Recap of the S2 World Championship Semi-Finals

The semi finals matches have ( finally ) been completed  and we now have our two teams that will be competing in the World Championships on October 13th!
Keep reading to see who is will be fighting it out for the title of S2 World Champions and catch some recaps of what happened!
1 - Counter Logic Gaming Europe vs World Elite - 0
This is a continuation of the best of three from Saturday. Played as the final game, it's winner takes all! vs World Elite
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Twisted Fate Karthus AP Mid Vladimir Anivia
Blitzcrank Kog'Maw AD Carry Corki Irelia
Orianna Nunu Support Leona Cho'Gath
Jayce Top Olaf
Skarner Jungle Maokai
A three man gank against Jayce results in first blood for Corki. Shortly after another three man gank by WE left Skarner dead, but Karthus picked up a kill on Leona. A huge fight in's jungle leaves Skarner dead again. Kog'Maw kills Olaf in the bottom lane and WE responds with ANOTHER three man gank top against Jayce. They end up trading 1-1 as the tower kills Leona. takes the first dragon of the game while WE takes the first tower in top lane. Kog'Maw dies but Karthus is always there to pick up the kills with his ult as Leona dies. Three man gank for days by WE as they kill Kog'Maw, Nunu and take a tower. A huge fight breaks out in mid that results in a 3-3 kill exchange. WE forces a fight in's jungle that ends badly for them. picks up an ace followed by baron! pushes into their base and Kog'Maw destroys towers like a boss. picks up another baron and rampages through WE for the win!
1 - Moscow Five.BenQ vs Taipei Assassins - 2
Game 1

M5.BenQ vs TPA
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Maokai Evelynn AP Mid Karthus Lee Sin
Blitzcrank Vayne AD Carry Kog'Maw Sona
Jayce Nunu Support Taric Orianna
Yorick Top Shen
Xin Zhao Jungle Udyr
TPA had an early invade on M5's blue and took it from Diamond. Lane switches left Evelynn vs Taric and Kog'Maw in the middle lane. First blood goes to Nunu in the bottom lane with a turret dive against Karthus. A three man gank bottom by TPA leaves Nunu dead but M5's whole team is in position and is ready to respond. They kill Shen, Udyr, and Taric as a triple kill for Yorick and quickly take dragon which brings M5 in the lead 5-1. Evelynn steals blue from Karthus but Nunu dies in the exchange. A teleport bottom by Karthus leaves Nunu dead AGAIN. Evelynn finds Karthus by his wraiths and assassinated him after flashing after him into his tower. A four man gank bottom by M5 leaves Taric dead and TPA very low followed by a fast turret in mid to fall. First turret of the game. Evelynn turret dives a SHEN in the top lane and kill him under the tower. Bottom lane immediately sees action with Kog'Maw, Taric, and Udyr dying trading only for Nunu. M5 continues their lead by taking baron after a few kills. TPA can't stop Evelynn and it ends with M5 getting an ace and pushing down the nexus!

Game 2

M5.BenQ vs TPA
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Blitzcrank Zilean AP Mid Orianna Lee Sin
Jayce Kog'Maw AD Carry Vayne Evelynn
Nunu Zyra Support Taric Sona
Yorick Top Nidalee
Udyr Jungle Maokai
Agressive play by TPA leads to an invade against M5's blue. They throw a ward down and back off. TPA flashes after a out of position Gosupepper on Zyra and takes first blood! TPA invades on M5's red and they get caught. TPA trades 2 kills for 1 by M5. Alex Ich on Zilean gets caught out near his wraiths by 3 of TPA and falls. 4-1 TPA. A great gank middle by Lilballz maokai kills Zilean and a teleport in by Nidalee almost takes out Udyr too. First turret of the game falls to Stanley's Nidalee in the bottom lane. M5 takes the first dragon of the game while their top lane tower dies to Vayne. TPA takes their third tower by 13:00. All three of M5's outer towers are dead while TPA has every tower still up. TPA takes ANOTHER tower in the bottom lane. 4 turrets down by 16:20. ANOTHER turret falls in the middle lane. Things looking bleak for M5! M5 takes the second dragon uncontested while Nidalee pushes top lane. Stanley's Nidalee takes down Alex Ich on Zilean easily under top tower. TPA takes a fast baron but don't capitalize much. TPA takes the second baron of the game. Diamond's Udyr attempts a steal and fails. He dies and TPA gets set for the push. Teamfight erupts in M5's base after two inhibitor turrets die. 0-2 exchange in TPA's favour. They pull it off and win the second game!

