Brace Yourself for a Showdown this Snowdown!

The Snowdown Showdown, League of Legend's annual holiday event, is coming in the next patch and Riot has prepare a delicious little mini site showcasing all of this year's goodies.
Continue reading for a peek at all the new Snowdown Showdown content that will be available in the next patch!

New skins and the return of last year's holiday skins!
Snow Day Ziggs, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Slay Belle Katarina, and Bad Santa Veigar round out this years line up of festive Snowdown Showdown skins.
Visit this PBE post for early footage of this year's skins, taken from the PBE.
Along side this year's new batch of Snowdown Showdown skins, you'll also be able to pick up last year's legacy holiday skins as well!  Festive Maokai, Snowmerdinger, Toy Soldier Gangplank and Mistletoe LeBlanc are returning for a brief time before returning to the legacy vault.

New Summoner Icons
A decroative set of new summoner icons will be available to summoners who accomplish certain tasks during this year's Snowdown Showdown.
 You can rack up new icons several ways during this event:
  • Participating in a 5 man premade match in any queue
  • Behaving well in the spirit of the Snowdown Season
  • Purchasing RP for a friend
  • Purchasing a champion as a gift for a friend
  • Purchasing a skin as a gift for a friend
  • Being one of the top participants in the Snowdown.

New Ward skins free for all.
It's a bit different from the Harrowing and Shadow Isles ward skins, but this year  Santa Gragas brought two free ward skins, Gingerbread and Snowman, for all summoners to enjoy between patch day and the 6th of January.
Visit this PBE update post for details on the new wards.

Gifting of RP, Champs, and Skins
Between patch day and December 26th, you'll be able to gift RP and anychampion or skin purchased with RP to a summoner on your friends list!
Visit this PBE post for more details on the gifting system, taken from the PBE.


  1. When is the patch day?

  2. If only regifted Amumu was coming back....

  3. First, also cool stuff!

  4. christmas 2011 and not 2009 or 2010? that dont seems to me well.
    so MAny people last years was thinking the winter skins will be limited edition. If they returns winter skins from 2011, I WANT FROM 2009 TOO

  5. the wards are free? Or am I reading it wrong?

  6. You missed the point. Legacy means they will come back eventually but won't be in the store permanently, -Limited- means they won't come back. If you bought any legacy skins because you wanted to be a special snowflake you brought it upon yourself when you didn't read up to distinguish the difference between limited and legacy.

  7. This was hinted. I mean come on, the current champion sale was the four characters last year who got a Snowdown skin. Also they clarified this last year that they were legacy.

  8. Second chance at Festive Maokai but no chance of Nutcracko.

    Riot, I am emotionally neutral.

  9. Because the concept of legacy skins didn't exist on Christmas 2010/2009 and they would be lying to their consumers if they re-released them. People were told in 2011 the skins would come back and they're back now.

  10. Good, I never even play any of the four characters they announced so now I can at least get a couple Christmas skins.

  11. Because those are limited edition skins while last year's were legacy skins. That means they are skins Riot has no problem re-releasing because they would rather appeal to the .00001% of the LoL community that have limited edition skins as opposed to making the 99% of the community that wants those skins. I think its a smart move because getting money is bad.

  12. i want to see where did the say these skins will be legacy

  13. Hell I'm just happy I can finally get snowmeidinger and festive maokia I was moving houses last year and missed out on the chance to buy them. :D I know that what I said was greedy but I am happy

  14. How can I use a photo and else here now??

  15. As a Leblanc player who had Mistletoe Leblanc last year, I'm okay with this. Then again, I'm actually content with the skin itself and don't have it solely for bragging rights and E-peen boosting.

  16. Because people can't read.

  17. They made it pretty clear when they were being released last year that they would be legacy and not limited...

  18. this still not fair at all who had buyed the skins thinking they will not come back

  19. No, that is just the PBE price, so people can try out the new stuff and not having to worry about running out of rp/ip on the server.

  20. They clarified that the 2011 skins were legacy and not limited last year, stop whining.

  21. Just to say even if they are legacy skins who say's that they would be release this Christmas is can be assumed but never crystal clear

  22. Yeah, seems like they're free to use.

  23. It's called a promise, they made it they can't break it. I don't have any LEs, do I wish I could get one, yes, do I think they should re-release them no, because that would be breaking a promise they made to their most loyal customers, the ones who stood with them, even when the game looked and felt like downright crap. Also, 99 + 0.00001 doesn't equal 100....

