Patch 10.16 & TFT Notes

Patch 10.16 is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5th and the official patch notes and TFT patch notes have been posted!
Continue reading for a full look the patch notes & previews, including Yone & upcoming Spirit Blossom skins for Ahri, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Riven, & more!

Table of Contents

Patch 10.16 Notes

Check out the Patch 10.16 notes:
"Okay, this is a long one. We've got a big list of small tweaks to bring more razzle dazzle as we gear up for Worlds! We think the meta’s at a good place, so we’re carefully mixing things up without throwing caution to the wind (although Yasuo’s down there somewhere…).  
This means we’re bringing up the zhuzh, from marksfolks (Miss Fortune, Lucian, Tristana) to junglefolks (Evelynn, Hecarim, Skarner). Which also means we’re un-zhuzhing those who have been omnipresent picks (Karma, Syndra, Volibear) to open up their counterpicks and to give their enemies more chances to retaliate.  
We’re also tidying up some champions by giving them more cohesive identities and sharpening their strengths, while giving others more clarity in their kits.  
Finally, on a housekeeping note, the dev team is taking some AFK time in the near future. For League, this means 10.16 will last twice as long as a normal patch and we'll be skipping patch 10.17. We're planning to ship a set of balance changes around the time 10.17 would have launched, though, so keep an eye out for those details. The next full patch will be 10.18! 
So zoom your way down—and once you’re well-read, you’ll be well-ready to take on the third ranked split of the season, the world, etc, etc.    
Take this portal if you're looking for TFT's patch notes!"
Tricia "mom cat" Tan
Hanna "shio shoujo" Woo 
Patch Highlights
Spirit Blossom Riven, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia, Spirit Blossom Ahri, Spirit Blossom Kindred, and Spirit Blossom Yone will be available on August 6th, 2020. 
Summoner's Rift Ranked Split 3 Begins! 
On August 9th at 11:59 PM local time, the third and final ranked split of the season will begin, but with a little something extra this time! In addition to the usual split rewards, we'll also be granting a random series 1 Eternal capsule to anyone earning 750 Split points.
[NEW] Yone
The Unforgotten 
Yone wields his swords in 10.16!
High-res versions of Yone's splashes are available on League Displays!
Q base damage increased. E damage type changed. 
Now that Akali’s been in the shadows of Pro, we can help her hit the (assassin's) mark for all levels of play by bringing up her early game damage. We’re also streamlining the damage type in her kit so that she’s able to itemize more effectively and deal more to enemies who aren’t building defensively.  
Q - Five Point Strike 
  • BASE DAMAGE ::  30/55/80/105/130 >>> 35/60/85/110/135
E - Shuriken Flip
  • DAMAGE TYPE :: Physical >>> Magic
Q bonus attack speed decreased later. 
We’re pulling back on a scaling Ashe buff we gave her in 10.8 to make more space for other marksmen with less early game power and utility to shine late game against her. 
Q - Ranger’s Focus 
  • BONUS ATTACK SPEED :: 20/30/40/50/60% >>> 20/25/30/35/40%
Base health decreased. W maximum heal decreased.  
Bard has been chiming in quite a bit, especially in Pro play, so we’re toning down his power in early game to open up more avenues for counter picks and in-lane pressure. 
Base Stats
  • HEALTH :: 575 >>> 560
W - Caretaker’s Shrine
  • MAXIMUM HEAL :: 70/110/150/190/230 >>> 55/95/135/175/215
Q cooldown decreased; hitting a monster no longer refunds 50% of its cooldown. 
Spiking some power into Eve’s Q so that she can bring her charm into the jungle and in early skirmishes. We’ve also found that her Q cooldown refund from monsters has been a source of confusion and annoyance for players, so we’re taking that out for more gameplay clarity.  
Q - Hate Spike 
  • COOLDOWN :: 8 seconds >>> 4 seconds
  • [Removed] NO MORE HATE :: Hitting a monster no longer refunds 50% of Hate Spike’s cooldown
Q cooldown decreased; on-hit cooldown reduction decreased. 
As we near the big games, we’ve identified a lack of scaling skirmishers who can keep pressure in a side lane. Because of this, we want to keep Fiora in tip-top form, and to be able to offer teams more strategy. We’re helping her <em>strike quickly, strike deftly!</em> in early fights, along with increasing her mobility for split pushing. To balance it out, we’re also lightly tapping down her cooldown refund. 
Q - Lunge
  • COOLDOWN :: 16/14/12/10/8 seconds >>> 13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6 seconds
  • ENEMY HIT COOLDOWN REDUCTION :: 60% (enemy hits refund 6.4/5.6/4.8/4/3.2 seconds) >>> 50% (enemy hits refund 6.5/5.63/4.75/3.9/3 seconds)
E bonus movement speed increased over time. 
