Posted on at 2:18 PM by Moobeat
As we've seen them whip up a concept art from scratch and then refine that concept into a splash art,  day three of the PAX East live art demos finished the cycle with the art team creating an in-game model for the Exterminator Twitch concept!
Continue reading for the big cheese!

WARNING: While These live art demos are super awesome, they are NOT A PROMISE of a skin and are a fun way for the artists to interact with summoners during event. While certain skins ( Pool Party Leona ) have been brought to life in game, manage your expectations accordingly. This is not a current skin in internal development and is not any sort of exclusive PAX skin.]

To reiterate, here's a short comment from IronStylus on the Exterminator Twitch concept:
"Glad you guys are excited! I very much hope we can bring this to you. As I sometimes say.. NO PROMISES. That's just to make sure we manage expectations :D 
I do love this skin though.."

Building on their work from the past two days of creating a concept art and splash art for an Exterminator Twitch skin concept, the art team returned to do a live art demo of creating an in-game model for Exterminator Twitch - starting from a base model and  whipping up a face mask & breathing canister as well as adding in color.!

As Grumpy Monkey worked the model, splash while ohmikegoodness, IronStylus, and The Bravo Ray again took to the stage to answer the crowds questions.
A ball of digital clay which all models sort of start out as, fortunately we started with a bit more than that... 
The model that Grumpy Monkey worked on prior to the show, as one hour is not a long time to take from base to now.
For the next several pictures, we can see Grumpy Monkey working on the goggles and face mask.
Working on the canisters on the gas mask. 
Working to make the gloves nice an tattered.
Then we started to add color and refine the clothes.
Switching off some of his clothes to better hone in on the vest - o la la! 
Working on the tank.

Hope you guys enjoyed our live coverage of these awesome live art demos straight from PAX East!

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