PSA: Suspensions Being Issued For False Reports

Starting a few hours ago, there was a surge of short duration ( ~7 days ) bans going out across the community. This, of course, sent many summoners into an outrage and has lit the forum ablaze with threads about unjust or "random" bans. Luckily, RiotKiddington stepped up to clear the air, saying "In short, we are issuing bans to people who spams false reports. "Here is some expanded reasoning for the short bans, compliments of Lyte.
"...We've been doing a lot of experiments and analysis with false reporters and have found that many of them are contributing to negative experiences in the games they are in--these players tend to threaten players with reports, or threaten players to play their way or be reported. For example, the OP in this case has reported hundreds of players that were not actually toxic and in the process created toxic experiences for these players. The same OP has received reports in 19% of his games resulting in hundreds of reports filed against him and has been punished multiple times by the Tribunal.

We've reviewed these players with extremely high numbers of false reporting and decided to send out a temporary timeout to these players and warn them that this behavior is unacceptable and let them know that they have been creating a negative experience for other players."
 So there you have it. If you have a temporary ban on your account you might want to take a step back and think if you were reporting people for actual offenses or just because they frustrated you with poor game play. Being bad at the game isn't the same as feeding and it tilts the system negatively to push that sort of information into the Tribunal. Alternatively, you could step up and see what Pendragon has to say about the fairness of your ban...


  1. Yep. I've seen this happen so many times. You can announce 'i'm reporting you for cursing' or whatever. And they're like 'lol, well i reprt u for reprting me'.

    I'm glad something has happened, and that they're only week suspensions, not perma bans.

    1. Just looking at the forum, you can see the type of guys who are raging are the same people who flame and report you for doing badly or picking a champion they feel is crappy.

      They're complaining that they didn't get a warning that they could be punished for abusing the Tribunal. I find it hilarious that they feel they need to be warned of their negative behaviour and it's consequences.

      Plus, 7 day ban is a lot of time for you to rethink about how important the game is :P

    2. u report someone if u think the community wouldnt want to play with them, its fair to report people to let the commmunity decide weather or not their ok with their behavior. however it is NOT fair to just strait out suspend tons of accounts for simple reports that never got punished, becasue players didnt get punished the players that reported them shouldnt always be punished. sure there are preamdes that abuse the report system but if somone is on the borderline of being punished and gets away with it does that make it right to suspen people? no u put in a new line in the summoners code, give players fair warning to report players only if u feel they deserve it not strait up suspend hunderds or even thousands of accounts.

    3. watch HaloMaterial get banned, and go on the forums to start raging like a hypocrite.

    4. I beg to differ supertrace. If someone reports others even though they are fine it clearly indicates that this someone doesn't notice his own behaviour which was most likely worse. See: to be unable to see the forest because of trees to translate a wording we have here. Those people who got banned have repoted a lot of innocent people, not just like 5. I personally think 7 days might be harsh, but nonethess they should be noticed about their jinxed view of others and themself.

    5. not sure they do 5 day bans i think its 3 or 7 but for a unwarned banned and a new line to the summoner code i think it shoulda been 3 days. maybe 7 if they gave u fair warning before. and i personaly think all of this is BS almost everyone posted on the forums and riot said only the worst players got suspended then pendragon just up and lifted whoever posted "nice" posts, and appologized to them. just dont understand their logic

    6. supertrace - They've identified that all these individuals are people who have a HIGH tendency to threaten and bully other players in-game with reports. They will often report everyone within a game for the most random and illegitimate reasons.

      Riot isn't choosing controversial cases either. They're picking the EXTREME abuse cases where they are super-guilty. So even if there's a small error in selection, it's only because that outlier is "very" guilty, instead of "super" guilty.

      Regarding the difference between 3 or 7 days, if you bothered to check out the forums, you'd see them say so repeatedly that the same users all have histories in the Tribunal for punishments for verbal abusive, offensive language, etc..

      7 days is like a slap on the wrist if you ask me.
      A lack of warning is totally okay, because these players have been warned before and just were not learning their lesson. A warning would have just made them more abusive - Riot determined that they needed a timeout IMMEDIATELY.

  2. Eh this seems like it's gonna be a thin line again.. because reporting is based on an opinion one person can see cussing as offensive, another think its just every day life.

    1. Yes they should add some disclaimers. Right now weird person might think it's absolutely OK to report people just like that because there is nothing telling them otherwise. Report button should warn them that this should be taken seriously.

