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Table of Contents
10.23 Hotfix - Tank Item Nerfs & ARAM balance
Scruffy tweeted a set of hotfixes that will be going to live later today (11/16) and target
a few tank items:
"Tanks nerf Hotfix coming today:Hits Sunfire and Frostfire a bit harder than Chemtank.
Also includes bugfixes for Wardstone exploit and jungle+support starters."
Lowbo also jumped on twitter to share
ARAM balance hotfix changelist
that is also going out -
Update: The 10.23 patch notes have been updated with these changes!"Hello everyone! We just pushed an ARAM micropatch to live. Balance was very shaken up by the preseason changes, so we wanted to get this out ASAP."
"11/16/2020 Tank Balance Changes, ARAM Balance Changes, and Bugfixes
First, some ARAM balance changes.
Cannon Minion Stealth Detection
seconds⇒ Infinite (Note: the circle VFX will still disappear after 8 seconds. This will be officially fixed in 10.24)- SIGHT RADIUS:
900⇒ 1100
10.23 Buffs
10.23 Nerfs
Normal⇒ -5% damage taken- CAITLYN:
-5% damage dealt⇒ Normal- DR. MUNDO: +10% damage taken ⇒ +5% damage taken
Normal⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken- GRAGAS:
Normal⇒ -5% damage taken- ILLAOI:
-5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken⇒ -5% damage dealt- JANNA:
+10% damage taken, -10% healing, & -10% shielding⇒ +5% damage taken & -10% healing- JINX: -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken ⇒ -5% damage dealt
Normal⇒ -5% damage taken- KASSADIN:
-5% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken- NAMI:
+5% damage taken & -15% healing⇒ +5% damage taken & -5% healing- NASUS:
-5% damage dealt⇒ Normal- PYKE:
+5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken- SINGED:
-5% damage dealt⇒ Normal- SONA:
-20% damage dealt, +15% damage taken, -20% healing, & -20% shielding⇒ -15% damage dealt, +15% damage taken, -20% healing, & -20% shielding- SWAIN:
-10% damage dealt & + 6% damage taken⇒ -5% damage dealt & +6% damage taken- TRYNDAMERE:
+10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken⇒ +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken- URGOT:
-5% damage dealt⇒ Normal- VEIGAR:
-8% damage dealt & +10% damage taken⇒ -8% damage dealt & +5% damage taken- VEL'KOZ:
-10% damage dealt⇒ -5% damage dealt- WARWICK:
-8% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -8% damage taken- YASUO:
Normal⇒ -5% damage taken- YONE:
-5% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
+18% damage dealt & -15% damage taken⇒ +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken- AMUMU:
Normal⇒ -5% damage dealt- ANNIE:
Normal⇒ -5% damage dealt- BRAND:
-5% damage dealt ⇒ -5% damage dealt& +5% damage taken- CAMILLE:
+6% damage dealt & -10% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken- CORKI:
-5% damage taken⇒ -3% damage taken- EVELYNN:
+15% damage dealt & -15% damage taken⇒ +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken- FIZZ:
+5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken⇒ -5% damage taken- JAX:
-5% damage taken⇒ -3% damage taken- KATARINA:
+5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken- KAYLE:
+6% damage taken⇒ -5% damage dealt & +6% damage taken- KENNEN:
-5% damage taken⇒ Normal- MORGANA:
-6% damage dealt⇒ -6% damage dealt & +5% damage taken- NAUTILUS:
+8% damage taken⇒ -5% damage dealt % +8% damage taken- NOCTURNE:
+10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken⇒ +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken- OLAF:
-5% damage taken⇒ Normal- ORNN:
Normal⇒ -5% damage dealt- POPPY
-5% damage taken⇒ Normal- REK'SAI:
+12% damage dealt & -15% damage taken⇒ +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken- RIVEN:
+5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken⇒ +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken- SAMIRA:
-5% damage taken⇒ Normal- SERAPHINE:
-5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, & -5% healing⇒ -10% damage dealt, +10% damage taken, & -10% healing- TAHM KENCH:
+5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken⇒ -5% damage taken- TEEMO:
-15% damage dealt & +10% damage taken⇒ -15% damage dealt & +15% damage taken- VAYNE:
-3% damage taken⇒ Normal- VI:
+5% damage dealt& -5% damage taken ⇒ -5% damage taken- VIKTOR:
Normal⇒ -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken- VOLIBEAR: -
5% damage taken⇒ Normal
Now bugfixes.
