The PBE has been updated with a massive amount of Preseason content has hit the PBE for testing, including SIX marksman reworks, oodles of smaller marksman changes, updated masteries, the new Rift Herald, Vision & Support item changes, a TON of item change, and more! As the season end draws near, Victorious Sivir and the ranked team reward ward skins are also up for testing!
Continue reading for more information!
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
Hello and welcome to our first big update of PRESEASON. PRESEASON is a time of great change in League of Legends and there will be a lot of information and changes to digest over the course of the update. This year's larger projects are marksman (individual champions & itemization), keystone masteries (powerful single point masteries at the end of trees), Rift Herald (a new mob in Baron's pit prior to him spawning), vision changes (good bye Sight Ward in shop) and much more.
Table of Contents
- New Skins
- Marksman Champion Changes
- Other Marksman Changes
- Rift Herald
- Keystone Masteries and Changes
- Vision & Support Item Changes
- New Ward Skins
- Balance Changes
New Skins
To start out today's MASSIVE PBE update, we have a new Victorious Sivir skin! This skin will be awarded to players who ended the 2015 season Gold ranked or higher.
Victorious Sivir
Reward for placing Gold or higher during the 2015 Ranked Season
"Celebrate the end of the 2015 ranked season with Victorious Sivir!
Victorious Sivir includes:
- New model and textures!
- New recall animation!
- New particles!
Victorious Sivir will be awarded to players who are ranked Gold or higher at the end of the season! If you reach at least gold at the end of the season, and do not own Sivir, you will unlock both the champion and the Victorious Sivir skin! If you haven’t reached at least Gold yet, don’t worry - the 2015 season doesn’t end until November 11th, 2015 at 12:01 AM PST.
Your feedback and bug reports are extremely helpful to us, so please check out Victorious Sivir and let us know what you think! Feel free to drop any bugs you find in this thread as well!
See you on the Rift!"
Marksman Champion Changes
One of the larger projects for this preseason is an overhaul to several marksman & marksman itemization.
Caitlyn, Corki, Graves, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, and Quinn all have larger scope changes while several other marksman have received smaller changes. Marksman itemization has also been revamped with numerous item changes, path or build order changes, and new items!
Below you'll find a rundown of each of these six marksman updates, including full ability and rank up date. Please refer to the listed context thread for overviews of the changes.
Caitlyn, Corki, Graves, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, and Quinn all have larger scope changes while several other marksman have received smaller changes. Marksman itemization has also been revamped with numerous item changes, path or build order changes, and new items!
Below you'll find a rundown of each of these six marksman updates, including full ability and rank up date. Please refer to the listed context thread for overviews of the changes.
PBE Boards Context Thread for Caitlyn.
Base Stats
- Base attack damage increased to 55.66 from 50.04
- Attack damage growth decreased to 2.18 from 3.0
- Caitlyn's auto attacks scale 10% less well with bonus attack speed
Headshot (Passive)
Caitlyn Headshots targets she has trapped or netted. Additionally, she gains a free headshot every 7/6/5 basic attacks; attacks while in brush count as 2.
- Deal +50% Attack Damage as a bonus damage to champions, increased by Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage
- Deals 250% Total Damage to minions
- Have double range against trapped or netted targets
Piltover Peacemaker (Q):
50/60/70/80/90 mana
10/9/8/7/6 sec
Revs the rifle for 1 second to fire a narrow piercing shot dealing 25/70/115/160/205 (+1.6 total AD) physical damage. After hitting any target, it opens into a wider shot that deals 40% less damage.
Always deals full damage to trap revealed targets.
Yordle Snap Trap (W):
20 Mana
45/32.5/20/12.5/10 Sec Recharge Time
Sets traps that an enemy Champion can spring, immobilizing them for X seconds and revealing them for a short duration.
Traps last for X seconds. 3/3/4/4/5 traps may be active at once.
Trapped enemies take 10/20/30/40/50% increased damage from Headshot.
- [Tooltip messy on initial push. I believe it is intended to be 2 second snare duration and traps last for 90 seconds.]
90 Caliber Net (E):
75 Mana
18/16/14/12/10 sec Cooldown
Fires a net, knocking Caitlyn backwards. The net deals 70/110/150/190/230 (+.8 AP) magic damage and slows the first enemy hit by 50% for 1 second.
- [NOTE: Net is "a bit narrow, shorter, and slower".]
Ace In The Hole (R):
100 Mana
90/75/60 sec Cooldown
Taked a second to line up the perfect shot on an enemy Champion at up to 2000/2500/3000 range. The shot deals 250/475/700 (+2.0 bonus ad) physical damage, but other enemy Champions can intercept it.
PBE Boards Context Thread for Corki
Stat Changes
- Base Mana increased to 350.16 from 305.16
- Mana Per Level decreased to 34 from 37
- Damage Per Level decreased to 2.5 from 3
- Base Damage increased 56 from 51.24
(The Package, Valkyrie Mega, Big One)
Hextech Shrapnel Shells
Corki's basic attacks deal 10% bonus damage, and half of his basic attack damage is converted into magic.
The Package
After an initial 8 minutes, The Package arrives near the fountain. Picking it up temporarily grants 50% out of combat Movement Speed and upgrades Valkyrie into Special Delivery.
The Package reloads 4 minutes after being delivered.
Phosphorus Bomb (Q):
60/70/80/90/100 Mana
8 sec cooldown
Corki lobs a bomb, dealing 80/130/180/230/280 (+.5 bonus AD)(+.5 AP) magic damage to enemies in the target area. In addition, the blast reveals the area and champions hit by the blast for 6 seconds (does not reveal stealth).
Valkyrie (W):
100 Mana
26/23/20/17/14 sec cooldown
Active: Corki flies a short distance, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+.4 AP) magic damage per second to enemies in the fire left along his path.
Special Delivery: Corki flies a great distance, dropping bombs that knock aside enemies and leave a burning trail for 5 seconds. The trail slows enemies by 90% and burns them for 30-100 (+1.5 bonus AD)(+.2 AP ) magic damage per second.
- [NOTE: Range reduced to 600 from 800]
Gatling Gun (E):
50 Mana
16 sec Cooldown
Corki's gatling gun fires in front of him for 4 seconds, dealing 20/32/44/56/78 (+.4 bonus AD) damage (half physical, half magic), and reducing 1/2/3/4/5 Armor and Magic Resist per second.
The Armor and Magic Resist reductions stack and last 2 seconds.
Missile Barrage (R):
20 Mana
12/10/8 sec Ammo Recharge (2 sec Cooldown)
Active: Corki fires a missile that explodes at the first it hits, dealing 100/140/180 (+.2/.5/.8 total AD)(+.3 AP) magic damage.
Corki can store up to 7 missiles, and every 3rd missile will be a Big One, dealing 50% increased damage.
PBE Boards Context Thread for Graves
Stat changes
- Movespeed increased to 345 from 330
- Armor per level increased to 3.4 from 3.2
- Magic resist per level increased to 1.25 from 0
- Base attack increased to 62.83 from 54.2
- Attack per level decreased to 2.41 from 3.1
- Attack Range reduced to 425 from 525
- NOTE: Point blank auto attacks knock back minions and monsters.