Game 3

AP Mid
Lee Sin
AD Carry
Dr. Mundo
TPA invade against M5's blue immediately. They drop a ward and get out. M5 responds by copying exactly. Flashfrost hits GosuPepper and forces a flash. TPA steal M5's red buff. M5 responds by taking their red buff. FIRST BLOOD 15 minutes in goes to M5 when Ezreal gets baited and dies bot lane. M5 immediately goes for dragon but Mundo steals it. Genja gets caught out in bottom lane and Ezreal picks up the kill. TPA aggresses on bottom second tower. Nidalee takes top 2nd turret while the rest of TPA takes the bottom second turret. TPA goes for baron and immediately peel off when M5 makes and appearance. TPA gets initiated on by M5 and Ezreal and Sona IMMEDIATELY die. They trade for a kill on Nunu. M5 goes for baron but gets pushed out by Nidalee and Anivia. TPA bait out baron but misses a Sona ult completely. M5 initiates but loses Nunu and Shyvana. TPA bait baron again and land a great wall against Yorick. He lives through it using his ult and TPA is forced to back off. Sona's ult hits 2 of M5 and Yorick falls. Gragas gets caught out and dies as well. TPA go for baron immediately and take it. Genja on Kog'Maw gets initiated on and lives with summoner heal. M5 is forced back and TPA takes 2 inhibitors followed by a baron. TPA pushes to win and takes game 3!

1 - Counter Logic Gaming Europe vs Azubu Frost - 2
Game 1 vs AF
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Jax Morgana AP Mid Karthus Kog'Maw

Ezreal AD Carry Miss Fortune
Blitzcrank Soraka Support Alistar Irelia
Orianna Jayce Top Yorick Anivia
Maokai Jungle Shen
Breaking the mold a bit, there were no big invades at the beginning of this one. First blood goes to Snoopeh and Wickd as they took down AF's Yorick top, giving the jungler a nice lead. As soon as Yorick made it back, Jayce and Maokai pick up ANOTHER  kill, cementing's early lead.  Things remained quiet even past the twenty minute mark until starts to stall out and force down towers with their superior comp. Utilizing Morg's black shield and Jayce's acceleration gate, is successfully able to disengage anything AF could throw at them. remains evasive and aggressive until they win a team fight in AF's base, securing  a win before the 40 minute mark.

Game 2 vs AF
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Blitzcrank Orianna AP Mid Ahri Irelia
Jax Kog'Maw AD Carry  Ezreal Jayce
Anivia Nunu Support Sona Karthus

Shen Top Vlad

Skarner Jungle Maokai
Not too much to be said about this one really, Azubu Frost just DOMINATES all game long. falls behind more and more as the game progressed and failed to score even a single kill. Azubu Frost continually picks up uncontested objectives until Azubu Frost picks up an ACE and crushes the nexus.
Game 3 vs AF
Bans Picks Role Picks Bans
Blitzcrank Morgana AP Mid Vlad Anivia
Jax Ezreal AD Carry Graves Jayce
Ahri Sona Support Zyra Irelia
Riven Top Singed
Maokai Jungle Skarner
The champion selection for this game was mad deceptive with AF first picking Zyra and last picking Singed, seemingly baiting out a Riven pick ( with assuming they would have the favorable Riven on Vlad match up ). An early kill on Skarner, giving Ezreal a kill and blue buff, translates into a top lane advantage but Singed is given the luxury of free farming after takes his tower early. Singed continues farm like a champ and snowballs into an unstoppable force, turning many of the mid game fights in Azubu Frost's favor. Late mid game saw catching several members of AF out of position, helping them catch up in levels and closing that gold gap. Ultimately, "raid boss" Singed and Skarner prove too stocky for and AZF scores an ace with a side of nexus kill.

