Champion & Skin Sale August 14th - August 17th

Posted on at 8:42 AM by Moobeat

There is a new sale on the block. This sale's selection features Corki reduced to 487 RP, Sejuani reduced to 487 RP, and Jarvan IV reduced to 487 RP. Additionally, Subterranean Nautilus is reduced to 487 RP, Warmonger Sion to 487 RP, and Ravager Nocturne to 260 RP. The sale ends on Friday, August 17th, so act fast!

Here are some previews of the skin selection available during this weeks sale.

Subterranean Nautilus
( 487 RP )

Warmonger Sion
( 487 RP )

Ravager Nocturne 
( 260 RP )


  1. Like anyone is going to buy sejuani even if it would be 100 RP

    1. I have honestly seen people play Trundle more than her...

      sigh* how i hope they both get buff :-(

    2. Trundle doesn't need a buff at all, in fact if people play him much more he might be in for a nerf.

    3. I think Sejuani is a great jungler and an amazing ganker, epic in late game too if u get the proper items, so dont hate Sejuani, she is just underplayed thats all.

    4. Sejuani is STRONK. Insanely underrated.

    5. No trundle is actually good, but not many know how to play him just.

  2. Trundle is currently ranked the 4th best jungler in league of legends after Mundo, Lee, Noc. As for Sejuani she is very underrated and can highly benefit a team if played right.

    1. But they're not getting picked in turnaments!!111!eleven ... Jokes aside it is sad how small the variety has gotten with everyone following like sheeps ._. Hope those unused/underrated chars get into rotation more often for people to try.

      On a sidenote I like Seju. And if only because I can yell BACON! when charging into a fight ^^

    2. saying sheep is original. your mother must be proud. not to mention the variety is pretty big. in my last 10 games a total of 50 different champions were played. the only champs used near constantly were darius (ive played him my last 30 games or so) and blitzcrank (in 8 of the games) the rest were picked 5 times at the max (diana)

      the variety was good. its just a factor of what champs arent played - to me, while i can recognize im doing good sustained dps, trundle feels like he is doing nothing. he is not fun for me. sejuani, while i like her slows and her teamfight presence, i feel like i do 0 damage and dont contribute enough (alistar does 0 damage but he feels awesome to play)

    3. Check out matches in Europe tho, Trundle and Skarner are definately the most played junglers, maybe us Americans are just racist against trolls an scorpions xD

    4. LIES! Here in eune it is a skarner every third game but no trundles, at all.

  3. Sejuani probably has one of the strongest overall cc in the game, but no hard cc besides her ult. If they just gave her a ministun (interrupt) on her Q (the charge) it would make her a viable pick. When her ult is down/pre-lvl 6 she only has a chase-slow...and an exhaust can do that job anyway. Would make her a decent aggressive-support and a worthwhile jungle pick.

    Either that, or buffing her AP ratios, which would actually make her a VIABLE solo top pick.

  4. just stack health on sej.... with her w and 6 k health you successfully tank and do 250 dps.... it hurts... i melted a malphite 1 v 1 like that lol

  5. omg the fiora skins never are on sale -_-" but lulu is a older champion than fiora and her skins were on sale and this noctirne skin....only this year it was 2 or 3 times on sale...

  6. Sejuani isn't even in bold. wtf.
