This mega post was last Updated on 7/21 with the 7/21 PBE Update
( With the release of patch 6.14 to live on July 13th, we started the new 6.15 PBE cycle. )
Previous PBE Cycles in 2016
Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.
( Note: As the cycle continues, some images may be outdated! )
(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )
- New Champion Skins
- New Summoner Icons
- New Ward Skin
- New Splash Art
- Special PROJECT Loading Screens
- New Hextech Crafting Components
- PROJECT: Ashe login theme
- Miscellaneous
- Balance Changes
- Continued Testing
- Patch History
New Skins
As teased on the PROJECT: DISRUPTION page, new PROJECT skins for Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina are now on the PBE for testing!
Non-English PROJECT: Ashe voiceovers:
Here's Riot Nurse Flan with a bugs & feedback thread for PROJECT: Ashe:
[Loading Screen Slice]
[Hood toggles when you are "~2400 units from friendly turrets or your own base."]
Here's PROJECT: Ashe's unique voiceover:
Non-English PROJECT: Ashe voiceovers:
- Czech
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Spanish (EU)
- Spanish (LATAM)
- Turkish
And here is PROJECT: Ashe's special interactions:

//:Data // Downloads // Mission Objective
//:Equipment // EM Caster // Electromagnetic Proficiency
Please review subject portfolio before proceeding.
Model System // Reinforced body armor
Recon Mode // Hood materializes upon infiltrating enemy territory
VFX // Steel blue digital emissions
SFX // Upgraded audio build for all abilities
Voice & Processing // A new set of audio lines for enhanced communication
Movement // A new suite of state-of-the-art animation
//1820 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Ashe. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future.?"
1350 RP
"//:Data // Downloads // Mission Objective
//:Equipment // Decrypter // Override Control
Please review subject portfolio before proceeding.
Defense System // New armor installation
VFX // movement particles emit bright emerald phosphorescence
SFX // voice processing // alterations to combat audio
Recall // advanced acrobatics
//1350 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Ekko. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
PROJECT: Katarina
1350 RP
"//:Data // Downloads // Mission Objective
//:Equipment // Hyper Edge // Supersonic Weapons System
Please review subject portfolio before proceeding.
Armor optimization, featuring magenta emissions
Combat and movement particles utilize gradient light amplification
Processing sound pack for all movement and combat
Implemented voice processing
New movement set features enhanced recall and spawn
//1350 RP // price subject to change
//:Thank you for expressing interest in PROJECT: Katarina. As part of the required protocol, we would appreciate your initial thoughts and feedback. This may help us improve in the future."
New Summoner Icons
This cycle includes eleven PROJECT themed summoner icons to go along with the upcoming PROJECT: Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina skins.No details on availability/pricing for these four yet:
These four icons are bundled with new PROJECT and Disruption caches - available for RP & IP:
Decrypter icon, Hyper Edge icon, EM Caster icon, and Disruption icon.
These three icons are the FIRST STRIKE summoner icons, which enable the special FIRST STRIKE loading screens for PROJECT: Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina once obtained.
New Ward Skin
Joining the new PROJECT skins is the Recon Drone Ward skin!
Recon Drone Ward
640 RP
New Splash Art
This cycle includes new splash art for Prestigious LeBlanc and Spellthief Lux, as well as some small changes to the Frost Ezreal splash.Prestigious Leblanc
Spellthief Lux
Also slight edits for the Frosted Ezreal splash, moving around and removing the animals in the background.

Special PROJECT Loading Screens
Similar to the exclusive FIRST STRIKE loading screens for the 2015 PROJECT skins, new special edition loading screens for PROJECT: Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina have been added this cycle.PROJECT: ASHE, EKKO, AND KATARINA LOADING SCREENS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH NEW CRAFTING COMPONENTS.