Be sure to tune back in on Saturday, October 13th to see our two finalists, Taipei Assassins and Azubu Frost, duke it out for that sweet, sweet prize money.

P.S Who's excited to see the completed version of the Saturday's arena?? If you watched tonight's stream, you've probably already seen it in construction!


  1. I never thought that M5 could lose before finals...

    1. They kind of crapped out, right? Gozu had pretty mediocre games which hurt a lot. I was actually surprised they opted for Nunu instead of Sona in game 3. Ah, well, TPA and AZF should be good games at any rate!

    2. well; they did ban lee sin all 3 games. lol. that's what i hate about tournys. there shouldn't be any bans; I want to see everyone at their best

    3. Ya no one will watch World Finals now 2 Asian teams how boring can it get M5 > ALL

    4. Haha, poor M5 fan Anon 11:24. M5 is good, they aren't gods... They understand that the meta is ment to shift and they play with it, I agree on that point and that makes them better then most. But in no way are they better then all, so kindly shut up and enjoy the game, kay?


  3. Replies
    1. asians cheat and are bad at League Frost and TPA both are horrible teams and dont deserve to be in Finals

    2. Seems like someone is jelly :3

    3. As an Asian, I am really offended by the fact that because of one stupid thing AZF did, we're all labeled as cheaters. The robo-kid programmed to win kinda hurts too. The casual racism I see in many forums saddens me. What is making the finals boring, just because it's 2 Asian teams? AZF and TPA are both great teams, and we should be wishing them luck in the finals, instead of offending more than half the people on Earth...

    4. Problem is Riot hasn't been keeping up with Eastern league ladders on the Occidental side, just with the NA and EU ladders.
      As a result, people don't know jack about most asian teams until this tournament, where suddenly all their favourite teams don't seem to hold a candle. The first accusations of cheating started a bandwagon effect: know they were not unknown, they were known as cheaters. And it didn't matter if they were or not, if it was a single person or entire teams, because that was the single most convenient way to remove the unknown tag.
      People naturally fear the unknown, it's associated with darkness (fear of the unknown and unseen), and darkness is associated with evil. It all fitted way too perfectly.

      For Season 3, Riot has to try and keep awareness of the entire competitive LoL world, at least mayor tournaments or a bi-weekly rusume, instead of just keeping track of the NA and EU world for the Western players.

  4. Иди в школу, и не возвращайся ещё 9 лет. Я таких борцунов с системой, как ты, на хую вертел.

  5. Wickd needs to learn xin/wukong for top

  6. M5 out, CLG out. Don't care about final anymore.

    1. i don'tcare about the finals either.... :|

    2. after the 1st game of TPA vs M5 i thought that m5 would easily win (as the 1st game was pretty easy)and so i was ''aiming'' for a final like M5 vs but well.. m5 took some strange juice and played miserably in the next two games and,as always,the same thing happens by letting Shy farm to much(just pay attention and you will see that he is the guy of the game in all tthe games for AZF with basicly two scenarios:
      1-getting fed by getting kills in the other team toplanner
      2-getting shut down by a 2v1 top and turret destroyed in initial minutes but then being able of gettin a lot more farms then the other top laner

      I wouldn't say i don't want to watch the finals anymore,im just saying that im not really ''supporting'' any team,but the finals,if you guys can still realize,are between the 2 best teams in the world and ill like to see what is going to happen in a game of such a high level play.

