Patch 10.2 is scheduled for Thursday, Jan 23rd and the official patch notes and TFT patch notes have been posted!
"Hi friends, what's up? How are your resolutions holding up? Do you really think you'll be able to get out of Silver this year? I hope so!
Speaking of climbing the ladder, we encourage all of y'all to get your placements done sooner than later! Clash will be launching later this year, and we wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun because you procrastinated (like your New Year resolution). Don't be like me, failing my last year's resolution to learn to watercolor because I ran out of time.
This patch, we got follow up adjustments to Aphelios, nerfs to Qiyana and Nautilus, and buffs to Sona (yes, Sona, my main, my favorite champion, that's it). Jinx is also getting a change to her passive to let her be more.. Jinx-y and Rift Herald's doing her best to get more attention from you.
Additionally, we've made some follow-up updates to the Elemental Rifts so they read clearer and are more defined overall. Infernal and Mountain Rifts, in particular, should feel clearer gameplay-wise and look more polished in its textures.
And that's it for 10.2! Get your climbing on and see you in two weeks!
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!
Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo
Patch Highlights

Calibrum basic attack mark damage now flat; Calibrum Q cooldown increased. Crescendum mirror Chakrams do less damage after the first one. Severum onslaught damage ratio decreased.
Following up with a couple of more adjustments based on his performance since launch and how he's stacked up after the couple of bugfixes and changes at the start of the year.
Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle
BASIC ATTACK MARK DAMAGE20/25/30/35/40 (+0.3 bonus attack damage) (levels 1-9) ⇒ 15 (+0.2 bonus attack damage)
Q COOLDOWN9/8.25/7.5/6.75/6 seconds (levels 1-9) ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds (levels 1-9)
Crescendum, the Chakram
BASIC ATTACK DAMAGE130-264% total attack damage (mirror Chakrams 1-10) ⇒ 130-223% total attack damage (mirror Chakrams 1-10)
Severum, the Scythe Pistol
Q DAMAGE10/15/20/25/30 (+0.35 bonus attack damage) per hit (levels 1-9) ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.3 bonus attack damage) per hit (levels 1-9)

R damage ratio now scales.
Draven seems to have come out of the item changes from Preseason a bit worse for wear.
R - Whirling Death
DAMAGE175/275/375 (+1.1 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 175/275/375 (+1.1/1.3/1.5 bonus attack damage)

Passive bonus movement speed now applies with Epic Monsters as well.
Jinx has always been a big fan of taking objectives. So increasing the list of things her passive procs off of is a very champion-resonant way to have more "Jinx moments" each game without massively increasing Jinx's actual power level.
Passive - Get Excited!
BONUS MOVEMENT SPEEDWhenever Jinx damages || enemy champions, turrets, or inhibitors ⇒ enemy champions, turrets, inhibitors, or Epic Monsters (that her team kills) within 3 seconds of their death

Q and W base damage increased.
Helping out Karma's early ability to scrap against her opponents.
Q - Inner Flame
BASE DAMAGE80/125/170/215/260 ⇒ 90/135/180/225/270
W - Focused Resolve
BASE DAMAGE30/55/80/105/130 ⇒ 40/65/90/115/140

Base armor and attack damage rounded up. E cooldown decreased.
Making Pix a lot more available and, therefore, useful, so Lulu can make best use of her best faerie friend.
Base Stats
ARMOR28.22 ⇒ 29
ATTACK DAMAGE46.368 ⇒ 47
E - Help, Pix!
COOLDOWN10 seconds ⇒ 8 seconds

Q base damage decreased.
Nautilus is like that bully in high school that'd push your head in the toilet and almost drown you just because he can. Doing something about that so enemies aren't completely overwhelmed, especially early.
Q - Dredge Line
BASE DAMAGE80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 70/115/160/205/250

W passive attack speed now scales.
Qiyana's strength in the jungle was making it difficult to keep her in check since she was such a reliable flex pick in pro play. We want to encourage her identity as a mid-laner and keep her from running amok in the woods.
W - Terrashape
PASSIVE ATTACK SPEED20% ⇒ 5/10/15/20/25%

