Patch 5.13 is on the way and the official patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for the complete notes, including Tahm Kench, a dapper new Gentleman Gnar skin, an extensive set of changes to AP itemization, a new Sated Devourer Enchantment, and more!
Here's the full 5.13 patch notes with an introduction by Pwyff & Scarizard:
Greetings, Summoners.
Welcome to patch 5.13, the super mega large one that has a lot of AP item changes and the new Devourer enchantment. Now, you might be thinking, "Huh, that's a very functional title and not at all very sleek," but we're here to communicate, not sell. Also, these changes are pretty exciting to the point where we think they don't need to be wrapped up in shiny titles. Just functional ones.
Laziness in patch titling aside, 5.13 is all about offering new choices for a broad swathe of players and champions alike. We've got a pretty large overhaul of AP items so that they're all offering real competition for purchase (rather than just the top 3 things that build out of Needlessly Large Rod), in addition to a brand new Devourer jungle enchantment, featuring Ghost Dog (you'll understand when you buy one).
Upon re-reading our introduction, it can seem like there are "only" two groups of changes, but once you get into the trenches you'll understand why this is a Pretty Big Patch(™). Hopefully this will also lead to a lot of cool experimentation in your games of League of Legends, and we genuinely apologize for anyone who runs into jungle Kayle with Devourer, because it's kind of gross.

Game Systems
Death Recap
Death Recap should be a little more consistent in relaying the proper death information to you.
We've done a pretty significant pass on the death recap feature so that it's at least a little more consistent in relaying the right information to you. There was a whole lot of manual, technical work that had to go into this - and our focus was on champion abilities more than anything else - but the short of is that you should be able to get a decent read on why you died in that teamfight rather than learning a teammate's Flash summoner spell dealt 8 true damage. Of course, the best League of Legends players have never seen a death recap. Because they've never died.
REVIVE DEALT 12 DAMAGEFixed a bunch of bugs with Death Recap, specifically as they relate to champion ability damage
Recoded Line Projectile Skillshots
In this thrilling conclusion to our Recoded Line Projectile Skillshots duology, we are excited to inform you that this is now a thing that is on. Check out our initial round of context for the full info-dump on the behind-the-scenes code cleanup. This note is basically us closing the loop on that whole "if all goes well, we'll turn it on across all regions and let you know in the next patch."
Well, all has gone well.
Slow Stacking
Slows no longer stack. Instead, in the case of overlapping slows, the strongest slow takes precedent and all other slows have no effect.
The story here is that the way slows interact with each other can get a little obtuse. First, it's difficult to quantify the impact that Tenacity (or the Swiftness defensive mastery) has on a champion if slows can simply dogpile on top of each other. Second, when an enemy team has multiple ways to apply slows (particularly in large areas of effect), most immobile melee champions end up eating healthy portions of struggle salad without recourse.
This change should make "The Slowing Game" a little cleaner for both parties while also introducing more skill (chain those slows together, don't just pile them up!) when it comes to keeping your Udyrs (Udii?) at bay. Final point - this also opens up a lot more design space for us to do cool things with slows. This new Rylai's, for example, now seems like a Pretty Cool Thing, but was probably not something we could do if slows could just get layered on like a delicious lasagna. We have now referred to salads and lasagnas in this context.
SLOW STACKING RULESSlows beyond the first are applied at half value ? Only the strongest slow is applied

Nothing major this patch - just some tweaks to offset 5.12's changes and to better reflect all the different ways people are playing their Ekko.
EVERY SECOND MATTERSEkko's attack frame slightly improved
SHOW ME SOMETHING NEWRecommended Items updated

R gives its bonuses at the appropriate levels.
Jayce was actually getting his bonuses a level earlier than intended. He'll still get them, but has to wait for his opponents to have access to their Ultimates before Power-slamming the competition.
R - Mercury Cannon/Hammer
CAN TOUCH THISFixed a bug that gave Jayce his R bonuses at 5/10/15 instead of 6/11/16