    3. yep finals are boring now
      you can say what you want but imo AD bruiser nidalee is for those who just suck at playing nid, rly sad to see, with such a great champ

    4. M5 deserved ti win

    5. How can you guys not want to watch the finals? What was the point in watching everything following it up then? Seems more like you guys only care about your teams, and not the tournament and LoL itself.

    6. yep me too now i dont care and f the finals

    7. Isn't that how most tournaments go? Most tournaments are boring to watch when your favorite teams get knocked out because then they just pick a bunch of boring safe champions.

    8. Asians ruin LoL they cheat they bad both teams dont deserve to be in finals LoL is ruined cause of Frost and TPA both horrible teams

    9. Too many fan-boys running around qq-ing that there team isn't in the final and the others are shit, blah blah blah... The teams in the finals are there because they won, AF got fined for what they did so get over it. Enjoy the damn game and stop thinking 'your' team is god powerful.

    10. Yorick ruined it all .. He was useless against nidale , i don't understand why he went yorick again in the third match.

      Well for me too i don't care about the final , i will just watch it in youtube.

  7. Not interested in the final anymore. The assians can look up to the minimaps for as long as the desire for all i care.

    1. Sad. Gtfo then, those of us who actually give a damn about LoL will watch, while you people who only watched because of whoring for your team can do whatever it is you do.

    2. it's ought to be fun since it's only asians.
      They play fun game.

    3. Azubu should oh been DQ'd for they're cheating scandal. They shouldnt be contending for being the best team in the world if theyre known to cheat. Thats the reason why im not watching the finals. Losing Riot's respect slowly but surely

  8. Stop this boring stuff..... i dont care about the Championship bring your old stuff back this is getting boring :( i want news on champions and all your other informations.

    1. It is there... he still does it but there isn't anything new atm -_-

    2. He would if he could...EVERYTHING has been put on hold for the World Championships

    3. Yeah, i'd like more sneak=peaks, leaks, champions, changes etc. than a championship... I know it's a big event but I don't really care about it because of those pesky asians... ;/

    4. The amount of casual racism on the internet never ceases to amaze.

    5. This stuff is of interest to a lot of people on S@20. It's all labeled under eSports tab so if you don't care for it the other tabs are there! If you click on the tab that most interests you, you won't even see my posts anymore.
      Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone doesn't like it c:

  9. go go Frost!!

    lol M5 gone. People underrated TPA too much.

  10. Frost dont deserve to be in the championship. They should have been disqualified when they were fined. They cheated and the Riot Referee's picked up on that.

    1. Please.. AF have 3-0 score @ playoff
      defeat TSM 2-0.
      defeat CLG.EU 2-1.. with excellent revenge on 2nd round 13-0
      it's all about teamwork, focus and strategy..
      anyone saying AF don't deserve like you such a crybaby when your team failed so HARD lololololol...

    2. It doesn't matter what they previously won...
      Cheating is cheating...Doesn't matter how it was done..They cheated and there's no arguing that

    3. True, any team should get a disqualification for cheating.. It's not because it's Azubu Frost. Derp

    4. Nah guys like you just don't want to admit team from Asian defeating your fave team.. such a loser.. lol..

    5. Even if they "cheated", its not like it affected their gameplay or gave them an advantage in any way. It was said that they looked at the minimap when the game first started and gave a ping. That's it, IN THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME. They didnt get a kill or anything from it that resulted in a lead. They just owned TSM so f**ken hard and the TSM fan boys are butt hurt from it. sorry, just saying. TSM overrated.

    6. I like this "mimimi TSM fanboy mimimi"
      I bet less than the half of the people who dont want to see AF in the finals are TSM fans.
      Im not a TSM fan, but i hate cheaters, they dont deserve the win.
      If you defend cheaters, you are very mad.

