Team Curse Roster

Posted on at 7:06 PM by Seranaya
Team Curse has announced their plans for their roster.
From left to right: Nyjacky, Cop, Saintvicious, Elementz, Westrice
Interested in what their lineup is going to be? Continue on!

Since the North American regionals at PAX Prime, you may have noticed Salce (Former TSM.Evo mid player) playing the top lane for Team Curse. He has been doing a ton of duo queuing with SaintVicious and has moved into the Curse Gaming mansion. Many questions have been raised as to what the future of Salce is in Team Curse and what that would mean for the current top laner, Westrice.
Curse manager, LiQuiD112
Curse manager Steve "LiQuiD112" put out a statement about the situation
"I know many of our fans have been curious and concerned about the team's future regarding our roster. On behalf of the team, we appreciate your patience, but after PAX NA Regional Championship we needed some time to watch replays, talk as a team and decide what would be the best course of action to deliver the best results in the Season 3 qualifier and beyond. Our objective as a team is to deliver the very best performance we can for our fans and ourselves.

Like many team sports such as football, baseball and soccer, there are members a team that are starters and non-starters; however, the way we see it – is that every person regardless of position – is a member of the team and plays an important role. We have decided at this time that Westrice will continue to be a main starter on Team Curse. In that same vein we are also very excited to announce that Salce will be joining Team Curse. He will start off as a non-starter, however with that being said we feel it is important to give Salce LAN experience with the team and because of this, Salce will be playing WEM in Hangzhou on October 22nd – October 26th. After this time, Salce will continue to practice and participate as an active member of the team.
I will continue to develop the members of the team to their full potential (analyzing their performances, instructing relevant skills and providing encouragement) and the starters and non-starters on the team may change at any time I feel it is for the betterment of the team. Thank you again for all your support and I hope we can earn one of the five remaining spots in the Season 3 Qualifier. I'm going to be answering questions on this thread, so please ask away."
Westrice and Salce also put out a vlog in regards to the roster:

So there we have it!
  • Westrice will continue being the starter top lane for Team Curse.
  • Salce will be playing as a substitute and also be playing in some LAN events instead of Westrice.
What do you think about Salce joining Team Curse and Westrice staying in the top lane? Comment below and let me know.


  1. Poor Salce, Westrice is a douche IMO

    1. It's not Westrice's fault Salce is a sub.

  2. Hope they Drop Westrice altogether soon. He does not work well with Team Curse. Also Salce is awesome

  3. I'm the only who thinks these video games teams posed photos are ridiculous?

    1. Why is it ridiculous? What's the difference between a team playing a video game, and a team passing a ball around, or kicking a ball around, or throwing a ball into a basket, etc.

    2. Yeah, you're not the only one. It just seems so..... forced. I don't know. It's one of those reasons that I can't really take this whole eSports thing seriously.

  4. Salce and Westrice back together. Thats just Epik

  5. I can't help it, but Stvicious reminds me some actor, just don't know which one.

  6. Hey! What about this Season 3 Qualifiers? Has anybody further information about it? I already read about it on and now also from Curse Manager! What kind of tournament is it? I hope Fnatic can still qualify..

  7. That picture made me piss myself. LMAO

  8. advertising; theyre trying to do it, but the picture looks photoshopped beyond belief and unnatural :P

    1. that is because it is photoshop. it is their individual photos overlayed over each other that is why it looks so unnatural.

  9. Who cares about Curse, they're cheaters.


  11. I seriously can't take e-sports seriously either. I mean really? There will always be another amazing top laner, or an amazing support but really will there ever be a Michael Jordan? A Mike Vick?(entertainment factor) or Barry Sanders?

    Really man, LoL pros may be good but it doesn't seem to me like they put in the man hours or are unique as pro athletes.

    Sorry e-sports but in my eyes you aren't good.
