eCommerce Question of the Week: Potential Ward skins?

Posted on at 6:44 PM by Moobeat
Perhaps we already saw a small preview of this idea, in the form of a "Ghost Ward" skin, in the Kha'Zix champion spotlight?
This week's installment of "eCommerce Question of the Week" was from the Summoner Leib Olmai, who asked,
"What kind of stuff do you plan on adding to the store ? You said you were looking into giving us more "thing" to spend our IP/RP on." 
To which Hippalus replied:
"There are many cool ideas being looked at, but I need to be careful about setting expectations, because some of the ideas might never see the light of day if they are determined to be infeasible technically or if they affect balance or gameplay in any way. One new feature we’re considering experimenting with this year is the ability to purchase new skins for wards that tie to an event, such as Snowdown Showdown. The new wards could be unlocked for a limited period of time (eg. a week or two) and there might be several choices so that players who use wards would have different options for how to get in the holiday spirit."
What do you guys think about this POSSIBLE ( just clarifying he is talking about this as a possibility, not as a confirmation ) idea? I like the idea in spirit, but I'm not sure that dropping some hard earned IP/RP on a temporary cosmetic effect.  Opinions?


  1. I think it would be a little lackluster, wish we had more things like acheivements and small features

    1. and taco mode.

    2. and the 4-D damage mode

    3. I second that taco mode.

    4. Announcer pack?
      Like Teemo or Draveeeeeen voice ''Welcome to SR!''

    5. not sure if trolling but i would totally buy a Draven announcer pack.
      expecialy if they add a little more draven to the lines.

    6. welcome to the draaaaven rift :D

    7. i want lux voice, with her /l after an ace

    8. I second that Lux /l after Ace!

    9. Moved and passed. Get working on that Lux-nouncer, Riot!

  2. I don't really know how I feel about "temporary" ward skins... It seems like spending RP on such a minor and temporary thing would be far from worth it

    1. Maybe just ip, or like 20 rp for when you have like 130 rp and you can't buy anything else

    2. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    3. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    4. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    5. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    6. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    7. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    8. Or maybe we can just sell them for ip =D

    9. Or maybe we can just sell them for Bacon =D

    10. I have an idea, let`s sell them for IP

    11. He didn't say that you would have the skin temporarily, he said that you could BUY them temporarily. Like the seasonal skins.

    12. Just like in Dota2, you can buy wards designs so everyone could see them. Quiet not smart, since LoL has not so much items like this

    13. quite* and my post looks liek shit D:

    14. I HAVE AN IDEA...! Maybe... we can sell them for IP?


    15. Can we sell them for IP?

    16. Dude... Seriously...

      Can we sell. Them. FOR. IP? NAO

  3. It seems rather stupid to spend money on something that is limited to a specific time. I would not spend RP and even IP just to have some fancy wards, its just not worth anything, to be honest.

  4. I think the good thing about League of Legends compared to other games were that cosmetic things that people had to spend real life money on were permanent, so I don't think people would want to use money on this. However, were it permanent, then yeah, maybe, sure.

  5. If im going to spend money on Ward skins. I want the damn thing to be permanant....
    Use some sense Riot

    1. I understood this as, that youd only have a week or 2 to buy it, not that you wont have it forever. its a permanent purchase.

    2. ^ That makes a lot more sense. Its worded strangely to say the least. That being said, I'd buy ward skins. I just dropped $8 on a courier skin in DotA2, and I only get to use that every 5 games or so. I'd be able to enjoy ward skins in most of my games. Heck, I'd buy the ability to remodel all of my wards into Maokai saplings.

  6. Only if it were for petty IP

  7. If it where to be permanent then yes, yes I would (Teemo wards anyone).

  8. Things I REALLY would buy or like:

    1) Moar skins for underappreciated peeps...
    2) Achievements, and the additional profile pics PROMISED to go with them
    3) Rotate some older 6300 champs to 4800. PLEASE GOD PLEASE. Is there a particular reason why they have to be so expensive?
    4) Alternate maps, even if they are only for customs. A huge 5v5 arena that starts you off at 18 and gives you a ton of gold would be literally ideal to help build and guide makers, and make playing with friends a lot more fun.

