About "The Hunt is On!" and more eCommerce goodness.

Posted on at 2:31 AM by Moobeat
Red posts are coming! Red posts are coming! 
Continue reading for a few red posts concerning the Rengar / Kha'Zix interactions and a few posts from Hippalus about future eCommerce stuff.

Our first set of posts deals with community concerns relating to the "hidden passive" interaction between Kha'Zix and Rengar, titled "The Hunt is on!"
Screen cap taken from this video, which demonstrates the whole process.
Essentially how this special interaction goes is that once Kha'Zix hits 16 and Rengar has a Bonetooth Necklace they both gain a buff called "The Hunt is On!" which encourages them to kill each other. If Rengar slays Kha'Zix first, he receives a new item called "Head of Kha'Zix" and it functions as a full stacked Bonetooth Necklace that doesn't lose stacks upon death. However, if Kha'Zix slays Rengar first he receives a fourth evolution point which lets him evolve his final ability ( as you can only obtain three evolution points through normal means ).

Morello responded to these concerns by saying:
"Currently, we're not considering removing it.

Simply put, it's very "cool and fun," as well as rare. Balance-wise, it doesn't have the impact people think it does - this also adds some strategic choice in picks that can be "gambity".

Regardless, I there's even this discussion internally - it's new and therefore can be contentious since we've never done this before. We're going to try it out because the reward greatly outweighs the risk here. If it does actually cause damage to the game, we can and will remove it - though I don't forsee that actually happening without some significant time in the wild."
 Additionally, Coronach chimed in by saying:
"I'll say that I was one of the people internally who had a lot of concern about the power implications of using a hidden-passive for a 4th evolution point on Kha'zix. However, this current implementation doesn't have a lot of the same issues as previous iterations. This is accessible only when an opposing Rengar is doing very well, therefore it becomes a minor comeback mechanic. The power of the 4th evolution doesn't exceed the advantage the Rengar has gained over the course of the game and has less impact that it potentially sounds. While some edge cases may pop-up, they seem extremely unlikely in competitive scenarios where kills are harder to come by. Overall, we're definitely very sensitive to things that have a competitive impact, but the gameplay here should be isolated to epic normal games."

Secondly, we have another post from Riot's eCommerce Director, Hippalus, where he discusses his new "eCommerce Question of the week". This week's question wanted to know if we can expect to see more theme skins, that is skins that are along the same lines as Pulsefire Ezreal.
"This question can be better answered by our Skins team, but I'll take a stab at it based on what I've heard in the hallways.

Theme skins like PFE take many multiples more work to develop than even legendaries, but most agree they are worth the effort, so expect to see more in 2013. There are a couple of concepts in the works but they have a long way to go, and I expect 2-3 theme releases/year would be the most you could ever expect to see.

One related change we will be making in the LoL Store this year is to put PFE into the Skins tab and eliminating the Themes tab, but likely not until we have a new tab to put in its place.

Also, keep an eye out in the next week or two for some new skin release prices..."
More Themes and New skin release prices? Boy howdy you guys better get your wallets ready!

 Any who, Hippalus also talked about the possibility of an upcoming sale on name changes:
"Great poll, great comments, and a convincing result. It will take at least a few weeks to properly set up a cleansing of inactive names along with a name change sale, but we are on it."
Who will be the first to change their name to "Moobeatisawesome"? Hrrrmmmm?


  1. Thx Man always keeping us informed XD,
    u rly rock but... iom not changing my name HAHAHA

    1. i am a gay lesbian

    2. am your father...!!!

    3. What the heck is this??? xD

    4. What the heck is this?

    5. Wait...wich one? There are a lot " above "

    6. wich one is you?

    7. its not you its yo... like a gangstarappa

    8. Oh I´m a potato.

    9. I am a Banana....? Peal me......

    10. That is so cool! I made that thread for the name change sale, and I feel really proud that it got mentioned on Surrenderat20. :D

  2. Funny how nobody mentions, that Kha'Zix gets a fourth evolution point for scoring a Pentakill...

    1. maybe they change it for killing rengar, i think rengar gains more from the passive than khazix

    2. Because he doesn't get a fourth point for penta , already tested.

    3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH0dYUrnCuo Proof that he does.

    4. Actually the first patch kha'zix was in he did get a 4th point for getting a pentakill. Whether this has changed in the 2 patches since then I do not know.

    5. Morello said something about it being a bonus for Kha'Zix. Its somewhere on the website, to boot. I'm not feeling inclined to look it up, but its here, because I first read it here.

  3. Actually he doesn't. You can test it in a bot game on the PBE. Both the "30 kills and Penta-kill" theories are 100% false and do not award him a fourth evolution.

