerf the scaling again...
lol, why even give him bonus armor and mr at this point? it was only useful, really, to block one attack after you came out of brush/stealth, and now it's absolutely useless except in early game, where nobody's going to take it in the first place because Q and E deal so much more damage.
ReplyDeleteremove armor/mr and buff healing to 20 percent and the skill will be worthwhile again.
Rengar players are sad indeed. :(
ReplyDeleteI Agree Last Comment^^^^
ReplyDeleteCongrats Riot.. you've successfully destroyed Lux.
ReplyDeleteFirst raped her Ulti, then her face.
Well done. might be a new champ
ReplyDeleteIS it just me or does the new Lux has something from Jessica Biel? Oo