Season One Will End with the Riven Update

Posted on at 5:13 AM by Moobeat

Since there seems to have been some confusion surrounding the end date of Ladder Season One, we wanted to take a moment to clear up any miscommunication that might have happened.

Ladder Season One will officially come to a close in the next update with the release of Riven, the Shattered Exile. Once the servers come down for the scheduled game update at this time, the Season will come to a close, rewards will be distributed, and ladder ratings will be reset. If you'd like more information on any of the rewards or the graduated ladder reset you can click here to view our initial announcement on the end of Season One.

The end of Ladder Season One is almost upon us, summoners! We look forward to watching everyone make their final push for the rankings, and we look forward to seeing a lot more competition in Season Two!
- Tamat, Lead Community Manager, via the official forum.