A special loadscreen in this style has also been added for PROJECT: Yasuo, who did not have one as he was released solo prior to 2015's PROJECT skins. This will be given to all players who own PROJECT: Yasuo and purchase him shortly after the upcoming promotion starts.
Small changes have been made to the PROJECT: Yi, Fiora, Leona, Lucian, & Zed first strike borders to match the designs above - corners in/changed, slightly smaller, etc
- PROJECT: Yi - New / Old
- PROJECT: Fiora - New / Old
- PROJECT: Lucian - New / Old
- PROJECT: Zed - New / Old
- PROJECT: Leona - New / Old
New Hextech Crafting Components
[NOTE: After digging out the assets in the 7/18 update, everything is now up in the shop for testing!]
[**NOTE: All prices are currently just set to test pricing! Stay on the look out for RP and IP costs as this content moves to live in 6.15!]
The new Hectech crafting components are now on the PBE for testing - including several new kinds of caches, PROJECT cores, blueprints, and more!
As you've likely seen in this announcement, these new components will be used to craft FIRST STRIKE icons that unlock special FIRST STRIKE loading screen borders for the new PROJECT: Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina skins!
[**NOTE: All prices are currently just set to test pricing! Stay on the look out for RP and IP costs as this content moves to live in 6.15!]
- AUGMENT CACHES are available for RP or by forging one with 3 AC fragments. Includes 2 cores, 1 skin shard, 1 random shard, and could contain AC fragments.
- Bundles will also be available, some even including gem stones.
- Four new summoner icons are available for IP or RP and include a unique one time only cache.
- PROJECT Caches = 1 core, 1 specific FIRST STRIKE icon blueprint, 1 AC fragment.
- Choose between PROJECT: Ashe, Ekko, and Katarina caches based on color.
- DISRUPTION cache = 7 cores, 1 random PROJECT skin blue print, and 2 AC fragments.
- How to get stuff:
- First strike icon & loading screen = combine 7 cores. + FIRST STRIKE ICON blue print
- PROJECT skin shard = combine 11 cores + PROJECT skin blueprint
The large new cache is the AUGMENT cache, which will also be available in bundles that contain a gem.
- Augment Cache - RP only - includes 2 cores, 1 skin shard, and 1 other champion or skin shard. Can also contain an Augment cache fragment, three of which can be combined to make an Augment cache.
The four summoner icons below come bundled with a unique one time only cache that includes various components. Each of these icons will be available for both IP and RP.
- EM Caster Icon --> PROJECT: Ashe Cache - contains one PROJECT core, blueprints for PROJECT: Ashe first strike icon, and a Augment cache fragment.
- Decrypter Icon --> PROJECT: Ekko Cache - contains one PROJECT core, blueprints for PROJECT: Ekko first strike icon, and a Augment cache fragment.
- Hyper Edge Icon --> PROJECT: Katarina Cache - contains one PROJECT core, blueprints for PROJECT: Katarina first strike icon, and a Augment cache fragment.
- DISRUPTION Icon --> Disruption Cache - contains seven PROJECT cores, one random PROJECT skin blueprint (from pool of PROJECT: Yasuo, Yi, Zed, Fiora, Leona, Lucian) which can be combined with cores for a skin shard, and 2 Augment cache fragments.
As mentioned above, the three PROJECT caches all contain an Augment Cache Fragment, meaning if you purchase all three you'll have 3 fragments and enough to craft an Augment cache for free. Augment Caches can also contain fragments of Augment caches.
Once you have enough PROJECT cores, you can combine them with the various blueprints to unlock items!
- FIRST STRIKE ICONS AND BORDERS: It takes 7 PROJECT cores and a blueprint to make the FIRST STRIKE icons, which unlock the exclusive FIRST STRIKE loading screen borders for the selected skin!
- PROJECT SKIN SHARDS: It takes 11 PROJECT cores and a blueprint to make the PROJECT skin shards.