Destiny (Passive)
Graves' shotgun has some unique properties --
Current ammo displayed under HP bar.
- Double Barrel: Graves must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attack Speed reduces reload time only slightly, but reduces time between attacks dramatically
- 12-Gauge: Attacks fire 4 bullets (8 on critical strikes). Units hit take 75-110% Attack Damage + (25-33)% for additional bullets.
- Buckshot: Bullets cannot pass through units. Non Champions struck by multiple bullets are knocked back.
End of the Line (Q):
50/55/60/65/70 Mana
14/13/12/11/10 sec Cooldown
Fires a powder round that deals 60/80/100/120/140 (+.75 bonus AD) physical damage to enemies in a line.
After 2 seconds, or on collision with terrain, the round detonates, dealing 90/155/220/285/350 (+.4/.6/.8/1.0/1.2 AD) physical damage to all nearby enemies.Smoke Screen (W):
70/75/80/85/90 Mana
26/24/22/20/18 sec Cooldown
Creates a cloud of Black Smoke lasting 4 seconds. Enemies inside Black Smoke cannot see out.
Deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+.6 AP) magic damage and slows by 15/20/25/30/35% on impact.
Quickdraw (E):
40 Mana
18/17/16/15/14 sec Cooldown
Dashes in a direction, reloading one shell. For 4 seconds, Graves gains True Grit.
Basic attack hits lower the cooldown of Quickdraw by 0.5 seconds and, against non-minions, also refresh True Grit.
True Grit grants 10/15/20/25/30 Armor and Magic Resist (stacks up to 4 times).
- [Each Bullet can trigger the CD reduction effect.]
- [Also resets AA.]
Collateral Damage (R):
100 Mana
100/90/80 sec Cooldown
Fires an explosive shell with such force that it knocks Graves back. The Shell deals 250/400/550 (+.75 bonus ad) physical damage to the first enemy hit. After hitting an enemy Champion or reaching the end of its range, the shell explodes, dealing 200/320/440 (+.60 bonus ad) physical damage in a cone.
PBE Boards Context Thread for Kog'Maw
New Ability Icons
Base Stats
- Base Mana increased to 348.88 from 298.88
- Mana Per Level reduced to 38 from 41
- Damage Per Level reduced to 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage increased to 59.46 from 52.04
Icathian Surprise (Passive)
Upon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to detonate after 4 seconds, dealing (100 + 25 x level) true damage to surrounding enemies.
Caustic Spittle (Q):
60 Mana
8 sec Cooldown
Passive: Kog'Maw gains 10/20/30/40/50% bonus Attack Speed.
Active: Launches a corrosive projectile that deals 80/130/180/230/280 (+.5 AP) Magic Damage to the first enemy hit and reduces its Armor and Magic Resist by 12/16/20/24/28% for 4 seconds.
Bio-Arcane Barrage (W):
40 Mana
13/11.5/10/8.5/7 sec Cooldown
For 6 seconds, Kog'Maw's basic attacks:
- Gain 90/120/150/180/210 attack range.
- Gain 100% Total Attack Speed and his spell cast times are halved.
- Deal 60% damage to non minions.
During this time, Kog'Maw's Attack Speed cap is doubled.
- Deal (1.25% per 100 total AD) (+ ~.75% per 100 AP) of the target's maximum health as additional magic damage.
Void Ooze (E):
80/90/100/110/120 Mana
12 sec Cooldown
Deals 60/110/160/210/260 (+.7 AP) Magic Damage to enemies it passes through and leaves a trail on the ground for 4 seconds, briefly slowing enemies in it by 20/28/36/42/50%.
Living Artillery (R):
50 Mana
2/1.5/1 sec Cooldown
Fires an artillery shot, dealing magic damage based on the target's missing health, revealing them for 2 seconds. The cost of subsequent shots within 10 seconds increases by 50 Mana (max 500).
Damage Dealt:
- 70/110/150 (+.75 bonus AD)(+.25 AP) to targets above 50% Health
- 140/220/300 (+1.5 bonus ad)(.5 AP) to targets at 25%-50% Health
- 210/330/450 (+2.25 bonus ad)(+.75 AP) to targets below 25% Health
Miss Fortune
PBE Boards Context Thread for Miss Fortune
Base Stats
- Base Mana increased to 325.84 from 275.84
- Attack Speed Per Level reduced to 3 from 3.01
- Mana Per Level redused to 35 from 38
- Damage Per Level reduced to 1 from 3
- Base Damage reduced to 46 from 49.54
New Passive icon
Love Tap (Passive)
Miss Fortune deals [ 50-100% total AD] bonus physical damage whenever she attacks a new target. Deals half damage to minions.
Double Up (Q):
43/46/49/52/55 Mana
7/6/5/4/3 sec Cooldown
Miss Fortune fires a bouncing shot through an enemy, dealing 20/35/50/65/80 (+.85 total AD)(+.35 AP) physical damage to the first target and 40/70/100/130/160 (+1.0 total ad)(+.5 AP) damage to the second. Both apply on-hit effects.
If the first target is killed, the second deals 50% increased damage.
Strut (W):
30 Mana
8 sec Cooldown
Passive: after 5 seconds of not taking direct damage, Miss Fortune gains 25 Movement Speed. After another 5 seconds, this bonus is increased to 60/70/80/90/100.
Active: Fully activates Strut's Movement Speed and grants 60/75/90/105/120% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
Love Taps prolong the Attack Speed bonus duration by 0.75 seconds (doubled vs. champions).
Make It Rain (E):
80 Mana
14/13/12/11/10 sec Cooldown
Miss Fortune rains down bullets at a location, dealing 90/145/200/255/310 (+.8 AP) magic damage over 2 seconds and slowing enemies hit by 40/45/50/55/60%.
- [Range up to 1000 from 800]

Bullet Time (R):
100 Mana
120/110/100 sec Cooldown
Miss Fortune channels a barrage of bullets for 3 seconds, dealing (+.7 total AD)(+.2 AP) physical damage per wave (12/14/16 waves total).
Bullet Time can critically strike for 120% damage.
PBE Boards Context Thread for Quinn.
Base Stats
- Damage Per Level reduced to 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage increased to 56.46 from 51.04
Harrier (Passive)
Every 8 seconds, Valor marks a nearby enemy as Vulnerable, revealing it for 4 seconds. Quinn's next attack on the target deals 125 - 150% of her Attack Damage.
Harrier's cooldown is reduced by Critical Strike Chance.
Aerial Assault (Q):
50 Mana
11/10/9/8/7 sec Cooldown
Valor flies in a line, stopping at the first enemy hit and marking it as Vulnerable. Valor then deals 50/80/110/140/170 (+.34 bonus ad)(+.35 AP) to 100/160/220/280/340 (+.68 bonus ad)(+.7 AP) physical damage to all nearby enemies based on their missing Health.
If Aerial Assault kills a unit, half the cooldown is refunded.
Heightened Senses (W):
No Cost
50/45/40/35/30 sec Cooldown
Passive: Attacking a Vulnerable target increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed by 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds.
Active: Valor reveals a large area nearby for 2 seconds.
50 Mana
12/11/10/9/8 sec Cooldown
Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing 40/70/100/130/160 (+.20 bonus ad) physical damage while Valor marks it as Vulnerable.