Basic Attacks deal less damage. Base Attack Damage and growth up. Q can no longer be cast while dashing.
Full disclosure: we're trying something new here. Kalista's basic attacks are already different from other champions in unique ways; they can miss, they can't be cancelled, and they grant her mobility for as long as she has a target. Embracing her distinct conditions around basic attacking but limiting their effectiveness allows us to preserve her play around stacking spears and Rending for primary dps (unlike standard crit-based carries) rather than making it flatly worse. This is something we'll be monitoring closely and are comfortable pulling back on if we need to, but for now we're trying an option that reinforces her focus on attack speed over more traditional builds.
BASIC ATTACK RATIO1.0 total attack damage ? 0.9 total attack damage
Q - Pierce
REMOVEDPIERCE THE HEAVENSCan no longer be cast mid-dash

E passively gives half of the active's magic damage on basic attacks. E's AP ratio slightly increased.
Before we dive in to the specifics, it's important to get a better understanding of how Kayle fits in the grand scheme of things. Those that remember her as a power pick in professional play might see Kayle changes as a bit of a head-scratcher, but when talking about her it's important to ask a simple question: What does the metagame look like?
For Kayle, her ability to change the game with a well-timed Intervention means that despite her other strengths, she thrives best in an environment rife with burst and high-damage pick-focused compositions intent on knocking her allies from 100% to dead in a few seconds. This means that as one of our more meta-dependent champions, when fights are drawn out and taking place at longer ranges her stock falls considerably.
Having said that, what does that mean for her this patch? While Kayle isn't 'in-season' right now, her early-to-mid transition is a tougher than we'd like even if she were. A light touch to her laning (where she's most constrained by E's cooldown) should spread her wings against compositions where she's intended to succeed. TL;DR: Kayle's not great right now. And that's okay! But we'd like to make playing Kayle feel better. So we are. Boom, context.
E - Righteous Fury
NEWHERS IS THE FURYPassively, Kayle's basic attacks deal 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.15 ability power) magic damage on hit
RATIO0.25 ability power ? 0.3 ability power

Simply fixing a bug that should actually impact Kennen's teamfighting a fair bit. He's historically had a lot of issues feeling unresponsive, so we're seeking to clear that up before taking a deeper look into what changes Kennen may or may not need.
Passive - Mark of the Storm
BUGFIXFixed a bug in the tooltip where the stun duration was 1.25 seconds, but written as 1 second
W - Electrical Surge
BUGFIXFixed a bug where Electrical Surge sometimes wouldn't apply Mark of the Storm to enemies within Slicing Maelstrom

E Damage down.
Nautilus is the type of champion that's situationally incredible; pitted against teams with very few threats, Depth Charge creates the most consistent lock-down money can buy, but a lack of high damage follow-up means his targets aren't dead-on-arrival. Against multiple threats however, Nautilus's single-target crowd control is far less effective at protecting his less-titanic teammates.
While no longer lost and forgotten with his new buddies in the bottom lane, ol' Nauty (by nature of having gobs of disables) indexes on the higher end of both trading and all-inning leaving few of his peers able to compete. We don't want to ship Nautilus back to the deep end, but trimming back some of his raw ability to win trades by himself should keep him from feeling too OP. Possibly.
E - Riptide
DAMAGE ON FIRST WAVE60/100/140/180/220 ? 60/95/130/165/200
MAX DAMAGE90/150/210/270/330 ? 90/142.5/195/247.5/300

W's knockup radius lowered.
For a jungler that's meant to be an map-wide menace in the early phases of the game, Rek'Sai's found resilience transitioning into a knock-up machine once teamfights begin, often catching multiple enemies off guard. Interrupting crucial targets with a well-timed Un-burrow is the kind of high moment we want the queen to have in her games, but its generous range often catches people it appears it would otherwise miss. She'll still have all the elements of a dominant jungle-beast, but will need to demonstrate higher precision to get the same results.
W - Un-burrow

Singed now has Magic Resist that scales with level. E's root duration increased when flinging into Mega Adhesive. Now possesses the most powerful laugh in the game.
5.13's changes to Singed are all about calling attention to a mechanic that's been under-utilized by a majority of players - namely, his Fling + Mega Adhesive combo. Upping the reward for execution this tricky play (and giving him some added defense to help pull it off) should make the veteran Singed players out there feel like they've got another powerful tool to show off their mixologist mastery on the rift.
Don't let us undersell these changes, though. Better defenses and payoff sound great, but laughing while flinging is the biggest buff we've given a champion in the history of League of Legends. Shake well, my friends.
E - Fling
ROOT DURATION1 second at all ranks ? 1/1.25/1.5/1.5/2 seconds
THE MAN WHO LAUGHSSinged now laughs whenever he flings an enemy