- WARDSTONE BUGFIX: Players can no longer get free gold through the Item Shop by purchasing AND undoing the purchase of Stirring Wardstone and Sight Ward
- JUNGLE/SUPPORT ITEM BUGFIX: Players can no longer purchase both a jungle item and support item
- CANNON MINION DAMAGE BUGFIX: Fixed a bug where cannon minions were dealing more damage than intended to all targets instead of just turrets
- GANGPLANK R - CANNON BARRAGE BUGFIX: Gangplank can no longer rapidly purchase all 3 R - Cannon Barrage upgrades with 500 Silver Serpents
- GANGPLANK DISCONNECT BUGFIX: Gangplank should no longer be locked out of purchasing upgrades when disconnected
And finally, Immolate balance changes to target tanks.
Bami CinderFrostfire
15 (+1% bonus health)⇒ 12 (+1% bonus health)- IMMOLATE MONSTER DAMAGE MODIFICATION:
150%⇒ 125%Turbo Chemtank
20-40 (+1% bonus health)⇒ 12-30 (+1% bonus health)- IMMOLATE MONSTER DAMAGE MODIFICATION:
150%⇒ 125%- SLOW ON-HIT:
30% (+4% per 1000 health)⇒ 25% (+4% per 1000 health)Sunfire Aegis
20-40 (+1% bonus health)⇒ 12-30 (+1% bonus health)- IMMOLATE MONSTER DAMAGE MODIFICATION:
150% ⇒ 125%
20-40 (+1% bonus health)⇒ 12-30 (+1% bonus health)- IMMOLATE MONSTER DAMAGE MODIFICATION:
34.4-68.8 (based on level)⇒ 20.64-51.6 (based on level) (stack damage increase and bonus health ratio unchanged"
An Update on Little Legends on ARAM
Here's an update from Riot Mantikles on the use of Little Legends on ARAM - Little Legends will continue to be available on ARAM!
"Little Legends will continue to cheer you on on the Howling Abyss.
Back in June, we announced that we would be removing Little Legends from ARAM due to concerns over gameplay clarity, limited player interest, and potential constraints to future Little Legends designs. Shortly after that, we decided to put our plans on hold due to feedback from you. We're here now with a final update to this trilogy about Little Legends in ARAM. TL;DR: We are not going to be removing them from the game mode at this time.
In light of your pushback at the initial announcement, we decided to take a step back and thoroughly examine how players felt about Little Legends being on ARAM. We found that most players didn’t have any issues with Little Legends being on the Howling Abyss, with relatively few players actually feeling negatively about them in general. That sentiment was true across multiple groups--including players who didn’t even own or use Little Legends.
One of our other main reasons for wanting to remove Little Legends was due to visual clarity in ARAM. However, we also confirmed that most players didn’t feel that Little Legends had a strong impact on the gameplay clarity of their ARAM experience. While visual clarity is important to some, most ARAM mains/players don't play the game mode with the same expectations as one would in other maps.
The sentiment results we saw from these surveys, along with the original factors like developer constraints on the LL team and visual clarity impact of LLs were all weighed against each other one more time, and we realized we were wrong. For these reasons, Little Legends will continue to cheer you on in ARAM for the foreseeable future!
This reassessment helped us better understand players' expectations about more casual modes like ARAM and will help in our LL decisions in the future. We recognize the importance of weighing game health with players' needs, and hope you can offer us the same feedback going forward. Thanks!"
