More Nerfs for Yorick

It seems Yorick players can expect a few more tentative nerfs coming down the pipe line. According to Ricklessabanadon,there are more PBE nerfs than we originally anticipated. He says:
"if you're referring to the pbe changes, yorick should also have a couple changes to his ghouls which reduce their effectiveness early on.
ghouls no should no longer block pathing for enemies, and their movement speed has been changed to:
300 for levels 1-5 (lowered from 350)
340 for levels 6-8 (lowered from 380)
390 for levels 9-11 (lowered from 410)
443 for levels 12-18 (same maximum as before)

again, those are on pbe so they're still in testing."
Are these, combined with the mana increase on his W, enough to tone down Yorick's punishing early game?


  1. That's not so bad, honestly.

    1. I had no idea that Yorick's ghouls were that was so early in the game... Oh my god, I think this is a required nerf, no?

      It will most certainly reduce is early dmg, but then again I think this is a required nerf, I don't think he needs any more nerfs than this. I think, I really don't play Yorick, or against him, so I don't know.

    2. Were that was so early? Rephrase please

    3. he probably meant fast

  2. Hahahahaha! Finally! :DDDD

  3. That movement speed nerf is a great deal. It will actually be possible to just run away from ghouls now.

  4. Replies
    1. Your joking right? So easy to counter

    2. now tell us who counters him in lane to make your words worth something

    3. Cho, nasus, as riven you can outplay him, maybe can counter him

    4. im a other guy :)
      but nasus is a great counter ^^
      yoricks ghouls gets healed by the passive lifesteal and all the ghouls is transformed to +3 damage hehehe :)

      else i so agree almost uncounterable and extremely op in lane :P (bad late game though)

    5. rumble is also a rather good counter. any time yorick pops a ghoul he just turns on flamespitter and the ghoul disintegrates.

    6. hmm i played him against rumble and nasus.. i did just fine.. i pushed rumble and killed him a few times.. nasus was having a hard time getting cs and i pushed him past his turrent so i'm not sure if they're viable counters for him

    7. You don't really counter Yorick. In fact, countering is the wrong way to go about fighting Yorick. Yorick comes up even or better against almost all champs, and the few that do well against him are rarely seen (e.g. Nasus). Against a Yorick you just accept the fact that you will be in hell for the next five levels. Farm at your tower, wait for jungler support, and just try to maintain a mediocre CS score (mediocre is likely all you will get against Yorick). The good thing is that YOrick should not be killing anyone outside of jungler support given his lack of meaningful CC.

    8. Darius can outgun him up to level 6, but once Yorick gets any sort of defense (health, armor, etc.), it's an uphill battle.
      Trundle isn't bad, as he gains health every time a ghoul dies, though the troll might be better off in the jungle.
      Maokai has decent sustain as well, as Yorick does like to cast spells frequently, but again, he might be better off in the jungle or as support.
      In reality, it depends on you, the player, instead of the champion you're playing. You should be (and kind of need to be) creative when fighting Yorick, like, for example, using the bush (or something similar to Akali's shroud) to lose ghoul aggro.

    9. Lol.. i even counter him with udyr , and he can't beat jax after few levels , and he yorick will always push the lane because of this , which put him in danger zone because of how easy to gank him at that time.

  5. Yorick is anti-fun? Lets nerf him so both sides aren't having fun.

  6. Where is a morde nerf...

    1. problem with morde is that his E has such a long range that you will never be able to last hit as a melee

    2. >Implying Morde is OP

      Since when does Morde even fight melee champs? Unless you are >1200 you KNOW that Morde top is absolutely terrible. Not only can many champs beat him (any high single target dps, Ryze, GP, Jax, Irelia, etc) but he has zero escapes and gets ganked incredibly easily.

    3. Haha...getting ganked as morde...You mean I DFG+R+Ignite+E+Q+W myself and kill the jungler, and turn the fight in my favor with my handy-dandy Hextech.

    4. dfg? you would have been ganked namy times before even getting that item lol

    5. "You mean I DFG+R+Ignite+E+Q+W myself and kill the jungler."

      How you gonna manage that when I've been camping you since level 1?

      I'll gank you 4 times before you hit 6.

    6. >green text implying

      go to bed /v/

      shyvana, mundo, skarner HARD HARD HARD counter mordekaiser, lvl 2-9 ganks are just free fuckin kills no problem, i did it last night as shyvana i was laughing it up in skype with my buddies were drove that morde into the dirt.

  7. yorick is already a boring champ, nerf him = seal him

    1. Just because he is boring doesn't mean he isn't so strong that he needs a nerf.

      The nerf this time around isn't as bad.

  8. Technically speaking, they're not nerfing Yorick, they're nerfing his ghouls. :3

    1. Actually, -technically- speaking, they are nerfing Yorick.

  9. in riot logic, yorick not even close to popular, but they nerf it.
    but w8 a sec. Jayce, Ez, Jax and Malph is so weak, and unviable. pf, ridicilous. Its not hard to run away from ghouls, now its not even "tryhard" - bushes ftw.

    1. Ez is weak?? Wow dude...people really love to talk out of their asses.

      I think it's possible that Riot knows more than we do. They have the most direct information on all their champs and they know who's OP and who's not.

