Tonight's red post collection includes the results from the Worlds 2016 Group Draw, the start of the Worlds Pick'em where players can earn prizes for predicting Worlds 2016 results, Legend of the Poro King returning this weekend in the RGMQ, discussion on PBE Singed and Udyr changes, & more!
Continue reading for more information!
- Red Post Collection Ask Riot on Champ Up & Urf, PBE changes context, LotPK in RGMQ Friday, Kog'Maw changes, & more!
- 9/9 PBE Update: 2016 WC Pre-Finals login & balance changes
Table of Contents
- Worlds 2016 Group Draw Show
- Worlds Pick'em
- LotPK live in RGMQ this weekend!
- Reav3 on CU Skin Splash Art Updates
- ManWolfAxeBoss on Singed PBE changes
- FeralPony on UDYR PBE Changes
- Legends Rising Season 2: Episode 2 - All In
- /ALL CHAT - Xell Visits Vensy’s Workshop!
- AP YORICK SHOVEL PARTY | League Of Legends Funhouse
Worlds 2016 Group Draw Show
The 2016 Worlds Group Draw show aired September 10th at around 11 AM Pacific time. This show was to decide which of four groups the sixteen 2016 Worlds teams will be assigned to for group stages.The 2016 Worlds Group Draw Show determines who will play whom in the Group Stage of the 2016 World Championship.The first half of the show is the actual draw and a run down of each team with the second half focused on discussion and commentary of each group. A full rundown of the rules and such are available [here].
Here's the Worlds 2016 Groups following the show:
Group A:In the first part of the 2016 WC, teams will be facing off against other teams from all groups throughout the group stage with the top two from each group then moving on to the next stage.
Group B:
- Rox Tigers (LCK)
- G2 Esports (EU LCS)
- Counter Logic Gaming (NA LCS)
- Albus Nox Luna (CIS)
Group C:
- Flash Wolves (LMS)
- SK Telecom T1 (LCK)
- Team I May (LPL)
- Cloud9 (NA LCS)
Group D:
- Edward Gaming (LPL)
- AHQ e-Sports Club (LMS)
- H2k Gaming (EU LCS)
- INTZ e-Sports (CBLoL)
- Royal Never Give Up (LPL)
- Samsung Galaxy (LCK)
- Splyce (EU LCS)
Look for more news and action to come as we near the September 29th start date for Worlds 2016!
Should you want to attend the World Championship in person, the last remaining tickets go on sale soon.
Worlds Pick'em
Now that the 2016 World Championship groups are decided, the Worlds Pick'em is live now through September 29th! For those who may not remember or weren't around last year, the Worlds Pick'em is where players login to the Worlds Pick'em website and try their very best to predict which teams will win and lose at the upcoming world championship. Full rules & guidelines can be found [here].Our first stage of pick'em runs September 10th through the 29th to predict who will make it out of group stages. After the matches take place and the knockout stage is decided, players return October 9th though 13th to predict who will make it through the Knockout Stage and will be crowned the 2016 World Champions! The better your picks, the better your prizes!
By playing, you can earn a few different rewards including summoner icons and a grand prize for the extremely rare perfect pick (everything correct at every stage):

- Participate in Pick'em - Obtain this summoner icon by completing your picks during either Group Stage or Knockout Stage**
- Earn 34 points - Obtain this summoner icon by earning at least 34 points throughout the duration of the game**
- Grand Prize - Earn 3 Ultimate Skins (DJ Sona, Spirit Guard Udyr, Pulsefire Ezreal) by getting every single pick correct -- the very rare, perfect pick! (Last year, only 1 player made a perfect pick.)
Once you've locked in your picks, you can also compete against friends using leaderboards or check how you are doing vs various League personalities.
Check out the World's Pick'em site for more information and lock in by September 29th!
LotPK live in RGMQ this weekend!
Legend of the Poro King returns this weekend in the rotating game mode queue!"From the original clone-tastic One For All to the frenetic manatee magic of Ultra Rapid Fire, featured game modes provide unique spins on the classic League formula. It’s time to kick off the next game mode in the rotation: Legend of the Poro King is now live!
As a refresher on the mode, let’s go over the basics:
For those interested, Riot Stephiroth also commented that All Random URF should be on the PBE next week sometime to get ready for it's live debut September 23rd - 26th.Don’t forget you can ping the King to coordinate sieges with him or assaults on his royal person. Just as in any rotating queue game mode, we’ve specially tuned Champion Mastery so you can earn points in the mode. You’ll also be able to earn keys for your wins and loot chests for your (or your premade’s) S-, S, and S+ games.
- When you jump into a match, you’ll be joined by two poro pals in your quest to call forth and aid the majestic Poro King
- The Poro King is a mega-classy super minion that heals your team, regenerates mana, and deals AoE damage while handing out royal beatdowns to enemy towers
- The King will serve as a sieging dynamo for you until he is killed by the enemy team in a regicide most foul
- Activate Poro Toss once to toss your teeny poro pal across the map, if the lil fella hits a target, you can reactivate Poro Toss to Poro Dash, which will send you soaring towards an unlucky enemy
- Land 10 Poro Tosses as a team and the Poro King himself will plop down to begin his royal wreckery
- Once you or your team has summoned the Poro King, activate To The King! To transform into one of the king’s loyal (fluffy) subjects and fly to his side
Legend of the Poro King is now available and lasts through the evening on Monday (we’ll shut it down very early Tuesday morning--usually between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM).