Upon reaching the target, Quinn leaps off, briefly displacing and slowing it by 50% (diminishing over 1.5 seconds).
Tag Team (R):
120/60/0 Mana
3 sec Cooldown
Quinn calls down to Valor to assist her. After a 2 second channel, they unite, gaining 70/100/130% Total Movement Speed and the ability to cast Skystrike by ending Tag Team or taking offensive action.
Taking champion or turret damage puts Tag Team on a 3 second cooldown.
Skystrike (R):
No Cost
No Cooldown
Active: Quinn and Valor deal (100% total AD) physical damage to nearby enemies as Valor returns to the skies.
During Tag Team:
- Offensive action taken casts Skystrike and causes Valor to return to the skies.
- Champion damage, turret damage, and immobilizing effects cause Valor to return to the skies.
- All other damage briefly slows them.
Other Marksman Changes
Similar to the individual marksman with larger changes, Riot Repertoir has posted up a list of smaller scope changes for Ashe, Draven, Ezreal, Jinx, Kalista, Lucian, Sivir, Tristana, Twitch, Urgot, Varus, and Vayne. These changes are listed below on the BALANCE CHANGES section of the post.Rift Herald
[NOTE: Looks like this bad boy is not enabled quite yet! Look for it in the 10/30 update.]The Rift Herald is a new neutral mob that spawns in Baron's Pit for the first ~20 minutes of the game, until Baron spawns. Riot Jag has posted a PBE boards context thread on Rift Herald, including details on the encounter:
Spawn & Despawn details:
- Rift Herald spawns at the Baron Pit at 4:00.
- Rift Herald respawns every 5 minutes
- Rift Herald despawns at 19:45 unless in combat; hard despawns at 19:55 no matter what
The Rift Herald encounter:
- Rift Herald has only melee attacks but hits hard. Jag suggests you "need to be able to take a punch" to tank Rift Herald.
- The eye on Rift Herald's back will occasionally open, making attacks on him from behind deal bonus damage 12% of Rift Herald's Max health as True Damage.
- Rift Herald's takes 35% less damage from ranged basic attacks.
On death, Rift Herald grants:
- Everyone on the killing team 50 gold
- Gives "Doom's Eve" buff to killer
- 10% increased damage + 40 bonus MS
- Enhanced Baron recall
- Buffs nearby minions offensive power just like Baron buff + an additional attack speed increase (NOTE: This Rift Herald buff does NOT increase their defensive power)
- There is a global announcement when a team kills the Rift Herald.
Keystone Masteries and Changes
Going into preseason, masteries are being changed!How it works now is every other tier you must make a DECISION and can not take both abilities on the same tier. For tier 1,3,5, you can split your 5 points between the two but can only place 5 points total. For tier 2,4,6, you can only choose one mastery in each tier.
For example, in this picture I've chosen "Explorer" as my tier 2 Resolve mastery so I can not select "Tough Skin", also a tier 2 resolve mastery, as well.
Here's a quick video demo:
Here's a look at what all is new in each tree!
Resolve Tree

Tier 1 (Maximum 5 Points split between Recovery and Unyielding)
- Recovery: +0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 Health Regen per 5 seconds
- Unyielding: +1.2%/2.4%/3.6%/4.8%/6% Bonus Armor and Magic Resist
Tier 2 (Choose one)
- Explorer: +12 Movement Speed in Brush and River
- Tough Skin: You take 2 less damage from Champion and Monster basic attacks.
Tier 3 (Maximum 5 Points split between Runic Armor and Veteran's Scars)
- Runic Armor: +1.6%/3.2%/4.8%/6.4%/8% bonus to all shields and healing on you (includes lifesteal and regeneration).
- Veteran's Scars: +1.2%/2.4%/3.6%/4.8%/6% Bonus Health
Tier 4 (Choose one)
- Insight: Your summoner spells have 15% reduced cooldown.
- Perseverance: +50% Health Regen, increased to +200% when below 20% Health
Tier 5 (Maximum 5 Points split between Swiftness and Legendary Guardian)
- Swiftness: +3%/6%/9%/12%/15% Tenacity and Slow Resist
- Legendary Guardian: +0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 Armor and Magic Resist for each nearby enemy champion
Tier 6 - (Choose One)
- Grasp of the Undying: Every 4 seconds in combat your next attack against an enemy champion steals life equal to 3% of your max Health (halved for ranged champions).
- Strength of the Ages: Large monsters and siege minions that you or nearby allies kill grant you 25 and 10 permanent Health respectively (300 max). After reaching the max bonus further siege minion kills restore 100 Health.
- Bond of Stone: +4% Damage Reduction. While near an ally this bonus is doubled and 8% of the damage they would take from champions is dealt to you instead (cannot reduce you below 15% Health).
Cunning Tree
Tier 1 (Maximum 5 Points split between Wanderer and Savagery)- Wanderer: +0.6%/1.2%/1.8%/2.4%/3% Movement Speed out of Combat
- Savagery: Basic attacks and single target spells deal 1/2/3/4/5 bonus damage to minions and monsters
Tier 2 (Choose one)
- Runic Affinity: Buffs granted by jungle monsters last 15% longer, including Epic Monsters and River Shrine.
- Secret Stash: Your potions, flasks, and elixirs last 10% longer. Additionally, your potions are replaced with biscuits that restore 20 Health and 10 Mana instantly upon consumption.
Tier 3 (Maximum 5 Points split between Merciless and Meditation)
- Merciless: Deal 1/2/3/4/5% increased damage to champions below 40% health
- Meditation: Once every 5 seconds, regenerate 0.3%/0.6%/0.9%/1.2%/1.5% of your missing Mana
- Bandit: Gain 1 gold for each nearby minions killed by allied champions. Gain an additional 3 gold (or 10 if you're melee) when hitting an enemy champion with a basic attack (Cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds).
- Dangerous Game: Champion kills and assists restore 5% of your missing Health and Mana.
Tier 5 (Maximum 5 Points split between Precision and Intelligence)
- Precision: Gain 0.6/1.2/1.8/2.4/3 + 0.06/.12/.18/.24/.3 per level Armor and Magic Penetration.
- Intelligence: Your Cooldown Reduction cap is increased by 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%, gain 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% Cooldown Reduction.
- Stormraider's Surge: Dealing 30% of a champion's max Health within 2 seconds grants you 35% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (10 second cooldown).
- Thunderlord's Decree: Your 3rd attack or spell on an enemy champion shocks the area around them, dealing 10 damage per level plus 20% of your Bonus Attack Damage and 10% of your Ability Power as Magic damage to enemies in the area (30 second cooldown).
- Windspeaker's Blessing: Your heals and shields are 10% stronger. Additionally, your shields and heals increase your target's resistances by 15% for 3 seconds when used on an ally other than yourself.
Ferocity Tree

Tier 1 (Maximum 5 Points split between Fury and Sorcery)
- Fury: +0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4% Attack Speed
- Sorcery: +0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0% increased Ability and Spell damage
Tier 2 (Choose one)
- Double Edged Sword: Melee- Deal an additional 3% damage, take an additional 1.5% damage. Ranged- Deal and take an additional 2% damage.