The Horseman’s been at a trot, so we’re ponying up by boosting his potential for ganks and engage. Note that this added movement speed procs his passive for that sweet, sweet bonus damage.  
E - Devastating Charge
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 25-75% (over the first 3 seconds, with fourth second at maximum value) >>> 25-100% (over the first 3 seconds, with fourth second at maximum value) 
E cooldown decreased.  
Now, it’s Jax’s turn! Similar to Fiora, we’re hoping to bring the Grandmaster back onto the scene by making him a more viable counterpick... with more counterstrikes. With his E more readily available, he’ll be able to see fights through in a different manner. 
E - Counterstrike
  • COOLDOWN :: 16/14/12/10/8 seconds >>> 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds
Passive final shot critical damage against structures increased. 
Jhin hasn’t been able to call the shots, especially around towers. We’re loosening his passive crit damage restriction from all the way back in 6.4 so that he can take down structures more effectively and keep up with peers with expanded abilities for damaging towers. 
Passive - Whisper
  • FINAL SHOT DAMAGE TO STRUCTURES :: 1.2 total attack damage >>> 1.5 total attack damage (now the same damage as a normal critical strike)
R bonus damage now uncapped. 
Fixed a bug in Jinx’s R where the damage cap against monsters was capped against champions instead, majorly impacting her power against enemies with high health. We’re bringing the super, the mega, and the death by uncapping the damage against all targets!  
R - Super Mega Death Rocket! 
  • BONUS DAMAGE CAP BUGFIX :: 375 for main target against champions >>> Now uncapped against all targets
Q cost now flat; cooldown increased. 
Karma has continued to be a strong multi-role flex champion who tends to have too much control and safety, so we’re trimming down her solo lane agency by pulling back on a spell that she relies on for waveclear. 
Q - Inner Flame 
  • COST :: 50/55/60/65/70 mana >>> 65 mana
  • COOLDOWN :: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds >>> 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds
Q damage ratio decreased. 
Now that we’re seeing an increase in Karthus players and higher win rates, we’re walking back one of the bigger buffs from 10.14 that’s lent him more strength than anticipated. 
Q - Lay Waste
  • DAMAGE RATIO :: 0.35 ability power >>> 0.3 ability power 
Q isolated target bonus damage decreased. 
The bug consumed, and the bug adapted. Over the course of the past few patches and our last buff, Kha’Zix has crept above the pack for our skilled players, so we're pulling slightly back on the same lever in 10.14 to find a happy middle ground. 
Q - Taste Their Fear
Q damage increased. R total shots fired increased. 
Lucian has been out of meta for a while, losing consistently to his more meta peers with longer ranges, even in beginning phases of the game. We’re putting him back on the path of vengeance by increasing his power. 
Q - Piercing Light
  • DAMAGE :: 85/120/155/190/225 >>> 95/130/16 /200/235
R - The Culling
  • TOTAL SHOTS FIRED :: 20/25/30 >>> 22/28/34
Miss Fortune
Base attack damage increased. 
Pirate lady’s been in a misfortunate place, and she’s no fool. We’re giving her a small love tap to make sure she’s relevant as an early game marksman. 
Base Stats
  • ATTACK DAMAGE :: 50 >>> 52
Q cooldown decreased. 
Bot lane has been awash with dive-heavy supports with strong CC, so we’re helping Morgana unshackle her potential as a promising counterpick. 
Q - Dark Binding
  • COOLDOWN :: 11 seconds >>> 10 seconds
W shield decreased. 
Naut has been anchored as a persistent menace in Pro bot lanes, so we’re lowering his resilience to harass and the reliability of his early game all-ins. 
W - Titan’s Wrath
  • SHIELD :: 60/70/80/90/100 >>> 45/55/65/75/85 
Q damage increased; bloom damage increased. 
Giving Neeko some love in her trading and waveclear against other prominent mids. We think this will help her come into her own, you know, for her to really be herself and no one else. 
Q  - Blooming Burst
  • DAMAGE :: 70/115/160/205/250 >>> 80/125/170/215/260
  • BLOOM DAMAGE :: 35/55/75/95/115 >>> 40/60/80/100/120
Passive cooldown increased; enemy champions and monsters on-hit cooldown refund increased. 
Nocturne is chopping down mid laners at an alarming rate in Average play. Trimming his pushing and sustain power, while letting him be at a similar power level in the jungle. 
Passive - Umbral Blades
  • COOLDOWN :: 10 seconds >>> 14 seconds
  • ON-HIT COOLDOWN REFUND :: Basic attacks against enemy champions and monsters reduce Umbra Blades' cooldown by 2 seconds >>> Basic attacks against enemy champions and monsters reduce Umbra Blades' cooldown by 3 seconds
R bonus movement speed increased. 
Rakan may have the moves, but he still needs to get a move on. We’re amping up the tempo so that he can beat down enemies as one of the premier engage support champions.  
