Red Post Collection: League Partner Chromas Update, Ask Riot, Upcoming Effects Updates for Teemo, Gragas, Anivia, Renekton, and more!

[Added K/DA - POP/STARS Dance - Behind the Scenes]

Today's red post collection includes a heads up on changes to League Partner chromas (Including being available in the Blue Essence Emporium), K/DA Merch, previews of VFX and SFX changes for some older champions, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

Table of Contents

Upcoming changes to League Partner chromas 

Here's Dyquill with an update on League partner chromas:
"We wanted to give a quick update on content in the League Partner Program! So far, we’ve been so happy to see many creators giving away codes for Infernal Amumu (he needs some new friends), and we’ll be releasing a new Partner chroma soon. 
When we set out to grant League Partners exclusive monthly content, we wanted to provide creators a way to grow their audience and get visibility on their channels, as well as sending them another meaningful way to give back to their communities. 
With that in mind, we’re making a couple of changes to accommodate hardcore collectors and fans of the color green: 
  1. We’ll be adding all League Partner Program chromas to the Blue Essence Emporium following the same timing rules as other chromas, for a cost of 10,000 BE per chroma.
  2. The “But Why?” Odyssey Sona emote (which was not part of the League Partner Program, but did have roughly the same rarity) will also be added to the BE Emporium for 25,000 BE. 
Partner chromas remain exclusive to content creators for a while, but we’re adding a guaranteed way to unlock them later if you miss out on giveaways. 
The next Blue Essence Emporium featuring these items will hit around midseason 2019, and all future Partner chromas will be added to a future Blue Essence Emporium offering. 
  • Partner chroma released from January - June: End-of-year BE Emporium
  • Partner chroma released from July - December: Following midseason BE Emporium 
We hope these changes give everyone a chance to get the content they want while still preserving its exclusivity for Partners. As ever, please give us your feedback on this change. 
Oh, and one more thing… we’re happy to announce that November’s Partner chroma is Program LeBlanc! As a reminder, LPP codes grant the champion AND the skin if you need them. Check out NA’s League Partner lineup over here
Stay tuned for more League Partner news, and if you want to apply to be a Partner, sign up at"

New K/DA Merch 

With the world championship behind us and the K/DA skins now performing on the live stage, new K/DA merch is here including shirts, hats, and a special edition K/DA Ahri figure!

"The lead singer of K/DA is here to dazzle all of her fans as #07 Special Edition in the Series 3 figure line."

Visual and Sound Effect Updates: Gragas 

Here's Riot Beardilocks with a preview of the VFX updates for Gragas coming in Patch 8.24:
"Hello everyone! 
Similar to the recent Jarvan, Lee Sin, Veigar, and Vi updates, we're working on VFX and SFX updates to more champions whose spell effects are in need of some love to get to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. In Patch 8.24, we'll be releasing VFX and SFX updates for Anivia, Dr. Mundo and Renekton, and VFX-only updates for Gragas (he already received some SFX love) and Teemo. Please try them out on the PBE—especially if you're a main—when they're in and leave us your feedback here! 
Today's preview covers the visual effects updates to Gragas, the Rabble Rouser. Gragas' sound effects updates were shipped in patch 8.21. 
VFX update across the board to clean up unnecessary noise and improve gameplay clarity. 
BA - New hit impacts for more satisfaction
Q - Improved ring indicator and liquid visuals show Aoe more clearly
W - Enhanced character effects to communicate that Gragas has a damage reduction, bubbles are less noisy
E - A shockwave shows the AoE clearly, and has distinct impact FX
R - Improved liquid visuals that more closely match the AoE and feel more impactful 
All of Gragas' skins except for Arctic Ops Gragas have had their VFX updated.
Oktoberfest and Vandal gragas have updated beer VFX.

Please use this thread to give feedback on Gragas' VFX. Please leave any questions about other champs to their thread when we post it in the near future."

Visual Effects Update: Teemo 

Here's Riot Sirhaian with a preview of the VFX updates for Teemo coming in Patch 8.24:
"Hello everyone! 
Similar to the recent Jarvan, Lee Sin, Veigar, and Vi updates, we're working on VFX and SFX updates to more champions whose spell effects are in need of some love to get to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity. In Patch 8.24, we'll be releasing VFX and SFX updates for Anivia, Dr. Mundo and Renekton, and VFX-only updates for Gragas (he already received some SFX love) and Teemo. Please try them out on the PBE—especially if you're a main—when they're in and leave us your feedback here! 
Today's preview covers the visual effects updates to Teemo, the Swift Scout. (He has not received any sound updates.) 
VFX update across the board to clean up unnecessary noise and improve gameplay clarity. 
BA - New missile and hit impact.
Q - Missile is now much more different from the BA and clearly identifiable. Impact is also more satisfying.
W - Added some love to the VFX, making it feel more satisfying, with some added leaves and dust.
E - Missile is now clearly visible and identifiable.
R - Now has an actual explosion that shows the actual AOE range. Yes, it is that big. 
All of Teemo's skins have had their VFX updated, with unique shroom explosions where it made sense. 
Astronaut Teemo should now feel like an actual 1350.
Cottontail Teemo received some extra love. 
Base Teemo (and skins using his base effects)
Astronaut Teemo
Cottontail Teemo
Super Teemo and Panda Teemo's shroom explosions 
Video of all the changes:

Please use this thread to give feedback on Teemo's VFX. Please leave any questions about other champs to their thread when we post it in the near future."

