The PBE has been updated! Following our large update to start the cycle, today's update includes adjustments to Armor of the Fifth Age Taric's in-game model, several tentative balance changes, & more!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Table of Contents
- Taric Update
- [Continued] Global Splash Updates
- Rotating Game Mode queue testing - Hexakill: TT
- Balance Changes
Taric Update
In addition to the balance changes later on in the post, we have a few changes for Taric's champion update in today's PBE patch!First up, the V on Armor of the Fifth Age Taric's outfit has been changed to go much deeper. This follows outrageous feedback that it did not go as deep as it does on his new splash art.
Here's a comparison picture, note the V now goes down to his waist instead of to his stomach.
[Continued] Global Splash Updates
Over the 6.7 and 6.8 patches, several older skin and champion splash arts are going to be receiving small tweaks or be replaced with versions of splash art from different regions in an effort to unify assets across all regions. See this post for more information and continued discussion.In the April 6th update, we have a base art update for Xin Zhao, reverts for two Akali skin arts changed in 6.7, and several more skin changes:
[New Base for Xin Zhao]
[Skins reverted from 6.7] [*note* Stinger Akali should return.]
[Changed Skin Art ]
For your convenience, here are IMGUR galleries of the changed splashes:Rotating Game Mode Queue Testing
Several Game Modes have been returning to the PBE to get them up to date and ready to go for their return in the Rotating Game Mode Queue, which starts in 6.7 with Ascension!
Hexakill: Twisted Treeline is now back on the PBE as part of the Rotating Game Mode Queue testing!
"Heya peeps. Next up for testing in the Rotating Game Mode queue is Hexakill: Twisted Treeline.
Known bugs & Updates:
Hexakill:TT should be reasonably stable, we don't anticipate too many bugs. As always, if you guys spot anything ( in particular with new champions and skins) let us know. And yes, that means not insta-banning the new champs or champs with new skins so they can actually be tested. ^_-
The altars have also been tweaked to give a slightly different buff to last time:
1 Altar captured: +10 % movespeed
2 Altars captured: Minions spawn with +15% HP and damage
The Rotating Game Mode queue should be going live globally starting this weekend! For more details on the mode schedule forecast and specific timings, keep an eye out for the announcement post on Friday (PDT).
As always, thanks for the help PBE friends!
-- L4T3NCY"As a reminder, each game mode that eventually appears in the rotating game mode will be tested on the PBE at some point. Thus far we've seen Ascension, Poro King, and now Hexakill: TT!
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.
- Righteous Gust (E)
- Mana cost lowered to 60/65/70/75/80 from 70/75/80/85/90
- Movement Speed increase for allies changed to 30/35/40/45/50% from 20/28/36/44/52%
- Caustic Spittle (Q) armor/mr shred increased to 20/22/24/26/28 from 12/16/20/24/28
- Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) base damage reduced to 4/8/12/16/20 from 10/15/20/25/30
- Vicious Strikes (W) life steal increased to 13/15/17/19/21% from 9/12/15/18/21%
- Ragnarok (R) armor and MR gain increased to 20/30/40 from 10/20/30

- [NOTE: These changes are relevant to his champion update introduced on 4/5, not live. Be sure to check the 6.8 PBE cycle megathread for a complete look at Taric's new kit.]
- Base Armor increased to 25 from 23
- Bravado (Passive)
- Base damage increased to 22 from 20
- Damage per level reduced to 4 from 5
- "Cooldown reducing effect now scales downward with Taric's CDR"**
- Starlight's Touch (Q) cooldown reduction per passive hit increased to 5 from 3, scales down with CDR
- Dazzle (E) cooldown changed to 14 at all ranks from 18/17/16/15/14
- Cosmic Radiance (R) cooldown increased to 160/130/100 from 140/115/90
- Effect is now "every 4 seconds in combat against enemy champions" from "Every 4 seconds in combat".
Secret Stash (Cunning, Tier 2)
- Biscuits restore changed to 15 Health and Mana instantly from 20 health and 10 mana instantly.
Check out [THIS PAGE] for a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !
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