- Feast: Killing a unit restores 20 Health (20 second cooldown)
Tier 3 (Maximum 5 Points split between Vampirism and Natural Talent)
- Vampirism: +0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5% Lifesteal and Spell Vamp
- Natural Talent: +2/4/6/8/10 Attack Damage and +3/6/9/12/15 Ability Power at Level 18 (0.11 to 0.55 AD/lvl and 0.16 to 0.83 AP/lvl)
Tier 4 (Choose one)
- Bounty Hunter: You deal 1% increased damage for each unique enemy champion you kill.
- Oppressor: You deal 2.5% increased damage to targets with impaired movement (slow, stun, snare, taunt, etc.)
Tier 5 (Maximum 5 Points split between Battering Blows and Piercing Thoughts)
- Battering Blows: +1.4/2.8/4.2/5.6/7% Armor Penetration
- Piercing Thoughts: +1.4/2.8/4.2/5.6/7% Magic Penetration
Tier 6 - (Choose One)
- Warlord's Bloodlust: Critical strikes heal for 15% of the damage dealt and grant you 20% attack speed for 4 seconds (2 second cooldown).
- Fervor of Battle : Your basic attacks and spells grant you a stack of Fervor for 5 seconds (max 10 stacks). Each stack of Fervor adds 1-8 bonus physical damage to your basic attacks against champions, based on your level.
- Deathfire Touch: Your damaging abilities cause enemy champions to take 6 + 50% of your Bonus Attack Damage and 20% of your Ability Power in Magic damage over 3 seconds (Area of effect and damage over time abilities apply half of this damage over 1.5 seconds instead).
Vision & Support Item Changes
Vision changes and a round of changes to support items are also a focus in this preseason patch.Surprisingly, Sight Wards (Green) have been removed from the shop. Invisible wards still available through Sightstone and trinkets though.
Vision Wards (Pinks) reduced to 75g.
Blue trinket has been removed, leaving only the Yellow Warding Totem and the Red Sweeping Lens trinket. Both of these trinkets have been tweaked and now become stronger over time - no need to upgrade them at level 9 anymore they will do it on their own!
You can now also purchase an Alteration for the trinkets, with one option available for each type and unlocking at level 9.
- The red trinket can be updated with the Oracle alteration, which reduces cast range significantly but increases detection radius and makes sweeping effect follow you.
- The yellow trinket can be upgraded with the Farsight Alteration, which removes the ability to store charges and makes wards visible, fragile, and untargetable by allies but massively increases range, reduces cooldown, and gives infinite duration on ward.
Speaking of Sightstone, there are now three more unique sightstone upgrades. These are made by combining a sightstone and any of the three tier 2 support items:
- Eye of the Oasis (Sightstone + Nomad's Medallion + Gold)
- Eye of the Equinox (Sightstone + Targon's Brace + Gold)
- Eye of the Watchers (Sightstone + Frostang + Gold)
Check 'em out here or down in the item changes section:
- Spellthief's Edge
- Frostfang
- Frost Queen's Claim
- Frost Queen's Claim has a new active - similar to the now removed Twin Shadows active.
- Face of the Mountain's active shield no longer explodes for damage but instead of a 40% slow for 2 seconds
New Ward Skins
The 2015 season ranked team reward wards are now on the PBE!
2015 Conquering Ward
2015 Triumphant Ward
2015 Victorious Ward
Here's RiotLoveStrut with a feedback thread on the 2015 Team Reward Ward Skins:
"With the 2015 Ranked Season slowly winding down, take a look and check out the 3 Ward Skin Team Rewards! Which will you receive for your heroic team victories?
These wards are unlocked based on how many wins players earn over the season as part of a ranked team.
How to earn points:
What are the Team Rewards:
- 3v3 ranked win: 1 point
- 5v5 ranked win: 3 points
For more information about these wards and how to obtain them, click here!
- 20 points will earn you the Conquering Ward, featuring a shield with wings at the side, floating over a light-blue crystal base.
- 45 points will earn you the Triumphant Ward, featuring a shield with more golden accents, larger wings at the side, floating over a brighter blue crystal base as two swords cross behind.
- 75 points will earn you the Victorious Ward, featuring a shield with deeper gold accents, even larger and more ornate wings at the side, a new victorious helmet sitting on top, floating over a royal blue crystal base as two jeweled swords cross behind.
These wards are now available for testing on the PBE! As always, we find bug reports and constructive feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! <3
PS: The 2015 season ends on November 11th, 2015, so you’ve still got plenty of time to earn these wards! GO GET EM. >:]"
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.General
- Starting Gold increased to 500
- Minions now spawn 15 seconds earlier, starting at 1:15 instead of 1:30 [s]
- Jungle camps now spawn 15 seconds earlier, starting at 1:40 instead of 1:55
- Lane Minions will drop aggro from things that in river or jungle [s]
- Start of game movement speed buff is faster due to spawn changes [s]
- The Homeguard effect happens automatically for everyone after 20 minutes and Homeguard Boot Enchantment has been removed. [Riot G-Mang noted change slotted for 5.23]
- There is a new visualization when you are on a killing spree. It appears beside the champions level on the name plate, is visible to everyone, and changes based on high how your bounty currently is.
- Grievous Wounds effects lowered to 40% from 50%. [s]
- Blue Buff seems to now grant a small amount of AP that increases with level.
- [Several QoL changes planned for 5.22]
- Two-Shiv Poison (E) [reduced chance to hit removed, now slows monster attack speed by 20-30%]
- Stats
- Base Mana: 280 from 231.8
- Mana Per Level: 32 from 35
- Damage Per Level: 2.26 from 2.85
- Base Damage: 56.508 from 51.088
- Frost Shot (P):
- Base slow reduced to 5/9/13/17/21/25% from 5/11/17/23/29/35%
- Dealing bonus damage with passive no longer "counts" as Critical Strike
- Ashe can now critical strike like normal. Rather than dealing increased damage, she deals 1.0 total damage and her slow is applied with double effectiveness at 10/18//26/34/42/50%. This decays to base amount over duration of slow.
- "Ashe's critical strikes deal no bonus damage but apply an empowered slow to the target."
- Ranger's Focus (Q):
- Can no longer be cast at less than 5 stacks
- Cooldown reduced to 0 from 18
- Active's Slow amplification ( additional 20%) removed..
- Stats
- Base Mana: 360.56 from 310.56
- Attack Speed Per Level: 1.5 from 2.7
- Mana Per Level: 39 from 42
- Damage Per Level: 2.91 from 3.5
- Base Damage: 55.8 from 50.38
- Attack Frame improved by 30%
- Attack Missile speed reduced to 1600 from 1700
- Stats
- Base Mana: 360.6 from 310.6
- Mana Per Level: 42 from 45
- Damage Per Level: 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage: 55.66 from 50.24
- Mystic Shot (Q)
- Cooldown reducing effect increased to 1.5 per hit from 1 second
- Cooldown increased to 6.5/6/5.5/5/4.5 from 6/5.5/5/4.5/4
- Arcane Shift (E)
- Cooldown increased to 19/17.5/16/14.5/13 from 19/17/15/13/11
- Stats
- Damage Per Level: 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage: 58.46 from 53.04
- Get Excited (P)
- Duration increased to 6 seconds from 4 seconds
- Can now chain together and stack, increasing TOTAL ATTACK SPEED by 15% per stack (movement speed does not stack)
- Switcheroo (Q)
- Jinx now has -15% attack speed while using rocket launcher
- Stats
- Attack Speed Per Level: 2.8 from 3.3
- Damage Per Level: 2.91 from 3.5
- Base Damage: 62.92 from 57.5
- Base Attack Speed increased -0.1 (.658) from -0.05 (.694)
- Martial Pose (P)
- "Jump distance scales with boot tier (as live), jump speed now only scales with AS/Slows (is slower early game but scales up)."
