Syndra Improvements, Riot's Art Director, Update on Tribunal Features, and more!

Care to peruse today's selection of red posts? They won't scatter or scream, I promise!
Continue reading for posts concerning future Syndra improvements, another support champion by the end of the year, an introduction & more from Riot's art director, and the status of the new Tribunal features that were disabled shortly after launch.

Meddler posted some good news for Syndra enthusiasts today, mentioning several improvements coming down the pipeline.
"We've got a bunch of useability improvements, responsiveness and consistency of spell performance in particular, just about to start internal testing at the moment, along with some bug fixes. I'm hoping to find some time sometime later this week to throw up a post outlining the sort of stuff we're looking at and gather feedback on anything we might have missed. As a quick preview W grab and throw responsiveness and stun inconsistency/Q+E timing are two of the biggest points of focus.

As far as straight out buffs go we'll be looking at her performance with those useability changes and then assessing whether she needs additional buffs or not - we'd really like to avoid an overbuff situation as happened with Rengar for example."
Our last support champion, Lulu, was released in March of this year.
Morello also spoke recently about his previous claim to release two or more supports a year, assuring players we are still due for another before 2012 is over!
"Unless something breaks horribly, yes. Even in worst case, early next year would be maximum latest - but my goal is another support before 2013."
RiotNarya, the art director over at Riot Games, put up a little thread to introduce himself, answer some art related questions, and get some feedback from the community.  Below are a few posts from that thread that I found particularly interesting.

 He mentioned that Cho'Gath is in line for an upgrade to his splash art, saying:
"He needs it right? You will not be let down. I will say more globally that League, as you guys know, is an evolving game. There are many reworks in store and our good ole' Cho is among them."
He also mentioned what the art department is aiming for with upcoming splash arts, responding to someone commenting they want to see personality in LoL's art.
"Yes! Us too. We recently went through a period where we felt the splashes were all action packed combat poses. This is great, but we also want to dig a little deeper into who these champs are and what they are about. The creative design team creates quite a backstory for the champs and we want to express more of that in the art. Take a look at some of the upcoming splashes and let us know what you think!"
I'll be sure to keep you posted on any more updates from RiotNarya!

 Lastly, I have a post from ItzMattu assuring us the previously reverted updates to the Tribunal system are still being worked on.
"Hey guys, just wanted to stop by and give you a small update on this since you've been being incredibly patient with us and deserve it.

So, without going into too much detail, the main issue here has been that we are refactoring a lot of things in the tribunal that were exposed as issues when we initially launched. The reason we thought we would be about ready to launch 2 weeks ago and weren't (Lyte's original post) is that once we were done the refactor a few last issues reared their heads and we're just wrapping up getting those patched.

At this point we are letting data go through the system to ensure it is stable and in a spot that will make it the best possible feature for you all to use, and so far it's looking like that will be the case very shortly so long as no other hidden issues arise (I will be flipping many tables if this is the case (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ).

I assure you we are just as, if not more, impatient about getting this out to you and into your hands to use and enjoy. However, we're also making sure that we don't repeat our mistakes from the first launch, and triple checking everything before things are opened up again.
So, in short... Soon™ :P"
I hope you enjoyed today's selections and remember that a red post a day keeps the Dr. Mundo away!


  1. I actually think Syndra isn't too bad of a champ already

    1. ehh if the enemy has a gap closer it gets really difficult for her in my opinion.

    2. Yeah, nut she really needed buff on W. Minion/ball throw was toooo slow.

    3. Orianna is too difficult, but has never been buffed hard. Just "fixed". Syndra is strong enough, ppl are just to lazy to master her.

    4. But Orianna is much better

    5. only because she isn't OP, she will be buffed..... easy... so people buy her and riot can earn money...

    6. Syndra is NOT good ffs, she can easily grab kills and have a good score, but she is just

      U S E L E S S

      His burst works only on one target, she can easily kill a carry - but it doesn't matter since she can get easily destroyed too. The greatest part of the mid chars have cool ults with zone controls our at least zone damages.
      Actually Syndra only have a monobursting ult and that's useless.

    7. actually i think she is pretty good stat wise they just need to fix stun detection and maybe speed of throw. and yes she only has a single target nuke but if u know how to play her she is devistating. i play her well enough and wreck face. the last buff was all she needed she just needs animation tweaks and what not.

    8. Firstly Orianna is not difficult at all once u get to know her... neither is Syndra both are easy to play but the thing syndra can is good pokes before a teamfight, then if it's just an OK Syndra she will have atleast 2 balls on the ground at all times while poking up to a teamfight, then when engaging a teamfight she'll smash the shit out of any carry faster than most, people cant duke her ult and if she lands ult and maybe 1-2 spells and ignite, which is easy enough, their carry is dead and because of her low CD on q she'll just pop it, throw shit around and stun while still doing alot of dmg

    9. she had some problems with her Q+E, because if you put your ball too close to the enemy they wouldn't get stuned.

    10. Lol. Orianna is certainly easier to play than the nothing-but-slow skillshots Ahri... I know, I main both!

    11. Agreed! Orianna is far easier.

    12. oriana is easyer and better

      them who say she didnt needed buffs and dont need
      well 27% win ratio talks for itself
      after buffs she is up on 37% witch is very low ^^

      i hope these buffs is gonna be great :)

    13. THESE 2 CHAMPS ARE SOO GOOD!! so plzz stop call them like that better think aganist Diana and more armor??? She is soo soo soo squishy -_-

    14. Orianna never get buff. you're playing look since like 6month ? She used to be perma ban in all elo because she was the most op ap ever.