R - The Quickness
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 50% >>> 75%
W base damage decreased later. E base damage decreased later. 
Reeling back Sett players who rely on his base values with very tanky builds to plow their way through games.  
W - Haymaker
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 80/105/130/155/180 >>> 80/100/120/140/160
E - Facebreaker
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 50/80/110/140/170 >>> 50/70/90/110/130
Q total damage ratio increased; cost decreased. 
Even with our last round of buffs in 10.15, Skarner still feels like he’s in hibernation with his kin. We’re doing another pass to put a bit more sting in his...stinger?  
Q - Crystal Slash
  • TOTAL DAMAGE RATIO :: 0.15 attack damage >>> 0.20 attack damage
  • COST :: 15 mana >>> 10 mana
Q base damage decreased later. 
We’re continuing to sharpen Syndra’s power as she remains as a dominant pick in Pro play. This time, we’re honing in on her oppressive command in lane, especially from early to mid game. 
Q - Dark Sphere
  • BASE DAMAGE :: 70/110/150/190/230 >>>  70/105/140/175/210
E now deals 1% increased damage per 3% critical strike chance. 
Tristana has been fairly irrelevant since the nerfs to her early game attack range—except for in mid lane, where she’s still able to bully out certain champs. We’re gunning for her to be a viable marksman by buffing her bot lane crit build.  
E - Explosive Charge
  • [NEW] HERE COMES THE BOOM :: Explosive Charge now deals 1% increased damage per 3% critical strike chance <em>(up to 33.3% increased damage)</em>
Base magic resist increased. 
Boosting up this tiny yordle to better master the mid lane. To do this, we’re giving him more MR, since he’s already quite powerful in bot lane. 
Base Stats
  • MAGIC RESIST :: 30 >>> 32
Q bonus movement speed decreased. 
Volibear is a rare beast that is relentlessly bringing the storm for our Average and Pro players. Reducing his mobility and scaling into late game. 
Q - Thundering Smash
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 15/20/25/30/35% >>> 10/14/18/22/26% (still doubles when moving towards visible enemy champions)
Base magic resist increased. R base damage increased later. 
Carefully buffing Yasuo to target mid lane and Pro play. Like Veigar, we’re giving him more breathing room in mid, where there’s the most magic damage dealers. We’re also boosting his ult output for coordinated teams to play off of. 
Base Stats
  • MAGIC RESIST :: 30 >>> 32
R - Last Breath
  • BASE DAMAGE ::  200/300/400 >>> 200/350/500
Passive bonus damage ratio now flat; maximum damage to structures increased. 
Bumping up this bombing bud to better bonk down buildings and, more importantly, to bring an artillery mage into the meta. 
Passive - Short Fuse
  • BONUS DAMAGE RATIO ::  0.3/0.4/0.5 ability power (levels 1/7/13) >>> 0.5 ability power
  • BONUS DAMAGE MULTIPLIER TO STRUCTURES :: 2x ability power >>> 2.5x ability power 
Nimbus Cloak 
Nimbus Cloak has become the go-to for both jungle and AD as a consistent offensive and defensive tool. We’re lowering some of its overall strength, specifically in consideration of Smite and Hexflash, so that it’s not as ubiquitous of a choice. 
  • BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED :: 15%/25%/35% (summoner spell cooldown 0/100/250 seconds) >>> 10%/20%/30% (summoner spell cooldown 0/100/250 seconds) 
Ionia Clash 
Ionia Clash has now begun its recruitment session! Check out the Clash tab in client for specific start times and details! 
Nexus Blitz Balance Changes 
10.16 Jungle Changes
  • TWO SIZES TOO SMALL :: Jungle Guardian will stop growing in size and strength after 40 seconds in combat
  • KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE, BUT YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER :: Jungle monsters do less damage to low health players and their attack damage has been increased by 20%
10.16 Events Changes
  • URF DEATHMATCH :: Champions in URF Deathmatch now get Grievous Wounds immediately when the burn starts
  • BARDLE ROYALE :: Minions no longer spawn during Bardle Royale; minions outside of the circle will be put in Statis
  • PUSH THE CART :: Attack/Defend will no longer end immediately upon getting to Sudden Death. Instead, the carts gain increased movement speed and cannot be blocked by defenders. Time until Sudden Death has also decreased to 75 seconds. 
  • DPS CHECK :: Dummy now spawns in a wider variety of positions
  • LOOT TEEMO AND VEIGAR :: Magic resist increased to 100 <em>(gains 25 additional armor and magic resist if they are the 3rd or 4th event)</em>
10.16 Rewards Changes
  • OCEAN SOUL :: Ocean Soul’s regen values have been reduced by 25%
  • STATIKK SHOCK MINIMUM DAMAGE TO MINIONS :: 50% of target's maximum health >>> 35% of target's maximum health
10.16 Map Changes