With all that in mind, here's a short video showing off the various crafting animations for these new caches:
Remember, the new PROJECT skins will be in the shop as normal- PROJECT: Ashe is priced at 1820 RP while PROJECT: Ekko and Katarina are 1350 RP.
PROJECT: Ashe login theme
A new login theme for PROJECT: Ashe is included in this cycle!
Here's the still image for the login screen, which shows PROJECT: Ashe without the visor seen in her normal splash art.
- ONE FOR ALL is back on the PBE for additional testing! See this thread for more information, including several bug fixes + upcoming bug fixes, a reminder on Ryze's OfA interactions, and more!
- The 2016 OMG icon was updated, logo is slightly larger.
- PROJECT minions are enabled on the PBE again!
- New set of in-game tips have been added - some are gameplay related and some narrative.
- Game Tips
- "Tibbers will enrage and attempt to avenge Annie if she is killed."
- "Slaying the Cloud Drake grants your team permanent out of combat movement speed."
- "Slaying the Infernal Drake increases your team's damage against champions."
- "Slaying the Mountain Drake helps your team take down epic monsters and turrets faster."
- "Slaying the Ocean Drake helps your team regenerate missing health and mana."
- "Elder Dragon only appears after 35 minutes, but slaying him gives your team massive burn effects to their abilities."
- "You can have 3 stealth wards and 1 vision ward on the map at a time."
- "If Ekko uses his ultimate quickly after recalling, he can rewind all the way to where he started the recall."
- "When Tahm Kench devours Rumble during his Flamespitter, he keeps the burn."
- "Rift Herald only spawns once, and leaves the map in a hurry right before Baron shows up."
- "Sion can jump over walls in the final leap of his ultimate."
- "Yasuo's Wind Wall and Braum's Unbreakable won't block lasers like Lux's ultimate."
- "The Blue Buff Golem loves to dance with Popstar Ahri."
- Narrative Tips
- "Gateways of dark stone known as Noxtoraa are raised over roads in territories conquered by Noxus."
- "Hextech is the fusion of magic and technology, harnessing the power contained within extremely rare crystals."
- "Piltover is the center of mercantile trade in Valoran."
- "Zaun's powerful Chem-Barons keep a loose alliance that prevents the city from descending into chaos."
- "The Zaun Gray is the thick, chemical atmosphere of Zaun that can be fatal to breathe where densely settled."
- "Ionian architecture is known for its harmonious fluidity with nature."
- "The Black Mist can manifest anywhere in Valoran during the Harrowing, though it strikes Bilgewater most."
- "Many structures in Bilgewater are made from remnants of ships gutted upon its rocky shores."
- "In Bilgewater, the dead are not buried - they are given back to the ocean in submerged caskets below bobbing tombstones."
- "True Ice never melts. Dark Ice is True Ice that has been corrupted."
- "The Frozen Watchers are believed to be trapped in the Howling Abyss."
- "Sivir's crossblade, the Chalicar, once belonged to Setaka, an Ascended Warrior Queen of Shurima."
- "Illaoi was Gangplank's first love."
- "Fantastical occurrences may indicate where the veil separating Runeterra and the Void has worn thin."
- "Some say Yordles know secret ways through Runeterra others cannot perceive."
- "The Bearded Lady, Mother Below, and Nagakabouros are all names Bilgewater natives call their deity."
- "Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote, reachable only by the most determined seeker."
- "Those Ascended by the Sun Disc of Shurima can live for thousands of years."
- "Demacia's army is often outnumbered, but is arguable the most elite, well-trained army in Runeterra."
Balance Changes
* Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.General
- [NEW] Turret First Blood gold added:
- 400 total gold across the team for first turret kill- 275g local gold and 25 global gold.
- Chat all out added.
- Fortification: [Turret buff]
- Duration lowered to 5 minutes from 7 minutes.
- Damage reduction increased to 50% from 35%
- Bot lane turrets no longer have Fortification.