In some really weird cases, Skarner could stun towers. You're not an Ohmwrecker, Skarner. You're a scorpion. Get it together.
Passive - Crystallizing Sting
BUGFIXCan no longer be used on towers when cancelling an autoattack on the passive's primary target

Fixed a million bugs with Scatter the Weak's various interactions with other spells and champion abilities.
When last we changed Syndra, our changes to Scatter the Weak ended up exposing a bug around the consistency of her stuns (namely, the collision detection around Dark Spheres). Imprisoned by bugs no longer, we took a deep dive into the spell's coding and refactored it, eliminating all bugs we found in the process.
E - Scatter the Weak
NOTHING TO SPHEREDark Spheres launched by Scatter the Weak now stop in front of Yasuo's W - Wind Wall and Braum's W - Unbreakableinstead of being destroyed
RUN, PLAYTHINGSFixed a lot of bugs around Scatter the Weak's knockback and stun sometimes not applying to units hit
KEEP IT TOGETHER SYNDRAFixed a bug where Scatter the Weak could propel Dark Spheres being prepared for Unleashed Power
RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOUUnits stunned by Dark Spheres are no longer knocked back
R - Unleashed Power
BUT SPHERE ITSELFDark Spheres intercepted by Yasuo's W - Wind Walland Braum's W - Unbreakable now bounce off of them instead of being destroyed

Just a small change to help Thresh and his allies more consistently combine their efforts for Madlife moments. Teamwork OP.
Passive - Damnation
SOUL CONTROLFixed a bug where souls would appear to fly to Thresh from extreme distances
HOOK LINE AND SCUTTLEScuttle Crab now spawns a soul
W - Dark Passage
GET TO THE LANTERNLantern now does not despawn while Thresh is mid-flight towards his Death Sentenced target

He is evil. Stop laughing.
For how much damage Primordial Burst does (read: your entire health bar) it ends up looking pretty tame, making it harder to appreciate for Tiny Masters of Evil everywhere. This change is purely visual and won't affect gameplay, but should help Veigar get some of the respect he deserves.
R - Primordial Burst
NOT A SHORT JOKEMissile size now scales with Veigar's ability power

Xin Zhao
W's AP Ratio down.
Xin's exactly the kind of guy we want to see picking up Sated Devourer (more on this below!); or so we thought until someone stacked Ability Power with the Phantom Hit and managed to out-heal Dr. Mundo. Let that sink in.
This ratio was always a little goofy, so we're toning it down to make sure Xin Zhao players can strike with all the force of a raging fire without becoming unkillable in the process.
W - Battle Cry
RATIO0.7 ability power ? 0.5 ability power

Grandpa Zilean's wandered back into the patch notes in 5.13 for another quality-of-life change - this time centered around accidentally using Rewind when it would have no effect. You'd think someone that's been time traveling for centuries would have mastered this by now, but here we are.
W - Rewind
BE KINDRewind can no longer be cast when both Zilean's Q - Time Bomb and E - Time Warp are off cooldown.
Pulsefire Ezreal
Thanks to many player reports of Pulsefire Ezreal feeling slow or 'sluggish' compared to the original, we dove in and tweaked some of his behind-the-scenes framework to improve his responsiveness.
PULSEFIRE SYSTEMS ONLINETweaked Pulsefire Ezreal's basic attack animation and basic attack visual effects to feel more responsive
Q - Mystic Shot
MYSTIC SHOT ARMEDTweaked Mystic Shot's cast animation to feel more responsive