    2. Ez is weak?? Wow dude...people really love to talk out of their asses.

      I think it's possible that Riot knows more than we do. They have the most direct information on all their champs and they know who's OP and who's not.

    3. because sarcasm is easily conveyed in text form.

  10. Yorick was NOT popular at all before the last tournament where the top elo outplayed him that's why sheeps like we see them everywhere began to play him and Riot's logic is to nerf him while a single Cho-Gath dominates easy that lane without any problem. Instead of nerfing champions that doesn't need, nerf Gragas and Ezreal that ARE outplayed and overpowered.

    1. LoL (enter meaningless dumb childish insults here) - optionally add l2p or depending on subject gg easy.

      Bitch please. Grow up, while I might not agree with him I don't go around and flame him.

      I wonder if Moobeat bans those ip's... I'd apreciate it.

  11. Not bad, we'll see how these changes affect his Vladimir match-up. I might be able to out-sustain Yorick now :>

  12. I think this is an OK nerf. We probably won't see Yorick played anymore but that's ok. League has lots of champs that never see the light of day outside of normals.

  13. what about nerfing darius's ult? it is a tad bit op'd ><

    what about buffing MF? she is rarely used and isn't as viable as the other adc

    1. Darius is not OP

      MF is not UP or underused.

    2. darius will be changed as mentioned here:

      mf is underused, and that's mostly because she doesn't bring much dmg and no utility at all, for a non-escape ad carry

    3. Mf is getting buffed, the cd on her passive is being changed from 7seconds to 5.

    4. MF is definitely weak and underused just a cursory glance at the statistics makes it faily obvious, her win% and pick % are far below the more promenent carries. shes getting buffs this patch OMG IM SOME KIND OF WIZARD.

      but please keep talking out your ass im sure some people apreciate it.

    5. @ Anonymous 3: Darius changes are not nerfs so why posting that as he will be nerfed ? riot said Darius is not op and they don't plan to nerf him.

      For me i never ban darius and i don't mind fighting him top , he is way easier than jax.

  14. Replies
    1. Nerfing useless hero, seems legit.

    2. Kat seemed way to op after they changed her but now I'm learning my way around her pretty well, she's strong but doesn't need a nerf, only thing is her passive is on of the strongest kbt the game with her ult and everything being one of the best AoE ults

    3. Now she is op? She was 10x better before the "rework". Now she is easy to play, brainless monkey can play her, she doesnt need positioning and timing, but now she does less dmg and has worse mobility.

    4. ^ more usablity through making her be op or suck badly powercurve more even but way less best case spike dmg. I kinda liked the change though as you're less meaningless without ult. The new AoE makes it way easier to get those cd resets.

      That said, don't you guys know what cc is? :p

    5. the changes to kat were actualy a GIGANTIC BUFF.

      old kat was like a random number generator, 1 out of 10, 1-9 you get CCed or your combo messes up and you die, if you get a 10 you get off 2 ults in a row for an ace.

      now its like 1-3 you screw up and die, 4-7 you get a number of kills, 8-10 you mop up an ace for your team.

      her high points arnt as high, but her low points are WAY WAY WAY higher, i know you like to think you were mega pro super ktarina, but the real truth is even you will benefit from this greatly increased consistently. her maximum potential isnt as high but she does well much more consistently.

  15. Well, lets face it, I love Yorick but he does destroy a lot of champs on top. Especially melee. He's a beast, and these nerfs will not stop him, buahaha!
    (Ok, maybe a little)

    1. I don't think that nerfs will stop him , not as we spam qwe every cd , also using them much will push the lane which is not good for us sometimes , ghouls can be used for snowballing.

  16. .... Just got Yorick two days ago

  17. As solo top player I'm really happy about this. Before this it was always like oh enemy picked strong top? I will take yoric and CRUSH him. Now I will not feel bad about picking something else.

  18. Ez IS weak. he only became popular when PFE cme out and the meta was more about slowing AS, which is why malph and nunu shine so bright. people could max Ez's W first for the amazing AS slow (well that and having a pansy button is awesome) riot just needs to nerf the AS reduction on his W and Ez will disappear from the face of the map he never needed.

    I enjoyed Ez so much more when people raged at you for picking a "useless" champion.

  19. Iunno.. i don't like the change that much. Well, i do, for early game, but, they really should have just changed his W ghoul movepseed. the other ghouls really needed that speed boost. maybe they are just pushing him to be more of a 'spell synergy' champion rather than just a 'mesh all over the enemy faces and get a kill'

  20. dobrze tak temu skurwysynowi niech będzie gównem takim jak kiedyś evelynn ( i tak jest gównem śmieć pierdolony

  21. Yorick was balanced out because he would punish earluy game, but usually low damage and a bit squishy once everyone gets built and 18. They ruined him by not allowing ghouls to block pathing, that was part of being a skilled yorick. Now the ghouls get like one hit early game and the person runs away. This nerf was not needed. Yorick is already mana hungry enough early game. Yorick is not op. He's just strong early game. He is easy to stop otherwise.

    1. I completely agree. If they want to nerf his early game to be on par with others, they should boost up his late game somehow. An easy way would be simple stat boosts, or have a ghoul also increase his attack speed slightly.

  22. with all the nerfs they did, should be worth 1350 ip yorick now
