7-23 News: Zyra Spotlight, Red Posts, and a new sale, oh my!

You know what will make your Tuesday even better? A recap of all the fantastic League of Legends news from Monday! Yesterday saw the release of the Zyra champion spotlight, Morello commenting about Summoner Icons, Meddler discussing the possibility of Cho'Gath and Trundle buffs, and the arrival of a new skin and champion sale!

Perhaps the most exciting news of the day is that Zyra's champion spotlight has been released!

I'm fairly confident we will see Zyra enabled tomorrow as Riot dislikes the confusion caused by releasing a champion spotlight well before the champion is available for play. Judging by all the comments and emails I've fielded about her release, she seems to be quite the anticipated champion!

The coveted PFE icon in action, currently the only non standard summoner icon in the game.
Morello had this to say about the future of Summoner icons, feature heavily requested right along side achievements:
Summoner icons need work and customization options - on this I agree 100%. Since PFE is the first thing you've seen that ever offers a new summoner icon, the natural conclusion is to ask what other things we an attach them to. My answer is "Legendary skins are already great and worth the RP (or you wouldn't get them), but summoner icons need to be overhauled and themes can allow you to get new ones too."

There's a quote about this I love; If Henry Ford would have only asked people what they wanted when planning his product, they would have told him "a faster horse."
Riot's official stance on both Achievements and Summoner Icons has been "would be cool to have, but we'd rather work on more important features first" for a while now, but there is always hope they'll implemented it one day. As a heavy fan of skins, I'd love additional ways to customize my LoL persona and I can't imagine how many Riot Points I would throw at the chance for an adorable Teemo icon.

Moving on to balance, It seems Cho'Gath might be getting some love soon! Meddler commented on his current state, saying  "From memory he's on live team's list of champs due to receive a bit of polish (same sort of approach taken with Malz and Sona recently for example, so more a focus on improving useability and responsiveness than straight buffs)."

Similarly, Meddler also shared his thoughts on Trundle and what can be done about his kit. He says:
"The first thing we'd like to fix on Trundle is the visibility of some of his abilities. His ultimate especially is incredibly hard to spot, resulting in your team mates missing an opportunity to burst down a vulnerable target and failing to aesthetically sell itself as cool and powerful. Similarly the stolen AD on his Q is strong but somewhat invisible much of the time. After addressing those it would definitely be a good time to look at the useability of his kit if needed, I'm not familiar enough with Trundle's play myself to comment on that front though."

Lastly, we have a new champion and skin sale! Cho'Gath ( 292 RP ), Orianna ( 487 RP ), and Lee Sin ( 487 RP ) are the champions available this round, while Boneclaw Shyvanna ( 487 RP ), Forsaken Olaf ( 260 RP ), and Pharaoh Nidalee ( 487 RP ) round out the skin side of things.


  1. "and the arrival of a new champion and skin sale!" -- a very misleading statement if you don't read the whole sentence.

    1. I flip flopped it, does that make it any better ?

  2. Trundle is an awesome champion unfortunately he is pretty weak in comparison to others and his kit is mostly utilitary. I own him, i don't regret the purchase but i with he was better.

  3. Trundles Q on paper sounds overpowered, dashing, stealing AD, applying on hit effects, and reseting your swing timer is incredibly strong, but that super long animation is like a mini self stun every time you cast it. Remember when riven first came out and the animation on her W was just as long as the stun duration negating its usefulness? Its basicaly just like that crank the animation and this guys DPS, jungle clear speed, build divercity, and sticking power will sky rocket.

  4. I like how in the spotlight Zyra can always get an easy kill but something happens.

    1. i wish i had a like button cuz i'd click it.

    2. Ahah that's true, Zyra in the video is more time dead than alive XD

      Anyway i like her, and i simply dont want to play another "Brand" or just a common caster. She looks original and fun, i will buy.

      My only regret is that the plants would be more nice if they last 20 seconds instead of 10, that looks too short (imho).

      sry for english

    3. They don't lasr for 30 seconds

  5. I am glad to hear they are changing Trundle. He could really do with some changes as he was getting outclassed heavily.

    Also on a different note, Morello said they are nerfing Rumble =( http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=27328843#27328843

  6. My boyfriend plays Trundle, a lot, and he says all Trundle really needs is a buff to the DAMAGE on his Q and make his ground desecration thing also apply a 50% reduced form for his allies. That would make him not glaringly op but not terrible either.

    1. @dbzmerciter2005:
      50% of contaminate buffs for the team is very much OP, compare with Sivir ult

  7. Why not? Of course not in-game, but, for example: Win three games in a row - unlocks bronze tier Summoner icon; Win 7 games in a row - silver tier Summoner icon; Win 10 etc...

  8. Why is Diana having sex at like 15 seconds into her voice video?