Enchantment - Devourer
No longer scales infinitely. Now gains stacks on takedowns (kills and assists) and eventually transforms. Also, Ghost Dog.
Ah, Devourer. A remnant of that one time we did the fastest design u-turn in the history of League of Legends development (a trophy potentially shared with Season 3's Black Cleaver).
It appears we have returned to the fight.
Let's start with the current Devourer and its infinite stacking. Initially, our assumption was that y'all were really invested in the concept of infinite stacking (and infinite power!!!), but as we've tried to iterate around this ‘must have' mechanic, we've come to realize it just doesn't jive well in a PvP game. Either you're stuck in that Always Be Farming mentality, or you're so far behind the enemy jungler that you regret many of the decisions that brought you there in the first place. Nobody likes lagging behind in the stack marathon.
So some goals: first, since this enchantment has always been the "I want to farm the jungle" pickup, we decided to keep the transformation-via-blood-of-my-enemies while taming that Always Be Farming mentality. A hard cap means if you're behind in the Devourer race, you're not just perpetually behind the curve - you can double down your farming efforts to catch up. Additionally, once that transformation does take place, you're not just daydreaming about your next meal - you're sated and ready to rumble.
Second, we've also updated the way this thing builds stacks in the first place. A simple change is that Devourer builds on monster takedowns(assists or kills), rather than just kills, so you don't feel bad when you give away that blue buff, or when Kallista secures the Dragon with a mega-Rend. Also, speaking of Dragon, we're really trying to incentivize Devourer junglers to focus on contested jungle objectives, like the Rift Scuttler or Dragon, as it gets them out into the sunlight (can't be playing League all day) while also giving enemies clear ways to slow your Devouring roll.
Third: for that Sated Devourer on-hit buff, we were going for some natural synergy with Devourer's on-hit damage, but are very aware of the potential craziness that can come from it. Things like Blade of the Ruined King's passive proc, or Master Yi's Wuju Style come to mind, but we're hoping you can exercise some real creativity in this space.
Go forth.
LARGE MONSTERS1 stack per kill ? 1 stack per takedown (kill or assist)
EPIC MONSTERS1 stack per kill ? 5 stacks per takedown
CHAMPIONS2 stacks per takedown ? 1 stack per takedown
RIFT SCUTTLER1 stack per kill ? 2 stacks per takedown
NEWGHOST DOGWhile stacking your Devourer, you are accompanied by a Ghost Dog who will grow with stacks
NEWWE'RE GONNA COMBINEAt 30 stacks, Ghost Dog merges with the wielder and the Devourer transforms into...
Sated Devourer
REMOVEDI HUNGERTakedowns no longer grow Devourer's damage
NEWPHANTOM HITEvery other basic attack triggers on-hits twice

Enchantment - Runeglaive
Ability Power up. Spellblade's Ratio up. Fixed an issue where Runeglaive was activating other spell effects on top of itself.
On that bugfix: the short of it is that Luden's Echo triggers on ‘spell damage,' but not ‘proc damage' (ie: Sunfire Cape, Iceborn Gauntlet, etc), and Runeglaive was intended to be the latter. On a more fundamental level, basic attacks occupy a different space than spells, and our intended goal with Luden's Echo was that its power was specifically accessible by spell casts (or specific items treated as spell casts, like Gunblade). Ezreal Q toes that line, but it's fundamentally treated as a basic attack (also for triggering on-hit effects), which is why things got a little fuzzy.
Other context for the buffs: short form is that the power spike when completing a Runeglaive (particularly as a first item) is a little underwhelming, outside of a few edge cases. We're adjusting here as we keep an eye on AP junglers.
SPELLBLADE RATIO0.75 base attack damage ? 1.0 base attack damage
BUGFIXFixed a bug where Runeglaive was applying spell effects (e.g. Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Liandry's Torment, Luden's Echo)

Righteous Glory
Health down, cooldown up.
Way back in patch 5.5 we bumped the cost efficiency of Righteous Glory up because we wanted to get this item in more games so players could witness its strategic effectiveness. In the process, however, we made Righteous Glory just a little too efficient for pro games that could take full advantage of its core strengths.
For our ambitions (because saying goals every time gets tiring): we still think this item is an effective buy when your team lacks hard engage, but we don't want it to be a default "buy-me-every-day" kind of purchase as it's skewing everything to hard engage.
HEALTH600 ? 500
COOLDOWN60 seconds ? 90 seconds