- Visual effect added to show you are hitting a shielded turret.*
- Outer Turret HP increased to 3500 from 3300.

Cannon Minions
- Spawn rates have changed:
- "Each team gets one cannon minion per wave, rotating lanes.
- Bot lane gets a cannon minion on wave 3, mid gets one on wave 4, and top gets on at wave 5 - this then repeats.until 20 minutes.
- After 20 minutes, mid gets a cannon minion on wave 40 then both Bot and Top get a cannon minion on wave 41 - this then repeats until 35 minutes.
- After 35 minutes, all lanes have cannons in each wave.
- Concussive Blows (Passive) damage changed to 26-196 from 40-176
- Winter's Bite (Q) damage lowered to 60/105/150/195/240 from 70/115/160/205/250
- Hextech Munitions (Passive) cooldown lowered to 240 from 300
Jarvan IV- Attack damage lowered to 58 from 61.3
- Rampage (Q) attack damage lowered to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/95/130/165/200
- Demacian Standard (E) attack speed increased to 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% from 10/13/16/19/22%
- Inspire (E)
- Null Sphere (Q) damage increased to 65/95/125/155/185 from 70/95/120/145/170
- Force Pulse (E) mana cost lowered to 60/65/70/75/80 from 80 at all ranks
- Void Shift (Passive) [source]
- Linger after taking damage or blocking cc effect reduced to .25 second from 1 second
- Cooldown changed to 30/24/18/12 from 30/18/10/6
- Human
- Javelin Toss (Q)
- Minimum damage changed to 70/85/100/115/130 from 60/77.5/95/112.5/130
- Maximum damage changed to 210/255/300/345/390 from 180/232.5/285/337.5/390
- Aspect of the Cougar (R)
- No longer resets Nidalee's basic attack
- Cougar
- Takedown (Q)
- Minimum damage changed to 5/30/55/80 from 4/20/50/90
- Maximum damage changed to 10/67.5/137.5/220 from 8/45/125/248
- Ap ratio increased to 40% from 36%
- Damage versus Hunted targets increased to 40% from 33%
- Aspect of the Cougar (R)
- No longer resets Nidalee's basic attack
- Dominus (R)
- [New Effect] Now grants 20 fury immediately on use.
- AoE magic damage per second increased to 40/80/120 from 30/60/120
- Base health regen decreased to 1.7 from 2
- Dragon's Descent (R) now generates 1/1.5/2 fury every 1 second from 1/2/3 fury every 1.5 seconds.
[Two Sona changes hotfixed to live on 7/19!]
[Two Sona changes hotfixed to live on 7/19!]
Aria of Perseverance (W) heal lowered to 35/55/75/95/115 from 40/65/90/115/140
Song of Celerity (E) bonus movement speed lowered to 13/14/15/16/17% from 16/17/18/19/20%
- [Reverted]
Threaded Volley (Q) Cooldown increased to 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 from 10/8.5/7/5.5/4Damage changed to 50/75/100/125/150 from 70/80/100/120/140Subsequent hits on same target now deal 45% reduced damage from 50% reduced damage.Mana refund for casting on Worked ground lowered to 25% from 50%
- Tumble (Q)
- Changed so that basic attack and bonus damage can no longer crit separately.
- Q now works on towers, consuming the buff to deal bonus damage.
- Base movement speed decreased to 330 from 335.
- Sanguine Pool (W) cooldown increased to 28/25/22/19/16 from 26/23/20/17/14
- Deadly Spines (Q)
- AP ratio increased to .6 from .55
- Damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 from 60/90/120/150/180
Twisted Treeline
Cost: 3300g
Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer + Juarim's Fist + 1000g
+400 Health
+50 Attack Damage
+10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Ashes to Ashes: Controlling the nearest Altar sets you aflame, dealing 25 (+1 per champion level) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (Deals 50% bonus damage to minions and monsters). Controlling the furthest Altar causes your basic attacks to burn targets for 114 true damage (based on champion level) over 3 seconds."