  24. gess we arnt getting the Christmas past,pres, and yet to come yorick this year :/

  25. No, they're free until January 6th, Riot already said as much.

  26. Ahh, thanks for the info. Thats actually pretty cool.

  27. I will do ANYTHING for that Baron Summoner Icon *o*

  28. IDC for the new skins but the LB and MAO skins from last year are on my list. :)

  29. So be it... summoner.

  30. Your sickness... sustains me.

  31. Are last year's Legacy skins going to be sold at full price or at a discount?

  32. Does anyone know what action gives which icon?

  33. Is there going to be discounted runes?

  34. there is a clasification, some are legacy and some limited, 2009 are limited

  35. From the first announcement of legacy skins they specifically said that the skins would not be available except for limited time events or offers. Therefore it stands to reason that Christmas themed legacy skins would reappear in future years near Christmas. Logic, so rare.

  36. ♫♪~~♪♪♪♪~♫ ^_^

  37. oKAYOKAY OKAY BUT SEE WHAT I DONT GET IS THIS.......this years skins ALL have x-mas related particles and only two of them (to me) are legit worthy of why is there a need to bring back last years skins? the only skin im consistently seeing a bunch of people bringing up from last years is mistletoe leblanc, yet she has NO x-mas particles what so ever. does riot feel they have to bring back last years because the only skins people are going for are 2 out of the 4? maybe? I'd like to think so, but im a real a$$ puta in a real a$$ world, so I'm going to just say no because all they care about is making more MONEY. no shade no tea ladies cuz I LOVE dis game, but sometimes riot just be TRIPPINNNN. xoxo gossip girl

  38. So 5 man coop vs ai counts for the summoner icon under this task 'Participating in a 5 man premade match in any queue'? Just double checking :P

  39. I was just putting it out there but seeing how only some of the christmas themed skins from last year were legacy they don't really have a large pool to choose from now look at 2013 snowdown showdown they have 8 skins to choose from instead of 4. Sorry I don't mean to make this sound like an argument

  40. what about rune sales?

  41. What disapoints me is how theres an art for slay belle kat in the section with poems about each skin and it is better than the current splash. The face anyway.


  43. I'm going to get LeBlanc just so I can get Mistletoe.

    I may never play LeBlanc afterwards, but it'll be worth it. The skin is THAT good.

  44. Feel free to gift me a skin or champ, I'll gift them or others back :3 euw btw :/


  46. oh cmon! now all gonna think i've buy festive maokai this year :l

  47. It is fair because they told you they were legacy before you bought them, you just chose not to listen...

  48. I guess Oblivion was's a bad joke..... :(

  49. nutcracko is limited (not coming back) sorry for the bad news, but u have to know

  50. why winter skins from 2011 but not from 2009?

  51. Well I didn't see this question answered here before, so I ask kindly if you know anything about the prices of legendary skins (being rereleased), such in my case Mistletoe LeBlanc. ... Really hope it's not above 975? :x

  52. Yeah, but looks like no Silent Night Sona this year T.T

  53. Yeah,i will buy it too

    and i never played LeBlanc before.

  54. Let's have some real fun.

  55. I want the Regifted Mummy back

  56. I'm still laughing about all the people who get skins just because they are/ will be "rare"... that's not really the point of skins, is it?

  57. mundo think dark candy fiddlesticks looks bad ingame.. mundo wont buy it. santa veigar mundo will buy.. hu hu hu hu.

  58. Stop. Your ruining it for us all

  59. Fortune doesn't favor fools.

  60. Lb kat and maybe veig on my list. I purvurted lol

  61. Imo if they make them legacy instead of limited they should make more skins.

  62. So we wait another year for winter map. :(

  63. i am getting Ziggs skin

  64. I don't like the "Being one of the top participants in the Snowdown" so unclear... >.>

  65. NO snow summoner's rift this winter??? SO SAD

  66. those are not legendary..they are legacy skins.and as such may cost from 975 to 1820..

  67. I don't suppose there is any idea on the prices of these new Snow skins? I really want that Ziggs skin ^^

  68. I don't suppose there is any news on the RP Prices on these new Snow skins? I want that Ziggs skin :P

  69. why do they have to do this it sucks that the ones who got these last years snowdown showdowns skins are loosing the value of these skins everyone will have them now .... thanks riot for nothing

    1. Sorry you and half the people gave a issue on reading and understanding that LAST YEARS skins for snowdown were legacy meaning they will come back at some point....... anything taged with legacy will come back. Clearly people cant read.