Spirit Visage
Pretty huge buff to Soraka.
Just pushing that healer synergy a little harder. When picking up a Spirit Visage, your thought process can now be "Do I have a great healer?" in addition to, "Do I have great self-healing!?" We're not sure why the second question has an exclamation point.
Also, this is just a net buff. There are no negative changes here.
HEALING BONUS20% to self-healing ? 20% to all healing
Ability Power Itemization
We've done a broad ‘normalization' pass on all ability power items so that your choices are clearer when opting into more utility or damage, and those choices are actually equal in terms of what they bring to the table.
Super high level challenge: right now, AP mages bring a mix of damage and utility in their kits, but standard item builds have pretty much centered on more damage instead of getting more utility or reacting to the situation. This issue gets double reinforced when mages are typically constrained to a fixed set of 120 AP items (Zhonya's, Ludens, Deathcap) that both greatly synergize with each other and are more gold efficient than most because of that Needlessly Large Rod investment.
A sad side-effect of the above trend is that mages who want items outside of the NLR family (Ryai's, Liandry's, etc) usually find themselves at a disadvantage, and therefore out of favor. Ultimately we want to offer more choices for more mages throughout the game, and we're doing this by bringing a little parity to the ability power board.

Needlessly Large Rod
Cost and ability power down.
With NLR being at such a high price + AP point, it means that any item that builds from it needs to have greater than 100 AP (when combined with any other AP item) or just be functionally weird (can you imagine upgrading an NLR to a full item and getting no additional AP?). Reducing NLR's cost and total AP means we have a little more design space to balance AP items, although this does have larger implications for mid lane purchase timings.
COST1600 gold ? 1250 gold

Rabadon's Deathcap
Cost increased. Ability power amplification increased. Recipe now includes Amplifying Tome.
We wanted to preserve the total AP on a full offensive mage build, hence the ramped up amplification. Additionally, since Deathcap is nowthe "I want lots of AP" item, we figured we could push it a little harder.
TOTAL COST3300 gold ? 3500 gold
RECIPENeedlessly Large Rod + Blasting Wand + 840 gold ? Needlessly Large Rod + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 935 gold
ABILITY POWER120 ? still 120

Zhonya's Hourglass
Hourglass is cheaper, but has less ability power.
Zhonya's has always had a solid identity in the game, so it's just coming along for the AP adjustment ride.
COST3300 gold ? 3000 gold

Luden's Echo
Cost is decreased. Less ability power, but more movement speed.
Remember back in patch 5.11 when we talked about Luden's Echo and how we wanted to continue pushing it in a unique direction? Well, that hasn't changed. Still going down that whole "mobility plus spell casts" identity, rather than just focusing on just one.
COST3300 gold ? 3000 gold

Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Cost increased. Recipe now includes Needlessly Large Rod over Blasting Wand. Slowing effect is stronger across the board, especially for AoE spells. Summoned minions now slow on-hit.
It's important to note that we're doing these Rylai's changes in conjunction with our slow stacking change above. We'll wait as you read that first.
Alright. So Rylai's.
Truth be told, this thing's going to be pretty strong. We're really opening up the space for slow applications, so mages who enjoy playing zone-control will have a field day with this. Here's to hoping some cool experimentation comes forward.
P.S. If a spell fits in more than one category, chances are high it'll use the weaker slow.
COST2900 gold ? 3000 gold
ABILITY POWER100 ? 100 (unchanged)
HEALTH400 ? 400 (unchanged)
RECIPE CHANGEGiant's Belt + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 605 gold ? Giant's Belt + Needlessly Large Rod + Amplifying Tome + 715 gold
DAMAGE OVER TIME OR MULTI-HIT SLOW15% for 1.5 seconds ? 20% for 1 second
NEWI CHOOSE YOUSummoned minions (e.g. Mordekaiser's R - Children of the Grave, Annie's R - Summon: Tibbers) now slow on-hit 20% for 1 second
NEWCRYSTAL CLEARNew particle added

Archangel's Staff
Cost and ability power increased. Recipe changes to include Needlessly Large Rod over Blasting Wand.
When we were looking for more items to build out of NLR (more high-tier AP opportunities!), Archangel's Staff was the first in line with its general growth pattern and ‘unlock' potential. So… we did it.
TOTAL COST2700 gold ? 3000 gold
RECIPE CHANGETear of the Goddess + Blasting Wand + 1120 gold ?Tear of the Goddess + Needlessly Large Rod + 1030 gold