    7. Azubu Frost cheated, plain and simple. Doesn't matter how amazing of a team they are, they still took the effort to cheat. Doesn't matter if it would have changed the game results, they still cheated. Why would they cheat if they're such a great team? I couldn't care less if TSM won or not, it's the fact that Azubu Frost got into finals while they blatantly cheated when they didn't need to, and it's an insult to MLG fans and players everywhere. Any team should be DQ'd for that. I hope TPA destroys them. Troll somewhere else Anon 8:45, you're the idiot and a loser for even trying to defend cheaters.

  11. Azubu Frost shouldn't even be here, they should of been disqualified for their cheating long ago. Retarded Riot.

    1. Noo....Im a completely different person (I was previous poster)

  12. Росиия, ты говно, уебищная нация, жаль вас не всех расстреляли

  13. Inb4 AZF wins, gg no DQ

  14. I think AZF shouldn't be in the finals. (Neither should TSM be!)
    I also think that the only team that deserves the Championtitle right now is TPA.
    They are the only team that didn't cheat at all and still beat the shit out of M5.

    So go TPA? :)

    1. Technically, TSM didn't cheat.
      During the break when NO ONE was playing, Dyrus looked to see if the big screen was visible from where he was seated.

      Quarterfinal #3, (restarted) Game 1 (AZF v. TSM) during game pause – TSM Dyrus turned his head to determine whether it was feasible to see the minimap screens from the stage. TSM obtained no direct meaningful benefits from Dyrus’ action as the game was restarted, but we have issued a warning.

    2. Well since SK didn't cheat and didn't win a game either I guess they deserve to be in the finals as much as TSM. Herpaderp Logic

    3. ^^youre really smart, arent you? oh wait.... youre not

  15. Sigh i fear a wave of anti asian backlash is going to come now , esp after the AzF fine and the the fact that the championships are now basically a all Asian finals.

  16. I don't understand why everyone is so mad that two asian teams made it to the finals. What's wrong with wanting to be the best and then having the skill to back it up? I can't believe that people want an EU or NA team in the finals just for the sake of having a non-asian team. The finals should be between the two best teams and both TPA and AZF have just dominated the competition. If anything, this tournament just means NA needs to step up its game and come back hard in season 3

    1. I think its because AF cheated and they shouldnt be there, not because a racist non-asian thing.

    2. AF certainly did cheat against TSM, but TSM lost both games decisively. Not only that, they won against CLG.EU fair and square.

      For all the people who decided not to watch the final because it's two asian teams, they are all racists.

    3. Have you looked at most of those American Teams? They're practically half Asian. So I tell you now, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

    4. I think Anon 8:54 needs some serious lessons in English and grammar. And intelligence.

  17. Granted Azubu Frost has the skill to get to the finals, it boils down to the integrity of League of Legends as an eSport. Riot should have looked at it from that stand-point, instead of just fining $30,000 out of a $970,000 prize pool. (Which is nothing if you think of it that way.)

    They should have thought of the players, sponsors(no one wants to sponsor a game where things like this can just be let go so easily.), and as a business. They also need to re-think their venues. Instead of spending $100,000 or more(rough estimate) on an outside stage that can allow these things to happen, they should spend that on a indoor sound-booth setup that most SC2 tournaments have.

  18. Regardless of the outcome, it's a shame how the comments here are turning towards racism and insults to the way others play, especially when these are people who have made it much farther than any of us can every hope to.

    This game turns too many of us into sickening elitists who think they know everything there is about everything.

    1. I agree, it's really fucking sad seeing these comments. Comments like, "Only asian teams, not even gonna watch".

      Honestly, it's immature as hell, and it shows that they don't honestly give a damn about the LoL tournament itself. They just wanted to blindly represent their teams, and now that their teams have been eliminated, they are too butthurt to actually watch anymore. I'm sure it's just a minority of people who are saying stuff like that, because honestly, there will be many people watching the finals. People who aren't butthurt, who actually give a damn about LoL, who actually have a shred of maturity.