  • CATAPULT OF CHAMPIONS :: Champions who dash into the wall underneath the neutral frog cannons will now automatically be fired from the cannon. Other units that find their way into that space will be bumped out.
  • WARD VISION :: Wards placed around the top lane center bush will reveal a little more clearly
10.16 Buffs 
  • AZIR :: Normal >>> -5% damage taken
  • EZREAL :: Normal >>> -3% damage taken
  • KOG'MAW :: -10% damage dealt & +5% damage taken >>> -8% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
  • LEBLANC :: -5% damage taken >>> +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
  • LEE SIN :: Normal >>> -5% damage taken
  • RIVEN :: Normal >>> -5% damage taken
  • TARIC :: -5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, & -5% Healing >>> -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
  • THRESH :: +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken >>> +5% damage dealt & -8% damage taken
10.16 Nerfs
  • DARIUS :: -5% damage dealt >>> -5% damage dealt & +3% damage taken
  • ILLAOI :: -5% damage dealt >>> -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
  • JHIN :: Normal >>> -5% damage dealt
  • LEONA :: Normal >>> -5% damage dealt
  • NEEKO :: -5% damage taken >>> -3% damage taken
  • URGOT :: Normal >>> -5% damage dealt
  • ZYRA :: Normal >>> -5% damage dealt
10.16 Bugfixes
  • Players will no longer continue burning after their round ends in Prize Fight
  • Aurelion Sol will no longer keep his extra stars if he survives the last round of URF Deathmatch
  • Jungle items now grant mana regen in the entire jungle, including the Red Buff area and the jungle in between lanes
  • Rift Herald Mercenary no longer occasionally gets permanently placed in Stasis if active during Prize Fight
  • Toggle spells will be toggled off while a player is spectating in Prize Fight or when getting into the Battle Sled
  • Hexflash will now be refreshed to Flash for each round of URF Deathmatch
  • Jungle Guardian will no longer occasionally spawn twice after being killed
  • Gnar will no longer be able to cast W - Hyper and R - GNAR! in his Mini form after getting into the Battle Sled 
DX11 Beta Test 
We're kicking off an opt-in beta test of DX11 support for League! Head to our full post for details on how to join. 
Bugfixes/QoL Changes 
  • LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue where the bottom line of chat can appear to be missing depending on the focus of the chat 
  • LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue where tooltips for items in Item Sets would not always display
  • LEAGUE CLIENT: Fixed an issue where the "unable to retrieve settings" modal would appear more often than intended
  • LEAGUE CLIENT: Loading less frequently used sections of the client are now deferred until clicked, resulting in faster client start up times
  • Synced up Chaos and Order cannon minions' attack ranges
  • Dying to Shaco's R - Hallucinate explosion right after casting <strong>E - Lightning Rush to kill the clone as Kennen no longer causes his ability to be permanently swapped with E2 - Lightning Rush (which cancels the ability)
  • Fiddlesticks' R - Crowstormwill no longer continue to deal full damage if he dies right after blinking to his target destination
  • Shen is no longer able to purchase items, cast R - Stand United and undo all purchases before the cast completes
  • Darius W - Crippling Strike-empowered attack now properly does damage to a target with a Spell Shield
  • Sejuani's Q - Arctic Assault+basic attack combo now properly triggers Electrocute
  • Lillia's walking and running animations will no longer loop when inputting move commands 
  • The basic attack after Blitzcrank casts Q - Rocket Grab and Amumu casts Q - Bandage Toss now properly grants stacks of Conqueror, Electrocute, and Phase Rush
  • Pulsefire Ezreal's VFX can now properly be seen while spectating
  • Hitting an enemy champion with Shyvana's R - Dragon's Descent while W - Burnout is activated will now properly grant two stacks of Conqueror
  • Rek'Sai's Q - Queen's Wrath-empowered basic attacks no longer fizzle if used on an enemy shortly after casting R - Void Rush
  • Sivir's Passive - Fleet of Foot SFX has been restored to Base and all skins
  • Dawnbringer Nidalee's Passive - Prowl reset SFX has been restored
  • Completing Kha'Zix's and Rengar's The Hunt Is On! in-game mission will now properly play the respective SFX for all their skins
  • All skins will now play Idle SFX using base assets 
Upcoming Skins & Chromas 
The following skins will be released in this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art! 
Spirit Blossom Riven
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia
Spirit Blossom Ahri
Spirit Blossom Kindred
Spirit Blossom Yone 
The following chromas will be released this patch: 
Spirit Blossom Riven
Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia
Spirit Blossom Ahri
Spirit Blossom Kindred
Spirit Blossom Yone"