E self movement speed now flat and increased.
Sona has room for some buffs when you compare her to other enchanters. We nerfed her in the past to prevent double-support-item shenanigans, but since we've mitigated those concerns, we have the opportunity to give her a little tuning. This change will give her more of an opportunity to dodge skill shots and the ability to maneuver around the map and get to her allies.
E - Song of Celerity
SELF MOVEMENT SPEED10/11/12/13/14% (+0.03 per 100 ability power) ⇒ 25% (+0.04 per 100 ability power)

Additional changes from his VFX update in 10.1.
Q - Death Sentence
VFXAdded Q width indicators for Pulsefire Thresh and Pulsefire Thresh Prestige Edition
BUGFIXPulsefire Thresh now properly uses his new Q cast effect
E - Flay
VFXAdded a new quickcast indicator on all skins
PULSEFIRE THRESH VFXAdded circles around Pulsefire Thresh's and Pulsefire Prestige Edition Thresh's E to match his other skins

W movement speed increased. E slow increased.
Trundle has been suffering all around, but especially when allies have to rely on him for ganks.
W - Frozen Domain
MOVEMENT SPEED20/25/30/35/40% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%
E - Pillar of Ice
SLOW15/25/35/45/55% ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60%

Passive mana bugfix.
Passive - Glorious Evolution
BUGFIXViktor no longer loses a significant amount of mana if he upgrades the Prototype Hex Core early into the game

Q base damage increased. W enemy knockback increased. E slow increased.
We're giving Ziggs a stronger way to disrupt opponents and encourage a greater presence in the early game.
Q - Bouncing Bomb
DAMAGE75/120/165/210/255 ⇒ 85/130/175/220/265
W - Satchel Charge
E - Hexplosive Minefield
SLOW20/25/30/35/40% ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50%

Cloak of Agility
The initial goal of buffing Cloak of Agility last year was to account for the fact that it was slightly underpowered for the gold cost. However, this has led to folks stacking Cloaks on crit champions, which also makes the decision between Cloak of Agility and Pickaxe more of a math problem than desired and doesn't help the average player measure how their lane went. A clearer item hierarchy is more helpful (B.F. Sword > Pickaxe > Cloak of Agility) when considering this key indicator of success.

Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart is underperforming compared to other options for armor. We want it to be a go-to consideration when a champion is facing many physical threats.
ARMOR100 ⇒ 110

Nerfing Stormrazor as it's overperforming a tad, focusing on the tAD so it keeps its unique and impactful slow utility.
VFX BUGFIXStormrazor's Energized VFX no longer can be seen within Fog of War
Rift Herald
Rift Herald takes a little too long to defeat, so teams lessen the priority on it compared to other objectives. We want her to get a little love too, so we're looking to lessen the gap between the pros and cons of killing her.
Base Stats
HEALTH5500 (8250-16500 [level 6-12]) ⇒ 4750 (7125-14250 [level 6-12])
- Caitlyn no longer gets bonus Headshots by inputting the attack-move command near the target while they are trapped and netted simultaneously
- Caitlyn can no longer use attack-move to attack trapped or netted targets while she is crowd controlled.
- Braum can no longer intercept Elder Dragon’s fireball with E - Unbreakable and die from it instead of the ally he was protecting
- After casting W - Yordle Snap Trap into Q - Piltover Peacemaker, Caitlyn's basic attacks are no longer temporarily slower than they should be
- Sylas' W - Kingslayer now properly goes on cooldown, deals damage, and heals him if he hits the same target with E2 - Abscond
- Sylas is properly unable to cast E2 - Abscond into Q - Chain Lash after casting a stolen ultimate, after losing the ability to do so in 10.1
- Miss Fortune's basic attacks no longer continues to apply bonus damage from Nami's E - Tidecaller's Blessing after consuming three stacks of Passive - Love Tap
- Upgraded Relic Shield, Spectral Sickle, Steel Shoulderguards, and Spellthief's Edge wards now properly show their vision range indicator
- Lux's E - Lucent Singularity no longer reveals areas outside of its range
- Prototype: Omnistone-granted Predator now has a proper cooldown regardless of when the user upgrades its boots
- Garen's Q - Decisive Strike is no longer blocked by spell-shielded champions
- Cassiopeia heals for the proper amount from casting E - Twin Fang on large monsters
- Using E - Shunpo to kill a target no longer make Katarina unresponsive for a few moments
- Darius' R - Maximum Damage always factors in Passive - Noxian Might, not only when the latter is active
- Champions can no longer ignore any forced movement crowd control effect (i.e. Taunt, Flee, Charm) by using any targetable Summoner Spells (i.e. Smite, Ignite, Exhaust) on a target that is out of their range
- Casting Q - Bone Skewer no longer makes Pyke unresponsive for a few moments
- Various champions' abilities are no longer visible or audible in Fog of War if cast outside their Field of Vision
- Completing any of the support items' quests and then selling it to repurchase a different support item will no longer automatically complete the quest for that second support item
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch:
Champion Skins
Six skins will be headed to live with Patch 10.2:Dragonslayer Diana
[Available January 30th]
"Legends tell of a special breed of dragons ravaging the countryside who can hide under the veil of nightshade. While other dragonslayers may think twice about challenging such dangerous foes, Diana dives in head first—her blade and armor forged from the very remains of these ghastly draconic beasts."