    2. that being said i'm still not watching the finals xD

    3. I actuaply think all pro teams, even epiminated one will be watching though. Because it's such and interesting game.

    4. ahahahaha oh please, get off your high horse. I love the people who think theyre the shining example on the internet. Its pretty cute

    5. Oh, so now we've resorted to insulting people for making a comment on the immaturity of others? My headshaking was mostly directed at those rude, and insulting comments thrown around. Just because a lot of people are rude, and nothing can be done about it, does not make it okay.

      Then I think I rather like it here on my priviledge and figurative high horse that you apparently see me seated on. c:

  19. yeah m5 russian noobs who dominated every other european/Na team... seems definitely legit!

    people underesitmated SEA side too much I mean even
    SAJ (which is 3rd in GPL) could beat Dignatas.

    NA teams need to stop trash talking and work hard in season 3 -.-

    P.S: I know Taiwan is not in SEA but they play in GPL which is hosted by SEA servers

  21. Azubu noob cheaters...

  22. YES!! My favorite team Made it to the finals! The even beat M5! Go TPA!

  23. m5 out? no need to watch finals then, worldchampionship over for me.

    1. Good, gtfo then. We don't need retarded kids who get this butthurt over there favorite team losing actually pretending that they give a shit about LoL.

  24. 1: im 29 years old.
    2: you're namecalling, who's acting like a kid.
    3: its my right to decide if i want to watch finals or not.

    please go back to 4chan with your additute.

    1. Who are you talking to?

    2. To Anonymous. Everyone and no one at the same time.

    3. it's amazing that you're 29 years old and can't spell the word "attitude"

  25. Gooooo TPA!!!!! :D I am sad that CLG EU went out though...

  26. Hey guys, it's the Zerglinator, here to tell you that I have watched Starcraft 2 tournaments and they are still exciting.

  27. I agree that Azubu should have recieved a DQ for cheating, but I don't agree whatsoever at Asian teams ruining Esports. They work for it, so they win, that simple. If other countries would take Esports as seriously as they do, maybe they'd actually stand a chance, but they don't. So, if you want to blame, blame the teams who aren't training as hard or as much, because they are falling behind because of it, and they are to blame for not being able to compete well against the asian teams.

  28. Asians invade another cybersport game. GJ

    1. Who cares if they are asian? They put in the hard work, so they made it into the finals. I'm sure if an NA or EU team made it, no one would bring up their culture or ethnicity. The other teams just need to learn to take Esports more seriously.

    2. Im pretty sure that the NA and EU teams put in as much work as the asian teams do, i mean, they're pros for a reason, right? Its just bumming most of us out since its mostly ASIANS who are the one who are dominating these types of games.

  29. It's sad because Alex Ich was so looking forward in competing with Azubu Frost in the Finals.
    And I think that several meta gaming will be introduced to us, especially the Taipei Assassins.

  30. Freak: "It's all asian teams for the finals."

    That one line he says pretty much says it all... It's a big world out there. I wouldn't be surprised if we see even more new teams from different countries around the world competing in S3. I can't wait! ^_^

    1. You couldn't be more wrong! -.- This just indicates LoL competitive scene is about to get dominated by Asians.

    2. @Zenchi I'm sorry but you got it all wrong...

  31. I'm a TSM fan, but I'm still rooting for Azubu Frost, because honestly with the showing they've had throughout this entire tournament I feel like they deserve to win. Those of you who are bitching and moaning about M5 being out and the finals being worthless, grow the fuck up. Acknowledge that your team lost, and move the fuck on and enjoy the god damned game. It shouldn't be only based on if your team made it or not but the level of play that's exhibited.

    You want to piss and moan about M5 losing? You want to complain and say Asian teams should stay out of eSports? Well guess what, tough fucking luck. M5 got outplayed, and as things stand this tournament is proving that these Asian teams are just superior to NA and EU. So grow up and just enjoy the matches, hell you might learn a thing or two.

    1. they deserve to lose for cheating

    2. agree with op.