Visual and Sound Effects Update: Anivia 

Here's Riot Star Weaver with a preview of the VFX and SFX updates for Anivia coming in Patch 8.24:
"Hello everyone! 
Similar to the recent Jarvan, Lee Sin, Veigar, and Vi updates, we're working on VFX and SFX updates to more champions whose spell effects are in need of some love to get to current League standards. In Patch 8.24, we'll be releasing updates for Anivia, Dr. Mundo, Gragas (VFX only; SFX shipped in patch 8.21), and Teemo. Keep an eye on this post and we'll add visual previews as they become ready! Please try them out on the PBE—especially if you're a main—when they're in and leave us your feedback here! 
Today's preview covers the visual effects updates to Anivia, The Cryophoenix. Audio will also continue to be polished with mix and clarity in mind. Her idles and emotes will also have a bunch of feathery wing sounds! 
VFX update across the board to clean up unnecessary noise and improve gameplay clarity.
BA - New missile and hit impact.
P - Glow should be more emphasized as to where she is in the rebirth process, as well as a more impactful hatching moment!
Q - Should more clearly communicate the hit box, with an emphasis on the "sweet spot" center.
W - Updated models for the wall, and a frosty ground!
E - Missile is distinct from the basic attacks. "Crit" Impact is now brighter and more defined.
R - The ultimate has a Freljordian indicator, with a swirling blizzard
Anivia's Blackfrost and Carnival skins have had their VFX tweaked as well. To keep with the spirit of the skins, only minor adjustments were needed: 
- Blackfrost's Q and R were updated to reflect the changes in base, as to not feel like they lost their uniqueness or power as a legendary.
- Carnival Anivia's ultimate ring was adjusted to better match the hitbox. 

Please use this thread to give feedback on Anivia's VFX. Please leave any questions about other champs to their thread."

Visual Effects Update: Renekton 

Here's Riot Beardilocks with a preview of the VFX and SFX changes for Renekton coming in Patch 8.24:
"Hello everyone! 
We hope you had a great time watching Worlds this weekend. This Monday we're kicking off coverage of our VFX and SFX updates with Renekton. 
Similar to the recent Jarvan, Lee Sin, Veigar, and Vi updates, we're working on VFX and SFX updates to more champions whose spell effects are in need of some love to get to current League standards and improve gameplay readability. In Patch 8.24, we'll be releasing updates for Anivia, Dr. Mundo, Gragas (VFX only; SFX shipped in patch 8.21), and Teemo. Keep an eye on this post and we'll add visual previews as they become ready! Please try them out on the PBE—especially if you're a main—when they're in and leave us your feedback here! 
Today's post focuses on the visual effects for Renekton. Please note that he will be receiving some sound effects updates as well, but they are not included in this preview. 
Passive - Glowing hand VFX are more clear, and his eyes glow red to match the ability icon
BA - Updated impact FX
Q - Now has some effects to show the range. Note that when Renekton is in his Ultimate form, the effects scale up to match the increased size of the hitbox (and yes, it really is that big when he has ulted!)
W - Mostly unchanged
E - Cleaned up VFX with some sand for more satisfaction. Much clearer VFX when he uses his passive empowered Dice for gameplay readability
R - New Transformation effects with a swirling sandstorm around him, with a clearer range indicator. Flying dragonflies are now swarming scarab beetles.

All of Renekton's skins have been updated to use these new VFX. 
Certain skins have some recolored VFX:
Galactic - Recolored Ult
Bloodfury - Recolored Ult
Outback - Same as base
Rune Wars - Slightly updated Ult, with a new unique decal
Scorched Earth - Slightly updated Ult to make range clearer
Pool Party - Slightly updated Ult to make range clearer. Q uses updated VFX, but recolored green for unempowered version
Prehistoric - Same as base
SKT T1 - Recolored ult, with a new unique decal featuring the SKT logo. Q and E use updated VFX, but recolored blue for unempowered version.
Renektoy - Changed to use Base's updated VFX"

Ask Riot: Clash, Prejudice, and Complex Skins 

Check out this week's Ask Riot:
"This week it’s Clash, Runeterran politics, and a glance at some complex skins. 
Any updates on Clash? When will it be fully released?