Sunsetting Clubs: Dawn of the Final Day
Here's Karadwe with a follow up post on the upcoming sunsetting of Clubs - currently patch 10.25 (live ~December 8th) is when clubs will no longer be available.
"Next steps for Clubs' sunset in December
Hey, everyone. It’s been about two months since we announced our intention to sunset Clubs in League of Legends. We're finally ready to move on to the next and final step in the process to give you ample time to migrate your communities to other platforms or channels. We thank you for all the feedback, comments, and sentiment we've been seeing around Clubs and hope to make this transition as easy and smooth as possible!
A Note on Club Tags: Clubs as a Part of Your Identity
Unsurprisingly, most of the feedback and sentiment that we saw after the first article was about the loss of Club Tags. One of the most interesting themes across this feedback was just how varied the uses of Club Tags are today. To name just a few:
We know that Club Tags added a lot of player value, but, in addition to those mostly harmless uses, we also see an alarming number of more malicious and inappropriate tags out there.
- Expressing Champion affinity - I see you out there, Kayn mains
- Repping your favorite teams - Like a 2-5 character jersey you can wear in-game
- Putting inside jokes....outside - Collection of random nouns or something hilarious your friend said once? We’ll never know
There is no perfect solution that will enable us to keep the good tags around while preventing the bad tags from creating an unsafe environment. We’ll continue to look for ways to help you express yourself and your interests safely, though, because we know that matters to you. In the meantime, keep flashing your Mastery emotes on people to show them that you (yes, you) are the best 1/12/0 Yasuo on the block.
Next Steps
We’re currently targeting patch 10.25 (Live in Riot Regions on December 8th) as the patch in which Clubs are sunset. This means that, upon patching and logging into the game, you’ll no longer see Club Chat, Club Tags or any Club Roster information. We know that this will be a big adjustment for some of you, but our hope is that between now and then, you are able to migrate your community over to platforms like Discord so that you can stay in touch with your friends in League and beyond.
Speaking of Discord, starting today you can head over to their website to set up a new Discord Server for your community. They have League-specific templates ready to go at the link below and setting up your server should only take a few minutes, even if you aren’t already a Discord user. Once your server is set up, you can grab an invite link, paste it into Club Chat and let everyone know where they can find you.
We purposely designed this flow to give you maximum flexibility in how your community moves forward. Some of you are members of multiple Clubs that you might want to merge. Others may only want to keep in touch with a few of the people in their existing Clubs. Yet others may want to create a brand new community composed of people on their friends lists, people in existing Clubs and people outside of League. The choice is yours and we hope this proves to be a great opportunity for you to carry forward your existing relationships while forming some new ones.
Click here to head over to Discord!"
- Riot Scruffy tweeted out the patch preview for 10.24 including a tentative look at a few champion & item balance changes to expect in next patch:
"Patch Preview 10.24-Focus is mainly on items still, bringing classes and outlier items closer-Reducing burst from item procs and actives on the AP lines-Most outlier champs are being covered with item changes-Tank hotfix nerfs will still be in"
- [New 11/17] Scruffy provided the full 10.24 balance changelist:
"10.24 Preview with changes-A few additions (Amumu, Cosmic Drive, Icons)-It's so much that we needed 2 imagesKeep the feedback coming, were steadily moving closer to a stable state, pace feels pretty good so far."
- [New 11/17] Scruffy also tweeted item icon adjustments coming soon:
"Our first pass of adjustments to item icons based on your feedback.Goal is to improve:-Icon clarity (clearer silhouette, less noise)-Icon differentiation (more color separation)|-Rendering polishHere's a preview of the work in progress:"
- A bunch of info on the upcoming TFT Set 4 NA Qualifiers & Regional finals has been posted! Check out the full article for more info on the event, where to watch, and more.
- The 2020 Ranked Season is now over! Check out the Riot Support End of Season 2020 article for info on rewards, eligibility, and more. Rewards should be distributed by December 10th.
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