      If it said limited then they will never come back just like Silent night sona

    2. Sorry you and half the people gave a issue on reading and understanding that LAST YEARS skins for snowdown were legacy meaning they will come back at some point....... anything taged with legacy will come back. Clearly people cant read.

      If it said limited then they will never come back just like Silent night sona

  70. I need candy cane Miss Fortune >.<'

  71. I need candy cane Miss Fortune >.<'

  72. I need candy cane Miss Fortune >.<'

  73. I need candy cane Miss Fortune >.<'

  74. xmas baron summoner icon <3

  75. Cool how almost every Snowdown skin is for ap carries. No love for ADs and supports!

  76. lol i plan to do this with my rl friend for the icon xD.

  77. mundo do anything for you!

  78. this sound sexual!

  79. Kinda annoying how they bring *legacy skins* back..... I rushed to get even one of those skins, becuase they would *Dissapear* Now they are just like... Wait we need money ^^ let's readd the legacy skins.... They said * Legacy skins will dissapear from the store forever* kinda let down...

    1. Again RIOT stated legacy skins will come back at some point...... limited skins wont.

      Not RIOTs issue you cant understand nor read

  80. My wallet is crying. MUST BUY THEM ALL!

  81. is the winter map gonna be available for this patch ?

  82. No Please! I can't anchor my ship with the frozen lake!

  83. Any idea about how to get the icons , i mean is it like (do task 1 get the first one , do task 6 get the last one which baron) or is (Do 1 task of the six to get the first icon) (do the 6 tasks to get all the icons = you need to do all of them to get baron one)

  84. And it shall be so for every other limited/legacy skin. Fuck E-peens and give skins and love to everybody like hippies did.

  85. Mundo mundo, mundo mundo mundo?

  86. 'Stop the E-peen's' campaign is up

  87. Definitely Not Sarcasm

  88. Who cares, really. Just fucking enjoy the skin.

  89. EXACTLY, thank you sir.

  90. What about tanks junglers solotops assassins... ^^

  91. I believe they will be all 4 975, kinda neat

  92. They will most probably all 8 be 975 again, unless they get discounted.

  93. Why is it not fair, it's still the same price, plus you got it for an extra year, if anything, it's in your advantage
    ie your statement made no sense

  94. they're not keeping the skins off limit for sake of those people's epeens, like I said a promise is a promise, and it's a term that a disturbing number of people have forgetten, so I commend riot for not doing so

  95. mundo real mundo, theres other mundo somewhere but hes mundo mundo. should be banned if you ask mundo..

  96. I think they will not have the map this xmas.

  97. I am same as you , i will buy it because she looks good.
    I play LB rarely because in ranked people prefer aoe ap champs.

  98. I voted up even tho i don't have that skin , i just understand your feeling.
    Its nice to have some rare skins or unpurchasable one.

  99. ask this to the person who bought an actor house or a singer shoes , or maybe a dancer underwear!

  100. Call me elf and I'll show you the definition of pain!

  101. With my 2 clones and I, we sure could.

  102. The 'promise' thing seems already stupid enough to me as it's mostly used for bragging rights. I got my Mistletoe LeBlanc skin last year and I'm happy they made it possible to get it now, for there was people longing for it and they waited a long time. Now if it would've instead been a Limited I would have been sad for them as it wasn't correct they couldn't get one.

  103. I don't like make the sea too cold...

  104. I still hear the song of sea

    oh wait,that you

  105. That's why they created the Legacy skin section (couldn't come up with a better word than section xD) Riot themselves thought that new players should get a chance at some of the cool older special skins, but that was after they had already said "these will never be sold again" for the LE skins, and they can't just turn around on that statement, that would be a terrible business model, and, as I said earlier, it would basically be telling their earliest customers, the ones that carried the game to where it is now, that they aren't important because they are the minority

  106. I get your point and it is well articulated but anyway I look at it, it's just bragging rights. It has nothing to do with the promise. If those players have to feel *special* about their skins they are E-peens.

  107. I guess this just comes down to a personal preference on whether it's more important to please the original benefactor, or the modern mass majority (because it appears that, at least on this issue, you can't please both) SO, we'll just have to agree to disagree *virtual hand-shake*