As we announced a few months ago, Clash needs some serious backend work to get back and ready for primetime. We’ve run some tests on PBE, and are currently visiting each region in turn to gain confidence in our fixes. If you haven’t already played in a mini-Clash test, you’ll get the opportunity soon! The scope of the tests will increase as we prioritize stability in the service. 
We’re testing three major changes to Clash: a staggered scouting phase, to spread out the amount of games starting simultaneously; a more streamlined backend flow, to break out some of the systems that relied on each other to start Clash games; and a disaster recovery tool, for when we may need to easily extend or roll back each game phase. 
So far, our results are showing promise, but we still have a way to go before we’re ready to fully launch the feature. Thank you so much for your patience while we get this right. 
Comms Strategist, Metagame Systems 
Which League skin was the hardest to make?

Such a complex question wrapped up in eight words. When reflecting back on the “hardest” skins to make, we have to ask—what do you mean when you say hard? 
Here are a few different ways we thought about answering this: 
Elementalist Lux was the most intense timewise with all the forms, animations, visual effects and sound effects. But the core concept didn’t really change much from the beginning. We knew what we wanted to make and went for it. 
The recent K/DA skins might have been the most difficult line we’ve done in the past few years from the perspective of time and number of people we had to get on the same page. We had to do a ton of research and tried many different designs, and applied a massive amount of feedback and revisions. With these, the concept artists (the true heroes on this thematic, really), went through over 70 different design iterations to make sure the skins looked awesome in game while paying homage to the genre. Normally, 1350s go through about five iterations depending on complexity, so yeah, that was hard as hell. 
Producer, Personalization 
Is there prejudice in Runeterra? Which regions are better or worse? 
Certainly. And just like in the real world, prejudice is often born of fear, pain, or ignorance… 
Ionia was a harmonious, balanced place (for the most part) until Noxus attacked. Those who suffered most at the hands of the invaders have become far more aggressive in response, abandoning many of their older spiritual traditions to deal with more immediate conflict. In fact, the province of Navori is now known for its fierce nationalistic distrust of non-Ionians, since the war ended. 
And it’s not just Ionia that has reason to hate Noxians. If you’re not part of the empire, Noxus can seem like a cruel oppressor, and many independent nations refuse to allow imperial emissaries to enter their lands. But if you look at it from the other side, it can be argued that Noxus is one of the few truly meritocratic and inclusive societies in Valoran, where individuals are judged by their words and deeds, rather than birthright or notions of “destiny”. Anyone in Runeterra can become Noxian, if they agree to serve the empire first and foremost. 
The Rakkor peoples of Targon all agree that life and magic are the gifts of the heavens, and the celestial powers that reside there. Even so, those who follow the dominant Solari faith treat those who revere the moon—the Lunari—as vile heretics, who must be cast out or killed. To anyone else, do these two groups actually seem so different? 
But surely Demacia seems like a nice place to live, right? They respect fairness, honesty, loyalty to one’s family and the throne, and everyone does their part in defending the kingdom from outsiders. Those who cannot take care of themselves will easily find charity in their community… So what is it they find so disagreeable about mages, and magic? Why are such things taboo, here? Well, if you look at the founding of their society in the aftermath of the Rune Wars, they were refugees fleeing persecution by rogue sorcerers—over time, in many ways, this fear of magic has come to shape what it means to be culturally Demacian. 
So, while there are many things to admire about the different regions and factions of this fantasy world, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that any of them could ever be considered “perfect.” 
Lead Narrative Editor 
Thanks for reading this week’s Ask Riot. Have a question?

Head over to Ask Riot and sign into your League account. Check out the Pro Tips, then ask away. 
We promise to read every question, but we can’t guarantee they’ll all get answers. Some questions may already be answered elsewhere, and some won’t be right for Ask Riot. This isn’t the best place to announce new features, for example, and we might skip conversations on issues we’ve talked about in depth before (though we can clarify individual points). 
We are listening, though, so keep asking. We’ll make sure your questions are heard by the Rioters working on the stuff you’re curious about."

Quick Hits

  • Worlds 2018 is now complete, but you can still check out the Opening Ceremony with performances from The Glitch Mob, Mako, The Word Alive, and Bobby of iKON, plus Madison Beer, Miyeon and Soyeon of (G)I-DLE, and Jaira Burns!

You can also check out the K/DA POP/STARS Dance video and see the full choreography!

"The Creator Spotlight is a new series that introduces you to a creator in the League of Legends community. If you’re looking for more League in your life, follow these amazing individuals. 
Glitch is a talented video game music remix artist and one half of the ridiculously fun collaboration you’re headbanging with Tryndamere to right now. Let’s go in-depth with Glitch and see what makes them tick."

[Check out the full article here] 


To round out this red post collection, here are a few reminders on current promotions or limited time events!
  • Worlds Watch Missions are available for a little while longer! If you missed them live, check out the Worlds VODS and gain Worlds tokens for in game loot! Check out the article for more! 

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