Co Op VS Ai now available on TTL

Posted on at 10:08 PM by Moobeat
 As many of you have been inquiring about it, I'm happy to announce that Co-op vs AI has been enabled for the recently updated Twisted Treeline! Get out there and smash some bots... or read the announcement:
"The beta for the new Twisted Treeline in full swing, and now you have the opportunity to scope the lay of the land by playing against AI opponents. To help you get a handle on the new gameplay, we’ve added TT to Co-op vs. AI matchmaking for the first time ever. Here you can try out new builds and test your skills against Beginner and Intermediate bots specifically designed for the new terrain and mechanics. You can also add these bots to your Custom games if want to practice on your own, or fill the gaps in a game with your friends.

You’ll find the Twisted Treeline bots waiting for you in your next Co-op vs. AI or Custom game."