      ^ did u even read the post saying 4 team tried to cheat but only Frost looked at the better time so they punished Frost?

    3. TSM fan boy.. tch.. (sarcastic mode on)

  32. I agree with anon. M5 came out strong but TPA quickly adapted the next two games by not allowing M5 to team fight. M5 not banning Nidalee (who gave them the most trouble both games) showed how much they underestimated TPA. M5 was beaten by the same strategy twice. That tells you a lot.

  33. You know what, I'm TSM fan but I definitely gonna watch the Final.

    These 'asian teams' you called do not win games just because they enter the tournament. Every team had the same opportunity and these guys worked so hard and actually outplayed every other team, even M5. They took their chance. Very well deserved to be in Final.

    Anyone who is not in it means they are simply not good enough, otherwise my TSM would be there. But no, these guys are better.

    And it's gonna be a sight to see.

  34. No more Snoopeh stare.

  35. Can i pleace to say me what time Finals will start at the Great Britan ?

  36. lol @ sore losers saying finals will be boring they should not be there and such. I'm really greatful that asian teams are in the finals cuz NA and EU teams are boring to watch (except M5) they just turtle and farm for like 30 minutes and more turtle until they catch someone out of place especially CLG.EU jesus it was stressful to watch their game. I was rooting for M5 too but oh well at least final is going to be fun.

  37. Щас газ перекрою, по другому заговоришь.

  38. As soon as it became more clear that there could be two asian teams in the finals, and even more when clg started losing, it became a fear for me that it would hinder peoples interest in the championship finals. Not necessarily because its all asian finals, but because its all One continent final. It might have been just as bad if the finals ended up being a fight between and m5.

    I'm personally looking forward to the finals myself, seeing both of the heavy dominating teams duke it out for the title of world champion(and some "petty" cash)
    It's just the reaction i've seen on this board that i was afraid of initially and it seems that fear was justified.....for the time being. Many will not care to see two teams they know next to nothing about in the finals, when they at least have so many teams they know from the competative scene that riot has had this year. But, I'm sure many will slinker back to watch the game after all. ;)

    On possible better reactions is that it will make people more aware of these "newcomers" and that the teams themselves will make a strong effort to be more visable on the international scene forward, both competative and social. I would love to watch some of these players stream, (though i'm sure they do, just not in english)

    I'll finish by saying that it's still a shame that it ended up being two asian teams in the finals. Not because i hate them or find the chating to be attrocious enough to have them disqualified, but because people are stupid and narrowsighted and this will impact how much people care about the finals.

  39. My Favorite teams were M5 and CLG.EU, its sad that they didnt get in finals. But it doesnt mean that is should hate on all Asian teams. Cheaters in finals, now that is what i really hate. Now i hope that Taipei assasins kick Azubu frost asses, cheaters shouldnt be spared.

    Go Taipei :)

    1. Pretty much the same train of thought as me :) Go Taipei!!!

  40. Could someon translate?

  41. Cant wait to the finals, i have my ticket! :D

    1. The only reason you can't wait is because you have that ticket.

    2. ^ I think you're confusing your feelings with his. Try not to make an idiot of yourself next time.

  42. I actually enjoyed the series and am glad to have discovered teams such as TPA and Najin Swords.
    Was rooting for M5 and CLG but became a fan of TPA.
    Can't wait for the finals.

  43. твой дом труба шатал

  44. Those cheating players from AF should have been disqualified . TSM got cheated.

  45. Cmon Riot!!! just give us something... gimme a sneak peek or w/e ... this is killing me. btw.. no balance changes in the past month... man this tournament is killing me.

  46. I love how there's that one guy going around and trying to be so better than everyone by flinging insults... Man, what does he do with his time? He's been at it for hours now.

    Go outside please. :)

  47. Stop with these boring news about WC.... Find some leaks etc....

    1. If they aren't there, nothing can be found. Try thinking, you honestly think he isn't also focusing on anything new information that comes up? What is wrong with people? They weren't this dumb a few years ago.