New Champion: Yone

Yone, the Unforgotten is our next champion, and will be headed to live with Patch 10.16!

Yone, the Unforgotten

Here's a look at Yone's special interactions:

Release Skin

Yone's release skin is Spirit Blossom Yone!

Spirit Blossom Yone

1350 RP
"Long ago, two brothers fought a bitter war across Ionia. Yone, the older brother, was a warlord renowned for his adherence to honor and duty. He fought to defend the country against those who would break its rites and rituals - until he was forced to confront his own brother for his crimes. Both were fated to fall in their final duel... a lesson, perhaps, in pride and hubris."

Champion Skins

The second set of Spirit Blossom skins will be blooming on live servers on August 6th Spirit Blossom AhriCassiopeiaKindred, and Riven.

Spirit Blossom Ahri

1820 RP (Legendary)
"The famed Spirit of Salvation, and the fox all mortals are beckoned towards when their souls arrive to the spirit realm. A capricious, whimsical spirit who sees the fate of the living as a game of chase, she offers the chance for souls to find their final rest... but will not intervene if they stray from the path."

As a Legendary skin, Spirit Blossom Ahri has a new voiceover:

Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia

1350 RP
"Rumored to have once been a beautiful princess, legend says Cassiopeia vanished into the mountains when her sister staged a coup, never to return. So great was her beauty, and so renowned her cunning, that a shrine was built to honor this 'spirit of temptation', until her story was accepted into popular folklore."

Spirit Blossom Kindred

1350 RP
"In the Ionian tradition, the Kindred are interpreted as a child and her beastly companion, endlessly playing games with one another until they are called to perform their duties. The two do not know where they came from, but it is said they feel a sense of loss for someone they knew long ago..."