- Stats
- Base Mana: 348.88 from 298.88
- Mana Per Level: 38 from 41
- Damage Per Level: 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage: 59.46 from 52.04
- The Culling (R)
- No longer scales with attack speed
- Now fire 20/25/30 bullets based on rank
- Stats
- Damage Per Level: 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage: 57.46 from 52.04
- Base Attack Speed: 1 from -0.05
- Ricochet (W)
- Cooldown increased to 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 from 9/8/7/6/5
- ** Cooldown now begins on spell cast rather than when the last buff used **
- Attack buff duration reduced to 4 seconds from 6
- Stats
- Damage Per Level: 2.41 from 3
- Base Damage: 56.96 from 51.54
- Rapid Fire (Q):
- Cooldown decreased to 20/19/18/17/16 from 20 at all ranks
- No longer reduces [E] CD on hit while active
- Attacking [E] Target no longer reduces [Q] CD on hit.
- Rocket Jump (W)
- Damage changed to 60/110/160/210/260 from 80/105/130/155/180
- No longer deals increased damage per E stack
- Cooldown on rests on max stack E explosions.
- Explosive Charge (E):
- Now detonates instantly at max (4) stacks.
- Tristana's abilities now also add E stacks
- Missle Speed increased to 2400 from 1800
- Stats:
- Base damage increased to 55.46 from 49.04
- Damage per level reduced to 2.41 from 3
- Ambush (Q)
- NEW EFFECT: When an enemy champion affected by Deadly Venom dies, Ambush's cooldown is reset.
- Quality of Life Buff: Entering stealth now cancels Twitch's current auto attack order
- Rat-ta-tat-tat (R) [Need to confirm]
- Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7
- Mana Cost reduced to 100 at all ranks from 100/125/150
- Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds at all ranks from 120/110/100
- "For the duration, his basic attacks become piercing bolts that automatically crit the first target hit and deal 30% ( from 20%) less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of 35% (from 40%) damage."
- Zaun-Toched Bolt Augmenter (Passive) now reduces enemy size by 15% in addition to damage dealt by them.
- Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser (R)
- No longer Grants 60/90/120 Armor & MR during & after swap.
- Now grants 30/40/50% reduced damage for 5 seconds beginning at start of channel
- Stats
- Base mana increased to 360 from 310
- Mana per level lowered to 33 from 36
- Base damage increased to 54.66 from 49.04
- Damage per level lowered to 2.41 from 3
- Chain of Corruption (R)
- Damage reduced to 100/175/250 from 150/250/350
- NEW EFFECT: Rooted enemies gain 3 stacks of W's Blight over the duration of root
- ("Now displays max Spread Range to Varus and Enemies if it is spreading to at least one enemy champion."
- Stats
- Base damage increased to 55.88 from 50.46
- Damage per level reduced to 1.66 from 3.25
- Silver Bolts (W):
- Base damage of 20/30/40/50/60 removed
- % of max health damage increased to 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% from 4/5/6/7/8%
- New minimum damage vs all targets added - 40/60/80/100/120
Removed Items
New Items
- Avarice Blade
- The Brutalizer
- Crystalline Flask
- Elixir of Ruin
- Enchantment: Homeguard (now everyone gets it after 20 min)
- Mana Potion
- Poacher's Knife (replaced by Tracker's Knife)
- Ranger's Trailblazer
- Stealth Ward
- Sword of the Occult
- Twin Shadows (rolled into Frost Queen active)
New Items
[Grouped based on recipe]
Serrated Dirk
- 1100
- Recipe: Long Sword + Long Sword + 400g
- 20 AD
- Unique Passive: +10 armor penetration
- Unique Passive: After killing any unit, your next basic attack or single target spell deals +15 damage
- Builds into: Maw of Malmortius & Youmuu's Ghostblade
Kircheis Shard
- 750 gold
- Build Path: Dagger + 450 gold
- +15% Attack Speed
- Passive: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
- UNIQUE Passive - Energized Strike: Your Energized attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage on hit.
- Builds Into: Statikk Shiv, Rapid Firecannon
Rapid Firecannon
- 2500 gold
- Build Path: Zeal + Kircheis Shard + 550 gold
- +30% Attack Speed
- +30% Critical Strike Chance
- +8% Movement Speed
- Passive: Moving and attacking will make an attack Energized.
- UNIQUE Passive - Firecannon: Your Energized attacks gain 35% bonus range (+150 range maximum) and deal 50-200 bonus magic damage (based on level) on hit.
Energized attacks function on structures.
- 450 gold
- +5 Attack Damage
- +3 Life on Hit
- UNIQUE Passive: Killing a minion grants 1 additional gold. Killing 100 minions grants an additional 300 bonus gold immediately and disables this passive.
The Dark Seal
- 400 gold
- +15 Ability Power
- +25% Increased Healing from Potions
- +100 Mana
- UNIQUE Passive - Dread: Grants +2 Ability Power per Glory.
- UNIQUE Passive - Do or Die: Grants 3 Glory for a champion kill or 1 Glory for an assist, up to 10 Glory total. Lose 6 Glory on death.
- Builds Into: Mejai's Soulstealer
Hunter's Talisman
- 350 gold
- +150% Mana Regeneration while in Jungle.
- UNIQUE Passive - Tooth: Damaging a monster steals 20 Health over 5 seconds. Grants +15 bonus experience when killing Large Jungle Monsters.
- Builds Into: Stalker's Blade, Tracker's Knife, Skirmisher's Sabre
Tracker's Knife
- 1050 gold
- Build Path: Hunter's Talisman + Hunter's Machete + 350 gold
- Limited to 1 Jungle item
- +10% Life Steal vs. Monsters
- +150% Mana Regeneration while in Jungle
- UNIQUE Passive - Tooth / Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 Health over 5 seconds. Killing a Large Monster grants +30 bonus experience.
- UNIQUE Active - Warding (Minor): Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop
Jaurim's Fist
- 1040 Gold
- Build Path: Long Sword + Ruby Crystal
- +15 Attack Damage
- +150 Health
- UNIQUE Passive: Killing a unit grants 5 maximum Health. This bonus stacks up to 30 times.
- Builds Into: Sterak's Gage, Frozen Mallet, and Titanic Hydra
- 1000 Gold
- +10 Attack Damage
- UNIQUE Passive - Giant Slayer: Grants up to +10% damage aagainst enemy champions with greater maximum health than you (+1% damage per 50 health difference, maxing at 500 health difference).
- Builds into: Lord Dominik's Regards
Lord Dominik's Regards
- 2500 Gold
- +40 Attack Damage
- UNIQUE Passive - Giant Slayer: Grants up to 15% Damage against enemy champions with greater maximum health than you (+1.5% damager per 50 health difference, maxing at 500 health difference).
- UNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +40% Bonus Armor Penetration.
Executioner's Calling
- 800 gold
- Build Path: Long Sword + 500 gold
- +15 Attack Damage
- UNIQUE Passive - Executioner: Physical damage inflicts Grievous Wounds (40%) on enemy champions for 3 seconds.
- Builds Into: Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder
- 2500 gold
- Build Path: Last Whisper + Executioner's Calling + 400 gold
- +40 Attack Damage
- UNIQUE Passive - Executioner: Physical damage inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemy champions for 5 seconds.
- UNIQUE Passive - Last Whisper: +40% Bonus Armor Penetration.
Refillable Potion
- 150 Gold
- Limited to 1 type of Healing Potion.
- UNIQUE Active: consumes a charge to restore 100 health over 10 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
- Builds into: Hunter's Potion & Corrupting Potion
- 400 Gold
- UNIQUE Active: consumes a charge to restore 60 Health and 35 Mana over 8 seconds. Holds up to 5 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
- Killing a Large Monster Grants one charge.
- (Killing a Large Monster at full charges will automatically consume the newest charge.)
- 500 Gold
- Limited to one type of Healing Potion.
- UNIQUE Active: Consumes a charge to restore 150 Health and 50 Mana over 12 seconds and grants Touch of Corruption during that time.Holds up to 3 charges that refill upon visiting the shop.
- Touch of Corruption: Spells and attacks burn enemy champions for 5-10 Magic damage over 3 seconds. (Half Damage for Area of Effect of Damage over Time spells. Damage increases with champion level.
Caufield's Warhammer
- 1100 Gold
- +25 Attack Damage
- UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction
- Builds into: Enchantment: Warrior, Y. Ghostblade, Death's Dance, Black Cleaver, Essence Reaver
- 3400 Gold
- +64 Attack Damage
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- UNIQUE Passive: Dealing physical damage heals for 12% of the damage dealt. (33% effectiveness for multi-target effects.)
- UNIQUE Passive: 20% of damage taken is dealt as a Bleed effect over 5 seconds instead.
Eye of the Watchers
- 2200 gold
- Build Path: Sightstone + Frostfang + 550 gold
- +200 Health
- +25 Ability Power
- +2 Gold per 10 Seconds
- +150% Base Mana Regen
- UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 15 Gold. This can occur up to 4 times every 30 seconds.
- UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
- Limited to 1 Gold Income Item
- 2200 gold
- Build Path: Sightstone + Nomad's Medallion + 550 gold
- +200 Health
- +150% Base Health Regen
- +150% Base Mana Regen
- UNIQUE Passive - Favor: Being near a minion death without dealing the killing blow grants 6 Gold and 10 Health.
- UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
- Limited to 1 Gold Income Item
Eye of the Equinox
- 2200 Gold
- Build Path: Sightstone + Targon's Brace + 550 gold
- +500 Health
- +100% Base Health Regen
- UNIQUE Passive - Spoils of War: Melee basic attacks execute minions below 400 Health. Killing a minion heals the owner and the nearest allied champion for 50 health and grants them kill Gold. These effects require a nearby allied champion. Recharges every 30 seconds. Max 4 charges.
- UNIQUE Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 4 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
[These items have been changed significantly from their live counterparts]
- 3500 gold
- Build Path: B. F. Sword + Caufield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility + 300 gold
- +65 Attack Damage
- +20% Critical Strike Chance
- UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction.
- UNIQUE Passive: Gain up to +20% additional Cooldown Reduction equal to your Critical Strike Chance from other sources.
- UNIQUE Passive: Critical strikes restore 3% of your maximum Mana pool.
Frost Queen's Claim
- 2200 gold
- Build Path: [Frostfang + Fiendish Codex + 550 gold]
- +50 Ability Power
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- +2 Gold per 10 seconds
- +150% Base Mana Regen (from 50%!)
- UNIQUE Passive - Tribute: Spells and basic attacks against champions or buildings deal 15 additional damage and grant 15 (from 10) gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
- [NEW] UNIQUE Active: Summon 2 icy ghosts for 6 seconds that seek out nearby enemy champions. Ghosts reveal enemies on contact and reduce their Movement Speed by 40% for 2.5 seconds (60 seconds cooldown.)
- Limited to 1 Gold Income item
Guinsoo's Rageblade
- 2500 gold
- Build Path: Blasting Wand + Pickaxe + 775 gold
- +30 Attack Damage
- +40 Ability Power
- UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks grant +8% Attack Speed, +3 Attack Damage, and +4 Ability Power for 5 seconds (stacks up to 8 times, melee attacks grant 2 stacks). While you have 8 stacks, gain Guinsoo's Rage.
- Guinsoo's Rage: Basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on hit equal to 20 + 15% of bonus Attack Damage and 7.5% of Ability Power to the target and nearby enemy units.
Hunter's Machete
- Cost lowered to 350 from 400
- Now Gives 8% lifesteal vs monsters
- JUNGLE Passive removed.
- NEW Passive - Nail: Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage on hit vs Monsters. Killing large monsters grants 15 bonus experience.
- Now build out of [Hunter's Talisman + Hunter's Machete +350g.]
- Total Cost 1050
- 10% life steal vs monsters
- 150% mana regeneration while in jungle
- Unique Passive now TOOTH / NAIL - Basic attacks deal 20 bonus damage vs. monsters. Damaging a monster steals 30 health over 5 seconds. Killing a large monster grants +30 bonus experience
- Total Gold: 2700 Gold
- Recipe: Zeal + 2x Daggers + 900g
- +40% Attack Speed
- +30% Critical Strike Chance
- UNIQUE Passive - Spectral Waltz: While within 500 units of an enemy Champion you can see, +12% Movement Speed and you can move though units.
- UNIQUE Passive - Lament: The last champuion hit deal 12% less damage to you (ends after 10 seconds of not hitting).
Ruby Sightstone
- New Unique Passive - reduces item active cooldown by 10%
[There are SO many changes to items. May have missed a few cost adjustments]
Abyssal Scepter
- Total cost lowered to 2370 down from 2450
Aegis of the Legion
- Total cost reduced to 1500 from 1600
- Aura MR lowered to 10 from 15
- Cost reduced to 350g
- Unique Passive gold for being near a minion death increased to 4 from 3.
Archangel's Staff
- Total cost increased to 3100 from 3000
Ardent Censer
- Total cost increased to 2200 from 2100
Athene's Unholy Grail
- Total cost increased to 2800 from 2700
Banner of Command
- Total price increased to 2900 from 2750
Banshee's Veil
- Cost increased to 2900 from 2700
- Health increased to 500 from 450
- MR increased to 70 from 60
BF Sword
- Total cost lowered to 1300g from 1550g
- AD lowered to 40 from 50
Blade of the Ruined King
- Total price increased to 3400 from 3200
- Unique passive reduced to 6% of targets current health from 8% of targets current health
- AD lowered to 75 from 80
- Lifesteal no longer unique
- Cost increased to 3700 from 3500
Bami's Cinder
- Total cost increased to 1100 from 1000
Berserker's Greaves
- Total cost increased to 1100 from 1000
- Now grants 30% attack speed from 25%
Boots of Speed
- Cost reduced to 300g from 325g
Boots of Swiftness
- Total cost reduced to 800 from 1000
- Movement speed increased to 65 from 60
Brawler's Gloves
- Crit chance increased to 10% from 8%
- Health increased to 225 from 200
Chain Vest
- Total cost increased to 800 from 750
Cloak of Agility
- Cost increased to 800 from 730
- Critical Chance increased to 20% from 15%
Crystalline Bracer
- Total cost increased to 650 from 600
- Attack speed lowered to 12% from 15%
- Cost reduced to 300g from 450g.