    1. i already tested it in a botgame with a clanmate and he got the point for penta kill ;)

    2. Theres a video about it lol he really does...

  4. wht if both teams had Rengar and Kha'Zix?

    1. Rengar will still chase the enemy Kha'Zix, and vice versa

  5. I'll have the honour of naming myself this.

  6. thanks for always keeping us informed a friend showed me this site and now im on it often enough to see just about every change a mile away.Its all thanks to your hard work so thanks.

  7. I really like this new eCommerce guy

  8. I still don't understand 2 Moobeats...

  9. When he is gonna be released?

    1. probably... wednesday, its not confirmed

  10. Finally we can see some real interaction within game of some lore based champs.
    Down with the useless hidden passives like Voli/Zill...

    1. It's not useless, just not a major effect. U still gain extra gold for killing voli/zilean and vice versa ^^

    2. Hmmm didnt know that... Tnx for info

    3. Hidden passive arent supposed to be 'useful' or have an impact on the game. They are supposed to be little easter eggs meant to be enjoyed.

      This KZ/rengar shit is over the top and can lead to some serious gameplay problems. Also, its not as 'rare' as Riot wants you believe.

      How many normal blind picks do you think will have either a rengar, KZ or both on them? Exactly. A high end being 4 per game, and when they are chasing each other around to get that 'awesome snowbally buff', its gonna be hell to play.

      IMO I think its a terrible idea - make the changes cosmetic, its perfect.

    4. wait to see how the interaction actually plays out on the live server b4 you start bitching if riot finds it is a actually a problem they will deal with it.

    5. Im not bitching, Im stating that *I* think its a bad idea. I think there are a number of BETTER ways to go about making a HIDDEN passive. Also, its not very hidden if they are releasing all of this info on it.

      A HIDDEN passive is more indictive of say, Leona vs Sunglasses, or the law of inverse ninja strength. Minor interactions, but fun none-the-less.


      This is more game impacting, no matter HOW small the % is that it will occur. This 'hidden passive' could potentially shift the balance of individual games unfairly, letting one champ snowball off of another without giving the other 8 champs in the game the same snowbally option/avenue.

      Riot has this nasty of way of releasing things in an either OP or UP state and then balancing from there - this has been proven with Syndra/Darius/Diana and a NUMBER of other champs/items/designs in the past. I honestly believe, and this is my OPINION, that they should be doing balancing BEFORE release - PBE doesnt count as 95% of things that go to PBE make it in, UNLESS the MASSIVE MAJORITY objects, and even then, stil make it through.

      All Im saying is that this has the POTENTIAL to be bad. Like, game-shifting bad. And everyone wants this interaction so bad, that no one seems to realize it. Hell, even Morello said that they werent going to take it out and saw no problem with this. Thats idiotic (IMO).

    6. Well, Mr. Anonymous, do what the rest of the other smart fellas do. Play Normal Draft Picks to get rid of the annoying champs and get (mostly) decent players on both teams. If you ban out one of the two, the likelihood of the other being picked will very likely drop. Thus, the world will move on. Even if the other team or your teammate still picks the remaining champ there will be no hunt to worry about.

  11. Hmm feels kinda like the new champion gets the short end of the stick when it comes to who kills whom against Rengar.

    As far as all these new skins and sale... man it looks like I need to get secondary income so I can get em as well lol.

  12. Alien vs. Predator ... I see what you did there

    1. mh... not really.

    2. lol absolutely. Rengar like Predator and KhaZix like Alien. plus that skull trophy for Rengar. 100% AvP

    3. Master yi says hi...

  13. Rengar item from killing 2 op.

  14. Does Rengar need a minimum number of stacks to proc "The Hunt is On" or does he only need the bonetooth necklace?

    1. I believe he just has to have the necklace

    2. thats quite unfair when its only 800g item and KhaZix have to reach lv 16 what is so much more work

    3. "[...]once Kha'Zix hits 16 and Rengar has a Bonetooth Necklace they both gain a buff called "The Hunt is On!"[...]"

      I'm pretty sure that both conditions have to be fullfilled to activate the buff.

  15. Are people finally done saying that Kha Zix is Rengar 2.0??? If not try him on the PBE they play totaly differently and both great champs at dif things.

  16. Hi everyone, T'm Phreak

    1. Then you must think that Kha'Zix DEALS TONS OF DAMAGE...and play him as a jungler. Better nerf Irelia too.

  17. i think this will make a lot of counter jungle play more vaiable

  18. What if there was a Rengar and a Kha'zix on each team? xD That'd be weird... lol

  19. then they should make some special items 4 nasus and rene... not fair 4 them 2 get a special item or upgrade :(

  20. ^ * Second to last!
    I'm last.