  3. Replies
    1. Justice shall be served in large quantities! GET SOME!

    2. Where's the justice when the people that actually troll, feed and leave get no punishment?

    3. If that person is a consistent troll, feeder, or leaver, they WILL get suspended, and eventually banned. However, you are not entitled to know if they were punished or not. They have a right to privacy.

      Stop thinking with your ego. Report the user, do your part in the tribunal, then move on.

  4. Personally, this whole situation has simple made me wary of reporting at all in the future. I don't think that this rule change will improve the quality of reports. It will simply scare people from reporting at all, since it would be better to endure the trolls and ragers than risk your reports being interpreted as "abuse".

    1. I see your point but if someone really deserves to get reported then there wont be a problem at all!!!

    2. Well they are looking at the overall picture before they simply ban someone and if someone is borderline they usually give them the benifit of the doubt, unless they have a past history. Remember that you are not getting banned simply because your report didn't get someone in trouble, theyre banning people who have reported hundreds of times and for incorrect reasons. Another note is that these people are often the most reported because they are the people who are toxic.

      remember the average player wont go out of his way to report someone if theyre annoying or slightly offensive, they only report the people who truly leave a bad impression.

    3. That's the point.

      If someone is obviously doing something wrong go ahead and report them.

      If you're just a butthurt billy that reports people for "gg noobs" then get ready to get even more butthurt when you get a 7 day ban.

    4. Keep in mind that those people have a large number of false reports and not like 5. If you play normally and report the people who ruin your game by breaking the TOS you're safe no matter if a few get pardoned because unluckily they had a bad day when playing with you. These banns are meant for people who spam report for a large quantity.

  5. To me even saying gg noobs is quiet toxic to new players. Is really that hard to be courteous to other people?

    1. ^This. Don't be a dick if you're losing, take it with grace. The worst are the sore winners who feel the need to validate their insecurities by slamming the losing team.

    2. ^ This as well ! Calling people noobs, even only once per game, seems to be reason enough for a report. It is not about being actually butthurt or angry that you're called a noob (after all, one of the basic skills you have to learn in LoL, even before last-hitting, is to ignore idiots :P) ; it's just that you are creating an unsportsmanlike and uncomfortable atmosphere. People like this deserve to be reminded that being courteous is better for everyone.

    3. I think you can't generalize this. I had games in which my team won in 18 minutes, totally destroying the enemy team. And I had games in which my team got destroyed in under 20 minutes. In such games I can live with being called a noob, because my performance had been so underwhelming that I can just start the next game without being too frustrated. Sometimes you make decisions like a noob.

      But then are those games that are really close, going on for over 45 minutes and one of the teams has to win. One slightly bad engage and it's all over, but that happens because everybody makes mistakes. In most games you call it a "gg", but there are those people who call it "bg easy noobs" despite them having the worst stats of all 10 involved players. And i do report those players.

    4. I know, right?!

      But I've met so many users who thinks that's equivalent to "being a pussy" and other belittling concepts. They say that it isn't fair to "guys like them who are just kidding around".
      But you know what? If you look at it that way, then yes - It isn't fair.

      Riot's system and way of doing things is NOT FAIR to those who can't understand mutual respect.
      But a community built on mutual respect is BETTER then a system that is 100% fair. So, gtfo, selfish minority! Good riddance to ya!

  6. well finally something against those retard... had yesterday a kayle as ad carry and our solo laner already wanted to report her in the champion selection and kayle ended the game with 7/0 he still wanted to report her

  7. We all have bad games, I find those who report others because they had a bad game absolutely disgusting. Often someone got off on the bad foot and got snowballed the rest of the game gets a 'report x' or 'you're a noob, uninstall'. It's as if some players have never played a bad game in their life.

    Even worse, they'll throw the first line like 'omg, our kayle is useless, so crap' and when the other player gets angry suddenly it's team and allchat spam with threats of reports.

    Bottom line: Be understanding to others, have thick skin and we'll all get on just fine.

  8. It's a good idea since I've been reported by me whole team just because they were premades and they didn't like me, didn't think this kind of stuff existed but they do but I don't think this will improve in any way the quality of reports and so on, it will only get the number of reports shorter.

    Also suspending all the people who did this in the past? I also don't think this was a good idea since people didn't know they were breaking any rule since there wasn't a rule to break. People will just end up reporting no one since they could get suspended for it and trolls will run free more than they used to. This thing is just not well thought.

    1. There is a phrase in summoner code somewhere that states giving false reports is a no-go as far as I know. So the they didn't know it excuse might not work.

  9. I think it's definitely a step in the right direction. Hopefully we will have less degenerates who feel the need to put "gg noobs", "easy", etc. after a game.

