Red Post Collection: Ravenborn LeBlanc & Underworld Wukong are legacy, Flash sale clarification, TotBM Puppeteer note, Fiddlesticks' lore, and more!

Posted on at 5:10 AM by Moobeat
This morning's red post collection features a reminder that Ravenborn LeBlanc and Underworld Wukong are both legacy skins and will leave the shop on November 4th, WizardCrab clarifting what content is included in the Harrowing FLASH sales, Jaredan with a small note on the Puppeteer from "Tales of the Black Mist: The Harrowing" , Carnival Knights discussion   the potential direction of Fiddlesticks' updated lore, and Riot Aether commenting on a recently fixed exploit.
Continue reading for more information!

Ravenborn LeBlanc and Underworld Wukong are Legacy Skins

To avoid any confusion regarding the availability of the two new Harrowing skins, the Ravenborn LeBlanc and the Underworld Wukong pages have been updated to clearly note that both skins will leaving the shop and be going into the Legacy Vault on November 4th! This means that, as with all legacy content, they will be normally unavailable for purchase but will return to the shop at some point in the future, likely during the 2015 Harrowing event next year!

Harrowing Flash Sales Clarification

WizardCrab also scuttled on to reddit to confirm what types skins will be included in the  Haunted Hoard Harrowing sale's flash sales:
"Clarification: the flash sales only include skins regularly able to go on sale. So don't expect ultimates, legendaries, legacy skins, or skins not in the store
Those skins are far too resilient for the specter to affect..."
He continued, reiterating that this means almost all (all besides Officer Vi and Haunted Zyra) Harrowing skins will NOT BE IN FLASH SALES:
"Most are not eligible because most are legacy skins."

The Puppeteer from TotBM

In a reddit thread asking if the mysterious Puppeteer from the "Tales of the Black Mist: The Harrowing" video is actually based on the long cancelled Tabu champion concept, Jaredan noted:
"The Puppeteer isn't based on the concept you mention, he's just his own kind of fella."

Fiddlesticks' Lore

In a thread asking about the fate of Fiddlesticks' lore with the recent changes to lore and if he will be refitted to be part of the Shadow Isles, Carnival Knights replied:
"Hello! I'm currently the guy taking a crack at Fiddlesticks (still in the early stages, nothing concrete). For the current iteration I've decided to keep him separate from the Shadow Isles, if nothing more than to keep SI from being our Spooky Scary Champ megamart. Plus, I think he fits in better elsewhere anyway :)

One of the things I want to preserve is the core of Fiddle's personality, while expanding on his origins and purpose. I'm throwing in a bit of Lovecraft and Alice in Wonderland to the early drafts (I also took a couple suggestions from the forums), so hopefully the result is a bit of creepy absurdism with a hint of something-wicked-this-way-comes. We'll see if we end up using any of it, but I'm definitely trying to do him proud!"
As for Nocturne and if he'll be getting similar treatment, Carnival Knights noted:
"He was one of my options along with Aatrox and Poppy, but I went with Fid (and took a crack at Poppy) because cosmic horror and puppets pretty much make up the entirety of my wheelhouse. Well, that and youtube sketches. But last time I checked we didn't have a magic death scarecrow watching Cute, Win, Fail in his underoos.

Not sure where he ended up, though I know who would've taken him immediately if they had the option."
When asked how many champions each writer is tackling at any given time, Carnival Knights shared:
"Yes. Writers tackle about one to three at a time, with short foundational stories thrown in every week as prompts/practice/inspiration. Some do more, I do less. As opposed to a full-time writer, I'm (as my forum badge says) the ambassador to the writing team, so I have a bit less writing work and bit more leeway concerning what I'm able to poke at between inquiries."
More information on these topics can be found in this post.

Recent Exploit Fixed, Punishments Going Out

Earlier in the week an exploit was discovered that used Ashe to some how cause other champions to replace abilities with their auto attack, including Brand and Fiora being able to use their ults on auto attack. See this reddit thread for more examples of the exploit. 

Here's Riot Aether with a bit of info on the exploit being fixed, punishments being handed out, and why Riot didn't disable Ashe right away:
"Hey everyone! Wanted to let you know where we landed with this exploit - and to be clear, this was an exploit requiring game manipulation in violation of the Terms of Service, we areidentifying abusers (fortunately a small number), and we are in the process of banning offending accounts.

Regarding the exploit itself, we patched out a server-side fix this morning (no download necessary on your end) and based on initial monitoring, the issue is resolved. Beyond today's fix, we're continuously working every patch to quietly improve our code so problems like this don't hit live servers, though we won't get into specifics for security reasons.

We also wanted to chat about our decision to leave Ashe enabled. As several of you noted, the exploit in question wasn't limited to Ashe, so in handling this particular issue, disabling her would just have led to offending parties sniffing out other abuse cases. Us providing this explanation yesterday would unfortunately have led to the same consequences as well. Withholding information from you is always uncomfortable for us but in situations like this we have to be sure we won't cause more problems for everyone by being up-front.

Thanks for sticking with us on this one, friends."

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