    15. Shes the Karma of AP mid,looks okay but really isn't hence why she isn't used at all.

    16. Monoburst ult is bad? What planet are you from? Veigar would like to have some words with you...

    17. Some champs have a high learning curve its true but that doesnt make them any less useful. Take a look at Jayce, he has a very high skillcap but he is capable of incredible feats of manlyness.

    18. Monoburst champions aren't bad... Take LeBlanc, people say she falls of late game, which is just foolish... With wards, or just tricky jumps, you can easily take out the AD Carry or even a support... And late game that's a 50 second spawn, leaving you with a 5v4... That's not useless. And Voidstaff+ Deathfire's grasp will still tear through the one MR item they think will save them...

      Basically... There is nothing wrong with a monoburst champion. 1 instantly nuked champion is 1 less champion you have to worry about.

    19. yeah but sales are down....
      need to buff to increase sales

    20. In regards to the original post, I didn't think she was too bad of a champ when she first came up. I'm not gonna argue about these buffs though. Buffs are buffs and I like them.

    21. You guys complaining about Orianna being UP?
      Try playing her as support. Normal support build.
      I believe she is better than Janna at everything she does.

  2. Im on the first screenshot <3

  3. Syndra honestly only has 1 issue currently - the stun hit box on an orb knocked back by her E is awful and almost feels like it just randomly picks where to stun at times.

    I know, at least from personal experience, that at times it will miss someone despite the orb being perfectly positioned, and other times it will hit someone that in no way it should have. It seems almost like the hit box for the orb to stun gets wider the further out it is.

  4. Another support release would be nice. Syndra update to he E is very much needed. As far as Tribunal goes is it still giving out IP or have they switched to the no IP system? I was under the impression it was currently on the no IP system test. >_<

    1. still gives ip. even more than before i can say... because of the reduction to the viewing time.. i can get up to 150 ip per day...

    2. I see, thanks for clearing that up for me.

  5. Syndra has a problem. When u Q and E to stun ur opponent, the ball gets thrown so far that you have to walk closer to the opponent as to W the orb, thus putting you in danger. Really sad.

  6. "I hope you enjoyed today's selections and remember that a red post a day keeps the Dr. Mundo away!"

    But but...Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases ;___; lol

    1. You seem to misunderstand... The Ball goes whereever it pleases, Mundo just goes where he wants as long as he can ult. FEAR THE BALL

  7. I really like the champ, but Syndra does need a few more touch-ups other than ratio fixing. She has great potential!

  8. No news about the latest PBE patch?

    1. I tacked it on to the last PBE post, they fixed morganas Q :P

    2. omg what is the bug on the morgana's Q??


  9. i would prefer making lulu , karma and janna more viable instead of having a new support >_>

    1. Lulu is viable.

    2. That retard-friendly 3150 musician does 90% stuff better :/

    3. ^

      Wait, make Janna more viable? How is she not?!
      I do agree with Karma though. I really want to expand my base of good supports from just Orianna and Sona... (I don't like Janna at all and I've never tried Lulu)

    4. And why not both?????

    5. Ummm... Lulu can disrupt enemies really well, Janna can prevent ganks and cause enemies to be caught in bad positions, and karma has a devastating shield and a Q that can heal and deal tons of damage...

      In my opinion I don't think you know what a support is except for a button mashing Sona... (no offence to sona players because I main her and I know that she can spam her abilities or just stand there to help team fights).

    6. Orianna is NOT a support

    7. Orianna can support just not that great

    8. Orianna CAN support, (Very well!) and you don't think so because you have never seen me do it. Its OP, man. Try it, just build her with a normal support build. Focus on shielding your lane partner, speedbuffing him for chasing, and CC'ing the enemy. Ults also help with slamming together and stunning enemies for those fun teamfights, ganks, and even regular kills.

  10. Anyone knows something about Harrowing's skins?

    1. Um if I'm not wrong than teacher fiora pirate ryze and zombie brand and the last one is um can't remember

    2. if u go back to one of the older post talk about the new janna skin and riven skins and tf rework its on the bottom

  11. Malphite needs a new splash art!

    1. Totally agree,and a new skin, but not now, others need skins and full overhaul before Malphite, although he needs it, it's not a living or dying situation, like Taric "hills" problems, Nidalee "a lot of things" problems, Annie's head issue, "Elephant feet" Sion, Chihuahua face Nasus (accept it that's not a Jackal face)... list can go on, but I'm sure that every champion will have his "medical re-view"

    2. Malphite just got a new skin, and its hands down his best one rofl

    3. He said he needs a new Splash art... Though I agree, there's still champions out there who needs In-game reworks... Annie looks like an original Super Smash Brothers figter... And Morde and Nidalee are walking around with giant Teepees for shoes... Other than in-game reworks, there's still a ton of champions who need splash reworks, and I'd consider malphite one.

    4. no malph needs to get removed since he kills all the fun.

  12. Does he mean that Cho is just getting a new splash, or is he getting a new model?

    He wasn't very clear.

    1. Just a new splash, I think he's one of the last of the original 40 to get new splash and (I'm assuming) icon art.

    2. Okay, I was just mildly confuse since he said "rework".

  13. Want to be able to buy rare/legacy skins? Make your voice heard here:

  14. Im excited, finally a new champ that isnt a jungler or tanky DPS! Yay! Though we need more dedicated tanks. There are only a handfull of them.

    1. But we DO want more junglers and tanky DPS! Especially ones that deal toooooons of damage!

  15. I don't think Syndra will ever be viable, glad I refunded her... her main problems are the worst passive in game and the awful ult. While it is nice that they at last see that her w is shit too, its only part of the problem.

  16. i'm playing syndra right now and her q hits a ton when its leveled 5 and w/ its long ish range its good for harrasing but during team fight u just dont have the presence that other champions have. its sad but true