Rod of Ages
Cost down. Less base health and mana, but gains more ability power and mana over time.
We want to tune up more of Rod of Ages' offensive AP / mana capabilities so it's an appealing buy for mages who want to tap into it without having to give up on so much offensive power.
COST2800 gold ? 2700 gold
BASE HEALTH450 ? 300
BASE MANA450 ? 400
MANA GROWTH20 per minute (200 mana after 10 minutes) ? 40 per minute (400 mana after 10 minutes)
ABILITY POWER GROWTH2 per minute (20 ability power after 10 minutes)? 4 per minute (40 ability power after 10 minutes)

Liandry's Torment
Cost increased. Recipe now includes a Blasting Wand over Amp Tome. Ability power increased.
While Liandry's was initially marketed as a high-health / low magic resistance shredder, its low ability power frequently held back a lot of mages. Pushing the power of Liandry's to be a more competitive purchase might see a resurgence in proc-focused mages. Excitement!
TOTAL COST2900 gold ? 3000 gold
RECIPEHaunting Guise + Amplifying Tome + 980 gold ? Haunting Guise + Blasting Wand + 650 gold

Void Staff
Cost and ability power both increased.
Void Staff is still a fairly efficient item as far as damage goes. We're just tuning it so that you'll end up with roughly the same amount of AP you did pre-patch while still buying into the same(ish) efficiency as other items.
COST2295 gold ? 2500 gold

Nashor's Tooth
Cost and ability power increased. Attack speed decreased.
In addition to pushing a number of items into the 100 AP tier, we're doing the same for the 80 AP tier below. For Nashor's Tooth specifically, while it's always been a great pickup for auto-attacking mages, that attack speed to ability power ratio meant you had to be pretty invested in your on-hit procs to even consider the Tooth. We're hoping this change will make it a little more enticing as a niche pickup for people not… Kayle.
COST2920 gold ? 3000 gold

Will of the Ancients
Now heals slightly less, but is no longer affected by resistances.
You need a lot of things to make spell vamp work and we're trying to remove those dependencies while also making spell vamp as a thing less binary (either you're outhealing everything or just dying in <2 as="" ball="" base="" basic="" be="" blockquote="" but="" calculations="" damage="" etc="" for="" get="" heal="" high="" in="" less="" ll="" math="" means="" much="" need="" of="" penetration="" resistance="" rolling.="" seconds="" spell="" t="" terms="" this="" to="" vamping="" won="" you="" your="">SPELL VAMP20% ? 0%NEWTRUE BLOODYour abilities heal you for 15% of the damage dealt, calculated before your opponent's resistances. (33% effect for AoE)2>

Recipe includes another Amplifying Tome for smooth purchasing.
We're trying something out here where picking up a Codex + Book on your first back can be about comparable to going for that 1200 gold NLR. ARE THESE CHOICES MEANINGFUL? You tell us.
RECIPEFiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + 880 gold ? Fiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + Amplifying Tome + 445 gold

Athene's Unholy Grail
The same thing as Morellonomicon, except this item is a cup.
See above for our thought process, including the all-capital question.
RECIPEFiendish Codex + Chalice of Harmony + 980 gold ? Fiendish Codex + Chalice of Harmony + Amplifying Tome + 545 gold
Twisted Treeline
All Turrets base health decreased.
Game length has gone up with the addition of this new turret, but it's a little higher than what we're happy with. We're going to quote the designer on this other context: "The nexus turret however, remains unchanged - a last bastion of hope braces against the inevitability of Winter eternal."
How eloquent.
OUTER TURRETS1850 health ? 1650 health
INNER TURRETS2050 health ? 1850 health
INHIBITOR TURRETS2350 health ? 2250 health
Twisted Treeline & Crystal Scar

Needlessly Large Rod
You can now buy this.
Before, we removed NLR because at 1600 gold, it was just too expensive for the pacing of the game. Now that NLR is cheaper, well, it's back.
NEWEXISTSIs a thing on Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar

