Teamfight UI coming to the PBE!

Posted on at 12:18 PM by Moobeat
A new feature is out on the PBE - Teamfight UI is a new mode to watch team fights and is accessed by hitting "a" while spectating a game.
"We're testing a new UI mode for Spectator mode and would love your feedback. We're calling this mode the Teamfight UI. The overall goal of this mode is to provide a great viewing experience during large team fights."
 Continue reading for more information!

Here's kitae with more details:
"Hey PBE-ers, 
We're testing a new UI mode for Spectator mode and would love your feedback. We're calling this mode the Teamfight UI. The overall goal of this mode is to provide a great viewing experience during large team fights.

Our specific goals:
  • Minimize and concentrate the UI so it's easier to focus on the action during team fights.
  • Optimize the display of battle information: Who is involved in the fight? Who's winning? How many people have died on either team?

Let's take a closer look. In this screenshot we can see:
  • Team health bars help viewers track the momentum of fights, and register the power of AoE damage and heals.
  • Loss of control icons help viewers track powerful status effects--if Malphite's ult hits all 5 of the enemy team, it's easy to see.
  • Kill counter tracks each champion's progress towards the elusive pentakill
  • Ult / Summoner spells are easily viewable for both teams in a central location
  • Dead champions have the familiar death timer

Not every champion is always there when a fight breaks out. The team fight UI helps you understand who's in the thick of battle:
  • Near champions like Caitlynare represented with bright character portraits. Near champions are on-screen champions and other champions we identify as being involved in the team fight.
  • Far champions like Renekton have darker portraits
  • Team healthbars reflect the health of both near (bright) and far (dark) champions.
You can help test this feature by spectating matches on PBE. While the UI mode is intended for use during team fights, it should work correctly all the time (like all other Spectator UI modes). To engage the team fight UI, press 'a' while spectating. 
Please test this and give us your feedback!"

kitae also noted:
"A cool note: the Teamfight UI was a Riot Thunderdome project, where Rioters form teams within the company and work on brand new passion projects within a contained window of time. Other Thunderdome projects include Proving Grounds ARAM, turret aggro indicators, Item Sets, and some others. 
Here’s Thunderdome Team 5, bringing you the Teamfight UI! 
• DefaultChar
• Fruitstrike
• GoldVicious
• Joy2TheWorld
• kitae
• Pitayin
• RabidLlama
• Redbeard
• RiotMagus
• World Peace"

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