Spirit Blossom Riven

1350 RP
"A brave warrior from an ancient land, Riven was ignobly cut down in the heat of battle thousands of years ago, her sword shattering in the process. Unable to find peace, she obsessively scours an otherworldly battlefield for pieces of her broken blade, possessed by a horrific darkness that guides her into oblivion."


Each new skin this cycle has a set of chromas! First up, here's a look at each chroma in game:

Spirit Blossom Ahri
[5 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia
[8 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Riven
[8 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Kindred
[8 Chromas]

Spirit Blossom Yone
[8 Chromas]

Summoner Icons

A handful of new summoner icons will be available this patch:

Spirit Blossom Riven Icon, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia Icon, Spirit Blossom Ahri Icon

Spirit Blossom Kindred Icon, Spirit Blossom Riven Chroma Icon, Spirit Blossom Cassiopeia Chroma Icon

Spirit Blossom Ahri Chroma Icon, Spirit Blossom Kindred Chroma Icon

Spirit Blossom Yone Icon, Spirit Blossom Yone Chroma Icon

Spirit Bonds Yone Icon

Season 2020 - Split 3 Icon

LCS Solo Q Icon
"Acquired during the 2020 LCS Season."

BRG Icon, PsyOps Icon


New emotes will be available this patch:

The Right Words

2020 - Split 3 - [RANK]