    Note these are in no particular order, but I especially want 3 and 4.

    1. 1,2 and 3 are ok.

      the others are not so much logic.

    2. Get EXP boosts. Youre gonna get 300 EXP per game// 450 with First win.

    3. Teemo needs more skins bro.

    4. Yeah leveling does take alot. They could slightly improve that. What goes for Achievements those ive been looking for quite long time.

    5. Don't talk about taking a lot to lvl if you haven't played Blacklight Retribution. Summoner leveling in League is the easiest leveling in any game I've played.

    6. It took me 6 months to earn by playing and to buy every hero in the game. Worth it and I'll still never have time to master them all. Leveling was a nice extra for caliber of runes especially but it happened so fast I couldn't even really understand the output change except my wins spiked up and I started winning ranked games soon after. I paid for ip boosts to buy ridiculous rune sets that were worth it. And Teemo has enough skins trust me.

    7. Play some AI games to level faster. No one cares how you got to L30 anyway.

  9. rofl they think i'll pay real money for temporary ward skins?
    i don't care how wards look in the first place
    this had better cost around the same ip as runes or i doubt they'll make much from it

  10. Yea, just make the wards not tacky and only viably appealing during the event, then you can make them permenant. Since spending money to temporarily have an item that is only temporary, I still like the themes and achieves that can give us new icons. I feel they could do a lot with this, its cool and its fun so why not flesh it out more and make it happen, I also say when they remake Tf (graphically) they should add another lore game with graves, and with the noxus bros have a game called sibling rivalry where they have to on the SAME team and who ever gets a KILL (not assist) first wins

  11. Wards are so worthless. No one watches them anyways. When in brush, theyre half visible, and completely invisble to enemy team unless oracles.

    If they really want to skin things out, they should start making 5vs5 map styling. Dont even change the paths/buff emplacements. Just change the styling.

    Eg: Castle. Make the towers, nexus, paths, trees, a castle style. That would be awesome. Make it permanent and payable in IP and RP.

    GG riot. Thats candy for us.

    1. How are good points and good ideas dumb?

    2. I 2nd the map idea.
      I actually loved the winter map so much, but sadly they took it out.

      But maps have far more possibilities than trying to figure out how to do wards. Besides, even if the ward skins are make permanently, how does it actually work? Those who have the skin wards with skinned wards? And those who does not don't?

      Possible themes for maps:

      Lava - hellish
      NY City
      Ice land
      Water land etc.

      Those who unlocked skins see the differences with different sounds effect and stuff like custom skins.

    3. Great idea, but tough to implement. i had one friend who couldnt play for 3 months because the winter skin slowed his computer by a good 15 fps. and when it only runs at 40 to begin with, ouch. I kinda like the idea, but you'll run into issues if you have a slow computer.

  12. Yea, just make the wards not tacky and only viably appealing during the event, then you can make them permenant. Since spending money to temporarily have an item that is only temporary, I still like the themes and achieves that can give us new icons. I feel they could do a lot with this, its cool and its fun so why not flesh it out more and make it happen, I also say when they remake Tf (graphically) they should add another lore game with graves, and with the noxus bros have a game called sibling rivalry where they have to on the SAME team and who ever gets a KILL (not assist) first wins

  13. Yea, just make the wards not tacky and only viably appealing during the event, then you can make them permenant. Since spending money to temporarily have an item that is only temporary, I still like the themes and achieves that can give us new icons. I feel they could do a lot with this, its cool and its fun so why not flesh it out more and make it happen, I also say when they remake Tf (graphically) they should add another lore game with graves, and with the noxus bros have a game called sibling rivalry where they have to on the SAME team and who ever gets a KILL (not assist) first wins

  14. remember back when riot would give us cool simplicities for free?