    I can live with losing a game but it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth when the other team unnecessarily trash talks you.

    I realize there is an option to turn the all-chat off, it's something I've been wanting since long before they announced it. However, when I actually tried it out it bothered me more than it helped, I wanted to be able to laugh at some stupid mistake I did or tell someone on the other team what a perfectly landed skill-shot he pulled off.

    1. Basically what I'm saying is I still want to be able to talk to the people I play with and against without getting these people who has nothing better to say than 'noobs'.

      I just want a good community, I guess it's too much to ask.

  10. This is not clearly an answer, i didn't get banned but my mates did and kinda feel sad for them, since they just wanted some baddies out. i'm still hugely against permaban and abuse of tribunal in overall.

    1. Feeling bad for your mates is something everyone understands. And as hard as it is to admit, you might not have known your mates as well as you thought you did. They probably said things that were extremely hurtful to others, but your friendship clouded your judgment.

      At the end of the day, Riot needs to put the whole of the community ahead of your mates.

      The Tribunal isn't abused at all. It's a very careful and restricted system. Just ask on the forums, and you'll receive tons of explanations because the players have been educated by direct interaction with Riot Staff who work on it.

      Players are never permabanned from the get go. The average player, according to Riot, is punished 6 to 7 times (in varying degrees from a warning up to a 2 week ban) before Riot decides - "You're not worth the trouble" and cuts them loose with a permaban.

  11. I got one of these 7 day bans because i was versus 5 premades who spammed,abused and mocked all of my team just because i called them "mad kids" and i ignored them the rest of the game.How is this supposed to be fair?

    1. Do you have a history of reporting a lot? Because your example lacks any mention of anyone reporting each other.

      I'd suggest that perhaps it was a different tribunal reason that you got your ban rather than this specific 'reporting ban'

    2. It's like the 'why did I get banned' topics that show off on the forums. The offenders always give low context or try to justify their actions. It's somewhat sad I'm generalizing stuff like that already but I haven't seen many that didn't have that iceberg underwater which Pendragon tends to reveal...

    3. I can't exactly tell which case i was banned.I'm still waiting to see the review of my case.Like riot promised us a few weeks ago the banned players will be informed of the case which they were banned.

    4. The way riot punished us with 7 day bans will make us never report again.If riot wants to make the game more fair.They should start banning the ones in tribunal that vote false then.It's the same logic they banned us for.

    5. Maybe they should clean the tribunal of the people who don't belong there since the suspension on players was because of them. Simple case : X reports Y because Y insulted him over and over again, the rest of the team doesn't, just X => suspesion of abussing the "Report a player" since the tribunal doesnt really bother that much if the reports weren't from most of the players, or were not enough(as a number).

      Riots logic is .... questinable.

    6. As said in the forum posts, the 7-day bans were issued to players with something like 100x the average report numbers AND who had been reported for toxic behavior.
      What you forget is, Riot can't afford being too heavy-handed : by banishing you, they lose a potential paying customer. So yes, you've been judged fairly. Complaining here because you got caught won't change that.

    7. When you say "us", you're only speaking for a vocal minority, kid. More often then not, the people saying they're afraid to report anymore are just trying to cause trouble.

      As for false-votes in the tribunal, THERE ALREADY IS A SAFE-FAIL FOR THAT.
      Users who spam pardon or punish will lose their Tribunal privileges.

      But you didn't know that, did you? You're just thinking with your ego and trying to twist Riot's public image because you're bitter about being punished.
      But deep down, you probably knew you were being an ass - If you don't, you're just sick and being suspended from LoL for 1 week is the least of your concerns in life.

  12. You get suspended if you report too much. Over reactive kids.

  13. Once I got reported just because I didn't use a skin on my champion. Everyone on my team(solo queue) agreed to use a skin for the game except me and during the game they were just raging at me for not having a skin. At the end they said they would report me for not communicating with the team, well that sucked. These people shouldn't be allowed to play anymore.

  14. this is great, i've been reported just for beeing mexican or speaking spanish even if im doing good and my team win the game. now i have to speak english if i want to avoid this situations but its not fair.

    1. Those reports will certainly end up trashed ^^

    2. yeah but is good that they will recive a punishment

  15. Thx for ban riot, i thought im a good community member, allways reporting a bad players and leavers.
    Thanks alot!

  16. My, I remember one of those people, i died in mid just once and they told me they were going to report me, the three of them, just for that O.o in the end I was overall a better player than them, but they kept threatening me with reports...