"Legends tell of a special breed of dragons ravaging the countryside who can hide under the veil of nightshade. While other dragonslayers may think twice about challenging such dangerous foes, Diana dives in head first—her blade and armor forged from the very remains of these ghastly draconic beasts."

Dragonslayer Olaf
[Available January 30th]
"A savage berserker from the hinterlands, Olaf sought a warrior's death in slaying dragons. One by one, the horrid beasts fell to his axe, and rumors even tell of him consuming the heart of a dragon he beheaded. Truth is, this act has only fanned the fire of his rage, driving him to bring about the end of dragons."
"A savage berserker from the hinterlands, Olaf sought a warrior's death in slaying dragons. One by one, the horrid beasts fell to his axe, and rumors even tell of him consuming the heart of a dragon he beheaded. Truth is, this act has only fanned the fire of his rage, driving him to bring about the end of dragons."

Dragonslayer Trundle
[Available January 30th]
"The king of a clan of giant trolls, Trundle is a revered dragonslayer. Blessed with the ability to command the raw power of mountain ice, he defends his realm from death and destruction. Over the ages, surviving trolls have looked up to him as their fearsome leader in this world torn asunder by dragon fire."
"The king of a clan of giant trolls, Trundle is a revered dragonslayer. Blessed with the ability to command the raw power of mountain ice, he defends his realm from death and destruction. Over the ages, surviving trolls have looked up to him as their fearsome leader in this world torn asunder by dragon fire."
Guardian of the Sands Janna
1350 RP
[Available January 22nd]
"Janna, the desert gale-- ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest your sandstorms consume them whole."
[Available January 22nd]
"Janna, the desert gale-- ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest your sandstorms consume them whole."
Guardian of the Sands Rengar
1350 RP
[Available January 22nd]
"An assassin of a forgotten order long thought dead, Rengar prowls the tombs, retrieving ancient relics of power for purposes unknown. Far more alarming, he appears to be hunting guardians, his blades enchanted to pierce their ancient magic and defenses..."
[Available January 22nd]
"An assassin of a forgotten order long thought dead, Rengar prowls the tombs, retrieving ancient relics of power for purposes unknown. Far more alarming, he appears to be hunting guardians, his blades enchanted to pierce their ancient magic and defenses..."
Guardian of the Sands Ryze
1350 RP
[Available January 22nd]
"Ryze, the eternal conservator-- ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest your righteous magic entomb them beneath the dunes."
[Available January 22nd]
"Ryze, the eternal conservator-- ancient guardian of the sands, we invoke thee to protect us from an evil of our own making. Let no man tread upon these hallowed grounds, lest your righteous magic entomb them beneath the dunes."
New chromas will also be available:
Dragonslayer Diana
Dragonslayer Olaf
Dragon Slayer Trundle
Guardian of the Sands Janna
Guardian of the Sands Rengar
Guardian of the Sands Ryze
Teamfight Tactics Patch 10.2 Notes
Check out the full TFT Patch 10.2 notes:"Greetings to those of you who play Teamfight Tactics!
Welcome to patch 10.2, this is the one where the gang buffs all the traits, champions, and items that could use a little love. We've got a couple of nerfs as well, but for the most part we're aiming to make unused or underpowered things a bit more enticing. We also have a few general system changes aimed to make the games go a little bit faster. Last but not least, we're raising the RNG floor for item drops to make games a bit more fair while still maintaining variation from game to game.