Wooglet's Witchcap
Cost up slightly. Recipe includes Needlessly Large Rod over Blasting Wand and Amplifying Tome.
And now it is here.
TOTAL COST3450 gold ? 3500 gold
RECIPESeeker's Armguard + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 1045 gold ? Seeker's Armguard + Needlessly Large Rod + 1050 gold
Crystal Scar
VFX Updates: Round 2
ROUND 2, fight! Going back - once again - to our Visual Effects developer blog, League is an ever-evolving game and it's our mission to support this philosophy in all things. This is our second wave of VFX-modernizations; after this, we're going to be examining how our VFX updates have gone, and we'll see what else we can do.
The following champions have received updates to their ability visual effects:
Brand (again! Just his W - Pillar of Flame)
Patching Status Bar
The patcher now displays different messages for downloading and installing files.
This is a basic clarity change: when the patcher pauses its download to actually install new files, it now tells you it's "Applying patches" instead of showing a 0 KBps download speed.
- Rapid-fire chat messages now always appear in the same order for everyone in a lobby or chat room
- Decreased chat message latency. This isn't really a bug but it's related to our last point!
- Restored the gray-out effect on active item cooldown sweep indicators
- Jarvan IV's E - Demacian Standard once again checks for the nearest valid spot to place itself, rather than dropping inside of walls
- Fixed a rare bug where Elise's W - Volatile Spiderling would appear to get stuck on cast, but invisibly chase and explode on targets as usual
- Fixed a bug where certain items were disabling the fire pulse VFX of Sunfire Cape and Cinderhulk
- Soraka no longer turns a funky blue color when using Zhonya's Hourglass or Wooglet's Witchcap
- Fixed a "Quick cast with range indicators" bug that disabled left clicking when a stance-switching ability was used while another ability's range indicator was active
Upcoming Skins
The following skins will be released at various times during patch 5.13:
Upcoming Chroma Packs
The following chroma packs will be released during patch 5.13:
Base chroma packs
Skin chroma packs
Points of Interest from the 5.12 PBE
Here's a brief look at a few of the new things included in patch 5.13, including things mentioned above in the patch notes and things discovered during the last PBE cycle! Most of this coverage includes preview screen shots and video taken during the 5.13 PBE cycle and may vary from what is pushed to live.New Champion - Tahm Kench
As mentioned above, Tahm Kench will be making his debut at some point in the 5.13 patch! Once the River King is available for play and purchase, we'll have a full coverage post up!Tahm Kench
7800 IP / 975 RP
Feel free to peruse our 5.13 PBE coverage for a look at Tahm Kench's stats & abilities, his login screen, lengthy voiceover, and more!
Tahm Kench's release also includes his release skin, Master Chef Tahm Kench!
Master Chef Tahm Kench
975 RP
Upcoming Champion Skins
Patch 5.12 is set to include a total of ONE new champion skin - Gentleman Gnar. As usual, no release dates yet for this upcoming skin but we'll have complete preview post ready when it launchs!Gentleman Gnar
975 RP
New Chroma Packs
5.13 also includes a total of three new Chroma packs - Bard, Dreadknight Nasus , and Grim Reaper Karthus. No release details yet but each pack will cost 590 RP and contain all three chroma.
Bard Bloom Chroma Pack
Grim Reaper Karthus Plague Chroma Pack
Dreadknight Nasus Plague Chroma Pack
New Summoner Icons
We also have a total of 26 new summoner icons for teams participating in LCK, LMS, and GPL Summer! As is usual with any of the regional esports icons, no availability or release details yet.
CJ Entus , SKT T1, Sbenu Sonic Boom, Samsung Galaxy, NaJin E-mFire, KT Rolster, KOO Tigers, Jin Air Green Wings, Longzhu Incredible Miracle, Rebels Anarchy
AHQ eSports Club, Assassin Sniper, Flash Wolves, Logitech Snipers, Machi eSports, Midnight Sun eSports, Taipei Assassins, Hong Kong eSports
GPL Summer
Imperium Pro Team, Boba Marines, ZOTAC United, Team Proioxis, Impunity Legends, Thirsty Chinchillas, Go To Sleep, Wargods.
NOTE: These are 8 of the 16 teams participating in GPL Summer.
NOTE: These are 8 of the 16 teams participating in GPL Summer.
VFX Updates
As mentioned in the patch notes, Nunu, Rumble, and Shyvana have all received vfx updates in 5.13. Check out the preview videos below and updated skin spotlight videos.
- A short video preview of the new Sated Devourer VFX can be found here, including the small wolf that follows the player while they are building stacks with Devourer
- Following his VFX updates in 5.12, Brand's W visuals have been tweaked to have a more powerful explosion in this patch.
- Individual updated skin spotlights: Apocalyptic Brand, Cryocore Brand . Vandal Brand, Zombie Brand
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