    1. theyve recently shifted to get rich mode.

    2. their already rich GG

  15. I don't understand why people want achievements. All it's gonna do is make people play more selfishly to achieve these things. They would have to be very careful with what kind of achievements they put in the game. An example of an acceptable achievement would be that when you've reached 500 normal games you get an achievement or something along those lines. Just nothing like "Get 20 kills in one game".

    That said, even if they were to implement achievements that didn't affect how people played the game, I don't see the appeal of it. I'd rather they let you buy profile pictures, themes, etc. Because that's basically what would happen with achievements either way. Best case scenario it would be something like "Own 100 champions to get a profile picture/theme", but they could just as easily make it so you need to have a certain number of skins to earn an achievement and then it would be the same thing as buying the profile picture/theme except it would cost you a lot more to get the same thing.

    Just my opinion.

    1. Guess people got so used to Playstation Network and XBox Live achievements I guess...

      I think people just want those because they're so used to it on other games.

    2. You do realize they promised achievements ages ago, right? And the promise is STILL IN GAME? In the paragraph to the right of the Summoner Image selection screen, read it; It says more pictures can be unlocked with Achievements.

  16. As a temporary cost? Nah. I spend money on skins for champs I am not currently playing because they go on sale and I know my newly bought skin will be there when I go back to the champ in question.

    However, if you give me the option to buy permaskins for my wards? Yes!

    What I would like to see is potentially IP to "rent" a ward skin and RP to permanently buy it.

  17. New announcer voices? I wouldn't mind buying the ward things if they were perm, other than that it's just dumb.

    1. Reminds me of HoN... they have this flameboyant announcer voice makes me crack when people die or are on killing strikes.

    2. Yorick, Annie, Malzahar and Blitzcrank annoucers. SHUT UP AN TAKE MY MONEY!

    3. I would pay big money for a blitzcrank announcer lol...

    4. I'd be so broke from all the announcer packs I would want... gragas, teemo, rammus... the list just goes and goes!

    5. Lux announcer...?


    6. This would be Winsauce. Thread Limit Reached Thx.

  18. could it maybe be that this ward "skin" isnt to buy and its just a halloween event ward since it looks like a ghost?

    1. It totally could be just a normal ward skin, I just thought it illustrated the potential of a skin for wards :)

  19. No, god forbid them! Make them free during Harrowing as pots etc. during ALL seasons (lunar lever, snowdown showdown), BUT let us buy them, so we cann use them forever. Give us map switching room, enable chosing all gralhical aspects (ward, turrets) like skins. And then SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. ALL OF IT!

  20. Ward skins is probably the lamest idea I've ever heard even floated around. I have no idea why they don't listen to the community and give people what they do want - such as summoner's rift map skin!

    Even more hilarious is if they want to sell ward skins.

  21. If it's permenant and cheap, I'll probably purchase them. (still would wait to see what they looked like before 100% saying I'm down.)

  22. Is it just me, or is this just the halloween skins coming?

    And someone commented on selling them, and they jumped on the idea...

  23. They need announcer packs. Like HoN. Bring more Account Vanity Items. Not more game shit. >.>

  24. if it was a permenant ward skins that we wouldn't go away then i'd defin buy them, but to pay for something we can only use for one or two weeks seems like a waste.

  25. Why would you pay money for cosmetic changes to items are invisible most of the time?

  26. Man, I read that as "Potential Wards Suck."

  27. Riot us really good at not hiding stuff in champ spotlights

  28. Pulsefire vision ward?

  29. Anything that encourages the use of wards is a good thing in my opinion.

    Too many people don't buy them at all. And then they cry when they get ganked.

  30. we just need announcer but the ward skins would be pretty cool i can't lie

  31. I love whats in here so far. This community is great even with the trolls in here.
