Varus, as well as his Crystal Blight skin, are now available for purchase! Head out to the fields of justice and enjoy the Arrow of Retribution!
We are proud to announce that Varus, the Arrow of Retribution is ready to be summoned to the Fields of Justice.
Please be sure to re-log and check out his Champion Spotlight here:
Morello also had this to say about Varus launching with only one skin:
We're trying doing some single-skin releases so we can take a little longer on each skin. Since the expectation (rightfully so) has gone up on launch skin quality, we'd rather make sure we meet that bar than have two.- Morello, Lead Champion Designer, via the official forums.
Not sure if this will stay this way or if we'll find something clever to help us do both, but we wanted to give this a whirl
awesome, check out my blog!
ReplyDeleteI don't know who they think they're bullshitting with this
ReplyDelete"so we can take a little longer on each skin; we'd rather make sure we meet that bar than have two", because his other skin is horribad. They must think their playerbase is made up of cretins or something.