[UPDATE: On PBE as of the 9/20 PBE update! ]
Following last week's "You Are Not Alone" teaser, an out of this world promo page has been released for the upcoming STAR GUARDIAN skins, adding Jinx, Lulu, Poppy, and Janna to the line!
Table of Contents
Star Guardians Page
Four new STAR GUARDIAN themed skins are headed our way soon and Riot has released a STAR GUARDIANS page with a slew of previews and profiles for Lux and the four new additions!
"In the beginning of all things, the First Star gave its light to create the universe. New worlds were born—and with them, warriors imbued with the light of the First Star. These protectors are supernovas blazing bright, yet destined to collapse as furiously as they burn.
They are the Star Guardians."
Below you'll find our coverage, a mixture of the promo page, social media, and more!
The Star Guardian page contains a profile, ability preview, and splash arts for each of the Star Guardian skins, including the previously released Lux and upcoming skins for Poppy, Janna, Jinx, & Lulu!
Star Guardian Lux
"I will protect the light until my last breath."

"Lux is a beacon of the First Star’s light in the darkest times. A born leader, Lux is often tasked with keeping the Star Guardians as one unified team. She understands the price that must be paid for her power and embraces it for the good of the universe. Lux feels no doubts about her calling, but questions how someone as rebellious as Jinx fits into the larger purpose of the Star Guardians."
Star Guardian Jinx
1820 RP
"All this damn light gives me a headache! Just point me toward what needs blowing up."
"The newest member of the Star Guardians, Jinx struggles with the inherited cost of her destiny. She is a natural rebel who rages against anyone attempting to control her life. Her power may be the greatest among the Star Guardians, but Jinx will never fully awaken unless she can accept her place on the team."
Star Guardian Poppy
1350 RP
"I'm a soldier, not a savior. Now get out of my way - I have a job to do."

"There is no cost Poppy is unwilling to pay to fulfill her service. She views the power given to her as a weapon for destroying anything that threatens those she protects. Poppy refuses to accept any Star Guardian who is doubtful about the call and will face any challenge alone if necessary."
Star Guardian Janna
1350 RP
"A Guardian may die, but their spirit never fades."

"Janna is a veteran Star Guardian who must use her experience to mentor the team. Before joining Lux, Poppy, Lulu, and Jinx, Janna led another team of Star Guardians, although she never speaks of her past. She rigorously fulfills her duty, but secretly wishes to complete her service and pass her power to a new Guardian."
Star Guardian Lulu
1350 RP
"The light says hi, and that you're safe with us."

"As the youngest of the Star Guardians, Lulu feels connected to her power and embraces it as a close companion. She is not concerned about trivial feuds or social norms among the team, and instead focuses on the magical world within her. This strange behavior often makes Lulu seem eccentric to the other Guardians. Only Jinx truly understands Lulu’s natural desire to avoid a mundane life."

Part 1: The Call
Part 2: Translating Worlds
Part 3: Shatter
Part 4 (Coming Soon)
A part 4 is also listed but is not currently displayed on the page.

Along with the champion/skin bios, we also have a four part story called LEGENDS - three parts are available now and one part is coming soon!Part 1: The Call
"As a Star Guardian fades, their power is reborn in new protectors. Star Guardians are chosen for their strength and resolve, but above all, they are chosen for their courage. It often signals a cataclysmic battle elsewhere in the universe when multiple Star Guardians are chosen to serve at once."
Part 2: Translating Worlds
"Star Guardians must familiarize themselves with the customs and rituals of a planet in order to blend in with its inhabitants, dispelling any suspicion about their true nature. Such activities often help strengthen the bonds between young Star Guardian teams."
Part 3: Shatter
"Star Guardians are imbued with incredible power, but with it comes a lifetime of service to the universe. It is a life burdened by responsibility and fatal consequences. Although rare, a Star Guardian may reject their fate as a protector. However, the results of such an action reverberate across the universe and beyond."
Part 4 (Coming Soon)
A part 4 is also listed but is not currently displayed on the page.
Star Guardian Quiz
A Star Guardian Quiz is also listed as "coming soon" on the SG page - check back in near future!
"Find Your Inner Guardian
A quiz that will determine which Star Guardian you were meant to be."
[Coming soon]
Star Guardian Jinx
Star Guardian Poppy
Star Guardian Janna
Star Guardian Lulu
Here is hi res art from the background of the Star Guardian site from Riot Avari:
Twitter & Social Media Previews
Over on Twitter, KateyKhaos confirmed pricing as:"Tentative Star Guardian Skin Prices:
Janna - 1350
Lulu - 1350
Jinx - 1820
Poppy - 1350
*Prices subject to change."
Here are several model and VFX previews from KateyKhaos on twitter!
Star Guardian Jinx
Star Guardian Poppy
Star Guardian Janna
Star Guardian Lulu
Here are some gifs from animator RiotOhmu, showing off the homeguard animations for all 5 Star Guardian skins, as well as the familiars for Janna, Lulu, and Jinx.
Here's an image from Maddy Taylor (Former Rioter) on Twitter, showing that she last worked on Star Guardian Lulu, and updated textures on Star Guardian Lux:
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