Item Shop and Game HUD Updates

Posted on at 12:15 PM by Moobeat
Forget that last post! Here is the full scoop on next patch's HUD/Item Shop updates.
Continue reading for the full announcement about the upcoming HUD/Item shop changes, including some screen shots and a run down of the new features.

"In the upcoming patch we’ve added some new features to the HUD and item shop, all wrapped up in a slick new look for the League of Legends user interface. While it might take a little getting used to, we think you’ll find that these UI updates help you quickly absorb in-game information, and purchase even faster when you head back to buy. This is particularly helpful in light of all the new items we’re adding this preseason. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll see them when the new items come out.

Item Shop Updates

In addition to a sleeker-looking interface, the shop now offers more options for quickly and efficiently locating items. This includes search functionality, better sorting options, multiple layouts and more.

Here are the major store updates coming this patch:

  1. Item categories are all now accessible with just one click. You can also select more than one filter to help locate those highly-specialized buys.
  2. Selecting an item will display its components, their costs, and every higher-tier item it can build into.
  3. There’s now a search function to help you quickly locate and buy a particular item. It even recognizes popular slang terms such as “BT” for The Bloodthirster and “triforce” for Trinity Force.
  4. There are options to view items in both grid and list layouts. You can now view items as icons so you can browse more items at the same time.
  5. There are new recommended items for every champion that incorporate all the preseason additions to the arsenal. Recommended items have also been expanded to offer additional, categorized suggestions (starting items, durability items, offensive items, etc.) to help you tailor your build to your current situation.
HUD Updates

Along with its new aesthetic, the game HUD also has a few upgrades to increase your field of view and make relevant information readily visible. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. The current level of each of your active abilities is now displayed below the icon, and the hotkey assigned to each is now displayed on the button.
  2. Item slots are now marked by a clear hotkey indicator for to easily see which items are usable and what key activates them.
  3. The scoreboard in the upper right has been streamlined and sharpened to maintain clarity.
You’ll see the new item shop and HUD in the next patch, so be sure to stop by and share your feedback on the forums. The devs are standing by to answer your questions!"

What's that new orange item beside Trinity Force? Perhaps it's "Statikk's Shiv", an item we've previously heard about. There is also a new C-something Flash below Faerie Charm.... WTB More Xypherous posts!! Also, wasn't rejuv bead slated to be removed?
RiotReinboom also posted up another picture which includes a preview of the changes to commended items, as well as two mysterious new items that build out of Catalyst and a hint at what DFG is changing into.

With this, RiotReinboom also fielded several questions about the new shop:

[ Is this coming with the new items? ]: "The new item shop has important functionality for the new items, we're currently looking to keep them hand in hand."
[ Will we finally be able to make our own recommended items? ]: "Not initially and that's a feature that's still under investigation. Our priority was first getting a more manageable and faster to use interface.

I did make sure to setup an API similar to the current item shop's recommended item override API, for the sake of our power users out there. "

[ Will you be able to search by abbreviations? Like AD or AP? ]: "Yes"
[ Will we have a safety window for erroneous purchases now? ]: "There will not be.
We'll be investigating the implementation details of an undo feature after the new item shop is released.
It's something we're being careful about due to various game play implementation details (such as from GP/10 items) so we're making sure to spend a little extra time to get that right."
[ When can we expect to try this out? ]: "We're busy getting the last bit of initial tweaks and bugs killed first and then it'll be on the PBE. I'm busy hammering out bugs right now (The posts I make match up to the compiles I kick off)"

Bigbadabruin also answered some questions, relating to the shop, of his own:

[ Can you still double click to buy?]: "Yup! To help streamline purchasing you can even buy straight from the search bar by pressing "Enter". "

[ Are there any new sounds? ]: "And yup again, Buying/Selling sounds have been upgraded too. =)"
As always, I'll be sure to tack on any additional red posts that pop up.


  1. Replies
    1. The item next to Trinity Force is probably the new Stattik Shiv item (from the lightning in the icon), and the item below Faerie Charm is Crystalline Flask, not Flash (yay 1080p resolution XD).

      Posted here for visibility. :3

    2. Also, Deathfire Grasp no longer seems to do instant damage, but causes champions to take more damage from abilities. "Activate to increase all magic damage done to an enemy champion"

    3. Did anyone else notice an item on the turret?


    the shop in lol is just horrible.

    its wrong and they should feel bad for taking so long to make a good one

    1. yup because making a new shop HUD is the thing rioters always have at the top of there priority lists, right?

    2. I tought the same... took them 3 years to put a damn Search function, wth... but at least they fixed it now!

    3. (in reply to coup d3 grĂ¢ce, not the smart-ass above).

    4. dude forget worlds and forget making a bunch off cool shit for season 3, lets just focus our whole company into making the shop system look better, i mean theres not much else to do, right?