    2. We have tabs at the top so you don't have to see the news you don't want to see, by the way! If you dislike eSports click on the leaks tab up top and all of my posts will disappear! Riot has been focusing a lot on the WC and therefore there's less information coming out in terms of leaks right now.

      Hold tight for after WC and more stuff will most likely be present. Sorry you don't enjoy my section but a lot of people still do :)

  48. some cool updates yet :( ?

  49. Is it sad that the only reason I care about the finals is that we're getting that skin for Riven?

    Be glad for next week when game related stuff will start up again hopefully.

    1. It's not a skin but a summoner icon that we get for free. The skin you have to buy.

    2. Meh, same difference, still able to get it.

  50. Don't give a fuck about the tourney at all now. My fave team got knocked out so I don't care who wins.

  51. this match/tournament shouldn't even be happening, to many teams cheated I say restart the thing over but riot doesn't know what being fair is like so it wont happen

  52. Who cares if AF cheated? If AF truly needed to cheat to win then obviously TPA will win the finals.

  53. the plays, the decisions, the farming, the counter jungling mixed with bad intiations from CLG is what and how Abuzu frost won. GG

    1. This is true. CLG should have won that last match due to how they were picking off AF for being separated during the late game, but they didn't push hard enough and let AF regroup, which cost them the game. Not to mention let Shy farm the top lane uncontested for like 10 minutes. Sigh.

  54. I think a lot of people are saying "Not going to watch finals now." because it's been seen before so many times. Excuse the potential racism in this comment, but everybody already knows that Asians in general are very good gamers, constantly doing well in MLG tournies because they have the seemingly inherent focus and drive. So, what people are basically saying is that these finals are nothing special. We have all seen it before in Starcraft I and II, DotA, Warcraft III, Street Fighter, etc. I'm not trying to excuse the poor, childlike or ignorant behavior, I'm more just trying to get at the source of it.

    That being said, I was rooting for M5 myself because they really looked like a solid team, but TPA had multiple strategies under their belt and bested them. Honestly, now, I hope TPA wins, because I think it takes a lot of awesomeness to beat a team like M5.

  55. Why's there no replay of the games that you usually upload?... I fell asleep during the stream and now I don't know how Azubu vs CLG exactly went down...

  56. I hate how people say the Asians are "taking over" e-sports. They don't have some inherent ability or genetic code that makes them good at video games. They win because they work harder, put more effort into it, and take it seriously. I mean look at the NA teams. The majority of them are Asian, yet they still lost. If the NA teams can't be bothered to put in the same dedication and work, then we have no right to call ourselves the best because we aren't. If we're so upset that we lost to Asians, then we need to get our shit together and make sure it doesn't happen again.

    1. I wonder if it's not related to there being an existing field that makes professional gaming more approachable? Like, pro asian gamers are "a thing" so its a more receptive environment to break onto the scene?

      Maybe we should be encouraging new talent in our backyards more?

  57. While NA players are streaming all day making banks, asian teams practice with their teammates and develope teamcomps and stratigies. That's why they lost to the asians.


  59. Even if they win, Azubu will still hold a black page on e-sports. Even if the cheat didn't changed the course of the game at all, it's still cheating and an offense to all professional games players.

    About the 'all asian' stuff, they played better (specially TPA with the split-push countering M5) and deserve to win. I think why the people support more NA and EU teams is because they seem more likeable: they do streams, try to be more funny and receptive to others and stuff. On the other hand asians teams seems such like robots just playing the game like a boring job just to get the money on the end of the day. It's not about being asian (because most of TSM is actually), it's about being receptive to your fans.

    1. They probably seem robotic to us because we're from NA and we're not their fans. In their home countries they probably have a hugely dedicated fanbase who don't see them as mechanical or boring at all. Especially considering how big esports is over there, Asian league fans might even be more dedicated than us.