Take this portal if you're looking for League's patch notes!
Let's get into it!"
Blake "Riot Beernana" Edwards
Game Length
- PVE Rounds Planning Phase Time: 30 seconds ⇒ 20 seconds
Item System
- Small Loot Boxes: Removed the "4 gold drop" possibility (average value down 15%)
- Medium Loot Boxes: Removed the "7 gold drop" possibility (average value down 3%)
- Removed the worst case scenarios for item drops through the course of a game and especially in the first three PVE rounds. In short, we raised the RNG "floor".
- Full items now drop significantly less.
- Full items only drop if you are already rolling item components. The RNG "ceiling" has not changed, but you are more likely to get a full item as you approach that ceiling.
- You can no longer get two full item drops in the same game from PVE rounds. This change doesn't include epic monster rewards or the carousel.
- Drastically reduced the chance of Force of Nature appearing on the carousel.
Quality of life changes
- PVE minions and monsters are now immune to Zephyr.
- Updated the Trait Tracker UI with a chromatic tier to celebrate rare synergies (ex. Inferno 9).
- Runespirit Little Legend VFX update.
- The system for choosing your Little Legend and Arena Skin the Lobby has been greatly improved. Be sure to check it out.
- Bramble Vest Damage: 80/120/160 ⇒ 100/140/200
- Bloodthirster Lifesteal: 40% ⇒ 50%
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade Attack Speed per stack: 4% ⇒ 5%
- Hextech Gunblade Omnisteal: 25% ⇒ 33%
- Iceborn Gauntlet Freeze Duration: 1.5 seconds ⇒ 2.5 seconds
- Locket of the Iron Solari Shield Value: 250/275/300 ⇒ 250/275/350
- Luden’s Echo Damage: 120/160/200 ⇒ 125/175/250
- Critical Strike Damage Bonus: 50%/150% ⇒ 65%/225%
- Blademasters can no longer store more extra attacks than the maximum your trait level provides (1/2/3). In short, this means that it will be much less likely, if not impossible, for your champions to go "infinite" off their auto-attacks. Specifically this nerfs (4) and (6) Blademaster.
- Blademaster chance to get extra auto-attacks: 40% ⇒ 35%
- Armor Reduction: 50%/90% ⇒ 40%/100%
- Damage: 70%/140%/210% ⇒ 70%/150%/250%
- (6) Mages: 100% Chance to Double Cast ⇒ 100% Chance to Double Cast & 20 AP to all Mages
- Bonus Damage Duration: 5 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
- Bonus Damage: 65%/150% ⇒ 65%/175%
- Armor Bonus: 150%/300%/450% ⇒ 150%/300%/999%
- Gotta get six Woodland to clone them all.
Champion Balance
Tier 1
- Leona Damage Reduction: 40/90/140 ⇒ 40/80/120
Tier 2
- Malzahar Minion health: 250/250/250 ⇒ 250/300/400
Tier 3
- Ezreal Health: 600 ⇒ 650
- Ezreal Ability Damage: 200/400/800 ⇒ 225/450/900
- Karma Attack Speed Bonus: 60/70/80 ⇒ 40/60/80
- Sion Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 75/125
- Sivir Bounces: 10/10/10 ⇒ 5/7/9
- Veigar Spell Damage: 300/600/900 ⇒ 325/650/975
Tier 4
- Olaf Attack Speed: 0.85 ⇒ 0.8
Three-Star Champion Adjustments
- Renekton Ability Damage: 150/275/400 ⇒ 150/275/475
- Vladimir Ability Damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 200/325/500
- Ashe Ability Attack Speed Bonus: 50%/75%/250% ⇒ 50%/75%/100%
- Ashe Ability Attack Damage Ratio: 0.3/0.35/0.4 ⇒ 0.3/0.35/0.75
- All tooltips should now be up to date.
- Electric tooltip now properly states that it does magic damage
- Karma is no longer 7’6” (228cm).
- Kindred's ability will now correctly critically strike with Jeweled Gauntlet.
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