    5. DANTE,
      How could you POSSIBLY want anything more than a new item shop?

      What I mean to say is, even though I've played plenty of bot games, familiarizing myself with the location of most of the items I use on a daily basis, I absolutely NEED an upgraded item shop!!!

  3. Replies
    1. This actually reminds me more of the SMITE Shop then DotA 2

    2. I don't mind it at ALL if they see a good, scratch that, an excellent idea or design in another game and they adapt it. Kha'Zix approves of evolution after all :3

    3. hon to be more exact. dota2 took the shop from there. well, it is in way, with the whole start/offensive/etc.. thing, but i dont see anything else similar

    4. They MUST keep copying things from Dota 2 if they want to keep a chance when Dota 2 launches for F2P

    5. nah, lol has enough features of its own to make it atractive. dota2 sint the most ergonomical and user-friendlt thing in the world, you know.

    6. Why has this guy blocked out the "o" in idiot? Since when was that an issue?

  4. gess i can say first :P

    I hope they make the new store as user freindly as the one now. While i dont like haveing to get use to a new shop i do like the search box to find items faster.

  5. wait, do I see... Builds in the second pick? Can we Finally define our own??

    1. No that's just the items that build from the selected item.

  6. WOWOWOW, i was waiting this for so much time!!:D

  7. i like the new shop HUD..kinda reminds me of DotA2 Btw -.-

  8. i really dislike the gold symbol under the inventory.
    Everything else is awesome!

    1. i agree, i would much prefer something more... shiny

  9. Hmmm, what's that third thing that Zeal builds into?

  10. New items under charm and next to triforce?!

  11. Please add team-mates Summoner spell cooldowns and Ult cooldowns to the hud like in spectator mode. I think that would help coordinate team fights better when you know your team have all the tools available to engage and then you don't have to ask "WTF WHY DIDNT YOU ULT" or "WTF WHY DIDNT U FLASH OR HEAL OR GHOST OR IGNITE OR DO YOU HAVE TELEPORT UP?".

    1. there's a small R on chmp icon which means ult ready

    2. we also want summoner spells. its important

    3. Well....the green dot sucks....i rather see it's cooldowns like on spectator mode.

  12. Replies
    1. 2 different screenshots. One is level 1 Kog with no skills (its asking if he wants to learn skill 1,2 or 3. And the other is level 8 Kog with 4 skills.

    2. No, look below the skills. It's a new part of the HUD that shows you which skills you've leveled up. He has 2 points in Q, and one point in each W and E. 4 skill points allocated.

  13. Check the new item at the elixirs. "Crystalline Flask" 225 gold. :D

  14. I'm pretty the item under Fairie Charm says "Crystalline Flask". Man, I can't wait to actually see these items in action!

  15. Hey moobeat, put the old link on this post, for people make a comparison!

  16. C..something Flash? Looks like Crystalline Flash to me. ^___^

  17. I really don't see how this looks AT ALL like DotA2's shop. The HUD that was unremovable in DotA2 was one of the main reasons I stopped playing it, because that thing was invasive. This is clean, and allows you to see more of what you're doing. Much better by far.

  18. Those two new items that catalyst can build into o.o. They look sexy.

  19. The item underneath Faeri charm doesn't have flash in it.
    It's called Crystalline Flask. :p

  20. It's Flask, not Flash

  21. Frankly, I hate the new character panel... It's cramped, illegible and the quantity-counter and item-hotkey are too similar to each other, once you get used to it - it gets better I suppose, but for now... kinda confusing...

  22. DFG rework incoming!!! :O
    in the last picture u can see DFG and the text below it says: "Activate to increase all magic damage done to an enemy champion"

  23. hmm... would have prefered dark silver like in spectator ui than goldy(this is like khala templar arhitecture, while the spectator ui,and dominions arhitecture in general are more nerazimish). anyway, the convergence of ideas is pretty fascinating. im in the batttle for graxia beta(relaunched rise of immortals), and i must say, many of the ui and shop improvements in here are strikingly reminiscient of bfg(by the way, a little warning:the consumables visible hotkey in the inventory is a little bit confusing even after you get used to it).

  24. Guys pls ask them if we can togle smartcast by rightclicking on abilities!

  25. Am I the only one who doesn't see any orangeish item or the c thing beow faerie charm?

  26. Im pretty sure "Statikk's Shiv" is named after the actualy Riot Employee if im not mistaken

  27. It looks like a protoss HuD doesn't it?

  28. The item below Faerie Charm is Crystalline Flask. Not sure what it does, but that's the name of it.

    The orange item next to TriForce? No idea. Could very well be Statikk's Shiv. It builds off of Zeal, so if anything, you know it's going to have Attack Speed, Critical Chance and Movement Speed. One of the Rioters did say that Phantom Dancer will have some competition for being the king of those three stats.

  29. Replies
    1. ^this!
      I play LoL since Cassiopeia patch and I must say this game is becoming so clean and responsive that it is impossible to stop playing!