- Total cost increased to 2800 from 2750
Doran's Blade
- Health increased to 80 from 70
- Attack damage increased to 8 from 7
- Price increased to 450g from 440.
Doran's Ring
- Mana regen changed to 50% of base from flat 3 per 5 seconds.
Doran's Shield
- Price increased to 450 from 440g.
Elixir of Iron
- Now grants +300 HP
- No longer reduces effectiveness of slows by 25%
- Cost increased to 500 from 400
- AP increased to 50 from 40
- Cost increased to 500 from 400
- AD bonus increased to 30 from 25
- Bloodlust's heal increased to 15% from 10%
- Kills no longer extend duration.
- Flash, Ghost, Teleport CD reduction reduced to 15% from 20%
- Flash movement speed bonus lowered to 20% from 30%
Enchantment: Runeglaive
- Total Cost increased
- Recipe now [Jungle Item + Amp. Tome + Sheen + 140g]
- AP reduced to 40 from 50
- Mana increased to 250 from 200
Enchantment: Warrior
- AD increased to 60 from 45
- Armor penetration reduced to 0 from 10
- Now Builds out of Jungle Item + Caulfield's Warhammer + 475g
- Health reduced to 450 from 500
- +2 gold per 10 seconds
- Unique Passive - Heal reduced to 50 from 50 + 1% of max hp.
- Unique Active - Shield now explodes and slows for 40% for 2 seconds rather than exploding to deal [100% of targets AD + 30% of targets AP] damage.
- Cost lowered to 125 from 180g
Fiendish Codex
- AP lowered to 25 from 30
- Total cost lowered to 800 from 825
Forbidden Idol
- Total cost decreased to 550 from 600
- Total cost decreased to 850g from 865g
- Now builds out of Spellthief's Edge + Faerie Charm + 375g
- Mana regen increased to 100% from 50%
- AP increased to 15 from 10
- Gold on spell or basic attack hit increased to 15 from 10.
Frozen Heart
- Total Cost increased to 2800 from 2600
Frozen Mallet
- Total cost reducded to 2840 from 3300
- Recipe now J. First + Pickaxe + Ruby Crytstal + 525 gold
- Health reduced to 650 from 700
- AD increased to 35 from 30
Glacial Shroud
- Total cost increased to 1000 from 900
Guardian Angel
- Total cost increased to 2900 from 2800
- Armor increased to 60 from 50
- Magaic resist increased to 60 from 50
Haunting Guise
- Total cost increased to 1600 from 1500
Health Potion
- Cost increased to 50g from 35g
- Total cost lowered to 1300 from 1450
- AD lowered to 20 from 25
- MR lowered to 30 from 35
- Shield lowered to 110-280 based on level from 250
- 10% lifesteal and 20% spell vamp removed
- New Unique Passive - now heals for 15% of the damage dealt, 33% effective for aoe.
- RELOAD removed, no longer cools the item active down by 3 seconds part hit & single target.
- Total cost reduced to 2700 from 2850
- Armor increased to 65 from 60
- No longer grants 30 AP
- CDR increased to 20% from 10%
- Size of slow zone now increases with bonus armor
- AD lowered to 65 from 80
- Total cost lowered to 3500 from 3800
- Unique Passive reads Critical Strike bonus damage increased by 50%
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Cost reduced to 800 from 1000
- CDR reduced to 10% from 15%
- Reduces Summoner Spell cooldown by 10%
- Price reduced to 800 from 850.
Last Whisper
- Total cost reduced to 1300 from 2300
- Recipe now Pickaxe + 425g
- AD decreased to 25 from 40
- Now give 30% bonus armor penetration instead of ignoring 35% of targets armor.
- New Icon
Liandry's Torment
- Total gold cost increased to 3200 from 3000
Lich Bane
- Total cost increased to 3200
- Recipe now Blasting Wand + Sheen + Aether Wisp
- Now grants 10% CDR
- Movement speed increased to 7%
Locket of the Iron Solari
- Gold Cost lowered to 2500 from 2750
- Shield duration lowered to 2 seconds from 5 seconds
Long Sword
- Price reduced to 350 from 360
Luden's Echo
- Price increased to 3200 from 3000
- Total cost increased to 3250 from 3200
- Recipe now: Hexdrinker + Serrated Dirk + 850g
- AD lowered to 55 from 60
- MR increased to 50 from 40
- Now grants 10 armor pen
- Lifeline's shield now 300 + 1 per bonus MR from 400
- Bonus AD based on missing HP removed
- New Unique Passive - Lifegrip - When Lifeline triggers, gain +25% Attack Speed, +10% Spell Vamp, and 10% Life Steal until out of combat.
- Total cost increased to 2400 from 2200
Mejai's Soulstealer
- Now builds out of The Dark Seal + 1000g
- Now gives 200 mana
- Stacking Mechanics reworked
- New Unique Passive - Dread: Grants 5 Ability Power per Glory. Grants 10% movement speed if you have at least 15 Glory.
- New Unique Passive - Do or Die: Grants 4 Glory per champion kill or 1 Glory for an assist, up to 30 Glory total. Lose 8 stacks of Glory upon dying.
Mercurial Scimitar
- AD lowered to 75 from 80
- Now has 10% lifesteal
- Now builds out of a Vamp Scepter + Pick Axe + QSS + Gold
Mercury's Treads
- Total cost decreased to 1100 from 1200
- Tenacity lowered to 20% from 35%
Mikael's Crucible
- Total cost lowred to 2300 from 2450
- MR lowered to 35 from 40
- Total cost increased to 2550 from 2300
Nashor's Tooth
- Attack speed increased to 50% from 40%
Negatron Cloak
- Cost lowered to 720 from 800
- Magic Resist lowered to 40 from 45
Ninjas Tabi
- Armor increased to 30 from 25
- Total cost increased to 1100 from 1000
Nomad's Medallion
- Total cost reduced to 850 from 865
- Now Builds out of Ancient Coin + F. Charm + Rejuv. bead + 225g.
- No longer grants 10 movement speed
- No longer grants +2 gold per 10 seconds
- Mana regen increased to 50% from 25% base mana regen.
- Unique Passive FAVOR gold granted increased to 6 from 4.
- Total cost increased to 2650 from 2600
- Cost lowered to 1250 from 1325
- AD lowered to 15 from 20
Quicksilver Sash
- Cost increased to 1300 from 1250
Rabadon's Deathcap
- Total cost increased to 3800 from 3500.