We’ll be trying out different things with the rotating game mode queue over the next few months, changing the mode cadence or what modes are available. We’re looking for your feedback as we go, so let us know. GLHF, and we’ll see you on the snowy battlefield of Legend of the Poro King!"
Reav3 on CU Skin Splash Art Updates
When asked when Karma will received new skin splash arts similar to the recent Sion or Tristana skin splash art updates, Reav3 noted she should be after Fiora and Twitch:"We are doing Fiora first because of the reasons many people have listed below. That being said I have heard you guys loud and clearly about Karma's splashes. I have since put them much higher on the priority list. They will likely be in the next batch after Twitch. We probably won't start that batch until after Warwick releases though since WW has so many splashes."As a reminder, this focus is on going back and updating skin splash arts for champions who previously received larger scope champion updates but did not get updated splash arts at the time. Full sets of new skin splash arts with updates started with Poppy and are now a staple of modern updates.
ManWolfAxeBoss on Singed PBE changes
As you may have noticed in the 9/8 PBE update, Singed's Q was changed to deal 4 tickets of damage a second up from only 1 per second.Over on Twitter, ManWolfAxeBoss explained:
"Probably not picked up on PBE today, but Singed poison now ticks 4x second. Damage unchanged."
"Also, I did a bunch of script cleanup on Singed. Let me know if you see anything funky on PBE."ManWolfAxeBoss continued:
"Hey guys,
I made the upcoming Singed changes. Want to clarify a few things:As always, be sure to check out CURRENT PBE CYCLE page for more info on what's cooking on the PBE!
All in all, Singed should just feel better and win rate shouldn't move."
- This should be net neutral in terms of power. Just feels better to have the higher tick rate.
- Damage is unchanged.
- Liandry's and DFT effectiveness are relatively unchanged. Spell damage just renews these effects, but doesn't change how often they do damage or duration of the dot. EDIT: I say relatively because Liandry's does damage every half second so it's ticking at slightly different health values (does current HP damage).
- Also, did some script cleanup and fixed a bug where Mega Adhesive was lasting 0.5 seconds too long.
- I heard some concerns about last hitting, similar to when I did this exact same change to Rumble's Q. Might take a little bit of relearning tick rates, but I think it will help new Singed players a lot and won't really hurt veterans.
FeralPony on UDYR PBE Changes
The 9/7 PBE update included a set of balance changes for Udyr's R, increasing the persistent effect damage and lowering the duration of the active's aoe.Over on his, Feral Pony explained:
"It's primarily meant to be a small early clear buff and make the Phoniex Cone feel like an impactful proc again. The problem is since you can actually get more than one Phoniex proc out of each cast in the jungle so any damage boost there double-dips hence trimming a bit off the AoE. This is because you can Phoniex Cone, AA,AA, Phoniex Cone.(Recast Phoniex), Phoniex Cone, etc. Later with CDR in the jungle you're generally overlapping the Phoniex capes if you just spam the button and wasting the end of the proc anyways.
In team fights the damage change gets a bit messy. On one hand it's much more difficult to pull off multiple procs on the same target with the same cast (generally not even worth attempting - swap to another stance between ), on the other the liklihood you stick to an enemy for the full 5 seconds isn't high, and if you only stick on them for 1-4 seconds the damage is just strictly higher.
In short, it's a noticeable buff to his early clear and in most cases will be a damage increase overall (though a smaller one late game)"As always, be sure to check out CURRENT PBE CYCLE page for more info on what's cooking on the PBE!
Legends Rising Season 2: Episode 2 - All In
Episode two of LEGENDS RISING season 2 is out; Check out Episode 2- All In."The Spring Split was bittersweet for WildTurtle. On one hand, Turtle looked like a new man on Immortals, thoroughly shaking off his old team TSM and posting a top-tier performance. On the other, he and the team could not close out their stellar rookie split, falling to TSM in the Playoffs and finishing 3rd. Meanwhile, Rekkles and Chawy play out their own Spring Playoffs drama.
Legends Rising Season 2 follows some of the game's greatest pros through the hard work and sacrifice necessary to achieve greatness, in a six-part series. Do they have what it takes to become legends?"Episode 1 can be found [here].
/ALL CHAT - Xell Visits Vensy’s Workshop!
We also have a new /ALL CHAT featuring Xell visiting Vensy's prop workshop!"/All Chat – Every MONDAY and FRIDAY!
/All Chat’s Xell catches up with prop maker Vensy and gets to see where she makes her props which may or may not be in her parent’s apartment. Xell attempts to help with a prop but he has absolutely NO idea what he’s doing."
AP YORICK SHOVEL PARTY | League Of Legends Funhouse
Itching for an atypical way to try out the 6.18 Yorick champion update? Here's a community spotlight on Disco Heat's AP Yorick!"It's a shovel chunking party and everyone's invited.
Disco Heat:
**Created in Collaboration with Riot Games**"
To round out tonight's red post collection, here are a few reminders on current promotions or limited time events!- Hextech Sion (legacy) is back in the shop through September 24th!
- To go with his champion update in 6.18, a Yorick bundle containing Yorick and both of his skins on sale through September 14th.
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