- +15% heal and Shield power now a Unique Passive
Rotating Game Modes
Hexakill: Twisted Treeline
- Two Altar bonus now also grants empowered recall in addition to buffing minions.
The following content has been testing on the PBE but will not be going to live in the patch.
7/22 LCU PBE ALPHA Update
The PBE's league client update alpha has been updated to include the individual champion pages on the Collection tab! At the moment only the overview and skin tabs are available, the ability pages and story pages are not yet available.
In addition to the champion's role, name, title, and a short lore entry, there are a few other champion details mentioned:
In addition to the champion's role, name, title, and a short lore entry, there are a few other champion details mentioned:
- Damage - "The champion's tendency to deal physical, magic, or mixed damage."
- Style - "The champion's tendancy to deal damage to enemy champions using basic attacks vs abilities."
- Difficulty
- Circular visualization of champions strengths (starting at top and going clockwise):
- Damage - The champion's ability to deal damage to enemy champions.
- Toughness - The champion's ability to absorb damage from enemy champions.
- Crowd Control - The champion's ability to apply harmful effects like slows and stuns to enemy champions.
- Mobility - The champion's ability to move quickly around the map using blinks or dashes.
- Utility - The champion's ability to grant beneficial effects like shields, healing, or movement speed to allied champions.
Here are a few more examples:
[LCU]6/6 PBE Alpha Update - Collections
The PBE League Client Update Alpha has been updated to include the collections tabs - which shows the champions you own, runes, masteries, and summoner spells.
Here's CapnBranFlakes with a post on today's PBE LCU Alpha update:
"===UPDATE: 6 JUNE 2016===
Hi League client update PBE testers!
We've just pushed an update build to the PBE alpha client, and many of the areas discussed in this recent blog are now available for bug catching. Areas like champion details, match history, advanced match details, and some others will open up in a future PBE update, and for now you can check out your champion collection, runes, masteries in collection, spells, and more.
Thanks for jumping in, testing it out ,and reporting any bugs you find -- we'll see you on the frontline! GLHF."
and here's a few screenshots of the new collection pages:
Here's a few brief video previews of the new collection tabs:
July 1st PBE LCU Alpha Update
Here's CapnBranFlakes with updates on the LCU changes made today, including mention that the champion overview pages in collection are not up yet but will be soon:"===UPDATE: 1 JULY 2016===
Hi League client update PBE testers!
We've pushed out a new build to the PBE alpha client today that adds some more client settings, turns on the server-side storing of said settings, and adds advanced match details at the end-of-game screen. We were also hoping to patch in the champion overview pages under the collection section we mentioned recently, but we ran into an issue with them for today's build, so they're not included. We'll update this thread again once we push out another update.
Thanks for testing out the above additions and reporting any bugs you find -- we'll see you on the frontline! :D"
[LCU] June 14th PBE LCU Alpha Update - Match History
Here's CapnBranFlakes with info on the June 14th PBE LCU Alpha update!"Hi League client update PBE testers!
We've just pushed an updated build to the PBE alpha client, and match history is now available for bug catching.
Thanks in advance for reporting any bugs you find!"Here's a few screenshots of how the LCU Match History pages look now that they are up for testing:
The PBE LCU is open to all PBE testers, see [this thread] for more information on how to get started with testing as well as known issues and updates! Sign ups for the LIVE (not PBE) LCU Alpha can be found here.
7/12 PBE Update
- New Champion Skins
- New Ward Skin
- New Summoner Icons
- Special PROJECT Loading Screens
- PROJECT: Katarina Skin Updates
- PROJECT: Ashe login theme
- Skin Tweaks
- New Hextech Crafting Components
- Skin Updates
- New Splash Art
- New Hextech Crafting Components
- Skin Tweaks
- Turret Fortification Shield VFX
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