Randuin's Omen
- Health increased to 450 from 400
- Total cost increased to 3000 from 2700
Raptor Cloak
- Recipe changed to Rejuv. Bead + Chain Vest + 250g
Ravenous Hydra
- Cost increased to 3600 from 3300
- You can now freely exchange Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra
Recurve Bow
- Total cost lowered to 1000 from 1100
- Attack Speed lowered to 25% from 30%
- On hit damage increased to 15 from 10
Rejuvenation Bead
- Cost lowered to 150g from 180g
Relic Shield
- Cost reduced to 350 from 365
- Now Grants +2 gold per 10 seconds
Righteous Glory
- Total cost increased to 2600 from 2400
Rod of Ages
- Total cost increased to 3000 from 2700
- AP increased to 80 from 60
Runaan's Hurricane
- Now Builds out of Zeal + Recurve Bow + 300g
- Attack speed reduced to 35% from 70%
- Now grants 35% critical chance
- Now grants 5% movement speed
- On hit damage increased to 15 from 10
- On hit damage now 25% of attack damage and can crit from 50% of AD.
- Total cost increased to 3200 from 3000
- Mana increased to 250 from 200.
- Cost lowered to 350 from 400.
Seeker's Armguard
- AP lowered to 20 from 25
- Armor lowered to 20 from 30
- Cost reduced to 1050 from 1250
- No longer grants 25 AP
- Mana increasead to 250 from 200
- Now grants 10% CDR
- Total charges down to 3 from 4
- Ward duration reduced to 150 seconds from 180 seconds
- Total cost lowered to 1100 from 1200
- MR lowered to 35 from 40
Spellthief's Edge
- Passive's gold generation increased to 8 from 5.
- Total cost reduced to 350g from 365g
Spirit Visage
- Total cost increased to 2800 from 2700
- HP increased to 500 from 400
- MR increased to 70 from 60
Statikk Shiv
- Recipe now Zeal + Kircheis Shard +550g
- Attack speed lowered to 35% from 40%
- Critical Strike increased to 30% from 20%
- Movement speed lowered to 5% from 6%
- Unique Passive - Shiv Lightning
- damage now 50-150 based on level
- Can now hit up to 5 targets from 4
- Deals 50% bonus damage to minions
- Now builds from J. Fist + Ruby Crystal + Long Sword + 750g
- Total cost lowered to 2540 from 2550
- Gold cost lowered to 1200 from 1250
- Attack Speed increased to 50% from 40%
- Total cost increased to 2700 from 2600
- Health increased to 500 from 450
Talisman of Ascension
- Total cost increased to 2200g from 2100g
- No longer grants 20 movement speed
- No longer grants 2 gold per 10
- Unique passive Favor gold increased to 6 per nearby minion death from 4.
- Unique Active cooldown increased to 60 seconds from 40 seconds.
- Total cost 850g to 865g
- Recipe changed to Relic Shield + Rejuv. Bead + 350g
- +2 gold per 10 seconds
Tear of the Godess
- Total cost increased to 750 from 720
The Black Cleaver
- Price increased to 3500 from 3000
- Recipe now Phage + C. Warhammer + 1150g
- AD increased to 55 from 40
- Health reduced to 300 from 400
- Total cost increased to 2350 from 2300
- Cost reduced to 1250 from 1900g
- Recipe now [Pickaxe + Rejuv bead] from [Pickaxe + Long Sword + Rejuv bead x2]
- AD reduced to 30 from 40
- HP regen reduced to 50% from 100%
- Unique Passive - Cleave removed.
- Total cost increased to 3440 from 3300
- Recipe changed to Tiamat + Jaurim's Fist + 1150g
- Health increased to 450 from 400
- Can now be exchanged with Ravenous Hydra for free.
- Now includes 10% CDR
- Mana increased to 250 from 200
- Movement speed reduced to 5% from 8%
- Crit chance increased to 20% from 10%
- Attack Speed lowered to 15% from 30%
- Attack damage lowered to 25 from 30
- AP lowered to 0 from 30
- Total cost increased to 900g from 800g
- Attack damage increased to 15 from 10
- Lifesteal increased to 10% from 8%
Vision Ward
- Price reduced to 75g from 100g.
Void Staff
- Total cost increased to 2650 from 2500
Warden's Mail
- Armor lowered to 40 from 45
- Gold cost increased to 2850 from 2750
- Health increased to 850 from 800
Will of the Ancients
- Total cost lowered to 2300 from 2500
Wit's End
- Total cost increased to 2800 from 2550
- Magic resist increased to 40 from 30
- Attack Speed lowered to 40% from 50%
- On hit damage lowered to 40 from 42
Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Total cost increased to 3200g from 2700g
- Recipe changed to include Serrated Dirk + Caulfield's Warhammer + 1000 gold.
- No longer grants +15% crit chance
- Attack damage increased to 65 from 30
- Gold Cost increased to 1200 from 1100
- Attack speed lowered to 15% from 20%
- Crit increased to 20% from 10%
- Gold Cost increased to 2350 from 2250
- Total cost reduced to 2600g from 2850g
- Attack speed lowered to 40% from 50%
Zhonya's Hourglass
- Cost increased to 3200 from 3000
- AP reduced to 80 from 100
- Armor reduced to 45 from 50
Zz'Rot Portal
- Gold cost reduced to 2700 from 2750
- Health Regen reduced to 125% from 150%
Scrying Orb (Blue Trinket)- Removed
- Cast range and Sweep radius now improve with level.
- Can now be updated with the Oracle Alteration at level 9
Warding Totem
- Starts with ability to hold 2 charges
- Ward distance and recharge time now improve with level
- Can now be upgraded with the Farsight alteration at level 9
Inner and Outer towers- HP increased to 3500 from 1000/1300
- Armor/MR reduced to 0 from 100
Nexus and Inhib
- HP increased to 4000 from 1300/1500
- MR /Armor reduced to 0 from 1000
Jungle Monsters
[SR jungle mobs have changes, most adjusted due to the mastery and item changes]
- XP reduced to 130 from 140
- Gold increased to 62 from 41
- Base HP reduced to 225 from 250
- Base Armor reduced to 0 from 5
Greater Murk wolf:
- Base Attack Range increased to 175 from 125
- XP decreased to 132 from 142
- Gold increased to 68 from 53
Murk wolf
- Base HP reduced to 380 from 420
- Base Armor reduced to 0 from 6
Ancient Krug:
- Base Attack Range decreased to 150 from 190
- Base Damage decreased to 68 from 73
- XP decreased to 140 from 150
- Gold increased to 81 from 60
- Base HP decreased to 500 from 540
- Base Magic Resist increased to 0 from -10
- Base Damage decreased to 32 from 35
- Base Armor decreased to 0 from 12
- Base Magic Resist decreased to -10 from 0
- Base Damage decreased to 75 from 83
- XP decreased to 190 from 200
- Gold increased to 86 from 62
Blue Sentinel
- Base Armor reduced to 10 from 20
- XP reduced to 90 from 100
- Gold increased to 58 from 36
- Base HP decreased to 375 from 400
- Base Magic Resist increased to 10 from 0
- Base Armor decreased to 0 from 8
Red Brambleback
- Damage Per Level reduced to 0 from 1
- Base Armor reduced to 10 from 20
- XP reduced to 90 from 100
- Gold increased to 58 from 36
- Base HP reduced to 375 from 400
- Base Magic Resist increased to 10 from 0
- Base Armor reduced to 0 from 8
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