Style: Rank S

Teamfight Tactics Patch 10.16 Notes

Check out the full TFT Patch 10.16 notes:
No fancy movie trailer intro this time, just straight to business. After the Darkstar domination of a few weeks ago, we're feeling much better about the state of the meta. This week, we're looking to make a few small nudges by bumping underperforming champions and traits while giving a slight nerf to the astro sniper build. 
We also took a swing at adjusting a few items, so be sure to check out those changes and try out a few new item/champion combinations. The new "Salvage World" Galaxy that will break down full items back into their components when you sell an equipped champion. Last but not least, we're buffing a few chase traits and 3-star champions to get a little more juice for their squeeze, as the kids say. 
Let's get into it! 
  • As announced on the Riot Games site, we're all taking some AFK time next week for some rest and recovery. This means that patch 10.17 will be smaller than normal with a return to full-size patches at 10.18. 
Hushtail, Melisma, and Pengu are getting into the Spirit of Blossoms. All three of these new Little Legends and their variants will be available soon after the launch of the patch.
Kami Melisma
Kami Hushtail
Yokai Pengu 
  • New Galaxy: Salvage World - When you sell a champion, any completed items they were holding are broken down into their components.
  • Removed Galaxy: Star Cluster
Quality of Life
  • In-game item recipes are here!
  • Right-click any item component to see what it can build into. (If you’re playing on mobile, simply tap it.)
  • Full items you can currently build are highlighted.
  • Recipes now appear in the tooltips for completed items.
We’re taking a pass at some of the items that are rarely built to open up new itemization options. Now, getting certain item components shouldn’t feel like as much of a punishment. 
  • Hand of Justice: Heal 50 health on hit ⇒ Grants 50% healing from damage done by both abilities and basic attacks.
  • Hextech Gunblade: Overhealing with this item now generates a shield (max 400 Health).
  • Locket of the Iron Solari Shield Value: 250/275/350 ⇒ 250/300/375
  • Runaan’s Hurricane Attack Damage Multiplier: 70% ⇒ 75%
  • Statikk Shiv Primary Damage: 90 ⇒ 85
  • Statikk Shiv now does an additional 85 True Damage if the target has a shield or is CC’d.
  • Sword Breaker Chance to Disarm: 25% ⇒ 33% 
  • While not technically just a trait, the mana reave effect (cost increase of target's next spell cast) from Ezreal, Shroud of Stillness, and Mana-Reaver reduced from 40% to 30%.
  • Chrono Attack Speed Gains: 8/3.5/1.5/0.75 ⇒ 8/3/1/0.5 seconds
  • Infiltrators Jump time is now fixed at 0.6 seconds (this means putting Infiltrators on the front line will no longer get them to the back line faster)
  • Mech Pilot Mecha Justice damage: 700/750/800/850/900/1200/5000 ⇒ 650/700/750/850/900/1200/5000
  • Rebel Shield Amount: 150/210/330 ⇒ 150/225/400
  • Space Pirate Chance to Drop an Item: 25% ⇒ 33%
  • Vanguard Bonus Armor: 125/300/1000 ⇒ 125/300/900
Tier 1
  • Fiora Health: 450 ⇒ 500
Tier 2
  • Zed Attack Damage Steal: 20/25/40% ⇒ 20/33/50%
  • Master Yi Chosen One bonus true damage: 75/100/175 ⇒ 75/100/150
Tier 3
  • Bard Passive Mana: 8/20/90 ⇒ 5/20/90
Tier 4
  • Fizz Chum the Waters damage: 400/550/4000 ⇒ 350/550/4000
  • Jhin Attack Speed: 0.9/0.95/1.2 ⇒ 0.85/0.9/1.2
  • Jinx Attack Damage: 70 ⇒ 75
  • Teemo Attack Speed: 1.0 ⇒ 0.95
Tier 5
  • Gangplank Orbital Strike Damage: 450/600/9001 ⇒ 550/700/9001 
We’re looking to improve some of the chase traits that just aren’t currently worth it when you hit them. These are very rare and hard to hit, so they should be more rewarding when you do. They won't be 100% win conditions, but they will be exciting. 
  • Rebel Health & Damage buff (9): 330 & 15% ⇒ 400 & 20%
  • Star Guardian Mana (9): 45 ⇒ 60
  • Battlecast Damage/Healing (8): 880 ⇒ 1000
  • Dark Star Attack Damage & Spell Power (8): 38 ⇒ 48
  • Infiltrator Attack Speed (6): 120% ⇒ 150% 
We’re also trying to make champs worth 3-starring a bit more often, especially for the non-carry champions. Our goal is not that these become win conditions, but that it’s something you consider chasing if you happen to high roll extra copies to power up your army. All of the stat changes below are for the 3-star version of the Champion. 
Tier 1 Champions
  • Leona Cyber Barrier Damage Reduction: 200 ⇒ 400
  • Malphite Energy Shield: 60% ⇒ 70%
  • Poppy Buckler Toss Damage: 200 ⇒ 225
  • Poppy Buckler Toss Shield: 400 ⇒ 450
  • Ziggs Bomb! Damage: 550 ⇒ 600
Tier 2 Champions
  • Ahri Orb of Deception Damage: 375 ⇒ 425
  • Annie Galaxy Shield-blast Damage: 600 ⇒ 700
  • Annie Galaxy Shield-blast Shield: 700 ⇒ 800
  • Blitzcrank Rocket Grab Damage: 850 ⇒ 1337
  • Darius Dreadnova Guillotine Damage: 800 ⇒ 888
  • Lucian Relentless Pursuit Damage: 550 ⇒ 625
  • Mordekaiser Indestructible Shield: 800 ⇒ 875
  • Nautilus Impact Crater Damage: 400 ⇒ 500
  • Nautilus Base Stun Duration: 5 ⇒ 6sec
Tier 3 Champions
  • Ezreal E.M.P Damage: 400 ⇒ 800
  • Rumble Flamespitter Damage: 1500 ⇒ 1650
  • Vi Spell Damage: 1100 ⇒ 1350
  • Vi Spell Secondary Damage: 500 ⇒ 600
  • Vayne Final Hour Attack Damage: 225% ⇒ 275%
Tier 4 Champions
  • Gnar! Transform Health: 4000 ⇒ 5000
  • Riven Base Energy Slash Damage: 450 ⇒ 600
  • Riven Energy Slash Shield: 1000 ⇒ 1200
  • Riven Final Energy Slash Damage: 1000 ⇒ 1500
Tier 5
  • Janna Howling Gale Stun Duration: 1.5 ⇒ 8sec"

Little Legends

Six sets of Little Legends skins will be available this patch:

Kanmei Featherknight

Akana Featherknight

Kanmei Melisma

Akana Melisma

Kanmei Hushtail

Akana Hushtail

Here's a look at the Spirit Blossom Little Legends in game:


"Shout out to the team for putting together this sick new feature coming to 10.16:  
You'll be able to right click any item component and see what it can build into. It even highlights what you can make based on what items you have ready to go!"

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